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Chapter 452 Keep making trouble...don't stop

 In fact, Sima Guang did not say that he decided to let Zhang Fei go to the northwest.

In the palace at that time, he was just frightened by Wang Anshi's suggestion, and then he had an idea. Since he was going to send Zhang Fei out anyway, it would be better to let him go to the northwest.

But he didn't expect that almost all the ministers supported him at that time. Sima Guang also realized that it was difficult to go to the northwest. After retreating from the court, he was a little unsure, so he came to ask Zhang Fei.

As a result, Zhang Fei was frightened.

Sima Guang also felt that he had to think carefully.

Little did they know that Wang Anshi just mentioned it casually. In fact, this was what he had planned for a long time. When he saw the opportunity, he would lay the groundwork. He did not say that he would take action immediately, nor did he expect to scare Sima Guang.

At this time, Wang Anshi didn't think about it at all. It was just a small episode. After retreating from the court, he dragged Han Jiang to Sinong Temple.

For Wang Anshi, nothing is more important than finance.

His current thoughts are still on the recruitment law.

"I see."

Wang Anshi nodded and closed the account book in his hand, "This person has paid hundreds of guan, or even hundreds of guan. No wonder it has risen so fast."

Han Jiang said with a smile: "Thanks to Jiefu's foresight, he extended the tax exemption to official households and monk households. Otherwise, even if none of the ordinary people evaded tax, it would be just a drop in the bucket. And now we estimate that

The income from tax exemption can reach at least 700,000 guan, and maybe 800,000 guan."

Before, the tax income was almost five or six thousand guan. Why did it suddenly jump to 300,000 guan? It was because official households began to pay taxes on a large scale, and their tax payments often amounted to hundreds of guan. The income of Sinong Temple was soaring.

It’s rising!

Wang Anshi waved his hand: "I have to admit that if I were asked to do it, I wouldn't be able to do this well. This is all the result of Zhang San. The way he calculates taxes makes people feel hurt, but they can't shout out.


Han Jiang nodded and said: "As Mr. Shicai said, careful punishment and light punishment can lead to better law enforcement. As far as the tax exemption tax is levied this time, Zhang San's law is extremely tolerant, whether it is a self-declaration or a final decision.

tax laws, but this is the secret of his success. Those powerful people at that time also adhered to this. As long as you catch me, I will admit it."

Wang Anshi asked: "Then do you think it is feasible in other places?"

Although he has a stubborn character, he will still be convinced if you really show your political achievements. In fact, very few of his new laws are completely original. They are based on the practices of many ministers and the experience of many ancestors, and then based on the Northern Song Dynasty.

situation, make modifications and improvements.


Han Jiang sighed: "Actually, I have been thinking about this issue these days. To do this, first of all, there must be support from someone above. Duke Wen was very opposed to the recruitment law at first, but after Zhang San took over, he also

Didn't say anything more.

Secondly, we need to have a strong tax department. So far, no one has figured out how the tax department found the evidence. The procuratorate later tried to find it, but it couldn't.

Finally, as for the foundation, Kaifeng Prefecture already has the foundation of the Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Department, but the local government does not have these.

Zhang San was able to succeed because he had the right time, place, and people. But in other states and counties, these are simply not available, at least it is impossible to complete it in a short period of time."

Wang Anshi said without hesitation: "Just follow the plan before."

Han Jiang nodded.


After the resolution of the court meeting, the trial in Kaifeng Mansion was finally implemented.

At the same time, the independent declaration of other prefectures and counties in Kaifeng Prefecture also began to proceed in full swing.

The rest of the prefectures and counties are all looking at Kaifeng and Xiangfu counties. If you can't stand it, then let's not ask for trouble. After all, this is under the emperor's feet, and the power of the gentry is greatly restricted.

However, this matter is definitely not over yet.

Because this is only the exemption tax, and there will be summer and autumn taxes later. Although official households have privileges, the problem is that this privilege has a limit. Each class has a stipulated number of acres of land that is exempt from tax.

In the end, Wang Hongjin fell into tax evasion.

Who doesn’t evade taxes?

Although the current Taxation Department only targets the exemption tax and not the summer and autumn taxes, it is called the Taxation Department, not the Taxation Exemption Department.

It will definitely be taken over in the future.

The trouble must continue and must not stop.

They immediately set their sights on the clan.

The scholar-bureaucrats of the Song Dynasty have always pursued the goal of co-ruling the world with the emperor, which requires a balance of power. In their view, tax exemption is not just a matter of money, but more of a matter of power. You ask us to pay more, but you don't.

How can this be done if things stay the same, one goes down and the other goes up?

Of course, they didn't dare to target the emperor directly. With this little money, they wouldn't be able to break up with the emperor.

It just so happened that the Kaifeng Mansion sentenced all Wang Hongjin's property to be confiscated, which directly led to the exposure of Wang Hongjin's property.

This gives ministers an opportunity to create public opinion.

The evidence has confirmed that these actually belong to Zhao Wenzheng. It seems that they suddenly discovered that the clan is so rich, and the accounts are really shocking, but they still enjoy such good benefits from the country. The current expenditure on the clan is high.

Regarding expenditures on officials in the capital.

According to the books, the monthly expenditure of the clan is 70,000 guan, while the expenditure of the capital officials is 40,000 guan.

Isn’t the fiscal deficit a deficit?

Immediately, someone took the opportunity to make a petition, demanding that the clan carry out reforms. On the grounds of ancestral teachings and the Tang Dynasty system, they requested that salaries and benefits other than those outside the five civil servants be stopped, and that they be given some land in other places so that they could be self-reliant outside.

The clan was furious!

We are also victims. This injustice has its origin and its debt has its owner. Why did you come to us? You provoked whomever.

Zhao Wenzheng was furious and went too far. He immediately reported to the emperor that there were too many Enyin's children in the court and Enyin should be reduced.

The officials were even more furious. These five services already included almost all relatives, and most of Enyin was only targeted at his son. If it were reduced, it would be gone.

In fact, they didn't originally want to deal with the clan. They also knew that Zhao Wenzheng was the victim. They just wanted to use the topic to make trouble with the emperor. They thought it was impossible for the emperor to agree, but it doesn't matter if the emperor disapproves, then you have to restrain yourself.

a little.

Your family eats meat, but we don’t allow you to drink soup?

Don't get too carried away.

The two sides immediately started a fighting battle.

As for Zhang Fei, his mission has basically been completed. The next step is Zhao Xu's own business. Now he has the absolute initiative.

In addition, he was really frightened by Sima Guang's thoughts and had to get out quickly. This tree was as beautiful as the forest, and the wind would destroy it. He knew very well how much he weighed.

Hurry up and restore your status as a businessman.

Bianjing Law Firm.

"Special performance by Mr. Yan?"

Fan Zheng looked at Zhang Fei in confusion.

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "Just invite the best singing girls in Bianjing to take turns singing Yan Gong's lyrics."

Fan Zheng asked curiously: "The third brother is doing this for...!"

"Sell books!"

Zhang Fei said.

"Selling... selling books?" Fan Zheng almost bit his tongue because he had never seen anyone selling books like this.

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Our official bookstore is preparing to launch a collection of Yan Gong's poems, but recently everyone is talking about tax exemption, so we have to make some noise to attract everyone's attention."

Fan Zheng nodded and said, "But does it cost a lot of money?"

"How many?"

"Maybe thousands of strings."


Zhang Fei gasped, "Singing... Do singing girls make so much money?"

Fan Zhengdao: "Third brother wants to invite the most famous singing girl."

Zhang Fei coughed and said, "Fan Zheng, the way to buy and sell is to live with rare goods and cultivate your own singing girls. Otherwise, you will be controlled by the singing girls."

Fan Zheng nodded and said, "I understand this, but it's not something I can decide."

"Why not."

Zhang Fei said: "The Yan Gong special performance will be supported by a brand-new collection of poems. Think about it, how much of a gimmick this is. If your Bai Fan Building is interested, I can arrange the Yan Gong special performance in your Bai Fan Building. Then you can

We can select a group of good talents and use this Yan Gong special event to help them gain fame."

Fan Zheng glanced at Zhang Fei suspiciously and said, "Third brother, I don't know if I understand you correctly. What do you mean, you come to Bailun Tower to hold this special event, and I have to pay you?"

Zhang Fei asked back: "You invited the singing girl to perform at Baifan Tower and you didn't pay?"

Fan Zheng said hurriedly: "Of course, of course, this... I still have to think about this."

He originally thought that he had to collect money, but never thought that he would be asked to pay?

what's on your mind.

Zhang Fei coughed: "Fan Da, after passing this village, there is no such store."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Fan Zheng nodded repeatedly, but changed the subject, "By the way! Third brother, many people have come to inquire about donations recently."

Zhang Fei smiled slightly and said: "As expected, this is just the exemption tax, and there will be autumn tax next. Can those big landowners not panic?"

Fan Zhengdao: "But they hope that we can give a more detailed contract. If I understand correctly, they should want to know clearly how to get the land back and how little they can get.


Zhang Fei said: "Don't ignore people like this, we still have to use profits to attract them. By the way, how are you preparing for the football league?"

Fan Zhengdao: "Everything is going very smoothly. After the busy farming season, the trials will be held in late spring, the league will be held in summer, and the finals will be held in early autumn."

Zhang Fei nodded and asked: "What about the transportation business? Now that the situation has been decided, we should be able to recruit people."

Everyone is a businessman, so they must wait for the tax exemption to arrive, and the court begins to recruit people, and they will invest again. No one is willing to invest money.

Fan Zheng hesitated for a moment and said: "Many people still think that it is not safe yet. We will prepare again when the imperial court orders the recruitment of people for transportation."

Zhang Fei wondered: "Isn't it too late?"

Fan Zheng said hurriedly: "It won't happen. We have recruited more than ten experienced people. They have already discussed how to transport it when the time comes. If it works, it will be operational soon. If it doesn't work, there will be no loss.

How much."

His character is still relatively calm, and he takes care of every step without leaking anything.

At this moment, Li Si suddenly walked in and whispered a few words in Zhang Fei's ear.

"I see."

Zhang Fei nodded and said to Fan Zheng: "You can take care of this matter. I have something to do and I have to go out."

Fan Zheng said hurriedly: "Then I'll take my leave first."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Then let's go together."

The two came to the big tree at the entrance of the alley and each got into their own carriage.

There was a person sitting on Zhang Fei's carriage, it was Li Bao.

"What's up?"

"We discovered a situation recently."


Zhang Fei looked at him doubtfully.

Li Bao said: "Now is the time when the economy is in recession. The price of food will rise every year at this time, but this year is very strange. Instead of rising, the price of food has dropped by two cents."

Zhang Fei was not familiar with this. He had the habit of paying attention to housing prices, but not food prices. He asked curiously: "Why is this?"

Li Bao said: "Sanlang must not forget that according to the tax exemption law, middle- and lower-class households pay taxes after the autumn harvest, and they pay in copper coins, not grain."

Zhang Fei frowned, "What you mean is that someone borrowed grain, took away the currency on the market, and inflated the price of the currency so that no one would be able to pay taxes with currency."

Li Bao nodded and said: "It is very possible that the price reduction this time is because the big landowners are supplying grain, and it is at the same time, which makes the price of grain drop, and the people also use their only currency to exchange for grain.


Zhang Fei said: "Have you found out who did it?"

Li Bao chuckled: "Actually, there is no need to check. In terms of grain trading, apart from the imperial court, there is only one place where it can be done."

"Xiangguo Temple."

Zhang Fei said.

Li Bao nodded and said: "At first, the officials did not expect that we would set such a tolerant tax law. Now they have no excuse not to pay the tax exemption. They can only find ways to arouse public resentment and use public resentment to resist the imperial court, especially in Kaifeng.

After the government's judgment, more landowners participated. By then, the people would definitely have no extra money, so they would have to pay grain.

The price of copper coins will definitely rise by then, and they will have to use more grain to pay taxes than they do now, and there will definitely be complaints. Moreover, the tax can be offset in kind. Today it is grain, but tomorrow it may be cloth, which will also give tax revenue

It brings a lot of trouble to the company. After all, if everyone pays at the same time, it won’t require too many manpower.”

Zhang Fei rubbed his face with both hands, "We Song people still know how to play!"

This chapter has been completed!
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