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Chapter 478 There is another secret

 Since it was not very far to go to the imperial court, Zhang Fei felt a little nauseous while riding in the carriage recently, so he walked with Cai Jing and the others, and asked the locals about their views on the public security law.

As a result, the officials didn't pay much attention to them, pretending they didn't know anything about it, and the people didn't know about it, so they didn't pay attention to it at all, and no one talked about it in the public.

It can be seen that many people in the capital have written to them, telling them what is going on with the Public Security Bureau, and it is useless to please them. On the contrary, they may get caught.

All in all, they are enemies.

In addition, the Public Security Bureau is completely independent and parallel to any government agency. Maybe those officials don’t know how to get along with the Public Security Bureau.

After walking for more than half an hour, they finally arrived at their destination.

“It’s so beautiful here!”

Gao Wenyin got off the carriage, and in front of him was an arch bridge, with a trickling stream flowing under his feet, and a small fish swinging happily inside. When he looked up, he saw beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the green tiles on the eaves were among the dense forests.

Faintly visible, it shows both grandeur and a hint of restraint.

It is very consistent with the architectural style of the Song Dynasty.

"Sister Gao, this used to be a palace. Only officials and princes could live here. Isn't it beautiful?"

Xu Zhiqian then got off the car and said with a smile.

Gao Wenyin was frightened and said, "Can we live here too?"

"Sister, don't be afraid, this place has been transformed into an imperial palace now." Xu Zhiqian held Gao Wenyin's hand, "Let's go in and take a look."

"Don't you want to wait for Saburo?"

Gao Wenyin looked back.

Xu Zhiqian said: "They are still talking about things. Let's go take a look first and decorate our bedroom."


The two girls held hands and walked with Qingmei and Xiaotao inside along the bluestone road. The surrounding area was lush and lush, with rockery trees and flowers blooming on both sides of the road, which made the girls dizzy and amazed.

At this time, it was scorching hot, but once inside, it felt very cool and cool, even more comfortable than an air-conditioned room.

“It’s really cool in here!”

Zhang Fei couldn't help but say.

Ye Zuqia said: "I heard that this place is backed by mountains and faces water. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is the most suitable place to live near Hezhong Prefecture. Both the Han and Tang Dynasties set up palaces here. Emperor Gaozong and Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty lived here."

Zhang Fei quickly asked: "Isn't this palace left over from that time?"

Ye Zuqia shook his head and said: "That's not true. The palace left over from the previous dynasty has long been destroyed. It was built during our Taizong period."

Zhang Fei nodded and looked around again. It didn't look like an official government office. He couldn't help but ask, "But is this suitable for rebuilding an imperial court?"

Cai Bian hurriedly said: "There is a gate in the south of the city, which is the west gate directly here. The road in the middle is also very flat, but that gate was not often open in the past. If the gate is opened, it will be more convenient for people to come here."

Cai Jing said: "This gate used to be for officials and their families to enter and exit. The scenery is very beautiful, and it is relatively close to the backyard. Beyond this is the garden, and beyond the garden is the residence. But the west gate is very majestic.


They have nothing to do these days. Without Zhang Fei, they don't even have any authority. They spend all day here thinking about how to transform the palace.

Zhang Fei said impatiently: "Take me to the lobby first to see it!"

"Yes. Teacher, please come this way."

The four of them took Zhang Fei around the small lake in the middle and came to the west. As expected, the buildings here were very grand and solemn, with a lobby inside and a courtyard outside. After all, the emperor lived in a palace and often needed to hold meetings and discuss with ministers.

State affairs.

Come to the largest courtyard in the middle.

"We looked around here and found that this is the most suitable place to serve as a lobby."

Shangguan Jun added: "First of all, this gate is the closest to the city, and at the same time it is far away from the backyard. There is a small lake in the middle to isolate it, so it will not affect the teacher's rest."

Zhang Fei just nodded slightly, looked around, and looked at everything around him, seeming to be thinking about something.

Cai Jing asked: "Is the teacher dissatisfied?"

Zhang Fei was startled, shook his head and said: "That's not true, it's just that I want to renovate this place."

Ye Zuqia asked: "How does the teacher hope to transform it?"

Zhang Fei first pointed to the surrounding corridors, "I want to arrange some seats in these places."

As he spoke, he pointed to the middle again, "Build two more long pavilions in the middle for Erbi and the Procuratorate, and directly above this, I will set up a three-story court president's platform."

The four of them looked at each other in confusion. They had pictures in their minds, but they didn't quite understand Zhang Fei's design.

Cai Bian asked curiously: "Why did the teacher design it like this?"

Zhang Fei's face darkened, and he turned his head to look at them, "Have you forgotten all the knowledge I taught you?"

"What teachers teach, students always remember and dare not forget."

The four people immediately spoke in unison.

It's trembling!

Zhang Fei frowned and said: "Then let me ask you, under the legal system, will the number of people coming to the imperial court increase or decrease?"

"Of course there will be more!"


"Because the concept of the legal system is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people, many laws and penalties must be abolished. I remember that the teacher used loan sharking as an example to illustrate this point in class. The previous laws were mainly based on penalties.

, so it scares the people away."

"Not bad! I still remember everything."

Zhang Fei nodded.

The four of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. When Zhang Fei asked this question, they seemed to be back in that hellish classroom again. They were afraid of getting the wrong answer. To be honest, it seemed that they had not gotten it right yet.

Zhang Fei added: "Since the people will come here often, our imperial court must consider the people at all times, making it convenient for the people to come to litigate, and also convenient for the people to come to watch the trial, instead of just blindly maintaining the majesty of the imperial court.


"The teacher always considers the people, and the students deeply admire him."

The superior officers all bowed their hands in a salute.

Zhang Fei said indifferently: "It's not that I always think about the people, but you guys have not integrated the concept of the rule of law into your thinking. Otherwise, there would be no need for me to remind you."

The four of them lowered their heads and said nothing.


We are all used to it!

It is convenient for the people to observe and judge. It is not that Zhang Fei really likes to show off. Although he is also happy to enjoy it, it is mainly to promote the law and let the people know that the imperial court generally does not punish people.

At this moment, Li Si walked over quickly and said, "Third brother, Mr. Su Xiao is here."

Zhang Fei nodded and said to Cai Jing and others: "Think carefully about how to design a design that can be both solemn and approachable, and can provide a good experience to the people watching. This is very important, and it is also the success of our Imperial Court."


"Yes, the students have remembered it."

"Okay, I'll go see Prosecutor Su first."

Zhang Fei followed Li Si out of the courtyard again, and saw Su Zhe sitting in a small pavilion by the lake.

Li Si had just arrived, and he didn't know where to ask Su Zhe to sit, or Su Zhe said to just sit in the pavilion and wait.

Zhang Fei immediately walked quickly and came to the pavilion. He bowed his hands and said, "I'm really sorry. I've just come here. I can't even find a room. I hope Mr. Su will forgive me."

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!" Su Che bowed his hand in return, and said with a wry smile: "You just have to come."

Zhang Fei smiled coquettishly, stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Su Xiao, please sit down!"


After sitting down, Zhang Fei said: "I heard that General Zhong and Prefect Lu are not yet in the future."

Su Zhe smiled slightly and said: "But if you don't arrive, at least that kind of general will not arrive early, and our procuratorate will have nothing to do."

Zhang Fei pretended to be curious and said: "The relationship between the Procuratorate and our Imperial Court is to initiate litigation."

Su Che hesitated for a moment and said, "I have indeed been investigating a case recently."

Zhang Fei said: "Isn't it the Guixiang matricide case?"

Su Zhe was stunned and said, "You know?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I heard about it on the way here, but I heard that Mr. Zhang has already confessed his crime, so there is no doubt about it."

Su Zhe said: "Originally I thought so too, but I heard that Wu Lei and his wife are both well-known filial sons, and the villagers in Guixiang didn't believe that Zhang would do such a thing.

Therefore, I went to investigate. Some villagers revealed that Wu's mother had long thought of committing suicide because she did not want to drag Wu Lei and his wife down. Since Zhang had to take care of Wu's mother and two children, Wu Lei was the only one in their family.

People make money, and not long ago Wu Lei only had a minor illness, and the family's rice tank has bottomed out. Recently, Wu Lei also planned to borrow a loan shark. Once a family like theirs borrows a loan shark, the whole family may be

Everyone will suffer."

Zhang Fei said: "So you suspect that Wu's mother took the initiative to ask Zhang to take her to the river to commit suicide?"

Su Che nodded.

Zhang Fei said: "But even so, Zhang is also the murderer. It was she who took Wu's mother to the river. The key is the witnesses. They saw Zhang push Wu's mother into the river. Regardless of whether Wu's mother was willing or not, Zhang Fei said

Everyone is killing people."

Su Zhe said: "I suspect that the witness is lying."

Zhang Fei frowned and asked, "Is there any evidence?"

Su Che said: "The witness saw Zhang push Wu's mother down, but it was very difficult for Wu's mother to sit up. How could she push her? And at that time, Zhang used a wooden cart to pull Wu's mother to the river.

On the other side, if it was really pushed down, it could only be pushed down with the cart and people. However, the wooden cart was not pushed into the river. Even Wu's mother was covered with a quilt and was neatly placed on the wooden cart.

Inside the car."

"That's true."

Zhang Fei nodded thoughtfully, and after a while, he asked curiously: "But why did the witness lie?"

Su Che shook his head and said, "I have also checked. They are not acquaintances and have no grudges. It is not yet clear why that person lied."

Zhang Fei pondered for a while and said, "Didn't you go to Magistrate Cai and tell him?"

Su Che sighed: "First of all, I don't have conclusive evidence yet. If I just go to the government to raise questions in my capacity as a procuratorate, I'm afraid it will make many local officials unhappy.

Secondly, assuming that even if Mrs. Zhang did not push Mrs. Wu to go, it was Ms. Zhang who took her there. It is very likely that she knew that Mrs. Wu was going to commit suicide and chose to help her. She was also an accomplice. According to the laws of our court,

For example, it may be the same crime as murder.

If in the end, it is still determined to be murder, then what will others think of our public prosecutor's office?"

It's his fault. If Su Shi had lost 10,000 percent, if the final verdict hadn't changed, the public prosecutor and the procuratorate might have become a joke.

The key point is that the local officials will think that you are going to overturn the judgment of our prefect as soon as you arrive. You are clearly trying to deal with us, which is not conducive to the establishment of the Public Security Bureau here.

Zhang Fei thought for a while and said: "If you want to file a lawsuit again, what crime do you plan to convict?"

Su Che said: "Manslaughter or negligent homicide."

Zhang Fei asked: "It doesn't seem to make much sense?"

Su Zhe was stunned for a moment and said: "If it is murder, it can be punished as a heinous crime. If it is manslaughter or manslaughter, and it can be proved that Zhang did not intend to kill Wu's mother, it was Wu's mother who took the initiative to beg her to help him commit suicide."

, maybe even without the death penalty.”


"Song Xingtong wrote it very clearly."


Zhang Fei nodded slightly awkwardly, thinking to himself that he didn't know that Madam brought the basic Song Xingtong.

Su Zhe was also aware of Zhang Fei's situation and was used to reading out the text, so he didn't care. He added: "If it weren't for Wu's mother, I would really be confident that the verdict of this case would be overturned. But the problem is that the deceased was her mother. This has to be done.

Considering public opinion and filial piety, it is not that easy to overturn the verdict in this case."

Zhang Fei glanced at him and said with a smile: "If your procuratorate can find conclusive evidence that Zhang did not push Wu's mother down, I can open a court to retry the case."

Don't wait any longer for the early morning chapter, I really can't hold it any longer.

Some book fans suggested that I wash my nose with salt water. I have always washed my nose, but it can only maintain normal times. Sudden weather changes cannot be tolerated. The weather in Hunan this year is really weird. It changes in half a day, is erratic, and continues to change.

It lasts for a very long time. I am most afraid of this rhinitis. If it happens repeatedly, people will faint.

I will go to the hospital tomorrow to prescribe some medicine. Actually, I don’t like taking medicine. The medicine cannot cure the root cause and may have side effects.

This chapter has been completed!
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