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Chapter 413 Justice must go to the county

 This time, Wang Anshi and Sima Guang, old enemies, united the front in a very outrageous way.

Although their purposes are different, Wang Anshi's purpose of enforcing the recruitment method is to make a profit in the middle, collect more taxes and spend less, but there is still a critical point in the middle, and he cannot collect too much tax to avoid causing public resentment.

, but it must be as economical as possible. His purpose is always to enrich the national treasury and improve finances.

Sima Guang had previously opposed Wang Anshi because he believed that the draft law might increase the burden on the people. He originally hoped that Zhang Fei could specialize, save manpower, and avoid tax exemptions from placing too great a burden on the people.

As a result, Zhang Fei did the opposite.

Not only will the most expensive business be handed over to businessmen, but the number of police officers will also be increased by 10,000.

But before coming, the two of them "greeted" each other when they met. Wang Anshi thought that Sima Guang was up to something to cause trouble for him, while Sima Guang thought that Wang Anshi had a huge appetite and did not care about the lives of the people at all.

After a quarrel, they found out that the other party didn't know anything about it and it was all Zhang San's fault. That's why the two of them were so angry just now.

Damn it! You two political advisors teamed up to deal with my little Erbi, do you want to lose face? Zhang Fei felt a little uneasy in his heart, and said with a smile: "Please sit down first, please sit down, let me explain to you two.


Wang Anshi made eye contact with Sima Guang for a moment, then sat down and listened to his explanation.

Zhang Fei poured a cup of tea for them, and then explained: "Yes, these ten thousand people sound a bit much, but in fact it is not too much, because not all of these ten thousand people stay in the police station. I believe that the government office is also with

You have said that this includes the duties of tax police and court police, ranging from investigation, pursuit, prosecution, punishment, to tax collection, etc. After all, in the sixteen counties of Kaifeng Prefecture, these 10,000

There are really not many people.”

Wang Anshi raised his eyes and said: "In other words, these ten thousand people only involve judicial issues."

Zhang Fei nodded: "Yes."

Wang Anshi was angry.

Who is this guy from, using the money I earn to help Sima Guang in his reform?

Sima Guang was afraid that Wang Anshi would misunderstand, so he hurriedly said: "Zhang San, everything must be done according to one's ability. You are expanding the recruitment by 10,000 people, and you are only responsible for the administration of justice. Do you know how much burden this will add to the people?"

In fact, I think we can hire bureaucracy first and gradually eliminate bureaucracy. You are too hasty. Once your tax-free money comes out, many people will have their families ruined.

And your legal system is to protect the personal rights and interests of the people, aren't you putting the cart before the horse?"

Wang Anshi strongly agreed with Sima Guang's point of view, and he originally planned to do so.

Money is needed first, but people should not let it go completely. In this process of gradually transforming into servants, a large amount of wealth can be accumulated.

Zhang Fei said: "I don't know about other aspects, but I think that in the judicial field, hiring employees cannot be used in parallel, because any error in any link will destroy the entire judicial system.

I checked the previous officers and found that many of them were upright and the township chiefs relied on the court to rely on them and used all possible means to prey on the villagers and dominate. The better ones just ignored everything and hid whenever they could.

They are not enforcing the law. They are just maintaining the most basic stability of the countryside and assisting the court in collecting taxes. This has nothing to do with the law. If they are not replaced, just putting a few royal policemen in the city will actually mean nothing.


Having said this, he paused for a moment and said, "Besides, I think it would be better to do this step by step and increase the tax exemption every year, which will make the people more uncomfortable."

The imperial power does not have to go down to the county, but the judiciary must go down to the county. Although there are clan laws in the villages, facts have proved that the clan law and the judiciary are completely different. It is not that the laws are different, but that they are different in principle. The judiciary must intervene.

Otherwise, the people would not be exploited so miserably by the landlords.

He recruited 10,000 people at one go just to lay out the judicial system. As long as the front line is stable, the establishment of courts and procuratorates will be much easier.

If the front line is not good, the role of the courts and procuratorates will not be able to play their role.

This is also the worst thing about ancient justice, that is, the bottom level is too bad, and the court is unwilling to spend money on the bottom level, so it relies heavily on the ability and leadership of the county magistrate.

But when it comes to the judicial system, the front lines are often the most important.

This can be seen from the Royal Police in Kaifeng Prefecture. Why do people admire the Royal Police so much? Isn't it because they have never experienced it before?

Even now, Sima Guang can't figure out the reason for this. His inherent thinking is to rely on law enforcement officials, not law enforcement officers. Why is he dawdling? It's because he is very cautious in appointing officials. He must be

It takes character to pass the test.

Wang Anshi understood the truth, but he was also very dissatisfied, "Don't I know that the more royal police there are, the better the security will be. I also hope that an army of 10 million can directly destroy Xixia, but is this possible?

You can't ignore the current situation."

Sima Guang couldn't help but look at Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi also noticed it and turned his head to look at Sima Guang, "Why is Junshi looking at me like this?"

Sima Guang asked curiously: "Isn't this the advice I often give you?"

The corner of Wang Anshi's mouth twitched a few times, and he smiled coldly: "Your suggestion is to ignore the actual bad government."


Sima Guang suddenly glanced at Zhang Fei, who was holding back a smile, turned around, and stroked his beard, as if to hint to Wang Anshi that we should speak to the outside world in unison now, and we would find a place where no one is around to quarrel again later.

Wang Anshi understood this and angrily said to Zhang Fei: "If you want to pay for it yourself, let alone 10,000 royal policemen, even 100,000, I won't care about you. What you are doing now, my New Deal

None of them could be implemented, and the ministers in the DPRK and the Central Government did not know about it and thought that this was all my instigation."

He is now the butler of Da Song Dynasty. Of course he feels uncomfortable if you spend so much money!

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Do you have a detailed look at the contents of the newspaper, Bachelor Wang?"

Wang Anshi said: "I have read it back and forth several times, and I don't think there is any misunderstanding."

Zhang Fei said: "But Academician Wang must have overlooked one thing, that is, it is difficult for ordinary citizens to meet those conditions, while those soldiers of the Forbidden Army are relatively suitable."

Wang Anshi asked curiously: "So what?"

Zhang Fei said: "I previously suggested that the Yamen go to discuss with the officials. Whenever a Forbidden Army soldier comes to the police station from San Yamen, the food from his original military salary should be used to subsidize the police station."

Wang Anshi frowned when he heard this and asked, "Have the officials agreed?"

Zhang Fei nodded.

When Wang Anshi saw him, he was deep in thought and said nothing.

If such conditions exist, it is tantamount to encouraging the soldiers of the Forbidden Army to change jobs!

The Forbidden Army was the backbone of the capital's defense and was something the emperor valued very much.

It is conceivable that there may be other reasons behind this.

Sima Guang also noticed something fishy and pretended to be shocked: "This is simply nonsense. The imperial army can be used to defend the capital, so how can we act rashly?"

Zhang Fei immediately said: "But the royal police also protect the capital and protect everyone."

Wang Anshi couldn't help but glance at Zhang Fei and thought, maybe the officials wanted to use the police station to train another elite force.

Think back to the comparison between the Royal Police and the Forbidden Army. Although the Royal Police is definitely not as good as the Fourth Army in terms of riding, shooting and kung fu, in terms of mental outlook and discipline, the Royal Police is much better than the Forbidden Army. This is why many Forbidden Army officers want to

Come to the police station.

With such a spiritual outlook, even if the Forbidden Army is highly skilled in martial arts, it will be difficult for them to win a battle.

But in the Song Dynasty, it was very difficult to improve the status of soldiers. If you do this, it might be a way!

Thinking of this, Wang Anshi's expression suddenly softened a lot.

The reason why he was excited was because he wanted to use the money to train soldiers. Judicial reform was Sima Guang's business. He was scolded and Sima Guang benefited. This cannot be justified!

But if it is used for military training, then he can accept it in his heart. This is his dream, and it is also Zhao Xu's dream.

To enrich a country and strengthen its army, the meaning of enriching a country lies in strengthening its army and to destroy Xixia.

Since the Chanyuan Alliance, the Song Dynasty hated Xixia far more than it hated the Liao Kingdom, and wars are still going on in the northwest.

Zhang Fei continued: "After the Royal Police fully takes over Kaifeng Prefecture, they will cancel those unreasonable local taxes, such as unreasonable excessive taxes, and they will respect the law and improve commercial taxes, which can also increase fiscal revenue."

If over-taxes are abolished, fiscal revenue will actually increase.

The reason is that because the imperial court was unwilling to spend money to support officials, it gave them great convenience and arbitrarily collected taxes to supplement expenditures.

Now that the Royal Police has taken over, the tax collectors have become tax policemen. Tax policemen are paid salaries, so many taxes are meaningless.

This is actually in line with Wang Anshi's philosophy of reform, which was to provide officials with salaries and lay the foundation for rectifying the administration of officials.

But Wang Anshi was also well aware of the difficulties involved, so he said: "There is a saying that a strong dragon will not suppress a local snake. Do you think those who have collected taxes are ordinary officials? Those people are all members of the local gentry."

Zhang Fei replied: "Kaifeng Mansion is the dragon's territory. If Kaifeng Mansion can't do it, let alone other places."

A strong dragon will not suppress local snakes, but the problem is that this is the foot of the emperor, and the gentry here are suppressed by the imperial power. For example, in Dengzhou, Yangzhou and other places, the tycoons in those places are really local snakes.

Based on this, if Kaifeng Prefecture cannot take over, then there is no need to mention other places.

The point of contention is still at the local level. The reason why Zhang Fei expanded the number in Kaifeng Prefecture actually has another purpose, which is to train the Royal Police. So how will these auxiliary police be promoted step by step, and finally let them become local police chiefs.

Break the interference of local gangsters in local justice.

Sima Guang said: "That said, it is not as simple as you said. The forces of the townships are complex. For example, nine out of ten government servants in Kaifeng County are the sons of wealthy gentry in Kaifeng County. The county officials recruited them.

To join the Yamen is to rely on their connections to maintain public order and collect taxes."

Zhang Fei said: "The office has also discussed this matter with the tax department, and they said there is no problem at all."

Wang Anshi was surprised and said: "Really?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "That's what the government office said."

Wang Anshi couldn't help but look at Sima Guang again.

This tax department usually doesn't show off, so could it be that there is a crouching tiger, hidden dragon inside?

The most difficult thing in the world is collecting taxes.

If the Department of Taxation can raise taxes and there is no unrest, then... then it doesn't matter to him.

Zhang Fei said: "But they also have requirements."

Wang Anshi asked anxiously: "What's the request?"

He wants to learn.

Zhang Fei looked at Sima Guang and said: "The local Judicial Court will be changed into an Imperial Court as soon as possible, and a procuratorate will be set up."

When Wang Anshi heard this, he laughed and said, "It will probably be ten years later."

Sima Guang glared and said, "Stop talking nonsense."

Wang Anshi asked: "Can you tell me a date?"

Zhang Fei also looked at Sima Guang curiously.

Sima Guang felt a little uncomfortable when the two of them looked at him, and said without confidence: "If the Royal Police are here, I will arrange for an official to go there. How long will it take?"

This chapter has been completed!
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