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Chapter 436 Tax War (10)

 Meng Mansion.

"What is going on? Why did Fengyue News send people to ambush there?"

Meng Qiansheng said in disbelief as he shook the newspaper in his hand.

In their opinion, this is really unbelievable!

Totally unexpected.

"This is too strange."

Zhao Wenzheng consoled himself: "No one will believe it."

Xie Yun said: "The Fengyue Newspaper sent people to ambush the Liu family in advance. This is indeed very strange. Based on this alone, no one would believe it. But the newspaper also revealed that the police station also sent people to follow, which is terrible. It’s very detrimental to us.”

"Then the police station is not on our side? We even donated money to them not long ago."

"I am not sure as well."

"You really shouldn't trust the Cao family."


Fu Shichun's move is really eye-catching.

Especially when public opinion was already boiling, such explosive content suddenly broke out, turning the whole incident upside down.

The Feng Yue Bao, which had been hidden in Goulan Washe, suddenly became famous in the capital.

The sales volume of Feng Yue Bao on that day directly broke the record set by the news newspaper. Within half a day, 10,000 copies were sold.

This at least shows that he printed ten thousand copies.

You know today's printing technology, printing 10,000 copies is no small task!

It can be seen that Fu Shichun is quite well prepared.

According to the details disclosed in Feng Yue Bao, the tax police knocked on the door very politely at that time, expressed their intention to come, and repeatedly asked the other party to cooperate.

However, the other party continued to provoke and insult him, and even attacked the tax policeman with pebbles, which prompted the tax policeman to take action.

It even disclosed their conversations in detail.

Conspiracy theories are consistent with human nature, and most people immediately believed that this was a conspiracy against the Department of Taxation.

The procuratorate also immediately took action to find Fu Shichun and Cao Dongdong.

"Master Fu, why did you send someone to ambush the Liu family in advance?"

Su Che asked very confused.

Fu Shichun said: "Because I had heard the news before that the Taxation Department would take action against Liu Ping, so that night I quietly sent someone to lurk in a big tree near Liu's house to see how the tax police enforced the law. , because I know that people are very interested in this, and if I can disclose the details, my romance report will definitely sell well."

Su Che didn't believe it and asked, "Does Mr. Fu lack this little money?"

Fu Shichun smiled and said: "This is not small money, and it is much more than growing food."

Su Che nodded and asked, "Where did you get the news?"

Fu Shichun said: "I can't say this. If I say it, I won't be able to get this kind of information in the future."

Su Zhe said: "But if you don't explain clearly, how can people believe what you say?"

Fu Shichun smiled and said: "Believe it or not, I don't care. However, my people also found two royal policemen nearby."

Su Zhe said: "Why didn't you inform our procuratorate in advance?"

Fu Shichun said with a smile: "I spend so much energy not for your procuratorate, but to sell newspapers. If I inform the procuratorate in advance, how can I sell newspapers?"


At the same time, Cao Dongdong was also being interrogated by Qi Ji.

"Did Deputy Superintendent Cao give the order for the two royal police officers to follow the tax police?"

"What's the point of asking? Who else can issue orders besides my own office?" Cao Dongdong was very unhappy. Are you questioning my authority?

Qi Ji said: "For example, Superintendent Cao."

"My father is almost sick and has stopped doing things for a long time." Cao Dongdong said carelessly.

What a filial son! Qi Ji sighed inwardly and asked: "I wonder why Deputy Superintendent Cao sent the Royal Police to follow the tax police?"

Cao Dongdong asked: "Didn't you read the newspaper?"

Qi Ji asked in astonishment: "What kind of reward?"

"It's the romance report from the past few days."

Cao Dongdong said: "That newspaper published my office's remarks. The duty of our royal police is to defend the legitimate rights and interests of the people for the government. We will not let the tax department act arbitrarily. That's why I sent someone to follow the tax police quietly. If

If they dare to abuse their power and seek personal gain from public affairs, our Royal Police will never let them go."

Qi Ji was a little confused after hearing this. Are you helping the tax police or supervising the tax police?

Then I heard Cao Dongdong sigh: "I just didn't expect that those servants were so hateful. The tax policeman talked to them so loudly, but they actually retorted with sarcasm, even insulted them, and in the end even threw pebbles. They really deserved a beating."

I really don’t blame the tax police for using force against them.”

Qi Ji asked again: "I wonder how the deputy superintendent knew that the Taxation Department would raid the Liu family? As far as I know, the Taxation Department's actions are always very confidential."

Cao Dongdong blinked guiltily: "I have my own way, but I can't tell you. Otherwise, who would dare to tip off this office?"

Qi Ji said: "In that case, why didn't the deputy superintendent take the initiative to inform our procuratorate before?"

Cao Dongdong glanced at him and said: "What? Do you think that your Procuratorate is above our police station? I, the police station, do not need to notify your Procuratorate when handling the case. Once the evidence is confirmed, we will come here and let you go.


Last time, Qin Biao's incident was obviously due to our police department, and we were investigating the whole process. As a result, the limelight was completely occupied by your procuratorate. When the court was interrogated, our royal family was not mentioned.


Also, you didn’t come to ask our police station to help with the investigation. It’s a pity that you didn’t have the ability to find evidence, so in the end you blamed us, which is really unreasonable.”


Communicating with this dude is really a torture.

Qi Ji didn't bother to communicate with this guy.

Half an hour later.

Cao Dongdong and Fu Shichun came out of the Procuratorate.

"Xiaochun, you didn't betray me, did you?" Cao Dongdong asked in a low voice.

Fu Shichun said: "This idea came from me, can I betray you?"

Cao Dongdong said: "You must remember, you must keep the secret, otherwise my brother in the tax department will be doomed."

"I know." Fu Shichun looked around and said, "Let's talk about it when we go back."

With that said, he was about to get on the carriage, but Cao Dongdong pulled him away with one hand, "How can you walk in front of me? I am a royal policeman."

Fu Shichun smiled helplessly, stretched out his hand and said: "Royal police please."

"That's pretty much it." Cao Dongdong jumped on the carriage, opened the curtain, and immediately said: "Hey, you! You got on the wrong carriage."

Jumped down again.

Fu Shichun was stunned for a moment, this is your carriage!

Suddenly someone in the carriage said, "I didn't get on the wrong carriage in the yamen, I got on the wrong one."

Only then did Fu Shichun understand.

Cao Dongdong waved his hand and said, "Xiaochun... you go first."

Fu Shichun smiled and got on the carriage, only to see Zhang Fei sitting in the carriage. He smiled and nodded: "Zhang San, you are well."

Zhang Fei glanced at him expressionlessly.

Then Cao Dongdong lowered his head to get the carriage.

The carriage slowly drove away from the procuratorate.

There was silence inside the carriage.

Cao Dongdong looked around, but did not dare to look at Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei suddenly smiled and said: "Ya Nei, let's not talk about brotherhood. I am your ear pen. You actually hide this kind of thing from me? If something happens...!"

Cao Dongdong immediately pointed at Fu Shichun and said, "Xiaochun didn't let me tell you. He wants to sell newspapers."

Fu Shichun said depressedly: "It's obviously you who is hesitant, or me...!"

Cao Dongdong coughed, rubbed his nose, and whispered: "Do you still want to cooperate in the future?"

Fu Shichun was startled, and then said to Zhang Fei: "Zhang San, this is more beneficial to you. After all, you are employed as a tax department. How can you convince others if you speak for yourself? It is easier for others to believe if we speak for ourselves.


Cao Dongdong nodded and said: "Zhang San, please don't get too close to us recently, lest they think we are in cahoots."

"I bother!"

Zhang Fei snorted: "Ya Nei, don't pretend that I don't know what you are thinking. You just want to hide it and get more donations."

Cao Dongdong said hurriedly: "Don't accuse me unjustly. If I hadn't been waiting for Xiaochun to sell newspapers, I would have told you a long time ago."

Fu Shichun said angrily: "I remember that the yamen was very confused?"

Cao Dongdong said aggrievedly: "There are thousands of Guan, why don't you just struggle for a while? I haven't told you yet, it's enough for you to print a thousand copies, but you are so greedy that you printed a total of 10,000 copies, otherwise,

How could it be delayed until now and still allow Zhang San to misunderstand me?"

Fu Shichun was also anxious, "If I didn't print 10,000 copies, how could I donate so much money to your police station? Who is greedy?"

"Ahem...don't talk nonsense!"

Cao Dongdong lightly kicked Fu Shichun.

These two guys are really better than the other. If you want to take advantage of them in the future, you have to be careful! Zhang Fei asked: "How did you learn about the actions of the Taxation Department?"

Cao Dongdong immediately said: "It was all Xiaochun's idea."

Fu Shichun said calmly: "The mountain people have their own clever plans."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "I hope this clever trick of yours can be used forever."

Cao Dongdong and Fu Shichun showed a trace of pride in their eyes.

Don’t even think about where those tax police officers were trained. We have very good spies in the Taxation Department, the Imperial Court, and the Procuratorate.

As everyone knows, all of this was planned by Zhang Fei. Previously, he deliberately made Cao Dongdong realize that the royal police could check and balance the tax police, thereby winning the support of the people.

With Cao Dongdong's character, he will be very eager to prove this point.

The Taxation Department only took action after confirming that Cao Dongdong had contacted several tax policemen. Before taking action, it was confirmed that there were indeed Royal Police lurking, and the purpose was to use the Royal Police as their witnesses.

Of course, the original plan was to let the matter ferment first, and then Zhang Fei would use the royal police to give the opponent a fatal blow in the court. However, he did not expect that Fu Shichun would actually get involved, and he also planned to use this matter to sell newspapers.

Having said that, this is indeed more convincing.

They did a really nice job!


As for the Procuratorate, after some investigation, it was determined that the two royal policemen and the people sent by the Fu family appeared near Liu's house, because when they left, many witnesses saw them.

At the same time, their confessions were also very consistent, especially the person sent by the Fu family. He even remembered the accent of the Liu family's servants, and he also accurately recognized who was swearing and who was throwing stones.

In fact, none of the tax policemen saw who threw the stone.

The procuratorate immediately withdrew the prosecution against the tax department and then formally prosecuted Liu Ping and his domestic servants.

The changes made by the Procuratorate almost confirm this matter.

Everyone firmly believes in this.

Public opinion is almost one-sided.


Imperial Court.

Lu Jiawen and six judicial officials came out of the house and returned to the chairs to sit down.

"After discussions between the president of the court and six judicial officials, twenty-four domestic servants headed by Liu Chong obstructed the tax police from enforcing the law. Six of them, including Liu Chong, Tian Ergen, Fang Dashu... attacked and insulted the tax police.

The police, if the circumstances are serious, are sentenced to five years in prison according to law without redemption.

The remaining eighteen domestic servants were sentenced to three years in prison, but since they did not take action, each of them could pay a ransom of twenty guan to compensate for their punishment."

Having said this, Lu Jiawen looked at Liu Ping in the dock again, "As for the suspect Liu Ping, he falsely reported property and evaded taxes for 180 yuan. The evidence is conclusive. But because there is not enough evidence to prove that he instigated his servants to do it,

And he was not at home at the time, so the president of the court will not hold him responsible for the penalty for the time being. However, he is also responsible for what his servant did. The president of the court will sentence him to pay three times the fine, together with the back taxes and late payment fees, in total.

Seven hundred and twenty-nine strings."

Li Guozhong frowned, this court president really knows how to make money!

The servant Liu Chong took all the responsibility, and at the same time Liu Ping used Li Guozhong to provide proof that he wanted to pay taxes. Therefore, Liu Ping escaped, but Liu Ping would definitely have to redeem the person, and he would have to pay another 360 yuan.

Ten guan, plus the fine, the total amount is 1,089 guan.

Lu Jia asked and said: "I would like to reiterate once again that no matter you are a domestic servant or someone else, you must cooperate with the tax police in enforcing the law. If you have any problems, you can complain to the police station or the procuratorate afterwards. Otherwise, you will be responsible for all the consequences."


He looked directly at Su Che, "Prosecutor Su, do you understand?"

On the surface, this is a warning to the procuratorate that if the tax police use violence, you will prosecute.

But actually this is for everyone's benefit.

This incident made their procuratorate very uncomfortable.

Now we have stipulated that everyone must cooperate with the tax police in enforcing the law.

Of course Su Che understood in his heart, but he pretended to be aggrieved, nodded and said, "We understand."

Wang Anshi, who was sitting aside and watching the trial, whispered to Lu Gong in a low voice: "Uncle Hui, your grandson's official authority is greater than yours!"

Lu Gong said: "I don't blame him for this. At his age, if he has no prestige, how can he manage this matter?"

Wang Anshi nodded and said: "That's true, and his judgment was also for the sake of the imperial court. If this situation is not stopped, their imperial court will also be under great pressure."

Lu Jiawen said this, indicating that as long as you obstruct the tax police from enforcing the law, no matter what the reason is, the imperial court will not hold the tax police accountable.

You must know that the imperial court was under great pressure before, but now things have reversed, and public opinion has all turned towards the Taxation Department. This gave Lu Jiawen an opportunity, and he had to seize it.

Lu Gongzhu sighed: "But this matter is far from over!"

As he spoke, he glanced sideways across the way.

Wang Anshi followed his gaze and saw a group of people gathered around Liu Ping. He nodded and said: "More than a thousand guan is nothing to them. At present, they are still at an advantage."

Having said this, he suddenly looked to the upper left corner and saw a man and woman standing there.

It is Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian.

Xu Zhiqian also felt very regretful and said: "After all, Liu Ping has not been prosecuted."

Having said this, she turned her head and looked at Zhang Fei beside her, "Zhang San, I'm afraid this won't have a deterrent effect. Those people have too many servants. They will definitely find ways to deal with the tax department. This

It’s really hard to guard against.”

Zhang Fei asked rhetorically: "But if Liu Ping is sentenced to death in order to scare the monkeys, do you think it can serve as a deterrent?"

Xu Zhiqian pondered for a moment, "No way."

Zhang Fei nodded with a smile and said: "They had planned it before, so that the landlords should stay at home as much as possible, and find bookstores to provide evidence that they wanted to pay taxes. At the same time, they asked their servants to go to the tax collectors.

Even if there is any accident, people will be blamed if the police deal with it. In a sense, this is actually a manifestation of law-abiding.

If the imperial court forcibly kills chickens to scare monkeys, violence will completely replace justice, and no one will abide by justice. Nor will it be like now, where they will obey the imperial court's judgment and pay all fines."

Xu Zhiqian nodded: "Having said that, the situation is actually very unfavorable for the Taxation Department. If one investigation is required, it will take half a month. How can we make up for the financial expenses of the employees? They will not be anxious at all. When will this happen?

It’s a head.”

Zhang Fei chuckled and said, "Don't worry, they will definitely reveal their flaws before the tax department runs out of gas."

Xu Zhiqian asked curiously: "Flaw?"

Zhang Fei whispered: "Do you know that Qin Biao and Liu Ping's income includes a lot of illegal income, including the occupation of government land and the sale of private salt."

Xu Zhiqian was surprised, "Does the Tax Department have evidence?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Of course."

Xu Zhiqian said: "Then why didn't you inform the procuratorate?"

Zhang Fei chuckled and said: "This is to allow everyone to quickly adapt to the process of public prosecution and law. Moreover, if it ends too quickly, I'm afraid they won't be convinced. We have to do it step by step to make them fear the judiciary."

.It’s just an appetizer now, and the chicken hasn’t even been killed yet.”

This chapter has been completed!
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