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Chapter 433 Tax War (7)

"Li Siwu, if you win the lawsuit, can't you just smile?"

While Zhang Fei was packing up the papers, he said to Li He: "Your expression makes me feel no joy of victory."

Li He said calmly: "I'm just a business person."

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "If Siwu Li knows someone like Siwu Li, you might as well introduce him to me. My assistant is going against me every day, and he doesn't have the consciousness of Siwu Li at all. Oh,

He often steps on my insteps."

Xu Zhiqian on the side pursed her lower lip, silently lowered her head, and pretended to put away her papers.

Li He just nodded: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Siwu Li, walk slowly."

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded.

He mainly controls the Taxation Department through Li Bao, and he is not really familiar with Li He.

After Li He left, Zhang Fei turned around and said, "New shoes."

Xu Zhiqian said angrily: "Who told you to talk nonsense? How could I ever oppose you? I was...!"

"For my own good!"

"I know you still say that."

"My dear wife, would you like to go to the other side and say hello?"

"No sincerity! Let's go."

The couple came to the opposite side. Zhang Fei raised his hands to Su Che and Qi Ji and said: "Two prosecutors, I accept, I accept."

Su Che bowed his hand in return and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Sanlang, for winning another lawsuit."

Zhang Fei was stunned, nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you. Farewell."

"Walk slowly."

After watching the couple leave, Qi Ji couldn't help but said in frustration: "Is it true that I can't win against him?"

Su Che said with a smile: "Winning or losing is a common thing for military officers. Just do your best. There is no need to care too much. I believe he can't win forever."

At this time, Xu Zun came over and comforted: "You guys performed very well just now. Although you didn't win, the reason is not yours."

Su Che nodded and said, "I know this, and this verdict is also a victory for our procuratorate."

Xu Zun chuckled: "It seems you already know where you lost."



When he came out of the imperial court, Wang Anshi couldn't help but sigh: "Sometimes, I really envy you!"

When Sima Guang heard this, he didn't say anything nice. He asked indifferently: "Why do you envy me?"

Wang Anshi said: "It's the same reform, but I have to work hard, bear countless infamy, and still struggle. But you... can win the victory in the dark, which really makes me jealous!"

I knew you would say that. Sima Guang chuckled and said, "You think it's possible? It's because you are too greedy and want too much, so you are struggling."

Wang Anshi glanced at him and said, "Just a few taxes can lead to such a situation. Am I too greedy, or are they too greedy?"

Sima Guang said: "So their current situation is not as easy as yours!"

Wang Anshi said: "Isn't this just because of my greed? You must know how to be grateful!"

Sima Guang chuckled and said: "You should be grateful. Without my judicial reform to protect you, you would have achieved this victory."

Wang Anshi sneered and said: "You know exactly how selfish this judgment is."

At that time, there was no clear winner or loser in the scene. They all knew in their hearts that Lu Jiawen's decision was mainly to assert the power of the imperial court.

Then both the royal court and the procuratorate will benefit greatly.

Wang Anshi believed that Sima Guang was the big winner.

But Sima Guang didn't think so. Instead, he believed that Wang Anshi was the big winner. This judicial reform was originally intended to supervise Wang Anshi, but now it is protecting Wang Anshi's new law.

The two were busy bickering and didn't notice Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian sneaking past.

After passing a corner, Zhang Fei looked back and said, "Wow! It's really dangerous!"

Xu Zhiqian asked curiously: "Why are you hiding from them?"

Zhang Fei said: "If you are caught by them at this time, you will definitely be drowned in their saliva."

Xu Zhiqian asked: "Is this verdict unfavorable to them all?"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "No, it will be beneficial to them both."

Xu Zhiqian was even more curious: "Then why are you afraid of being taught a lesson by them?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "But they will all think that what is most beneficial to the other party is the best. Although the two methods of competition are making progress, as long as the other party runs faster, they will think that they are the victims."

Before he finished speaking, Leng Buding heard someone say: "Are you talking about my office?"

The two were startled and looked back, only to see Cao Dongdong looking at the couple aggrievedly.

"Ya Nei?"

Zhang Fei said: "Why are you here?"

Cao Dongdong said: "Zhang San, did I spend less money?"

Zhang Fei said inexplicably: "How do you say this in the office?"

Cao Dongdong said: "It's not fair. Our royal police have to be careful in every move they make, but their tax police can lead their troops and horses to break into people's houses. How majestic it is. Who is not afraid? After such a comparison, our royal police

The police are so cowardly."

"Ya Nei!"

Zhang Fei hugged him over with one hand and said, "You are usually very clever, why have you suddenly become so stupid? You are the biggest winner!"

Cao Dongdong's eyes suddenly lit up, "How do you say this?"

Zhang Fei said: "Let me ask you, why is Siwu Li sitting in the imperial court for interrogation today?"

Cao Dongdong said: "Because Qin Hu sued the Taxation Department."

Zhang Fei continued to ask: "Where did Qin Hu sue?"

Cao Dongdong said: "Our police station."

"Isn't this the end?" Zhang Fei said: "Your police station is the only department that can check and balance the Taxation Department. If the people are raided by the Taxation Department, they can only go to the police station to redress their grievances. Not to mention now, those powerful people can

You have to come to ask for help, how majestic you will be then!"

Cao Dongdong's eyes flashed sharply when he heard this, "Yes... yes! It was our police station who sued the tax department to the imperial court."

Zhang Fei said: "Now is a great opportunity for your police department to assert its power."

"How to say! How to say!"

Cao Dongdong asked quickly.

Zhang Fei said: "Nowadays, everyone is afraid of the Taxation Department. If you stand up and defend the legitimate rights and interests of the people, both the powerful and the people will definitely gather around you."

Xu Zhiqian clicked her tongue: "Under the banner of defending the legitimate rights and interests of the people, this is the duty of the Royal Police."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhang Fei nodded repeatedly, "Zhi Qian is right. After you go back, order the Royal Police to keep an eye on every move of the Tax Department. If they dare to do anything wrong, prosecute them immediately. In this way, you will be the embodiment of justice in Yameni.


"Hey young!"

Cao Dongdong slapped his forehead and laughed loudly: "I am so smart in my life, I am so stupid for a while! Wow, hahaha...!"

Xu Zhiqian pursed her lips tightly and swayed her shoulders slightly.

"I won't tell you anymore."

Cao Dongdong said: "I will go back to the police station for deployment first."

After that, he left in a hurry.

As soon as he left, Xu Zhiqian couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter: "It's really unfortunate for Cao Yanai to meet you."

Zhang Fei said angrily: "What misfortune? It's a great fortune. Do you think I did it to him in the lake?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "Isn't it?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Of course not. Su Che's worries are not unreasonable. The power I won for them in court is very terrifying. We must rely on the royal police to check and balance them. As long as the Yameni shouts

With this slogan, many people will definitely support the Royal Police."

Xu Zhiqian nodded thoughtfully: "That's it!"

Of course, those powerful people did not think of using the royal police to protect themselves, because Wang Anshi's plan was to use the police station as a platform to professionalize officials and provide them with salaries.

In their view, the royal police and the tax police are the same, and there is no distinction between the two.

This verdict deeply horrified them.

Of course they are not convinced, and they do not recognize the judiciary in their hearts. In their eyes, the emperor is always the greatest.

In addition, Yushitai and Jianyuan also wanted to prove that they did not neglect their power.

So, they immediately filed a petition to impeach Lu Jiawen for unfair judgment and favoring the tax department.

Keep making trouble!

This is not over yet!

But fortunately, in the Northern Song Dynasty during this period, there was the first civil servant group in charge. Although this group fought very fiercely, they still had justice and morality in their hearts.

Chui Gong Hall.

Zhao Bian said: "I think there is nothing unfair in Zuo Ting's judgment. As far as this is concerned, the actions of the tax department cannot be said to be fault. On the contrary, they ignored that it was Qin Biao who falsely reported property and his previous misdeeds."

, what happened today is all Qin Biao’s fault."

Wang Anshi echoed: "It is more terrible to condone Qin Biao's behavior and cause greater harm to the country."

Fu Bi also said: "What they are afraid of is the power of the Taxation Department, but at present, the Imperial Court and the Procuratorate can still check and balance this power, so there is no need to worry too much for the time being."

Zhao Xu nodded and said, "I have also read the court records and feel that Judge Lu's judgment is not unfair. I have also asked the procuratorate and they have no objections to this judgment."

Speaking of the latter part, he complained by the way, "We agreed at the beginning that this matter would be left to judicial decision. If I overturn the result of the judicial decision, some people will accuse me of wrongdoing."

Wang Anshi hurriedly said: "Your Majesty's words make sense."

Sima Guang was embarrassed and silent.

When Ah Yun first came out, they were the ones who requested the emperor's holy judgment, but as soon as the holy judgment came out, they were immediately rejected. This slap in the face made Zhao Xu angry for several months.

It's so bullying.

Wen Yanbo suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I also believe that this judgment is not unfair, but I am deeply worried about the title of the tax policeman."

Zhao Xu asked: "How do you say this?"

Wen Yanbo said: "At the time, Deputy Superintendent Cao suggested that the police be renamed the Royal Police. This was based on the concept of the rule of law. The Royal Police means that His Majesty defends the legitimate rights and interests of the people. This is understandable.

But what the tax police did is obviously not in line with this concept, and according to the duties of the tax department, what happened today will definitely happen again, which may have a negative impact on the 'royal family'."

Zhao Xu glanced at Wen Yanbo and couldn't help showing hesitation.

Although what Wen Yanbo said makes sense, the police can gain this reputation because the police's duty is to protect the people, while the tax police's duty is to ask people for money, which is indeed inconsistent with this concept.

But at this time, if we suddenly deny the title of Royal Tax Police, will it cause misunderstanding and will it damage the morale of the tax department?

Sima Guang also nodded in agreement.

Zhao Xu suddenly looked at Fu Bi, "What do you think, Mr. Fu?"

Fu Bi hesitated for a moment and said: "If the duty of the tax police is to collect taxes for the country, then it is really not appropriate to call them 'royal'."

When Wang Anshi heard this, he felt that it was not appropriate. The Royal Police was to defend the legitimate rights and interests of the people for His Majesty, and the Royal Tax Police was to make money for the Emperor, so he said: "Actually, the imperial court only recognized the Royal Police and not the Royal Tax Police.

It’s just that the tax police came from the police station, so they are called the Royal Tax Police.”

Seeing that Wang Anshi agreed, Zhao Xu also felt that this was indeed inappropriate. After all, he was neutral on this matter. If he called the Royal Tax Police, it would be difficult to say that he was neutral, so he nodded and said: "What Wang Anshi said is right.

I only give the police the title of 'royal', and this does not involve tax police or court police."

This chapter has been completed!
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