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Chapter 440 Tax War (14)

 Is this still controllable?

Xu Zhiqian didn't quite believe it.

Zhang Fei said before that he could control it, so Xu Zhiqian believed him, because before everyone was still fighting over justice, which was Zhang Fei's strength, but now it's different, and now it's back to traditional political struggle.

Zhao Xu definitely wanted to protect the clan, but the problem was that if you wanted to protect it, you had to protect the whole family. You couldn't just protect the clan. After all, everyone was guilty of the same crime.

The key point is that those who are involved in political affairs will not agree.

Based on past experience, these ministers are very happy to deal with these relatives of the emperor.

It's also interesting to say.

On the one hand, they opposed the reform of the clan, but on the other hand, they looked very closely at these royal relatives.

In fact, the two do not conflict.

The opposition to the reform of the grandmaster is related to etiquette, that is, the way of kinship. The clans in the village and the royal clan are of the same origin. If the clan is reformed, it may affect the clan relations among the people.

Supervising the royal family and relatives is related to the court system and national laws.

But no matter what, at this point, how can Zhang Fei control a small ear pen?

Especially since Zhang Fei has been busy with the new house recently and still has time to bicker with Chen Maoqian, he doesn't pay attention to it at all.

Zhang family, backyard.

"Brother Bao! Here are two hundred and twenty strings, you count them."

Li Si and Niu Beiqing pushed two carts of copper coins to the door and handed them to Li Bao.

Li Bao found someone to make this furniture. Now that all the furniture has been delivered, it is natural that he has to pay the balance.

Li Bao chuckled and said: "This is not the first time we have done business with you. What else? When we move, just treat us to a drink."

Zhang Fei chuckled: "It depends on whether your furniture is good or not. If it is not good, you will be fined."

Li Bao said: "Sanlang can rest assured, there will never be any problems."

"I only look at the results."


Li Bao nodded and said: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Zhang Fei said: "I will take you out."

As he walked out the door, Zhang Fei asked: "Have you found that evidence?"

Li Bao shook his head and said: "The procuratorate has done a very good job of keeping secrets. Nothing has been found yet. Fortunately, we have been paying attention to the Xu family. We found some clues from them. The evidence is mainly about Wang Hongjin and Zhao Wenzheng.

relationship, and how Wang Hongjin transported the money to Zhao Wenzheng. As for the land, the accounts we provided to the procuratorate only reported fifty hectares, while the Xu family provided one hundred hectares, but there should be 100 hectares of land.

There is some overlap with our evidence."

Zhang Fei nodded, "Go and find out all Wang Hongjin's daily expenses, including how much land he bought privately and how many concubines he kept."

Li Bao nodded and said, "I understand."


However, as the news came out that the Procuratorate was investigating Zhao Wenzheng, the admonishers and censors began to become active. They all opened their eyes wide, staring at the emperor and the Procuratorate.

For a time, the court was in a state of turmoil.

As the person involved, Zhao Wenzheng was so angry that he bleeds from the inside out. He has gone from being a talkative boss to now not being a human being inside and outside. Many members of the clan are also blaming him. What are you going to do with it? Let them toss it. , wouldn’t it be nice for us to just sit back and enjoy the results?

You see, now we are all involved.

As for the court officials, it is possible that they leaked the news.

"Governor Zhao, I, Meng Qiansheng, swear to God that I was never responsible for this matter. Otherwise, my whole family will not die in peace."

Meng Qiansheng raised his right hand high, as if he wanted to dig out his heart to show Zhao Wenzheng.

Zhao Wenzheng snorted: "Even if you didn't do it, can you guarantee that it has nothing to do with anyone else?"

Meng Qiansheng quickly put down his hand, "I can't guarantee this, but it may be the work of the Taxation Department. They are doing this to sow discord. Look, after this news came out, who was there to add insult to injury?"

The news spread quickly, but no one in the court said anything.

Including Sima Guang and others, they were also preparing secretly. This was mainly because the procuratorate was still investigating and no one could say anything.

Zhao Wenzheng is not stupid, and of course he doesn't believe it in his heart. But now that the matter has come to this point, he can only pretend to be stupid. He will settle this account later. After all, everyone is really in the same boat now. He sat down and said, "Then you Say, what should we do now?"

Meng Qiansheng said: "Reform."


Zhao Wenzheng looked stunned.

Meng Qiansheng said: "Let's talk about the matter. Regarding the occupation of official land and illegal salt sales, this is not a secret. It's just that the tax department targeted us and found our evidence.

We first pointed out the bad government of private salt in official fields and suggested that the government reform the law. It is best to make this illegal law legal. In this way, it will be useless for the procuratorate to find evidence."

Zhao Wenzheng's eyes lit up, "Will the officials agree?"

Meng Qiansheng said: "Many people in the court are involved in these businesses. If we really get to the bottom of it, God knows what will be found. The officials know it well! As long as the officials want to change, and we give our full support, Bachelor Sima They can't stop it either."

Zhao Wenzheng nodded and said: "This time you tell me, I won't show up again."

Meng Qiansheng said: "Of course this will not bother Governor Zhao. To say the least, even if Governor Zhao wants to say this, others will not agree. Governor Zhao is currently under investigation. If you say this, it will only make things worse." It gets worse."


Sinong Temple.

"Forty thousand strings."

Han Jiang smiled at Wang Anshi and said: "In just a few days, I have paid another 40,000 yuan, and this time I can take a breather financially."

Wang Anshi said: "If you make up for it now, aren't they afraid of falling into a trap?"

Han Jiang said: "I have also inquired about this matter. It seems that they are taking advantage of some privacy laws of the Taxation Department to reach some kind of agreement with the Taxation Department. As long as they have reported truthfully, the Taxation Department will naturally not prosecute them to the procuratorate.

And if the Procuratorate has no evidence, it has no right to access these accounts from the Taxation Department."

Wang Anshi said with a smile: "That guy has thought very carefully and even thought out the way out for them."

Han Jiang said: "But these are just some landlords and rich gentry. The powerful people in the DPRK and China have not yet compromised, and there is still a large sum of money that has not been collected."

Wang Anshi said: "They are now hoping to drag the clan into trouble and force the officials to make compromises."

Han Jiang sighed: "I'm worried about this too."

Wang Anshi chuckled and said: "There is no need to worry about this. In the minds of officials, the most important thing is to enrich the country and strengthen the military. If they are allowed to muddle through like this, then the tax department will lose its greatest support, and all the previous achievements in the recruitment law will be wasted."

At this moment, Lu Huiqing suddenly walked in, first saluted Han Jiang, and then said a few words in Wang Anshi's ear.

"Same as I thought." Wang Anshi smiled and nodded.

Han Jiang asked: "What's the matter?"

Wang Anshi said: "Some ministers have reported to the government, hoping to carry out reforms to address the bad government practices of private salt in government fields."

Han Jiang was stunned for a moment, "What are you going to do?"

Wang Anshi smiled and said: "I have to say that these problems should be dealt with. Why not just follow the trend."

Both he and Han Jiang are very familiar with these routines.

After the procuratorate's investigation into Zhao Wenzheng broke out, everyone discussed it behind their backs. They didn't say it would cause a huge wave of trouble. They discussed it just like they did with Wang Anshi.

This is actually another hint to the emperor that many of the emperor's relatives are unclean and cannot be investigated.

Now give the emperor one more reason.

Zhao Xu did not disappoint them. As soon as they reported the matter, Zhao Xu immediately discussed the matter in Chui Gong Hall.

"What Meng Zhiyuan said is true."

After Meng Qiansheng finished speaking, Wang Anshi immediately stood up and echoed: "Guantian salt policy does have many shortcomings and should be reformed."

When Meng Qiansheng and the others saw that Wang Anshi supported them, they couldn't help but be secretly happy.

Immediately, Chen Shengzhi and Zeng Gongliang expressed their support.

This scene is so funny, because Meng Qiansheng and others initially opposed the recruitment law, but now Wang Anshi supports them.

It can be seen that these ancient parties only stood together because of temporary ideas or temporary interests, without any organization.

Sima Guang, Wen Yanbo and others guessed that it must be Zhao Xu's instruction.

After Zhao Pian heard this, he was furious and immediately stood up and said: "Why is there such bad governance in Guantian Salt Administration? It is because the law is not strictly enforced. The fundamental problem is not the law, so what is the point of amending the law?"

Wen Yanbo immediately stood up and said forcefully: "What Mr. Zhao said is reasonable. It was precisely because the imperial court tacitly allowed them to sell private salt and occupy official land that it led to the abolition of the official salt law. If the law is not strict, there will be no cure. Amending the law will not solve the problem. of."

A large number of remonstrators and censors came forward one after another, all of them were filled with indignation and firmly refused to agree.

We don't know yet about your little thoughts.

Wang Anshi said: "But things have come to this. The Salt Law has been abolished, and people who break the law are everywhere. How can people respect the law? It is better to revise the law again, and then use the public prosecutor's law to enforce the law, killing two birds with one stone."

Meng Qiansheng and the others nodded frequently. They had never been so supportive of Wang Anshi.

Sima Guang smiled and said: "According to your wishes, the procuratorate, the imperial court, and the police station all need to wait for the new law. If the new law is not issued, there will be no need to enforce the law and they will be allowed to invade official land and sell private salt."

Having said this, he glanced around and said with a smile: "Everyone must know that reform is not a child's play. It still needs to go through heavy supervision, at least for more than half a year."

The implication is that even if we agree to practice the law, it is too late, so you should not make this idea.

Zhao Xu glanced at Sima Guang and said, "Scholar Wang."

Wang Anshi hurriedly said: "I am here."

Zhao Xu said: "Regarding the reform of the bad government of private salt in official fields, we will temporarily leave it to the Ordinance Department of the Second Government."

"I obey."

After the dynasty dispersed, Wang Anshi and Sima Guang finally came out of the palace slowly.

"The purpose of their proposal is to oppose your recruitment law, and you still speak for them?" Sima Guang looked forward and spoke slowly.

Wang Anshi laughed and said: "This just reflects my selflessness. As long as what they say is reasonable, then of course I support it."

Sima Guang looked at him with contempt, "What do you call selfless? What do you call pervasive?"

Wang Anshi exclaimed: "For the sake of the country and the people, I am omnipresent. If I ignore the common people in the world just because of my personal morality, this is not a dereliction of duty."

Sima Guang said: "If the world is full of roosters, dogs, and thieves, let alone you Wang Jiefu, even if Zhou Gong Guan Zhong is alive, there will be no way to save the world."

Wang Anshi said: "This is wrong. The Duke of Zhou, Guan Zhong, is powerless, but that doesn't mean that I, Wang Anshi, can't do it either."

Sima Guang pointed at Wang Anshi and said, "You are so thick-skinned. I am really ashamed to serve as a minister in the same palace as you."

After that, he strode away.

Wang Anshi laughed and said, "You ignorant old man, do you really think that the officials will ignore the new policy and protect those clans? There must be something fishy in this!"


Although they were finally stopped by Sima Guang and others, the meeting surprised the powerful people in the court. At least Zhao Xu's attitude was as they expected, and he still had to take care of the clan's face and the overall situation.

On the second day of this meeting, Zhao Xu secretly summoned Lu Jiawen.

"I see your Majesty."

"Quick and free of charge."

Zhao Xu smiled and said: "I heard that you have been praised by the people for several times recently. We have rising stars like you in the Song Dynasty, so why not worry about it!"

Lu Jiawen was flattered and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty is overly flattering. I just did my duty."

Zhao Xu nodded with a smile and said: "It's not easy for you to do such a good job at your age. Besides, the recent incidents are very difficult!"

Lu Jiawen glanced at Zhao Xu secretly and said nothing. He still couldn't figure out what the emperor was thinking.

Zhao Xu was silent for a while and suddenly asked: "Have you heard anything about Governor Zhao of Zongzheng Temple recently?"

Lu Jia asked and nodded.

Zhao Xu asked again: "What do you think?"

Lu Jiawen hurriedly said: "At present, the procuratorate has not filed an indictment, so I don't know."

Zhao Xu asked: "What I'm asking is, why did this eucalyptus appear at this time?"

Lu Jiawen pondered for a while and then replied cautiously: "I think they want to use the clan to cover up their affairs, disrupt the judiciary, undermine the New Deal, or even...!"

Zhao Xu smiled and asked: "Even what?"

Lu Jia asked: "Even threatening His Majesty."

Zhao Xu nodded and said: "You are right, I think so too, but the New Deal is related to the country's major plans, and I will never let them succeed."

Having said this, he sighed: "But it involves the clan, which makes me a little embarrassed." Then he looked at Lu Jia and asked, "I wonder if President Lu can do something about it?"

Lu Jiawen thought for a moment and said, "I have a way to do it when I get there, but I don't know if it's feasible."

Zhao Xu hurriedly said: "Say it quickly."

Lu Jia asked: "The case against Xu Yu and others will be tried first to deter those who refuse to pay the tax exemption, and the case against Governor Zhao will be postponed for the time being."

When Zhao Xu heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "Just do what you said."


As for Xu Yu's case, the imperial court had already heard it clearly, but Lu Jiawen was eager to assert the power of the imperial court, and he was also worried that the verdict would be overturned, which would be very embarrassing. He was also observing the movements in the court.

After all, the situation at this time is complicated and confusing.

The key is not to know what the emperor thought.

Now that the emperor had nodded, Lu Jiawen no longer had any scruples and immediately opened a court to try Xu Yu.

The evidence is overwhelming.

According to the law, the death penalty is actually required. In ancient times, the crime of selling illegal salt was very serious. However, because the Xu family has been officials for several generations, there are many examples of people selling illegal salt who are not sentenced to death.

Therefore, Xu Yu was finally sentenced to one hundred canes, ten years in prison, and a fine of three thousand six hundred guan.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, there were also house raids, but generally they were aimed at corrupt officials, and the emperor was asked to speak out. However, Xu Yu was not an official, and he could not raid houses according to the law.

But even so, the verdict of this crime shocked both the government and the public.

Ten years in prison is a serious crime second only to the death penalty.

Is this... is this coming for real?

Did the emperor ignore the clan?

But the evidence is irrefutable, so they can't ignore the law, at least they can't say it publicly. They can only hint to the emperor that everyone's buttocks are dirty.

Now that the verdict has been passed, then... we can only watch... otherwise, what should we do? This is a public trial, all the evidence is on the record, and it is published in newspapers and periodicals every day, so we can only admit it!

Later, Lu Jiawen was sentenced to three more sentences in a row, including Qin Biao, who was arrested again and was eventually sentenced to two years in prison and fifty canes. However, it was applicable to redemption and required to pay 800 guan.

This is not to blame the Procuratorate, because the evidence provided by the Taxation Department was not very comprehensive. At that time, Zhang Fei just wanted to test it out and just hid a few illegal incomes in it. The Procuratorate's ability to investigate is far inferior to that of the Taxation Department.

This also serves as a reminder to everyone.

It seems that the procuratorate is the most ruthless one, but...but the key evidence is all in the hands of the tax department dad.

At this point, no one dares to bet that the tax department does not have their own evidence.

Pay taxes!

Pay your taxes quickly!

If you pay your taxes, the tax department will not investigate you. If it does not investigate you, it will not go to the procuratorate to ask for prosecution. If it does not provide evidence, the procuratorate will not be able to investigate you.

Except for the Bianjing Law Firm, all the other bookstores exploded. They did not dare to pay taxes blatantly, so they could only send people to pay taxes secretly. But no one dared to believe Zhang Fei about such a fatal thing!

But I was so envious of Fan Li that I didn’t get the money. What a loss!

The Tax Department was a direct explosion.

Everyone was so busy that they couldn't spare any manpower to investigate.

During this period there was no further action.


This may also be a way to deal with the tax department. I will use money to kill you.


After passing each other, everyone suddenly realized that something was not right.

Then Qin Biao was tried for the second time and was sentenced, but why was there still no movement on Zhao Wenzheng?

The prosecutor's office has a problem.

After asking, I found out that the procuratorate had already formally charged Zhao Wenzheng, but the trial was still pending in the imperial court...


Totally understand!

You little emperor is so greedy!

Here they sentenced Xu Yu and others to intimidate everyone and make them pay taxes, but over there Zhao Wenzheng just delayed the trial and waited for reforms, right?

You want everything!

This really made everyone crazy.

That's not how things work.

You can decide if you want, but you will have to settle for a bowl of water!

What kind of emperor? He is simply a double standard emperor!

The ministers were furious.

They madly criticized Lu Jiawen. After all, they had no evidence to prove that it was the emperor who ordered it, so they could only find trouble with Lu Jiawen.

Sima Guang, Wen Yanbo and others were also very dissatisfied.

In fact, Lu Gongzhu also saw that the grandson was playing tricks, but he was too lazy to argue with the grandson. He directly went to Zhao Xu with Sima Guang and others, saying that the imperial court was not qualified to judge the clan affairs, and according to the rules and regulations, it had to be handed over to the Kaifeng Mansion. trial.

Other officials followed suit.

Everyone knows what Zeng Gong is, but no matter whether the emperor wants it or not, as long as it is handed over to him, it will definitely be dealt with in accordance with the law.

At this moment, Zhao Wenzheng was in a panic. He had endured being betrayed because he knew that everyone was in the same boat. If something happened to them, he would be doomed.

Just like how it is now, Meng Qiansheng doesn't care about him at all, and the ministers are united.

How could the little emperor bear it?

"A noble person, an official...what do officials say?"

The white-haired Zhao Wenzheng asked Lan Yuanzhen anxiously.

Lan Yuanzhen said: "The official family has been supporting you for a long time."

Zhao Wenzheng nodded and said: "I know, I know, this is all my fault! Oops!"

At this time, he regretted it!

Lan Yuanzhen sighed: "This matter is irreversible. The officials have decided to let the Kaifeng Mansion try the case. There is no point in asking the officials for this matter."

Zhao Wenzheng suddenly felt dizzy.

Lan Yuanzhen hurriedly supported him and said: "Governor Zhao, you have to ask someone else."

Zhao Wenzheng almost cried, "If the officials can't save me, who else can save me."

Lan Yuanzhen said: "There is someone who may be able to save you."


Zhao Wenzheng grabbed Lan Yuanzhen's sleeve tightly.

Lan Yuanzhen said: "Zhang San."

"Zhang San?"

Zhao Wenzheng almost bit his tongue.

Lan Yuanzhen nodded and said: "Now is no different than before. Now the procuratorate is suing you, and you can also find an ear pen to defend you. The most powerful ear pen in the Song Dynasty is Zhang San. If you can ask him to help, maybe There is still a glimmer of hope."

Yes! How come I never thought of looking for Zhang San? Zhao Wenzheng woke up from a dream, but he said again: "But will Zhang San help me?"

Lan Yuanzhen chuckled: "I have dealt with Zhang San several times. He loves money and women. As long as Governor Zhao gives enough, he will definitely help you."

Zhao Wenzheng couldn't help but have hope in his heart. I don't have anything else, just money and a woman.

This chapter has been completed!
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