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Chapter 378 See the light of day again

Since ancient times, politics has been a very pure exercise of power. Therefore, in politics, everything is negotiable, but power has no room for negotiation.

This is true for any politician.

At first, Yushitai really just wanted to deal with Zhang Fei and Legal Law, because these two "things" disgusted them very much.

Therefore, at the beginning, the scholar-bureaucrats were united.

Zhang Fei must be killed this time.

Zhao Xu had nothing to do about it.

Because the reason they gave was the orthodox ruling power given to the monarch by Confucianism.

This is very important to the emperor and must not be violated.

However, after the emperor ordered an investigation into the case, they began to think about bringing Xu Zun in.

This old man is not pleasant either.

As for Sima Guang, it can't be regarded as an accident. Although they had never thought of dealing with Sima Guang before, Zhang Fei's confession made Yushitai change his mind.

If the law of law is a heresy and Zhang Fei commits the crime of making a coat and writing a coat, then it is impossible for Sima Guang not to be investigated.

After all, it was Sima Guang who forced Zhang Fei to go to class, and Sima Guang himself admitted this.

If Sima Guang is let go, would he be embarrassed to convict Zhang Fei?

It doesn't make sense legally.

And they, the censors, should stop messing around in the future. You must know that their duty is to keep an eye on the prime minister.

Many officials involved in political affairs were brought down by these censors.

During the Qingli party struggle, it was not just the censors who charged into battle every day, impeaching Fan Zhongyan and others, and finally forced Fan Zhongyan to leave the court one by one.

The subsequent involvement of Fu Bi and Wang Anshi was beyond their expectation, but this only further angered these admonishing officials and censors.

Because they also feel aggrieved. They don't think they are bending the law for personal gain. There is concrete evidence. Fu Bi admits it himself. You prime ministers are acting on your own initiative and using this to blackmail us, so let's do it.

The two departments of Taiwan and Japan are very united, except for their boss.

The boss of Jianyuan is Zhao Pian, and the boss of Yushitai is Wen Yanbo. They are all involved in political affairs.

However, these two departments can act without looking at the boss's face.

The prime ministers are also very angry. It is illegal to say something. Do you want to burn books and humiliate Confucians?

But there is a very subtle difference.

Even at the beginning, everyone only targeted Zhang Fei. Although some of them didn't agree with it, they weren't angry. They just thought, let's just use the evidence and let's go through the legal process.

But now they are not talking about whether there is evidence or not, but they think that you are not allowing us to speak and you are trying to punish us with speech, which is not acceptable.

Not long after Wang Anshi entered, Lu Gongzhu immediately stood up and expressed his support for the legal system.

Zhao Pian also stood up and expressed his support for the rule of law.

The censor is also angry. Anyway, this case was ordered by the emperor and has the support of public opinion. If you want to bring it to your door, then I will accept it all.

The Imperial City Division changed from three-player mahjong to four-player mahjong, and finally turned into zhuanzhuan mahjong.

At this point, it returns to the traditional drama, which is Zhengshitang VS Taijian.

Among those involved in political affairs, only Zeng Gongliang and Wen Yanbo had not yet entered. Zeng Gongliang had been recuperating at home, and he was too lazy to get involved in this matter.

Wen Yanbo reports every day. Don't you want to arrest people? OK, I'll provide them with evidence and see how many people you can arrest.

And he is the boss of Yushitai, so he also has power.

All the candidates in the Imperial College were reported to him and admitted.

It even included a few scholar-bureaucrats.

This matter became more and more serious and became out of control, even alarming the empress dowagers of the two palaces.

"Emperor, what on earth is going on?"

Queen Mother Cao felt panicked.

In the hundred years since the founding of the Song Dynasty, this kind of thing has never happened. The key point is that there was no warning at all before. At first, it was just because of an assistant teacher who was lower than the ninth grade.

But often these big political events are caused by little people.

Zhao Xu looked aggrieved and said: "My eldest lady, my grandson is innocent!"

The prime ministers have all gone in, how can you be innocent?

Queen Mother Gao, who was sitting next to her, wanted to educate the emperor, but she held back because she knew very well that Queen Mother Cao didn't like her interfering in the emperor's government affairs.

Queen Mother Cao could ask, but she didn't believe it, "Then what is going on?"

Zhao Xu said: "Before, they all said that Zhang San's legal system disrupted the rules and regulations and corrupted the law. Although grandson did not think so, he still asked them to investigate the matter. But who knew that this would involve Xu Zhongtu and Sima Junshi?

, and finally even the rich man was implicated."

Empress Dowager Cao asked: "Is it possible that those censors are engaging in favoritism and malpractice in an attempt to create unjust prison sentences?"

Of course she was leaning towards Sima Guang and the others.

Zhao Xu said: "Sun'er has been sending people to keep an eye on it. If the legal system is a heresy, then the Yushitai left them to assist in the investigation. It is not considered malpractice for personal gain. There is indeed evidence to prove them."

"Then what kind of legal system is heresy?" Empress Dowager Cao was also a little confused.

Zhao Xu said: "Although my grandson doesn't think so, many people thought so at first, and Zhang San should be punished for this. But now they have changed again, and say that they cannot be punished for their speech, and my grandson doesn't know what to do."

"These literati are really full and can hold on."

Empress Dowager Cao murmured in a low voice. She had also experienced the hypocrisy of these civil servants, "You are the emperor. You can't accommodate them in everything. You have to have your own opinions."

After a pause, she added: "Everything should be done based on the overall situation. The prime minister has been arrested. Whoever will assist the emperor in governing the country must deal with this matter as soon as possible."

Zhao Xu nodded and said, "My grandson knows."

But in fact, he is not in a hurry now.

Who is most anxious now?

Those are the literati!

Some of them wanted to defend Confucianism, and the other wanted to deal with Zhang Fei.

But he never thought that this knife would hit them directly.

Everyone is dizzy.

The literati of the Song Dynasty were very concerned about their freedom of speech. Before that, whenever the emperor wanted to punish ministers with their speech, the ministers would stand up and oppose it.

But when it comes to convicting Zhang Fei, everyone has no opinion.

Be it double standards or self-contradictory.

The problem is that now all the prime ministers are involved, and the key censorship platform really comes up with evidence.

The literati are all thinking, if something happens to the prime minister, can we still talk to each other in the future?

This precedent cannot be set.

The lesser of these two evils!

Is it worth it for an Er pen?

What kind of onion is he?

Ever since, public opinion began to change again.

Many people also wrote to the emperor, saying that they could not punish crimes with their speech. How could this ancient sage do such a thing?

Of course, he did not plead for Zhang Fei, nor did he say that the method of restraint was correct. They only talked about the situation of Fu Bi, Sima Guang, Xu Zun and others.

At the same time, they did not blame Yushitai.

Yushitai could not find anything wrong with this case, and besides, it was supported by them.

Anyway, this letter is written more tactfully than the other. You must know that this kind of double-scripting is a test of writing skills.

Some of them are very well written, but there are also some that Zhao Xu finds funny even when he looks at them.

What is meant by safeguarding imperial power is clearly safeguarding your own rights.

This didn't hit you, you all screamed to be beaten and killed, but if it hit you, everyone cried out in pain.

This is really unreasonable.

Of course, Zhao Xu would not act on impulse. Seeing that public opinion began to change, he held another meeting.

However, Jiang Zhiqi, Peng Siyan and other censors still insisted on punishing Zhang Fei.

They cannot be cowardly; admitting cowardice would be equivalent to admitting their mistake.

Wen Yanbo didn't bother to talk to them, nor did he want to talk to the emperor. Anyway, if you want to arrest them, I will report them and see how many you can arrest.

Chen Xiu, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, stood up and said: "In my opinion, Fu Gong, Sima bachelor and the others were only deceived by Zhang San."

Immediately, many ministers stood up.

"Yes, yes, this is all Zhang San's cunning plan. He deliberately designed it in advance to involve the rich company and Bachelor Sima to cover for himself."

When Lu Huiqing saw that all the conservatives were talking, he couldn't help teasing: "You all can see clearly and clearly, how can the rich man and the others be deceived?"

This sentence made Chen Xiu and others speechless in embarrassment, and they just glared at Lu Huiqing angrily.

How long has it been since this happened? You guys are still engaging in internal strife, right?

Zeng Gongliang, who was specially invited by Zhao Xu, was very clear about his mission and stood up and said: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, the court seems to be making a fuss about this matter. If Confucianism over the past thousand years can be easily destroyed by a child with a yellow mouth, then what will happen?"

.That’s nothing worthy of our admiration.”

Jiang Zhiqi immediately retorted: "Zeng Xiang's words are wrong. Zhang San's legal system is tempting with benefits and is very confusing. The court must not be careless."

Zeng Gongliang asked: "Tell me, what is the legal system?"

Jiang Zhiqi immediately said: "What about defending personal legitimate rights and interests?"

Zeng Gongliang said: "Zhang San's original words are a consensus among people to defend their legitimate rights and interests."

Jiang Zhiqi asked: "So what?"

Zeng Gongliang said: "What is a consensus? It is an idea that already exists and is generally recognized. Do filial piety and loyalty belong to the consensus?"

Jiang Zhiqi said: "I said at the beginning that what he said seemed reasonable, but it was extremely easy to cause ambiguity. This has been the case with heresies since ancient times. Who knows what Zhang Sanan's intentions are."

Zeng Gongliang glanced at him and said, "You can guarantee that I have never said anything that could easily lead to ambiguity. I, Zeng, would not dare to say that."

The ministers were silent.

Zeng Gongliang said again: "If someone is going to be convicted just because of a statement that can easily lead to ambiguity, then Qin's laws are not so harsh!"

Jiang Zhiqi immediately said: "If we follow what Prime Minister Zeng said, why not abolish the crime of making coats and writing coats, so that anyone who commits this crime in the future can get away with it?"

Zeng Gongliang frowned slightly, "Whether or not you are guilty or not cannot be decided by you, Censor Jiang."

Jiang Zhiqi said: "Everyone thinks so."


Zeng Gongliang glanced at him.

There was silence in the hall.

never mind!

Not worth it for an Er pen.

Jiang Zhiqi didn't say anything and retreated directly.

Zhao Xu asked: "How does Mr. Zeng think this matter should be handled?"

Zeng Gongliang said: "Reporting to your Majesty, I think this is just a trivial matter. Academic disputes are very common. Some people agree, which proves that it has merits, but it is natural for everyone to have doubts. It is not a crime.

There should be no need to build a prison for this, and academic matters should be discussed based on knowledge. If everyone has any doubts, they can go to the Imperial Academy to argue with Zhang San instead of arguing endlessly in the court."

Zhao Xu nodded and asked again: "Do you have any objections?"

"I agree with what Mr. Zeng said."

"I second the proposal."

Ministers stood up one after another.

Zhao Xu said: "Then let's end this matter."

"Huh. I've been drinking a lot these past few days!"

Zhang Fei shivered, lifted up his trousers, and fastened his trouser pockets, but as soon as he left the latrine, a guard came over and said, "Sanlang, the officials have issued an order to let you out, and they will be here soon."

Zhang Fei said: "How much time is left?"

"One hour at most."


Zhang Fei nodded, "You have to keep an eye on me, and when you see my signal, come in and stop me immediately."

"Don't worry, Saburo."

After finishing his instructions, Zhang Fei returned to the room, and the maid who was doing the beating quickly got up and gave way.

"Let me tell you, I just put on my underwear inside out, and this time I'm going to kill everyone."

"It's not stained with feces."

Cao Dongdong tilted his head and looked.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Zhang Fei said: "Let's get started."

Fu Shichun chuckled: "It's really ridiculous that some people believe such nonsense."

Zhang Fei said: "You care about me. One tube!"

"I don't care about you - losing money."

Fu Shichun turned his cards down, "Seven pairs."

Zhang Fei became angry and said: "Xiao Chunchun, you must have done it on purpose. Since you came here, I have been losing money."

Fu Shichun hummed: "It's because of you that I came."

Zhang Fei said: "It's obviously Xiaoma, and the yamen reported you for doing my shit."

Ma Xiaoyi immediately said: "Third brother, you also have a share."

"you shut up."

Zhang Fei glared at Ma Xiaoyi angrily, pointed at Fu Shichun and said, "You've been acting weird and mean to me every day these past few days, and you bully honest people, right?"

Fu Shichun slapped the table, "Who is bullying whom? I will never let you go after you go back."

"Why wait to go back."

Zhang Fei kicked him directly.

Fu Shichun didn't know he would take action and was kicked to the ground. Cao Dongdong and Ma Xiaoyi were also stunned.

After a while, Fu Shichun pointed at Zhang Fei and said, "How dare you, a little Erbi, hit me."

"I don't have to choose a day to hit you."

Zhang Fei raised the table with both hands and pushed it towards Fu Shichun.

Fu Shichun rolled to the side and hid, then immediately got up, flew up and kicked him.

"Brother Chun, be gentle with your feet."

Ma Xiaoyi blocked it with one hand, this guy is very good at it.

Zhang Fei took the opportunity to kick Fu Shichun again, hitting Fu Shichun in the abdomen.

Fu Shichun covered his abdomen, pointed at Ma Xiaoyi, and said in disbelief: "Xiao Ma, you actually helped him."

Ma Xiaoyi said innocently: "I'm just...!"

"Don't be afraid of Xiaochun, there is something inside me."

Cao Dongdong suddenly kicked Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei sat down on the ground, "Yameni, you actually hit me?"

Cao Dongdong chuckled and said, "Two versus two, this is only fair."

"That's great!"

Ma Xiaoyi flew over excitedly and kicked him three times in a row.

Can you fly? When Zhang Fei saw it, he panicked. Damn it, he forgot that they were all good at martial arts. It would be really miserable this time. After all, he owed it to them anyway.

"Bird Er Pen, watch the moves."

Fu Shichun had already pounced over.

"Fuck! If you hit someone or not, I will fight with you, ah——!"

In an instant, the room was filled with intense fighting.

A group of guards outside were lying on the windows, yawning and looking at them.

"Sanlang is not very good at this!"

"No match at all."

"Not to mention, Cao Yanei's skills are really good."

"But he seems to have less energy than Pony."

"It's a pity that Xiaoma and Saburo are in the same team. What a crime!"

"Boss, when will we go in?"

"Wait for Saburo's signal."

"But I see that Saburo has already huddled in the corner. He can only hold his head while being beaten. I'm afraid he won't be able to give the code."

"Then let's go in."

There was a clang and the door opened.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Fighting here, don't you want to live anymore?"

After a gentle scolding, several people stepped forward to separate the four of them.


Zhang Fei, who was hiding in the corner, finally breathed a sigh of relief and was helped up again. In a blink of an eye, he was already bruised and swollen. He licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Hey, Xiaochun, seeing how gentle you are, I thought you were easy to bully. I never thought.

Are you so fucking cruel?"

Fu Shichun said excitedly: "You were the one who took action first."

Ma Xiaoyi was also beaten as hard as a pig's head. He was about to cry but said without tears: "Third brother, if you don't know how to fight, don't do it. I've been punched several times for you."

Zhang Fei was beaten until tears came out, "You think I want to be beaten. If I don't get beaten by you now, I will have to be beaten by my father-in-law and Zhiqian in a mixed doubles when I go back. It would be better to be beaten by you. Ouch. It hurts so much."


Cao Dongdong asked: "Why?"

Zhang Fei said: "Just think about it, how worried your father would be at home. If he knew that we play mahjong, drink, and pick up girls here every day, he would definitely die if he went back."

Cao Dongdong blinked and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I was trying my best to protect my face just now. Xiaoma, please hit my brother a few more times. Remember, hit him in the face."

Ma Xiaoyi was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Brother, stand firm."

"Stand firm."

Bang bang bang bang!

"Ouch! Ouch!"

The guards were motionless, their lips were not open, and they felt incredulous.

"Stop, stop, stop! That's almost enough. I can't even close my mouth."

Cao Dongdong tilted his tongue and shouted vaguely.

Ma Xiaoyi stopped, suddenly looked at Fu Shichun and said, "Xiaochun, there are no injuries on your face."

Fu Shichun quickly shook his head and said: "I don't have to, my dad...!"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "That won't work. We were all beaten to a bloody pulp. You are so handsome alone. It's fake at first sight!"

Cao Dongdong suddenly turned to look at Fu Shichun, "Xiaochun, just help me. If you are found out, my father will beat me to death."

Fu Shichun pointed at Zhang Fei, "It's all him!"

"Enter brothers."

Zhang Fei wouldn't give him this chance.

"You, what do you want to do? Ouch! You bastards, you are bullying the minority."

Half an hour later.

The four people put on tattered prison clothes and helped each other out of the hut.

I saw six guards lining up at the door, paying them high respects.

"The distinguished guests are leaving slowly."

"excuse me."

"Where, where, remember to pay the money as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, someone will be sent to deliver the money tomorrow."

“Welcome everyone to come back next time.”

As they were leaving the hospital, a young guard blurted out.


The four of them looked back at the guard at the same time.

Cao Dongdong hummed: "If you don't even sleep with me, I won't come."

This chapter has been completed!
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