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Chapter 483: The chief judge has the final say

 This episode really confused Cai Yanqing.

He never expected that Zhang Fei would burn his own head.

This is not political science!

He has expressed his attitude of staying out of the matter, and he has indeed not made things difficult for them, the Public Procuratorate, and the Procuratorate. Why does the Public Procuratorate and the Procuratorate need to have an enemy like him?


Cai Yanqing looked at Wei Yingfang suspiciously.

"Prefect Cai, this matter is absolutely true. Maybe people from the procuratorate will come over later and transfer the files on Zhang's family."

As he spoke, Wei Yingfang fanned the fire again and said, "Thank you, Magistrate, for always speaking up for them, but in the end, they want to use you as a warning to the Magistrate. It's really hard to repay your good intentions!"

Cai Yanqing couldn't help but frown, and of course he felt very unhappy.

You are not here to establish justice, but to deal with us.

Because the evidence for this case is conclusive and there is no problem at all. If the imperial court really wants to retry this case, it will definitely use him to scare the monkeys.

Wei Yingfang saw Cai Yanqing's displeased expression and felt very happy. If Cai Yanqing was on their side, then they could really go about their business freely.

After all, this administrative power is in the hands of Cai Yanqing.

At this moment, an official reported: "Report to the prefect, Prosecutor General Su is asking for an audience."

Wei Yingfang said: "I can guarantee that Su Ziyou came here just for this reason."

Cai Yanqing glanced at him and said, "Please come in."

After a while, Su Zhe entered the hall and bowed to Cai Yanqing and Wei Yingfang.

Cai Yanqing frowned and asked, "I wonder if Chief Prosecutor Su has anything to advise?"

Su Zhe heard his unkind tone and couldn't help but glance at Wei Yingfang and made some guesses in his mind. However, he had a clear conscience, so he said directly: "Returning to Magistrate Cai, Su came here this time for Guixiang."

As for matricide, our procuratorate is investigating the new evidence and is preparing to file a lawsuit with the imperial court. We also ask Prefect Cai to hand over this case file and related personnel to our procuratorate."

Wei Yingfang immediately asked: "This is irrefutable evidence. I wonder what evidence you have found?"

Su Zhe said: "It is still under investigation and it is not convenient to disclose it to you two."

In fact, even if it is not under investigation, he will not explain it, because the procuratorate is not affiliated with the government. One of the functions of the public prosecutor's office and the law is to completely separate the administration and the judiciary, so that the two sides can supervise each other.

Wei Yingfang fell silent.

Since the other party was going to offend everyone, why did he stop him?

Cai Yanqing felt really unhappy. You guys are too bullying, but he smiled and said, "I have told you before that the prefect will hand over all the files to the imperial court."

With that said, he turned to Wei Yingfang and said, "Sir Wei Tong, could you please hand over all the files and prisoners related to this case to their procuratorate."

"I obey my orders."

After they left, Zhuo Qun said: "Prefect, this is different from what the letter said!"

Cai Yanqing was really confused, but after all, he came from a prime minister's family and was well-informed. The more this situation is, the more cautious he should be, "Let's take a look and talk about it."

But the tone became a little subtle. If the other party really wanted to use him to scare the monkeys, this was simply bending the law for personal gain, and he would not let them do whatever they wanted.

As the government office handed over the files, it was also officially announced that the Public Security Bureau will gradually take over the judicial power of Hezhong Prefecture.

However, this transfer does not mean that everything is thrown into the imperial court.

The files that have been judged are in duplicate and handed over to the Royal Court and the Procuratorate. The files that have not yet been judged are also made in duplicate and handed over to the police station and the Procuratorate.

All relevant criminals were handed over to the police station.

In other words, the police department will take over the prison here.

In the capital, it has not yet been taken over, because there are too many prisons in the capital, including Kaifeng Mansion, Yushitai, Senting Yuan, and Dali Temple, and some powerful people may be involved. So far, the Imperial Court has not completely replaced Kaifeng Mansion.

But here, if we do the same thing, the public security organs, prosecutors, and the judiciary will not be able to take power at all.


This matter quickly spread throughout Hezhong Prefecture. You must know that the matricide in Guixiang was also a hot topic some time ago. After all, this kind of case is very rare and has attracted much attention.

At this time, the Public Security Bureau was also receiving much attention.

These two things put together, a stack of BUFF, is a proper traffic password.

For a time, all kinds of rumors were flying all over the sky.

And it’s getting more and more outrageous as it spreads.

At first, it was said that the Public Security Bureau wanted to use Magistrate Cai to scare the monkeys. Later, it became known that the Public Security Bureau wanted to use this to directly arrest Cai Yanqing.

It is also said that the real culprit in this case was not Zhang, but Wu Lei.


Every move of the public prosecutor's office is closely watched by the people of Hezhong Prefecture. Even if the procuratorate lights a fire, it is said to be destroying evidence.

"Are you sure your brother and the others are telling the truth?"

Wei Yingfang asked Cao Yi again doubtfully.

Cao Yi was also a little confused.

He really had never seen this method before, and any official with some experience would not do it. But he naturally believed in his cousin, "This is right."

Wei Yingfang said: "Why is it right? No official in Hutu would do this!"

Cao Yidao: "My cousin said in the letter that this boy is good at winning by surprise, especially in the study of law. He can overturn even the iron gum. Isn't this exactly what my cousin said?"

Wei Yingfang hesitated a little and said: "But this is not the problem of the eucalyptus, but if they do this, they will definitely offend Magistrate Cai. Originally, Magistrate Cai planned to stay out of the matter, but now aren't they making enemies for themselves?"

Cao Yidao: "I don't understand this."

At this time, a servant entered the room, first bowed, and then whispered a few words in Wei Yingfang's ear.

Wei Yingfang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shouted, "It seems they have offended more than just Magistrate Cai!"

Cao Yi hurriedly asked: "How do you say this?"

Wei Yingfang said: "It is said that Xiantai is very dissatisfied with the procuratorate's behavior."

This Xiantai is the prison department.

Cao Yi was startled and said: "Yes, originally the power of arraignment was in the hands of Xiantai. If the procuratorate also has the power of arraignment and retrial, wouldn't it conflict with Xiantai?"

Wei Yingfang just covered his face and laughed.

Fortunately, he was still thinking of ways to deal with the public prosecutor, but in the end, the public prosecutor made enemies everywhere, so if he has anything to do with him, he can just watch the show!

Power is a very sensitive thing.

This move by the Procuratorate directly attracted the attention of the Department of Punishment and Prisons.

You can play like this, then...then why do you need me?

On Shaanxi Road, Guo Xiaofa was also in Hezhong Mansion on some criminal and prison matters, but this was not a coincidence. He came here also to see the public prosecutor's office.

I didn't think about it, and before I could see clearly, I was hit on the head with a stick.


Guo Xiaofa didn't think of any evil ways, but went directly to the door to ask for clarification.

"I came here today mainly to ask if the Public Security Bureau will also replace our criminal department."

Guo Xiaofa asked Zhang Fei and Su Che straight to the point.

Su Che looked directly at Zhang Fei. He was only here under orders, but Zhang Fei was the real core leader of the change.

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "As for the judiciary, this is indeed the case."

Guo Xiaofa was shocked and said: "How is it possible? The imperial court did not order to inform me."

Zhang Fei hesitated for a moment and said: "This is mainly because the Public Prosecution and Procuratorate Law is currently only implemented on a trial basis in Hezhong Prefecture, and the manpower is limited and cannot cover the entire Shaanxi Road at once. Therefore, the imperial court still retains the responsibility of raising some criminal and prison departments. In places where there is no Public Procuratorate and Procuratorate Law,

The Department of Prisons and Prisons is still responsible for supervising prisons.”

Guo Xiaofa asked: "But this is just one side of your story. Do you have any evidence to prove this?"

Zhang Fei nodded, then asked Xu Zhiqian to bring his edict and handed it to Guo Xiaofa.

Guo Xiaofa took it and looked at it, and couldn't help but frown.

It is written very clearly that only the Dali Temple, the Sentencing Court, and the Procuratorate in the capital can review the judgment of the Chief Justice.

There is no mention of the criminal and prison department mentioned above. In other words, the criminal and prison department cannot bring the case decided by the chief judge.

At the same time, the responsibilities of the Procuratorate are exactly the same as those of the Department of Prisons, except that they do not have the power to make judgments, so this is to replace them!

It's really impossible not to replace it.

Because the judicial power of the Criminal and Prison Department of Tidian completely overlaps with that of the Imperial Court and the Procuratorate, if the judgment of the Imperial Court can be overturned by the Criminal and Prison Department of Tidian, then the Public Prosecution and Procuratorate will not be able to gain a foothold.

However, neither the emperor nor Sima Guang had any confidence in this. Zhang Fei did not make a guarantee. This was just an attempt. They did not dare to rashly touch the previous judicial system. If it failed, they would just go back to the past.

What's even more outrageous is that it is clearly written in this article that the chief judge has the power to decide cases. As long as the country and the emperor are not endangered, the chief judge can make discretionary judgments without fully complying with the "Song Xingtong".

In fact, prefects also have this power. Many prefects will not completely follow the "Song Xingtong" in issuing punishments, but will still make judgments based on specific circumstances, but the court has never explicitly stipulated this.

This is the only example.

The reason is that the Legislative Council has not yet revised the legal system. Fu Bi petitioned the emperor to give Zhang Fei this power, so that his judgment can be used as a reference for revising the law.

Guo Xiaofa found it incredible. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Fei with admiration. This power was really terrifying. He suddenly asked: "With this arrangement, who will supervise you?"

Su Che then spoke: "Our imperial court, procuratorate, and police station do not supervise each other but supervise each other."

Guo Xiaofa asked with a smile: "I would like to ask, if you are colluding with each other, wouldn't you be free to bend the law for your own personal gain?"

Su Zhe frowned secretly and wondered in his heart whether he was too close to Zhang Fei.

Nowadays, everyone here sees them as the same faction, but in fact the Procuratorate and the Imperial Court supervise each other.

But he had no choice. The Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate were a system, each of which was indispensable. When they came here to build the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate, they had to cooperate first, but Su Che would definitely not collude with Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Actually, there is no one to supervise, that is, everyone can supervise, and Guo Gongshi can also impeach us. It just means that this judicial power will be taken over by our public prosecutors."

You can supervise us, but you cannot review my sentence. You have to report it to the capital, and Dali Temple, the Criminal Court, and the Procuratorate will decide whether to review it.

Guo Xiaofa frowned and thought for a while, "I know, and I will explain the reason to the court when the time comes."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Of course."

After sending Guo Xiaofa away, Su Che said with a bitter smile: "This person has offended everyone before he is tried."

Zhang Fei said: "There is no way to do this. If we take over judicial power, we will definitely offend many, many people."

Let me remind you that the Prison Department is a very powerful existence. It can not only supervise the judiciary, but also the military affairs, such as food, grass and horses.

However, the procuratorate's authority is greater than that of the prison department. It can prosecute any illegal behavior with evidence.

Can Guo Xiaofa feel happy?

In the blink of an eye, it was nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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