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Chapter 470: The Dust Settles

 In fact, Zhang Fei had already made up his mind a long time ago that he must poach Yan Jidao from the imperial court.

Because genuine bookstores are very important to him.

At present, he actually has two businesses in his hands, a genuine bookstore and a law firm. One involves public opinion, and the other involves justice. These are influential and can change many things and even promote the country.


However, such as football leagues and movable type production workshops, which can make a lot of money, he packaged them all and handed them over to charity foundations.

It is because these businesses are purely for making money and are not very functional. They cannot provide him with much help in his career. The key is that he does not have so much energy to manage so many businesses.

The law firm was his job, and it was relatively easy to manage. However, newspapers, periodicals, and books were not what he was good at. They were still his shortcomings. He also needed to find someone to help him manage these businesses, and Yan Jidao was the most suitable.


And if you want to poach Yan Jidao, you must first demonstrate his value.

This book, worth a hundred cents, is enough to explain many issues.

Originally, this book should have been released a long time ago, but the tax exemption made it delayed again and again. However, the official bookstore has been printing it because it took a year to prepare it. Not only does it have a stereotyped version, but it also has a movable type printing version.

, this production capacity is very sufficient.

At this time, the official bookstore printed more than 10,000 copies.

Moreover, Zhang Fei did not choose any hungry marketing strategy, just a very ordinary flat sale.

However, within just seven days, they were all sold out.

Although the profits are not that exaggerated and far less profitable than selling salt banknotes, the influence is very exaggerated.

That morning, Sima Guang, Wen Yanbo, and Lu Gong walked slowly towards the imperial city. Along the way, they saw only tea shops on the street. In front of the tavern, almost all young scholars gathered together in twos and threes, reading the book together.

The cover of Yan Shu's poetry collection is very eye-catching, and even more people read it excitedly.

This is absolutely phenomenal. No other book can gain such high attention among readers. Wang Anshi and his colleagues’ articles are at most popular among scholars, but this phenomenon will never happen.

At first glance, it seems that this collection of poems has become a universal book.

Lu Gongzhu couldn't help but wonder: "Yang Gong's poems have always been sold and are well known to the public. Why are they so sought after? Not only the common people, but also many officials in the court are interested in this book.

Can’t put it down.”

Wen Yanbo smiled and said: "To tell you the truth, I am also looking forward to the next book!"


Lu Gongzhu said in surprise: "Really?"

In fact, the writing style of this book can only be described as delicate, but it cannot be said to be outstanding. With their level, it should not be like this.

Wen Yanbo nodded and said: "Actually, in this book, Yan Gong's poems are just an introduction, but the real interesting thing is Yan Gong's story."

Sima Guang also said: "There are two lines, one bright and one dark. The bright line describes the story behind each poem, while the dark line describes the situation at that time and the psychological changes of Duke Yan."

Wen Yanbo nodded and said: "For the common people, the short stories may be more attractive, but for us, the hidden clues in Jun Shi's mouth are the most anticipated of the whole book, but the current one

It only describes the story before and after Yan Gong became an official, but the story after Yan Gong's middle age is the most exciting."

After all, Yan Jidao was a top genius in this field. Although it was his first time writing in this genre, he was able to skillfully use the stories behind the poems to describe the social background of the time.

Young people may not be able to notice it, and Zhang Fei did not notice it, but when old people like Wen Yanbo read this book, their minds were filled with memories, and they knew the meaning of every hint.

Lu Gongzhu thought about it for a while, nodded and said: "That's it."

Because everyone knows that when Yan Shu was young, he was just like Wang Anshi, high-spirited and ambitious, but after middle age, he began to be at odds with each other, not seeking merit, but seeking no faults. This change even led to Yan Shu and Fu Bi

The husband-in-law who once cherished each other has become estranged from each other.

Not only Wen Yanbo was interested in this huge change in Yan Shu's heart, but even Wang Anshi was also very interested in it.

Because this was a relatively common phenomenon in the Northern Song Dynasty.

This is very worthy of study.

At a tavern near the imperial city, Lu Huiqing saw Wang Anshi ignoring the breakfast in front of him, taking the book and reading it carefully, and couldn't help but said: "Teacher, is this poetry collection so good?"

He also read some, and the writing was very lively and interesting, but that was limited to this. He understood why the common people liked to read it, but he didn't understand why Wang Anshi also liked to read it.

"You are still young now, and in the future you will know why this book is so attractive."

Wang Anshi laughed and did not explain in detail, but instead said: "I estimate that most poetry collections in the future will adopt this genre, and the previous method will no longer exist."

Lu Huiqing couldn't help but asked curiously: "What did my teacher say?"

Wang Anshi said with a smile: "In the past, if you wanted to publish a collection of poems, you had to write a lot of poems. Otherwise, it would not be cost-effective to print. Therefore, many people put the poems of father, son, and brother in one book. And this poetry collection

, is much thicker than the previous one, but there are only fifteen poems in it. This style is convenient for writing a book.

In addition, poetry may not be appreciated by everyone, but stories are loved by everyone and can be understood by everyone, so they will be liked by more people and are more suitable for book trading. If they can only be sold to our officials, then what?

How much money can you make?”

Lu Huiqing suddenly had an idea and asked, "Has your teacher ever thought of publishing a book of this type?"

Wang Anshi shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about it."

Lu Huiqing said: "I think my mentor can also write a book. He can use the article as the background to tell the story of his mentor serving as an official in various places, so as to explain the concept of reform. In this way, more people can understand why his mentor

If we want to reform the law and solve the problems faced by the country, we may be able to win the support of more people."

Wang Anshi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he thought again, why his article was not as good as Zhang Fei's article? Isn't it because Zhang Fei's article was more easy to understand, but it was an article after all, and this story was obviously more interesting than the article.


This might be a better way to promote it.

Worth considering!


Soon, this book of Yan Shu's poems became a phenomenal book with its vivid content and novel subject matter.

A prime minister who had been dead for many years became a top figure once again, and many singing girls came to take advantage of the popularity and sang Yan Shu's lyrics.

This immediately aroused the envy and jealousy of many scholar-bureaucrats. After all, scholars looked down upon each other, and no one believed in anyone. Yan Shu was not recognized as the best in the world. If he can do it, then...then we can do it too.

But...but it seems that to follow the trend in a rush is to lose the dignity of a scholar.

At this time, celebrity newspaper published another article titled "The book has its own golden house".

This sentence comes from Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty. It was originally used to encourage learning, but this article was used to promote the original version, indicating that knowledge is priceless. Literati use priceless knowledge to obtain limited wealth. Not only can they gain wealth,

It can also benefit the people and contribute to the development of the country.

This is so flattering.


This article was immediately recognized by the majority of literati.


That’s so well said!

This has also led to the fact that Bianjing Law Firm is crowded with people these days, but the people who go there are no longer the wealthy businessmen, but some scholar-bureaucrats.

They are not here to trouble Zhang Fei today, but to inquire about copyright. Zhang Fei had already filed a lawsuit about piracy. At that time, the court had already issued relevant laws, and some people were selling copyrights, but the harvest was not

It is very attractive, which makes many literati not interested in it.

This little benefit cannot sway them.

But at this moment, this phenomenal book made them seem to have discovered a treasure, especially the descendants of the great literary figures. Many of them had fallen into poor family circumstances, just like Yan Jidao, so they all wanted to imitate it.

But they still have little idea of ​​how to operate this copyright, so they came here to ask.

"Old gentlemen, walk slowly."

"Free shipping."

After sending another wave of customers out, Zhang Fei couldn't help wiping his sweat and felt his throat was a little hoarse.

"This is already the fifth batch." Fan Li quietly walked forward and said.

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I'd better write an article specifically introducing this copyright law, so that they don't come to ask questions. No matter how prepared I am, I still can't handle it."

Fan Li said: "Actually, the profits in this area are not very large, and these old masters are not so easy to deal with. We don't have to bother so much, so why not leave it to Li Guozhong and the others."

You don't make big money, but you are so interested in this small profit.

But this sparrow knows the ambition of the swan.

No matter how you look at it, the advantage of the Northern Song Dynasty is the literati. There is no argument for this. In addition, the cultural atmosphere of the Northern Song Dynasty is relatively free. Therefore, Zhang Fei believes that as long as this machine is run, it will definitely make the Northern Song Dynasty reach a higher level.

One floor.

It is necessary to make up for shortcomings, but at the same time, we must also give full play to our own advantages.

Zhang Fei also hopes to ignite this fire before leaving Bianjing.

When he was about to go back to the store, he suddenly saw Yan Jidao walking over. Zhang Fei turned around again, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Yan."

"Sanlang! Fan Yuanwai!"

Yan Jidao bowed his hand in return and said, "I came here today because I have something I want to discuss with Sanlang."

"Go inside and say. Please."


Arriving inside the house, Yan Jidao explained the reason for his visit, "Here's the thing, a few of my friends also want to go to the genuine bookstore and participate in the compilation of this book."

"Really?" Zhang Fei said in surprise.

Yan Jidao nodded.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "This is a good thing, Mr. Yan can just make his own decision."

Yan Jidao was stunned for a moment and said, "Is it okay if I decide?"


Zhang Fei smiled and nodded: "At that time, this genuine bookstore will be divided into two. Lao Hou will only be responsible for managing printing matters. As for the content, Mr. Yan will decide all the recruitment.

, Mr. Yan can make his own decision. If you ask me about the key thing, I don’t know. In my opinion, Wang Xueshi’s article is similar to what I wrote.”


Yan Jidao couldn't help but look at Zhang Fei in shock. After a moment, he realized what he was doing and smiled, "Then...I'll make the decision myself."

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded.

Yan Jidao asked again: "What about remuneration?"

Zhang Fei said: "I will give them a minimum remuneration and give them a commission. They can get as much as they participate. This is more fair."

In the entire Kaifeng Mansion, there are actually a lot of people like Yan Jidao. Xu Lingxiao is also this kind of person. He has no interest in being an official, but is interested in poetry and books.

Yan Jidao's success also gave them an idea. They could do what they like, make a lot of money, gain both fame and fortune, and kill two birds with one stone. They all wanted to try it.

Of course, this phenomenal book does not divert everyone's attention from the current situation. After all, power is the most precious thing in any era.

Now that the tax exemption is coming to an end and success is unstoppable, the question is what to do next. This is what everyone is most concerned about.

In fact, everyone knows that the success of tax exemption comes from judicial reform. So should judicial reform be implemented first and then the New Deal? Or what?

It is also one of the hotly discussed issues in the court at present.

Chui Gong Hall.

"The key to the success of the trial implementation of tax exemption lies in the judicial reform implemented by Bachelor Sima. Therefore, I suggest that the court put judicial reform first, and then implement the new policy after the judicial reform is completed."

Zhao Pian was the first to stand up and said.

He is now a staunch supporter of the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate, and he believes that judicial reform is the right way.

Wang Anshi immediately became happy and thought, I am afraid that the judicial reform will not be completed until Mr. Sima is buried, but I can't afford to wait!

Lu Huiqing immediately stood up and retorted: "Xianggong Zhao's remarks are simply putting the cart before the horse. The Taxation Department, Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate have indeed played an important role in the success of this tax exemption.

But please don’t forget that whether it is the Taxation Department or the Public Security Bureau, it requires a large amount of financial expenditure first. Before the police station recruited people, most of the finance was borne by Sinong Temple and Sanya, and in the initial stage, the Secretary

In fact, Nongsi was almost unable to pay wages. Fortunately, everything was going smoothly and it was able to barely survive the difficulties. But if there was a slight problem in the middle, it would be another result. But at the local level, could it still be so smooth?

Local finances simply cannot afford it.

Therefore, we should put the New Deal first, improve finances first, and then build the Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Department."

Immediately, a large number of officials came forward to support, including many former conservatives.

Since the new law has been promulgated and cannot be stopped, then we must first stop the terrible Tax Department. The Tax Department plus the Public Procuratorate and Procuratorate are too much of a headache.

Zhao Xu nodded slightly, then looked at Wang Anshi, "What do you think, Bachelor Wang?"

Wang Anshi said: "I think what Lu Xiaokan said is true. The Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Department need more financial expenditure than the previous government agencies. In other states and counties, even if everything goes smoothly, they cannot collect so much tax. But

The manpower and material resources required are probably not much less than those of Kaifeng Mansion, and we still need to improve our finances first."

Zhao Xu turned his head and looked at Sima Guang again.

Sima Guangdao: "The Public Security Bureau does require a lot of financial expenditure. Therefore, I do not recommend recruiting auxiliary police on a large scale like the police station. Instead, we should try to arrange some casual officials who are familiar with the law to work in the Public Security Bureau, and transfer some swordsmen and pen officials to the Public Security Bureau."

, the transformation of government officials into police, tax police, and procuratorates should not be done too hastily to avoid burdening the states and counties."

Zhang Fei is a highly skilled and bold person. Who dares to recruit 10,000 auxiliary policemen in the local area first? This is simply a gamble. Once wages cannot be paid, the auxiliary policemen may turn into rebels and then into the Forbidden Army.

Sima Guang is far less profitable than Wang Anshi, but he is definitely first-class in saving money. He also sees that the public security, procuratorate, and law really need to burn money, so it is better to use some idle officials. Anyway, we have to pay them more money, that is, pay more. Moreover,

Transferring idle officials from the capital to take charge of local finances can also reduce the burden on the central government.

In fact, the finances of many places are good, but due to the current high freight costs, as long as it is transported to the capital, a large part of it will be consumed in the process.

Zhao Xu nodded and said: "Yes! Without money, it will be difficult to popularize the public security law."

Zhao Bian said: "However, many problems have arisen during this execution. Without the public prosecutor, I am afraid that these problems cannot be solved."

Which comes first, money or law?

It's like a chicken laying an egg.

Wang Anshi immediately said: "I suggest that this recruitment law be implemented on the entire Jingdong Road first. If it is as Prime Minister Zhao said, the court can make adjustments."

The implication is that if you can't do it, I'll send it to the Public Security Bureau, Law and Taxation Department.

And to put it this way, even if there is a problem at that time, it will not be a problem of the New Deal, but a problem of officialdom.

Zhao Xu understood the idea, nodded and said: "According to Academician Wang's wishes, we will first implement the recruitment method on Jingdong Road."

In fact, he will not wait for judicial reform. Not to mention Sima Guang's dilly-dallying character, finance is the key at the moment. Compared with the law, he is more urgent to improve finance. He was willing to promote judicial reform in the first place for the purpose of

Rectify officialdom and improve finances.

Finance, finance, finance!

At this moment, the remonstrator Chen Qing stood up and said: "Your Majesty, many officials in the northwest have recently impeached Zhong E, the deputy envoy of Zuozangku, for exercising military power and enslaving soldiers."

Immediately another official stood up and said: "The reason why Zhong'e is lawless is entirely because of your majesty's connivance with him. Back then, he disobeyed the imperial edict and sent troops without authorization. After being exposed by Yanzhou commander Lu Shen, your majesty not only did not severely punish Zhong.

Er, instead transferred Lu Shen to Qinzhou. If this continues, I am afraid that the northwest generals will become arrogant and disobey the imperial court's orders."

Zhao Xu looked displeased and said: "At that time, I also punished Zhong'e. However, it was the time for employment in the northwest, so I used Zhong'e again. How can I talk about such indulgence?"

A large number of admonishers immediately stood up and talked from various angles, from law to politics, from politics to military, from military to finance.

It seems that if we don’t punish those who cheat, the country will perish.

Zhao Xu was also speechless.

But this was really common in the court of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Wen Yanbo also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the trial of this case was indeed too hasty. I also recommend a retrial."

Zhao Xu frowned and said, "But this was done a few years ago, so there's no need to spend a lot of time on it."

Sima Guang immediately stood up and said: "Almost every decision in the trial court was made a few years ago. This law is unfair. It should be reiterated that this is the law of the imperial court."

The Sentencing Court is undoubtedly the most qualified to say this, because this is what the Sentencing Court does.

Almost all ministers expressed their intention to reiterate this eucalyptus.

In fact, this matter has been fermenting for a long time, and the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty have already reached a tacit understanding. It must be reiterated. Today is just a formality.

Zhao Xu pretended to be depressed, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Well, since everyone has said so, I will reiterate it according to your wishes, but no matter what the result of this trial is, it cannot be mentioned again in the future.


"I obey."

The ministers spoke in unison.

Sima Guang immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the case of illegal salt in Xuzhou that was tried by Kaifeng Prefecture not long ago aroused heated discussions among the people and also showed that there are many shortcomings in the salt administration of Jiezhou. Therefore, I propose to build a public security law in Hezhong Prefecture to regulate it.

Salt Administration, if your Majesty agrees, why not hand over this case to Hezhong Prefecture for trial."

Zhao Xu nodded and said, "But I don't know who Bachelor Sima is going to recommend to build the Public Security Bureau in Hezhong Mansion?"

Sima Guang said: "Dr. Zhang Fei from the Imperial College."

Before I had time to explain this reason, almost all the ministers in the palace stood up to express their support.

No reason!

Just him.

Just let him go.

Hey... let this kid harm others, or be harmed by others.

The corner of Zhao Xu's mouth twitched slightly, and he suppressed a smile and said to Sima Guang: "This matter will be left to the trial court to take full responsibility."

"I obey."

This chapter has been completed!
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