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Chapter 387 Dr. Zhang


When Empress Dowager Cao and Zhao Xu left, all the ministers present breathed a sigh of relief.

That’s not to say that the conversation was somewhat real. In fact, the Song Dynasty was better because the literati were relatively strong and there was nothing they couldn’t talk about. Fan Zhongyan and Wang Anshi were even more explicit in what they said.

It’s just that the ideas of Fan Zhongyan and Wang Anshi have existed since ancient times. Although Wang Anshi’s ideas are a bit advanced, they still inherit most of Sang Hongyang’s ideas. Everyone knows what their purpose is, good or bad.

What, how will your own interests change?

However, although they heard clearly about this legal system, they could not understand it thoroughly for a while. For the same reason, even they, scholar-officials, extremely lacked personal awareness and only thought about family and country.

This is true even for the most selfish people.

Because selfishness is a character issue, and personal rights are a thought.

It's not the same thing.

It sounds like there are pros and cons.

When I looked up, I saw that Zhang Fei had disappeared, and the students were having a heated discussion around the wooden board as before.

They left the lobby quietly, but when they came out of the lobby, some ministers surrounded Wen Yanbo, Sima Guang and the others.

"This must not be attempted. Not to mention whether what Zhang San said is reasonable, but this method will definitely subvert the current etiquette system. If there is any mistake, the disaster will be endless!"

"I also think this sounds weird."

"Etiquette is the foundation of law, but if according to what Zhang San said, etiquette and law must be separated, and etiquette is only used as a reference, this will definitely not work."

They said something to each other, and the tone was full of worry.

Although they do not understand it thoroughly, there is a concept that they understand very clearly.

That is, personal rights and interests are used as the principle of criminalization, and morality and etiquette are used as the basis for reference. In other words, violating etiquette is not necessarily illegal.

Ritual has become a non-mandatory dogma. From this point of view, it is obvious that the ritual system is to be weakened.

Naturally, these old masters don't want to see them.

Wen Yanbo and Sima Guang looked around.

Where is Fu Bi?

Fu Bi knew more about this concept than they did, but after searching for a while, he could not see Fu Bi.

Sima Guang winked at Wen Yanbo, as if to say, there are all old men here, about the same age as you, and I am just a junior, so let's talk about it.

Wen Yanbo glanced at Sima Guang unhappily, then pondered for a while, and said: "That being said, the main thing the court talks about now is profit, not etiquette."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Although Wen Yanbo said it very euphemistically, he was referring to Wang Anshi's New Deal.

Ritual can bring them benefits, but can it protect their interests?

This is a relative relationship.

When facing the emperor, etiquette cannot protect him, because the emperor is the greatest.

But then again, except for the emperor, they were at an advantage.

As far as current affairs are concerned, the New Deal is what they are most afraid of right now.

Defending one's legitimate rights and interests is not a bad thing for those with vested interests.

Wen Yanbo added: "So, I think we can give it a try, but we have to see how the etiquette and law are combined in the end. If etiquette is above the law, it is not impossible, but we must be cautious. If the officials make decisions easily, then

Naturally we will not agree."

When he said this, those people nodded again.

If on the one hand we can protect our rights and interests from being easily taken away by the emperor, and at the same time maintain ethics and education, then it is feasible.

In fact, Wen Yanbo was not very supportive, but Fu Bi was very supportive, so he still believed in Fu Bi.

At this time, Fu Bi was rushing to the side door.

I saw Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian standing at the side door with Fu Bi's book boy. It turned out that Fu Bi ordered the book boy to chase Zhang Fei quickly and asked Zhang Fei to wait for a while. After all, his legs and feet were not very agile.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

When he came to the side door, Fu Bi repeatedly handed over to Zhang Fei.

Xu Zhiqian quickly saluted, Fu Bi was considered a grandfather.

Zhang Fei also said with sincerity and fear: "I don't dare, I don't dare. I wonder what Mr. Fu has to say?"

Fu Bi chuckled and said, "I want to ask you for advice. I still have two questions that I haven't figured out yet."

Xu Zhiqian was used to this. When Zhang Fei finished a class, his father wanted to use his connections to get some content out of it.

Zhang Fei said hurriedly: "Master Fu, please tell me."

Fu Bi said: "First of all, if virtue governs the law and assists the law, it will inevitably increase the work of the government and cost a lot of money. How to solve this? Secondly, punishments can be changed, patriarchal laws, and clan laws. How to deal with this?"

According to the current laws and regulations, it is generally impossible for a wife to sue the government. However, if the changes are made, the number of lawsuits in this area will inevitably increase, and the government's work will also increase. At present, the government's finances are basically insufficient to support


If you say it well but cannot do it, it is useless.

In addition, the true ethics are found in the clan and clan laws of the countryside.

Since the imperial power did not extend to the county, how the countryside was managed was managed by the gentry with the help of ethics. Clan law and family law were all extended from Confucian ethics.

This is why Confucianism is deeply rooted. You can change national laws, but you cannot change rural laws, not even the emperor can change them.

In fact, Fu Bi was aware of the contradiction between the two before, but he also understood why Zhang Fei kept using Legalist law as an example and did not want to cause a conflict between legalistic law and Confucian law.

But it did not hinder the revision of the law. Fu Bi thought at the time that he would first divide the law into two parts and make some regulations to protect interests instead of ending with punishment.

Unfortunately, in the end, it was not dealt with. In this class, Zhang Fei thoroughly explained the relationship between the legal system and Confucian law, which naturally led to new questions.

Zhang Fei did not answer and asked instead: "Master Fu, does he know why our court wants to amend the law of relatives and neighbors and the law of inheritance?"

Fu Bi immediately said: "This is because our government does not suppress business or annexation, which leads to the prosperity of cities and towns. Many people are far away from their hometowns and relatives, which makes the original neighbor and inheritance laws ineffective."

The relatives and neighbors law mainly involves the sale of houses and fields. According to the law, you must first ask your relatives if you want to buy it. But in Bianjing City, many citizens' relatives are thousands of miles away. They have traveled so far to ask if they want to buy it.

The cost is too high.

The same is true for the law of inheritance. If a businessman dies in a foreign country, how will the property around him be inherited? The key is also the businessmen of Xixia and Liao. What if they die in the Song Dynasty?

After finishing speaking, Fu Bi suddenly reacted and asked: "You mean, the legal system is only implemented in towns?"

Zhang Fei nodded: "Because families in this rural area usually work independently, and there are relatively few conflicts of interest between them, and they live in very scattered areas. The cost of setting up justice is very high, but the benefits can be obtained

And very few.

If the imperial court wants to do this, I suggest that it should only be located in large towns with prosperous commerce. As for the villages, they should maintain their clan and township laws, and the judiciary will only intervene in some major cases that occur in the villages."

Law and economy are closely related. Legal laws are of great help to business. However, in the small-scale peasant economy, the results are really very little. The key costs are too high and the finance cannot afford it at all.

Fu Bi nodded: "That's feasible."

Zhang Fei cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Fu, do you have any other questions?"

Fu Bi was startled and said hurriedly: "No, thank you for your advice."

"Don't dare!"

Zhang Fei said again: "If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

Fu Bi nodded slightly.

After getting on the carriage, Xu Zhiqian finally couldn't hold back her excitement, "It seems that the officials, the queen mother, and the wealthy princes all support your legal approach. Maybe the court will actually amend the law."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "This is not an easy task. It involves all aspects. Don't have too much hope, so as not to be disappointed again."

This is easy to say, but very difficult to do and must be a very long process.

"That's true." Xu Zhiqian nodded, and suddenly thought of something, "But there is a question that I also want to ask you."

Zhang Fei asked: "What's the problem?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "As for your yin and yang diagram, it can only be the husband overflowing into the wife. Where does this convention come from?"

Zhang Fei glanced at her, "Xu Quanquan?"

Xu Zhiqian asked curiously: "What Xu Quanquan?"

"It's nothing..." Zhang Fei hesitated for a moment and said: "Actually, this is the principle of the cycle of heaven and earth. I can only explain it to you after we get married."

What is the relationship between the two? Xu Zhiqian was even more curious: "Why?"


Zhang Fei said: "This explanation cannot be explained clearly. Then I will personally operate it with you, and you will immediately understand why a husband can only have sex with his wife, but a wife can never have sex with her husband."

Xu Zhiqian asked anxiously: "Isn't it possible to operate now?"


Zhang Fei looked around and said, "It's not impossible, but it's not easy to operate here."

"Not easy to operate?"

Xu Zhiqian became more and more confused the more she listened.

Zhang Fei added: "Oh! In fact, you can also understand that this is a reflection of women's tolerance, wrapping, clamping, and even inhalation..."

Xu Zhiqian asked: "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Fei clicked his tongue: "I told you when we get married, it's going to be soon anyway, we will get married by the end of the year. Hehe."

With that said, he hugged Xu Zhiqian into his arms again.

Xu Zhiqian smiled shyly, "After we get married, I won't let you get in easily."

"This is not okay."

Zhang Fei said seriously: "It must overflow, and it must overflow every day."

Xu Zhiqian hummed and said, "We'll see."

"We'll see?"

Zhang Fei couldn't help but move his arms.

Xu Zhiqian asked: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Fei asked back: "How much do you weigh?"

When I returned to Zhang's house, I saw Lan Yuanzhen sitting in the hall sipping hot tea.

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Zhiqian again, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "I have seen a noble person before."

Lan Yuanzhen smiled and said: "Zhang San, congratulations, congratulations!"

Zhang Fei asked curiously: "Congratulations for what?"

Lan Yuanzhen chuckled and said, "Congratulations on your promotion."


Zhang Fei said in surprise.

Lan Yuanzhen chuckled and said: "And you still skipped six levels in a row. This class you took is really worth it."

"Jump six levels in a row."

Zhang Fei took a breath of air, "Then what rank of official am I now?"

Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four.

Directly upgrade to level 4?


The emperor is also very kind to me.

Lan Yuanzhen came up with an edict, "The official family has made an exception and promoted you to Doctor of Guozi Law, the eighth rank."

"Ah? Grade 88?"

Zhang Fei's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"It's the eighth grade."

Lan Yuanzhen said: "What? You still think you are too young? I tell you that it is extremely rare for someone like you, who is not an imperial examination candidate, to be able to skip six levels in a row!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Zhang Fei came to his senses and saluted quickly: "Your Majesty's kindness is so great, I am so grateful that I shed tears of gratitude."

This chapter has been completed!
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