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Chapter 383 Morality and Punishment, Law


Ordinary ethics under the rule of law?


This sentence immediately made many people present want to use foul language.

I have never seen such a shameless person.

Fu Bi was also amused by Zhang Fei's IQ.

Can you still play like this?

The question he raised before was also what everyone present was looking forward to.

Anyone with some knowledge also knows that there is a fundamental contradiction between the concept of legal system and ordinary ethics.

The three cardinal principles are a strict hierarchical system.

The legal system emphasizes personal interests, and both ends of the law must tend to be equal.

Therefore, the law of a wife reporting to her husband is bound to have problems under the legal system.

It's not about right or wrong, it's not about reasoning, it's about talking about things in a trivial way. This is what has been formulated.

The key is that it serves the imperial power.

Dong Zhongshu created this system not just to help Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty achieve centralized rule.

Before class, Fu Bi and Wang Anshi were very curious about how Zhang Fei would explain this problem.

If you don't explain it well, he might really go in again.

But they never expected that Zhang Fei would interpret the contradiction as the contradiction between the legal system and the legalist law, and then throw out the ethics under the legal system.

This is truly amazing.

You still know how to play!

Yan Fu saw through Zhang Fei's trick at a glance. You just wanted to take the opportunity to reform the ethics of the rule of law. He immediately retorted: "What is the rule of law and the rule of law? The rule of law is Confucianism. What does it have to do with your rule of law? It makes no sense.

You should stop here and confuse the public with your evil words."

Many scholar-officials also criticized Zhang Fei's statement.

What is the fundamental ethics of legalism and the fundamental ethics of legal system?

I, the Confucian, have no face at all and let you round me up and flatten me.

Who are you fooling here?

Fu Bi and Wang Anshi also looked puzzled when they listened to their rebuttals. Although your move is clever, they are not stupid either. They cannot accept the ethics you have transformed.

This kind of thing cannot be justified.

The only thing you can do is to directly deny ordinary ethics.

Zhang Fei did not argue with them. After they finished spraying, he slowly said to the students: "Although there are many people who object, I believe that everyone here should also admit the fact that we are

Questions mentioned in the first lecture.

During the Qin Dynasty, Legalism completely expelled Confucianism and only respected the law. Only one great Confucian, Xunzi, entered the Qin Dynasty to preach Taoism, but it also ended in failure. But even when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty only respected Confucianism, Legalism was still in the laws of various dynasties.

Survived. The laws and regulations left by Qin can be found in "Tang Lu Shu Yi" and our "Song Xing Tong".

I remember that someone said at that time that Confucianism embraced all rivers and absorbed the advantages of Legalism. I also agree with this very much. But no matter what, whether it is "Tang Lv Shu Yi" or our "Song Xing Tong", they all reflect the relationship between Confucianism and Legalism.

A combination of legalism.

Does anyone have any objections to this?"

The students all shook their heads and expressed no objection.

Confucianism has always recognized this.

Zhang Fei asked again: "Do you know how the two are combined?"

"Great virtue and small punishment."

"Virtue before punishment."

"The punishment of noble virtue."


The students answered one after another.

"The answer is very good. To sum it up, it is...!"

Zhang Fei wrote the four characters "De Zhu Xing Fu" on the wooden board and asked: "De Zhu Xing Fu, is this correct?"

The students nodded.

Zhang Fei returned to the podium and said, "Cai Bian, can you tell me the meaning of these four words?"

Cai Bian stood up flattered, organized his words a little, and then said: "During the Qin Dynasty, they followed the principle of 'everything depends on the law' and used severe punishments to govern the country, so that the people complained, and the people were unable to live, and the next generation died.

From the late Han Dynasty to the early Han Dynasty, we followed the teachings of Huang Lao and pursued the principle that "the rule of law should be pure and the people should make their own decisions", which led to the subsequent Wenjing rule.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhongshu proposed, "Follow the laws of heaven and the ancients, promote enlightenment, suppress the powerful, honor virtue and despise punishment, and officials should not compete with the people for profit, but nourish scholars and run schools." Since then, there have been teachers who have written "virtue is the main punishment and punishment is auxiliary."

The intention is to educate the people through the rule of virtue and make them abide by etiquette, so as to "do it without being told, stop without being forbidden, follow the meaning of the above, do not wait for it to be done, it will be natural".

Using punishment to punish a small number of stubborn people is what virtue is all about and punishment is auxiliary."

“It was very detailed and very good.”

Zhang Fei nodded and asked, "Do you think this makes sense?"

Everyone nodded.

"I also think it makes sense."

Zhang Fei said: "But the truth lies in virtue, not punishment. Educating people with virtue can indeed reduce illegal behaviors. Facts have also proved this. People who have received a good education will generally not break the law easily because they have right and wrong.

Concepts of right and wrong.

This is the biggest difference between Confucianism and Legalism, but one thing I'm confused about is that if we want to follow Confucianism, we must develop education and make everyone a scholar. Only now can we reach the highest state of virtue, punishment, and assistance, but I don't know why.

, Confucians have never spread education throughout the country so that everyone can read.”

Ye Zuqia said: "Everyone is studying. How many colleges will be opened? How can the country have so much money?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "It's vulgar to talk about money. We Confucians talk about righteousness first and then money."

Wang Anshi burst out laughing after hearing this, he was indeed one of his own.

"But that's not what we're talking about today."

Zhang Fei returned to the wooden board and drew a circle on the word "virtue master". "This is the key point and cannot be replaced. If the rule of virtue is gone, it will become Legalism. Facts have proved that Legalism

is not feasible.

So what about ‘Xing Fu’, is this irreplaceable?”

Everyone shook their heads.

"Can't you?"

Zhang Fei asked.

Cai Jing immediately reacted and said: "It can be replaced by legal methods."

Zhang Fei asked: "Is it possible?"

Everyone nodded again.

Zhang Fei asked: "Why?"

Ye Zuqia replied: "Because there are also penalties in the legal system."

Zhang Fei asked again: "Can the legal system replace the virtue master?"





Zhang Fei said: "We have also mentioned this in the previous lectures. It is impossible to rule by law in Legalist law. The two must be substitutes and cannot coexist. However, they can exist in Confucian law.


As he said this, he wrote "De dominated by punishment and assisted by law" under "De dominated by punishment and assisted by law", "Now let's take a look, does the Three Cardinal Principles and Five Constant Virtues belong to virtue, punishment, or law?"


“Does it have anything to do with legalist law and legalistic law?”


Everyone seemed a little hesitant.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Isn't this easy to answer? Is there any idea of ​​three cardinal ethics in Legalist law?"


“Where is the law of law?”


"That's right! Do you still need to think about this?"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "The idea of ​​the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Principles only belongs to Confucianism. Legalism and legalism do not have this idea. Can everyone understand this?"

Everyone nodded.

"No objection?"

Everyone shook their heads again.

Of course there is no objection to this. If we really talk about it, Legalist thought is completely opposite to the Three Cardinal Principles and the Five Constant Rules.

There is no legal system.

This is originally Confucian and evolved based on the ritual system.

Zhang Fei immediately used a charcoal pen to draw a diagonal line on the circle around "De Zhu" and wrote the word "Gang Chang", "Gang Chang belongs entirely to De."

As he said this, he pointed to "Dezhu Xingfu" and "Dezhu Fashu" and asked, "What has not changed about these two words?"

"The Lord of Virtue."

The students said in unison.

Zhang Fei nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, the virtue master has not changed. Since Gang Chang completely belongs to the virtue master, has Gang Chang changed?"

The students seemed to have been opened up to the Ren and Du channels, shaking their heads excitedly and saying: "No."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Does this answer everyone's questions just now? Whether I use the legal method or the legalist method, the ethics of ethics have not changed. It's just that the way to defend this idea has changed. No.

If Legalism is gone, the Confucian ethics of ethics will also be gone. Then the Three Cardinal Principles and the Five Principles will not become Legalist thought? Can everyone understand it?"

The students nodded frequently.

This is clear at a glance, coupled with the inference given by the genius above, it couldn’t be clearer.

Yan Fu and others who had just stood up were all stunned at this moment. What had just happened? How could they have reached this point?

Empress Dowager Cao nodded slightly with satisfaction: "I understand it too. Oh, this wooden board is really magical. You can understand it just by looking at it without thinking about it. It's just that the writing is really ugly."

After talking about it, she shook her head sadly.

Zhao Xu just smiled and said nothing. Now no one cares about how ugly Zhang Fei's handwriting is.

"I see."

Fu Bi smiled and nodded, praising: "His education method is worth learning from the Imperial College."

Wen Yanbo also nodded and said: "Indeed, simple, thorough and clear at a glance."

Wang Anshi was also thinking that he would have teachers from the arithmetic school come to attend the class next time. This kind of education method is so amazing.

Initially, they all thought that this was a very complicated issue, and they all felt confused upon hearing it.

As a result, with a few strokes, the explanation was clear and concise.

It makes them all feel that they have missed something, that it is not simple.

What does Tsuna often belong to?

Confucianism is virtue.

Morality remains unchanged, punishment is reformed, and the principles of ethics are certainly unchanged.

If you want to question him, you have to prove that Gang Chang is related to the Legalists and the punishment cannot be changed.

But everyone knows that the two are ideologically hostile.

In fact, Zhang Fei used mathematical formulas to illustrate this problem.

"Okay! After explaining this issue clearly, let's now discuss the difference between De, who is the main criminal, and De, who is the legal auxiliary. De is unchanged, so the difference lies in the legalist law and the legal system. But the two

We have already discussed the theory of law, and now we want to discuss how to defend the rule of virtue."

When Empress Dowager Cao heard this, she hurriedly asked Zhao Xu: "Officials, what is the difference between this Legalist law and the Legalist law?"

She is also obsessed now, but she didn't come to the last class, so she was seriously absent from class!

Zhao Xu was stunned for a moment, and a bunch of words suddenly popped up in his mind, but he didn't know where to start, so he said: "Madam, this is a long story."

Queen Mother Cao nodded, "Then let's listen to what he has to say first."

The expression on Sima Guang's face gradually relaxed.

He had been struggling with the contradiction between the rule of etiquette and the rule of law before, but now that he heard that both of them were to defend the rule of virtue, there was no contradiction.

He no longer had any worries in his heart.

But other old masters, as well as Jiang Zhiqi and other censors, always felt that something was wrong, but looking at the wooden board, it seemed to make sense, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, we are all trying to defend the rule of virtue, which is equivalent to defending Confucianism. If we are wrong, isn’t that not opposing Confucian orthodoxy?

But it just feels weird.

This chapter has been completed!
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