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Chapter 335 Talking about people and talking about ghosts

 Sima Guang is a very principled person. He will never let Zhang Fei do whatever he wants just because he values ​​Zhang Fei more. When he first heard about this, he was very annoyed and felt that this kid was lawless.

You, a businessman in his twenties, actually want to change the country's education through donations. This is simply the most serious act of bribery.

Even killing him is not too much.

Confucianism really attaches great importance to education.

But when he heard that Zhang Fei's purpose was to donate to the School of Law and Litigation, he felt that this was understandable and was indeed a charity.

Because as far as judicial reform is concerned, the court currently needs to cultivate more judicial talents. Although the Song Dynasty has always attached great importance to laws and regulations, and stipulated that after officials entered officialdom, they must first learn laws and regulations. However, due to the emergence of procuratorates and police stations, lawsuits have

The status of learning has become very important.

It is necessary to use rigid laws and regulations flexibly.

As far as this is concerned, Zhang Fei is absolutely capable of participating in the compilation of litigation textbooks.

The key point is that Sima Guang originally planned to let him help.

As Zhang Fei himself said, he contributes both money and effort, and is dedicated to serving the country.

However, the cautious Sima Guang did not immediately open his arms to Zhang Fei. He still had to discuss it with the ministers. After all, this matter related to the foundation of rule and he could not make the decision alone.

Can this precedent be set?

You can ask Zhang Fei to provide assistance in litigation education, or even directly let Zhang Fei serve in the Imperial College, but this is not possible.

After all, this method has never been used before.

Sima Guang was very cautious to begin with, and there was no way he would make rash judgments.

"Oh, Archmaester Wang?"

Zhang Fei, who had just been kicked out by the Criminal Court, met Wang Anshi on the way.

"You kid can really make a scene."

When Wang Anshi saw Zhang Fei, he chuckled.

The limelight of the New Deal was once stolen by Zhang Fei. Recently, things have finally gotten back on track. The DPRK and China have been debating the New Deal. Wang Anshi also thought that Zhang Fei would have nothing to do during this period, but he never thought that Zhang Fei

This happened again.

His attention was immediately drawn to it again.

Zhang Fei immediately looked aggrieved and said: "I have gone through fire and water for Grand Scholar Wang, and Grand Scholar Wang still laughs at me. How cruel the world is!"

Wang Anshi was stunned for a moment and hurriedly said: "You have to prove your words. This matter has nothing to do with me."

He was very surprised when he heard this before.

I was also frightened by this kid's behavior.

Good guy!

This confrontation directly threw the blame away. You must know that Zhang Fei treated Sima Guang like this last time.

He won't fall for this easily.

"I'm not talking nonsense."

Zhang Fei explained: "Does Great Scholar Wang not know why so many ministers in the court oppose the New Deal? Are they really all doing it for their own selfish interests?"

Wang Anshi frowned slightly and asked, "Then why do you mean it?"

Zhang Fei said: "Because since ancient times, people have advocated putting benevolence and righteousness first, but Wang Daxi's new policy puts profit first, so they will naturally oppose it. This is more of a battle of ideas."

Wang Anshi let out a long sigh and said with emotion: "The bad governance in the country all stems from profit. If we don't attach importance to profit, how can we prescribe the right medicine?"

He is deeply educated in Confucianism. Doesn’t he value benevolence and righteousness?

He has been an official for many years, but he is alone. When he was an official in the local area, he also brought benefits to one party. His personal ethics are impeccable, and his talent is rare in the world. Isn't this kind of minister what Confucianism hopes to see?

It can be seen that it is not that he does not value benevolence and righteousness, but that he hopes to prescribe the right medicine. The country's problem is that it has no money. You can't make money by talking about benevolence and righteousness, you can only talk about money!

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "But there is no textbook that agrees with Wang Xueshi's ideas. The talents cultivated by such textbooks will only provide a steady stream of enemies for the New Deal. If there is no change, in my opinion, people will still be unable to avoid the collapse of the government in the future."


Wang Anshi couldn't help but look at Zhang Fei in surprise.

How could he not be aware of this problem? In fact, in history, he has carried out reforms on education. If his education reform can succeed this time, it is estimated that it can really change the direction of history.

Because he advocates the idea of ​​being able to apply one's knowledge to the world, to be knowledgeable in both civil and military affairs, to have expertise in learning, and to be consistent in learning and application.

At the same time, he sought talents who could manage finances and organize the army, enrich the country and strengthen the army, rather than those rotten scholars who usually talked about their hearts and minds and died in danger to repay the king.

He believes that the current imperial court attaches too much importance to articles, which constrains the minds of scholars. However, many Confucian knowledge is useless, and it squeezes out other useful knowledge, such as medicine, arithmetic, and martial arts.

Even science.

During his administration, education in medicine, arithmetic, martial arts and other majors was strengthened.

It can be seen that he is very clear about the truth that education comes first in political reform.

And his problem is that he said this bluntly, and he did it this way, so the consequences are naturally conceivable. The people are not dead, but the government has ceased.

But at this moment, Zhang Fei's words spoke to his heart. It really coincided with what he thought!

"Why is Academician Wang looking at me like this?" Zhang Fei asked pretending to be worried.

He knew that Wang Anshi had this plan, so he dared to say so. He and Sima Guang did not dare to say so.

Wang Anshi looked away and asked excitedly: "I wonder what you are going to do?"

Zhang Fei explained: “My original intention is not to change the current teaching materials, but to pursue education in other fields, such as arithmetic, law, medicine, martial arts, etc.

Because I feel that the current talent pool in the imperial court is too single. For example, in terms of finance, many officials are not as talented as those businessmen. However, the country is a very complex structure, and it is impossible to use a single knowledge to deal with all problems."

"Wonderful! Wonderful! That's so well said!"

When Wang Anshi heard this, he was very excited and praised it. It would be a great pleasure to have a confidant in life. He didn't care about making things up, and asked hurriedly: "What did you tell Sima Junshi?"

Zhang Fei said: "I just said that I planned to donate to the education of litigation school. After all, this is my strength. If I say this, it will not arouse suspicion."

After Wang Anshi heard this, he immediately looked at Zhang Fei warily and thought, this guy is not just talking about people, but he is talking about ghosts.

You tell Sima Guang to donate to the Law School, and I tell you to donate to the School of Calculation.

Which sentence is true?

Wang Anshi stroked his beard and pondered for a while, then suddenly sighed, "Education is related to the foundation of a country. It is easier said than done! I can't blame you. You'd better protect yourself first."

The implication is that since you said you would donate to the School of Law, then you should donate to the School of Law first. As for arithmetic and medicine, forget it.

Zhang Fei had a clear mind, and the old man was actually testing himself, so he said: "If I can't achieve my goal, I might as well not donate. After all, my money didn't come from the strong wind."

Wang Anshi asked quietly: "I wonder what you plan to do?"

Zhang Fei said: "I believe that Bachelor Sima will definitely support me. Our Song Dynasty Charity Foundation will donate to the Imperial College to add litigation subjects, which will be of great help to Bachelor Sima's judicial reform. Wouldn't Bachelor Wang

Will you be envious, jealous, and resentful?"

Wang Anshi hummed: "Am I that kind of person?"

Come on! Zhang Fei said something different: "Master Wang must be, if not, then my plan will not succeed."

Wang Anshi was stunned, "How do you say this?"

Zhang Fei said: "My plan is that when Grand Scholar Sima convinces the Imperial College to accept our donation, Grand Scholar Wang will start to envy, jealousy, and hate, strongly express his dissatisfaction, and demand that our Da Song Charity Foundation also donate.

The subjects you need to reform, such as arithmetic, medicine, martial arts, etc.

For the Song Dynasty Charity Fund, if this bowl of water is not fair, it will only be more gain than loss. After all, Academician Wang is now deeply trusted by officials and cannot afford to offend!

In this way, Academician Wang can subtly promote educational reform."

Wang Anshi's eyes flashed sharply.

He was actually testing Zhang Fei just now. If it takes a long time, you will only donate to the litigation school to prove that you are deceiving me.

It has to be said that Zhang Fei's move is really wonderful. Once Sima Guang asks the Imperial College to accept donations from the Song Dynasty Charity Foundation to enhance the education of legal talents, then he will have a reason to use it. Not only will the charity foundation gain

If a bowl of water is stable, the court must also have a bowl of water stable. Is my New Deal an illegitimate child? I also need talents!

"Haha. Your kid's evil idea is really hard to guard against!" Wang Anshi pointed at Zhang Fei and cursed with a smile, then asked: "But what are you trying to do in this?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "First of all, of course I also hope that our Song Dynasty will make our country rich and powerful, and secondly, I also want to be safe."



Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I told Academician Wang before that the purpose of most businessmen donating to the Da Song Charity Foundation is to avoid taxes, not for the country and the people. At the same time, I also assured Academician Wang that Da Song Charity Foundation

The money donated by Song Charity Foundation is much more than the taxes paid.

Therefore, I have to rack my brains and spend the money wisely to satisfy both Wang University and Sima University, so that my Da Song Charity Foundation can continue to develop."

This statement cannot be said to be straightforward, it is simply explicit.

Spend money to buy peace, it's that simple.

It's really no wonder that Wang Anshi doesn't believe it. He doesn't care about Zhang Fei's little thoughts. Spending money to buy safety is a matter of course. What's abominable are those who use the safety given to him by the court to avoid taxes.

Of course he chose to support Zhang Fei's plan.

For him, this is simply pie in the sky. It doesn’t mean that without Zhang Fei, he would not have been able to complete the education reform. It is just that by using the Song Dynasty Charity Foundation to promote the reform, the resistance will be relatively reduced, which can make

He devoted more energy to other reforms.

If it can succeed, it will definitely be the smallest cost in exchange for the largest reward.

However, the person who paid the most attention to education was not Wang Anshi or Sima Guang, but Shenzong Zhao Xu, because education was directly related to imperial power. Every monarch in the past dynasties attached great importance to this matter.

Although Zhao Xu knew about this, he didn't know what Zhang Fei's true intention was.

This must be asked clearly.

Just after bidding farewell to Wang Anshi and before leaving the imperial city, Zhang Fei was quietly summoned to the palace by someone sent by Zhao Xu.

It really didn’t even give Zhang Fei any chance to breathe.

When facing Zhao Xu, Zhang Fei naturally did not dare to hide anything. He truthfully told the cause and consequences of the matter, including the true purpose of Xiangguo Temple.

"It turns out to be Xiangguo Temple."

Zhao Xu was a little surprised.

He had thought that Zhang Fei was behind all this, but he never thought that there was someone else behind the scenes.

Of course, Zhang Fei also told Zhao Xu that the real purpose of Xiangguo Temple was not to reform education, but that he was worried that he would become popular, so he wanted to use this to gain the support of some rising stars.

Zhang Fei said: "To be honest with your Majesty, I only came up with this plan from the intention of Xiangguo Temple, but I don't know if it will work, so I didn't inform your Majesty in advance."

This is really a truth. He had never wanted to infiltrate the Imperial College before, at least for the time being, because he also knew that this was very sensitive. He needed to wait for an excellent opportunity. It was Xiangguo Temple who took the initiative to donate to the Imperial College.

Zhang Feicai decided to go with the flow and give it a try.

Zhao Xu asked again: "Then what are your plans now?"

Zhang Fei pondered for a while, "If Your Majesty wants to surpass Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, in my opinion, this education is the only chance."

Zhao Xu was stunned for a moment, then leaned forward and asked hurriedly: "How do you say this?"

These words are so tempting for any emperor. Who doesn't want to surpass Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty? But generally emperors with such ambitions are based on civil and military skills. Zhao Xu's abacus is also the same.

It's such a fight, but no one has ever said that this education is the only chance.

This is the first time I have heard this statement.

Zhang Fei explained: "Between the two, especially Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, he was almost impeccable, whether it was civil administration or martial arts. In the prosperous times of the world, there is nothing better than not closing the door at night and not picking up things on the road; the territory he laid is basically a

The emperor spent his entire life conquering as much territory as he could.

In other words, even if His Majesty achieves all this, he will be at most a tie with Tang Taizong. However, since Tang Taizong is ahead, if His Majesty does not surpass him, he will still be inferior.

Then look back and think about what else can be surpassed. That is undoubtedly knowledge, which is also the strength of our dynasty. For example, in legal studies, our dynasty's "Song Xingtong" is completely inherited from "Tang Lu Shuyi"

, even if some laws and regulations are improved on this basis, it cannot be considered to be transcendent. In fact, it can better reflect the value of "Tang Lv Shu Yi". But if the judicial reform is successful and the entire judicial system changes, it can

Get rid of the shadow of "Tang Lv Shu Yi".

Because the public security system is a system that did not exist in the Tang Dynasty and was completely created by our dynasty, it will definitely leave its name in history, and future generations will no longer use "Tang Laws and Regulations" to summarize our dynasty's legal thought."

Zhao Xu thoughtfully said: "Although what you said makes sense, the world still values ​​civil society and martial arts more. Even if a public prosecutor is famous in history, the influence he can have is extremely limited."

Zhang Fei said: "Your Majesty's words are wrong. The key to your influence is whether you can achieve great success because of it, because people tend to aspire to learn from success. If the prosperity of the Song Dynasty was completely based on the public prosecutor's law, its influence will definitely be known to future generations.


Of course, the Public Security Bureau is just an example. Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the success of all prosperous times can be attributed to Confucianism. However, if Your Majesty can find another way, combine the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought, and create a prosperous age, then Your Majesty will be a pioneer and a founder.

Can surpass Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty."

This chapter has been completed!
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