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Chapter 338 Infiltration

 Zhang Fei's "unintentional" donation kicked off an educational reform in this early winter.

But then again, educational reform had already begun in the Song Dynasty, and the Qingli New Deal set off a wave of academic reform.

The main ones are the ten reform proposals put forward by Fan Zhongyan, including "exerting fine tributes and selecting officials", which reformed the education system at that time and changed the superficial style of study that advocated Ci and Fu at that time, emphasizing classics and meanings, current affairs, and reality.

Today's Wang Anshi and Sima Guang are also following this path.

Simply put, it means being pragmatic.

For example, the "study of commentaries on chapters and sentences" of the Han and Tang dynasties was too decadent and had seriously restricted the development of Confucianism.

This is really not the personal philosophy of Fan Zhongyan or Wang Anshi, but a common demand among scholars.

Historically, Wang Anshi also gave a heavy blow to the "study of commentaries on chapters and sentences" of the Han and Tang Dynasties, causing it to languish for hundreds of years until it made a comeback in the early Qing Dynasty.

The arrival of Zhang Fei only added an educational competition to it.

Zhao Xu seemed to be relatively satisfied with the current situation, and he also appointed Wang Anshi and Sima Guang to serve as ministers in the Imperial Academy and take charge of the administration of education.

The difference in philosophy between Sima and Wang was immediately apparent.

Sima Guang directly adopted Zhang Fei's teachings, but he did not make any major changes to the previous teaching regulations of the Imperial College.

To put it simply, he still included the Lvxueguan in the Imperial College.

However, Wang Anshi directly overturned the Imperial College system. He immediately established the Sanshe method in the Arithmetic Academy.

There are 2,000 people in the outer dormitory, 300 people in the inner dormitory, and 100 people in the upper dormitory.

Depending on certain years and conditions, one can be promoted from the outer house to the inner house and then to the upper house.

In the past, when enrolling students in the Imperial College, only the children of officials relied on their kindness to enroll. As a result, the number of students in the Imperial College today is less than 200.

But Wang Anshi stipulated that two thousand people could be recruited.

Where does this person come from?

Therefore, the School of Mathematical Sciences not only has the first two, but also allows ordinary people to take the classics examination.

He did not change the previous shadow production system, but at the same time he opened up new sources of students.

This is also in line with his consistent political philosophy of open source.

But this is not the key. The key is that Wang Anshi said that those who pass the exam will be able to directly enter the Ordinance Department of the Second Government.

Yin Sheng entered the imperial court through the Imperial College and became an official. He still followed the traditional path of Enyin. It can even be said that the Imperial College was just a shortcut for the children of officials to enter the imperial court and become officials, so that they did not need to go through the cruel imperial examination.

Those dandies in there are most likely to live a wild and idle life, and they are just going through the motions anyway. This has also led to the fact that the area around the Imperial College is a place of fireworks and romance, and the Imperial College is also completely corrupt.

But when Wang Anshi changed like this, a problem arose. On the one hand, Wang Anshi allowed common people to take exams and enter the arithmetic academy. Those who passed the arithmetic academy could directly enter the imperial court as officials.

In other words, ordinary people could avoid the imperial examination and enter officialdom directly through the academy.

Education and career are directly connected.

This actually also contains modern teaching concepts.

This is what Wang Anshi expected. He had been thinking about it for a long time. Otherwise, he would not have come up with the entire set of regulations at once. However, Wang Anshi did not say this clearly now, because this incident was also an accident. He

There was not enough preparation either.

But with his ingenious arrangements, this goal has been achieved, but it is limited to the Arithmetic School.

It doesn't change the entire system.

In this case, it would be difficult for the opposition to say anything. The original intention of establishing the Mathematical Academy was to cultivate specialized talents for the new law. After completing their studies, it is natural for them to directly enter the Ordinance Department of the Second Government.

However, Wang Anshi's showmanship almost made Sima Guang vomit blood.

You old boy really don't have martial ethics.

Sima Guang had no intention of circumventing the imperial examination, but Wang Anshi broke the rules by doing this. He could become an official even if he went to his arithmetic school. If he could not become an official if he went to the law school, who would come if he was not a true fan?

School of Law.

How to win?

Sima Guang ran to Wen Yanbo, Fu Bi, Zhao Pian and others to discuss the matter.

Come and discuss.

In the end, everyone's opinions were very unified.

You have to do this too.

They also know in their hearts that those children of officials are probably incompetent. If you want to carve these people into jade, you have to spend a lot of time.

As for those young officials, although they are talented, there are definitely only a few who are willing to enter the School of Legal Studies, and this number is limited.

Wang Anshi relied more on his intelligence to make a living, and the talented people among the common people would go there.

However, if all the talented people go to Wang Anshi, it goes without saying that they will definitely lose in the future.

The DPRK will be filled with a large number of people who support the New Deal.

This will change the power of the two factions in the court.

The answer is obvious, you can only do this.

Sima Guang could only learn from Wang Anshi, open the door to the common people, and draw talents from them.

This is competition.

Competition and party struggle are not the same thing at all.

If you agree with party struggle, I will oppose it, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, and vice versa.

You do the first grade of junior high school, and I do the fifteenth grade.

This is why Sima Guang later erased all the New Deal important points, leaving no trace behind. When he died, he was still thinking about how to completely erase the New Deal.

At that time, Sima Guang completely limited himself to a very narrow space.

Later, Cai Jing counterattacked and erected a monument to Yuanyou Party members, and branded Sima Guang, Wen Yanbo, Su Shi and others as traitors.

You must know that Su Shi later strongly recommended retaining many excellent laws in the new law.

Therefore, if we go by the party debate, conservatives would not do this even if they were beaten to death, and they would look for all kinds of opposition and obstruction.

And the competition is that if you do this, then I will do the same. If the Taoist is higher than the demon is higher, we will compete to see who can attract more talents.

Although Sima Guang and Wang Anshi only focused on competition, education, and talents and did not care too much about funding issues, the cause of this incident was ultimately Zhang Fei.

This money still needs to be donated.

Of course, Zhang Fei is also happy to donate this money, but this charity foundation does not belong to him alone.

Alum Tower.

Charitable Foundation Headquarters.

All major donors have arrived today.

They came here to discuss scholarships.

But sitting here, they always feel a little weird.

A group of us traders are sitting here, talking about the Imperial College.


It was unimaginable before.

Zhou Yan suddenly sighed: "This is the first time I know that it is so difficult to do good deeds. We are just a group of businessmen who use some money to help the poor. If we get involved in the Imperial College affairs, aren't we asking for trouble?"


Many businessmen nodded in agreement.

They all felt that this matter was very unfair. If they were given a choice, they would never agree. They only found out about it after it broke out. Of course, everyone was panicked.

To this day, everyone is still somewhat dissatisfied with this.

But later, two wealthy men donated a sum of money to support the donation to the Imperial College, which alleviated their resentment.

A fat-bellied businessman said: "You can't say that. Those students will have the opportunity to serve as officials in the future. We will donate to them when they are in the most difficult time. This kindness will be rewarded. We do not ask them for extra care."

Let's just ask them not to target us. I think this donation is very cost-effective."

This businessman is none other than the shopkeeper of Chunfeng Shili, Gu Yiyuan.

Although Gu Ji has left Beijing, the last thing he did before leaving Beijing was to donate thirty hectares of land to a charity foundation and let Gu Yiyuan be the representative.

The family still hopes to expand the influence of the charity foundation in the DPRK so that Gu Ji can return to Bianliang, Tokyo in the future.

Gu Yiyuan's words were also recognized by some businessmen.

Anyway, if you don’t donate the money, you have to donate it. Donating it to the poor is like beating a dog with meat buns. It will never come back and is worthless. It is better to donate it to officials. Only one out of ten is willing to repay them, so it is all worth it.


Ma Tianhao said carelessly: "The matter has reached this point. It is useless to talk more. Let's think about how to do this well. This is the most beneficial to us."

Everyone looked at Zhang Fei in unison.

They don't dare to make the decision on their own in matters like this. Since Zhang Fei came up with the idea, Zhang Fei should still be the master.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "I believe you have also heard about some recent changes in the School of Arithmetic and School of Law."

Everyone nodded slightly.

"This change will be more conducive to the donations of our charitable foundation."

Zhang Fei said: "Because one of the key points is that both the law school and the arithmetic school will recruit students for the common people. As we all know, in the past, most of the students in the Imperial College were students of Enyin, and the Imperial College would take care of them in terms of food and housing.

, but many common people students come from poor backgrounds.

This will make the donations of our charitable foundation more meaningful. My idea is to use the examination scores of the School of Arithmetic and the School of Law as standards. Currently, I plan to select ten students from each of the three houses who are from poor families and

Those with excellent academic performance will be given a living allowance of 20 guan per year, which is 200 guan per year for ten people. After three years, the annual expenditure will reach 600 guan."

According to Wang Anshi's system, only one dormitory will be set up in the first year, and only those who pass the exam will be promoted. At that time, the Song Dynasty Charity Foundation will select ten students based on the exam results and overall performance.

Chen Maoqian worriedly said: "I heard that the number of students enrolled in the School of Mathematics will reach 2,000. Let's donate ten people. Will the Imperial College be dissatisfied?"

The biggest worry about this kind of thing is that good intentions lead to bad things.

I gave him money, but I couldn't get it back.

Zhang Fei said: "The standard is set at two thousand people, but we will definitely not be able to recruit so many people in this first year. My budget is that the total donation to the Imperial College in the first year will be 600 guan, and in the second year it will reach 1,000 guan, and in the third year

It reaches 1,400 yuan. We will make another evaluation based on the income of our charitable foundation. Whether it is charitable or not, we should act according to our ability."

Huang Can worriedly said: "It would be nice if we could do this within our capabilities."

This is a donation to the court, not to the people. Most of it can only increase, not decrease.

Zhang Fei chuckled: "I hope we don't act within our capabilities."

"How do you say this?" Huang Can asked immediately.

Zhang Fei sighed: "Three years from now, if we want to do what we can, we won't have to donate thousands of dollars. It's better to keep a low profile!"

"Ha ha.!"

Everyone laughed.

Ma Tianhao suddenly asked: "That's right! How will the selection be done then?"

Zhang Fei said: "This will have to be discussed with the school at that time, but the current agreement is that the school will provide us with a transcript, or we can take the initiative to ask for it ourselves. Our duty is to evaluate this score.


Fan Yong asked curiously: "How to evaluate this? Not to mention that we don't understand it, even if we understand it, this is something that offends people!"

Gu Yiyuan also nodded and said: "Things in the officialdom are very complicated. It is not necessarily the case that those with outstanding academic performance will become officials."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "I am happy to buy this favor, but the question is, can I afford it?"

Everyone was silent.

All their donations come from profits. If they are used as scholarships, it will be fine. If they are used for political bribery, it will be ten times less.

Zhang Fei added: "So I think we should set the rules first and everything should be done according to the rules. This way there will be no complaints."

Chen Maoqian said: "Sanlang, you have to set the rules well. It's best if you can find out everything clearly, and don't end up being confused, which is the most troublesome thing."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I know, I will pay attention to this."

At this moment, Fan Zheng suddenly walked in quickly and whispered a few words in Zhang Fei's ear.

Zhang Fei was surprised: "So fast?"

Fan Zheng nodded.

"What an honest man!"

Zhang Fei chuckled, stood up again, and said to everyone: "Sorry, I have something to deal with. You guys should discuss it with Da Lang first. I'm sorry."

After that, he walked out of the lobby, passed through the corridor, and came to the lounge next to him.

"Third brother, you are here!"

I saw Ma Xiaoyi walking over.

Zhang Fei nodded and asked, "Isn't Yameni here?"

Ma Xiaoyi said sarcastically: "Brother is instructing others to practice football."

Zhang Fei chuckled and entered the house with him again.

But I saw an official sitting inside.

This person was the prime minister in the Third Division case, named Liang Shaodong. Since he was promoted from a clerk to an official and had excellent skills, Cao Ping asked him to be responsible for the research and development of weapons specifically for the police station.

"Zhang San has met Liang Cheng."

"Be polite! Be polite!"

Liang Shaodong stood up and saluted in return.

Although Zhang Fei is still an Erbi nowadays, to them, he is the God of Wealth, so they should naturally treat him with courtesy.

Zhang Fei asked hurriedly: "Liang Cheng, I heard that in the case of Zhou, weapons used by the police have been developed."

"Yes Yes."


Liang Shaodong hurriedly opened the wooden box on the table and took out the upper layer. He saw two weapons inside, one long and one short. The long one looked like a sword without an edge, and had a handle like a stick, while the short one looked like a sword.

The one Zhang Fei recognized was the steel fork used by the third Ninja Turtle.

"Pony, what do you think?"

Zhang Fei turned to look at Ma Xiaoyi.

Ma Xiaoyi picked up the two steel forks and said, "This iron ruler is quite suitable for us policemen. It is easy to carry and can withstand weapons. It is both offensive and defensive. But it is easy to use and not easy to hurt people. Third brother, why don't you pick up that thin iron ruler?"

Great, let’s give it a try and I’ll give you a demonstration.”

As he spoke, he started to make gestures.

"No need! No need!"

Zhang Fei quickly took a few steps back and said, "I don't know martial arts. Why are you trying to compete with me? I'll ask your brother to practice later."

"Don't be afraid, Third Brother, I won't hurt Third Brother." Ma Xiaoyi chuckled, shook his fingers, and rotated the two steel forks several times between his fingers before inserting them into his belt.

This set of movements is really smooth and smooth.

"It was quite fun!" Zhang Fei said with a smile.

Ma Xiaoyi said: "Third brother, don't you believe that I can use any weapon."

Zhang Fei nodded with a smile and said, "It seems you are very satisfied with this."

Ma Xiaoyi nodded.

Zhang Fei asked again: "Where is this thin stick?"

Ma Xiaoyi said: "It's pretty good, but I still like this iron ruler better."

Zhang Fei thought about Liang Shaodong again and said: "Liang Cheng, I really didn't expect that you three division commanders are so powerful. In just a few days, you were able to develop such a handy weapon. I wanted to donate more money to you."

Liang Shaodong originally wanted to say a few words of humility, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he suddenly became stunned.

They are so active because they just want to get some donations from Zhang Fei.

Normally when working for the imperial court, one would procrastinate as much as possible and try every possible means to be lazy. Anyway, if one works more and less, the money one gets is not much. However, when working for the Song Dynasty Charity Fund, everyone works hard to think about it.

I want to get more donations.

But at this time, Liang Shaodong felt that it shouldn't be so fast. After the research and development is completed, there will be nothing to do and no money to be earned.

This is embarrassing!

A smile flashed in Zhang Fei's eyes, and he suddenly said: "Actually, personally, I am not very satisfied with this weapon."

I will change it! I am willing to change it! I am willing to change it as long as it takes! Liang Shaodong said quickly: "To be honest with Sanlang, this is actually just a style. I want to show it to you. We will have to take it back and perfect it."

Ma Xiaoyi said: "I think this is pretty good, and there's nothing to improve."

Liang Shaodong wished he could kick this guy out.

This guy is also smart. He suddenly realized that the key to research and development is to use a little bit to arouse people's interest, so that people will continue to invest money. If it is done all at once, it is over!

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I agree with what Xiao Ma said, there is nothing to improve on this weapon."

Liang Shaodong asked in confusion: "What does San Lang mean?"

Zhang Fei said: "A sword has no eyes. These two weapons cannot guarantee that our police will have an absolute advantage. The other party may also use weapons that can restrain these weapons."

Ma Xiaoyi said doubtfully: "Third brother, you don't understand weapons. There will always be mutual restraint between these weapons."

Zhang Fei said: "Then what's the point of donating money? I hope to develop a weapon that criminals cannot obtain. Only we police have it. At the same time, our weapons are absolutely safe to possess and can defeat others without fighting. Take them out."

You can scare the other party."

Ma Xiaoyi scratched his head and asked, "Are there any weapons like this?"

Zhang Fei turned to Liang Shaodong and asked: "Liang Cheng, are you there?"

Liang Shaodong racked his brains and thought hard, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Yes!"

Zhang Fei asked: "What weapon?"


Liang Shaodong said excitedly: "This firearm is exclusive to our court, and it is impossible for ordinary thieves to have it."

Ma Xiaoyi retorted: "Those thieves don't use firearms because firearms are of little use to them. Even on the battlefield, they are not very useful, not as useful as an iron ruler."

Liang Shaodong's mind was racing, "We can think of ways to create a firearm that is convenient for the police to use. It can kill and injure thieves from a long distance and make them afraid to act rashly."


Zhang Fei smiled and said: "In two days I will ask someone to allocate two hundred guan to you first, one hundred guan as a reward for this iron ruler, and the other hundred guan will be used for your research and development of firearms. If you can really do what you want,

As promised, I will increase my donation."

Liang Shaodong was elated when he heard this, and nodded quickly: "Don't worry, Sanlang, we will definitely be able to develop it."

What he said just now is purely bragging. The current gunpowder is used on bows and arrows. It is purely to scare people. The most awesome thing is to put some pebbles in the fireworks.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Fei immediately agreed to allocate the money.

So thorough!

Completely understood!

This firearm is a cornucopia!

This funding will not last for ten years, and we will never stop.

This chapter has been completed!
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