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Chapter 507: Salt Banknote Dispute (Part 1)

The sun sets in the west.

The trial will begin tomorrow, but Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian are still sitting by the lake, reviewing the relevant evidence and discussing tirelessly.

In fact, there is no secret to this legal work, just diligence and meticulousness. Outsiders only see their glamorous side and seem to take it for granted.

Little did they know that Zhang Fei worked harder than any other ear pen.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to produce so much surprising evidence in court.

But no one has learned this trick yet.

Even Fan Chunren, Su Zhe and others realized that Zhang Fei was very meticulous in his lawsuits, but they could never be as meticulous as Zhang Fei.

It’s not that they don’t work hard enough. This may have something to do with the style of contemporary articles, because nowadays there are only a few numbers in a sentence. What is emphasized is a short and exquisite one, and what is pursued is artistic conception. However, the law is pursuing long and detailed, which makes you feel confused just by looking at it.

The kind that makes people feel sleepy.

Maybe this kind of thinking is also disturbing them.

"The court will be held tomorrow, and it seems that the government really doesn't want to ask for an ear pen." Zhang Fei put down the essay in his hand and softly squinted his eyes.

Xu Zhiqian nodded while sticking the label, "They may not realize the importance of this ear pen."

Zhang Fei said: "They have already arrived for the essay collection. Do you want to..."

"That won't work."

Xu Zhiqian immediately objected: "The Legal Aid Agency only has a small amount of manpower, and it mainly helps the poor with lawsuits. It's not like the government doesn't have money. Who can blame them if they don't invite them themselves?"

Zhang Fei hesitated and said: "But according to the system, our Imperial Court can assign an ear pen from the Legal Aid Department to litigate for one of the parties."

He still hopes to pursue a fairer trial. He knows that the government is not looking for it, not because it is stingy with money, but because it does not realize the importance of ear pens in today's trials.

Xu Zhiqian was very insistent: "But they are not ordinary ear pens, and they are no worse than Li Min. If people find that the free ones are better than the paid ones, they will not ask for the help of the Legal Aid Department.

At that time, poor people could not find anyone to file lawsuits. I think this rule needs to be changed. The Legal Aid Department can only help those people living in poverty to file lawsuits."

Zhang Fei thinks what Xu Zhiqian said makes sense. At present, there are too many poor people, but the Legal Aid Department only has so many resources.

Xu Zhiqian saw that Zhang Fei was still hesitant, so she added: "Besides, the government does not take the initiative to ask for ear pens. If our imperial court assigns them for them, they may blame us if they lose. This is purely thankless. We have already

I told them that they could get ear pens, but they didn’t want to, and obviously they also expected to win the case.”

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "Okay, you decide the rules."

Xu Zhiqian accepted the offer gladly. She had always been in charge of legal aid, and said: "I heard that many people go to the Procuratorate to apply for prosecutors. Why not let Mr. Su Xiao help promote the Legal Aid Office? Those who fail the exam will

You can come to the Legal Aid Department to work and gain experience."

Zhang Fei said: "That's okay, but I think there may not be many people coming for the time being. Prosecutors can be officials after all, but the Legal Aid Agency is not yet a formal official agency."

Xu Zhiqian said: "If Li Min wins this lawsuit, it will definitely change the people's views on ear pens in Hezhong Prefecture, and maybe it will attract a lot of people. Isn't that the case in Kaifeng Prefecture."

Zhang Fei nodded.

At this moment, Li Si suddenly ran over and gasped slightly: "Third brother, the price of salt banknotes outside has increased by another hundred cents, and now it has reached four cents."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I understand."

Xu Zhiqian asked curiously: "Why are you interested in the price of this salt banknote? Is it related to this?"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "I just want to know if this salt banknote is more active among the people. After all, the government will continue to use it in the future. So far it seems to be pretty good and the response is relatively fast."

Xu Zhiqian said: "But the original price of salt banknotes was four thousand eight hundred cents, and now it has only increased to four cents. It seems that many people still think that those salt merchants may not win the lawsuit."

Zhang Fei asked Li Si again: "Are there many transactions?"

Li Si shook his head and said: "I just asked about the bids, but I haven't heard of anyone actually selling the salt banknotes in their hands."

Zhang Fei nodded and said to Xu Zhiqian: "Currently there is a price but no market. Both parties are just shouting. The price is relatively unreal, but at least it can reflect that merchants are still keen on speculating on salt banknotes."


Xu Zhiqian asked: "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Of course it is a good thing. The purpose of giving interest to salt banknotes is to make the salt banknotes have better circulation. Any commodity must be circulated to still have value. If the salt banknotes are not recognized by the public, then this

It’s really just a lawsuit and it won’t have much impact.”


The next day.

It was still just dawn, and there was already a sea of ​​people in front of the Imperial Court. Even though the courtyard was already packed, it turned out that the Imperial Court had advanced the court opening time from the previous three quarters to three quarters, a full hour earlier.

This is because the weather has been too hot recently, and last time the review lasted until noon, seriously damaging the experience of the viewers.

But no matter how early it is, those officials will arrive early. This lawsuit may seem simple, but the significance of this judgment is very significant.

Officials are very worried about this.

"If the imperial court really rules that the government has breached the contract and needs to compensate those salt merchants, will the government really compensate them?"

Hedong County Lieutenant Liu Daxing asked curiously.

The surrounding officials were also looking left and right.

Not to mention that they had not seen it with their own eyes, there was no record of it in the history books. There was really no trace of it, and they had no idea what it would become.

"I don't know that either."

Wei Yingfang shook his head, then glanced at Qin Zhongshou next to him and said, "If the government really wants to compensate hundreds of thousands of dollars, Commander Qin, your military expenditures will definitely be reduced a lot this year!"

Qin Zhongshou hummed: "Hundreds of thousands of dollars in military expenses? OK, if this army is in chaos, you will be responsible."

Wei Yingfang hurriedly said: "Commander Qin, I just kindly reminded you, why are you still complaining about me? The original increase in salt banknotes was not just for military expenditures. If you want to make up for this amount, you can only make up for it from military expenditures."


Qin Zhongshou said: "Aren't the police, procuratorate, and law included in the finance of Hezhong Prefecture? Why don't they deduct their money? They are the ones who make the judgment."

Cao Yi said with a smile: "Their total expenses are only so much. If they want to deduct it, it will definitely be deducted from military expenses."

Qin Zhongshou said unhappily: "I'll let you do whatever you want. Anyway, if something happens, you will be responsible."

Liu Daxing suddenly said: "The imperial court is saying that we are not subordinate to each other. Why can the imperial court interfere in our government affairs?"

Qin Zhongshou immediately said: "That's right! Just ignore him."

Wei Yingfang chuckled and said, "We don't want to pay attention to it, but it's a pity that Magistrate Cai and Academician Yuan are afraid of the public prosecutor. If they don't take the lead, what's the use of us."


Cao Yi suddenly coughed twice and glanced to the side again.

I saw Cai Yanqing and Yuan Jiang entering the court.

Qin Zhongshou immediately walked over and asked: "Prefect Cai, Bachelor Yuan, if the imperial court really decides to compensate those salt merchants, it can't be deducted from military expenses!"

Cai Yanqing frowned and said, "Who is spreading rumors?"

Qin Zhongshou's expression changed and he chuckled: "No one is spreading rumors, it's just that... the soldiers are very worried."

Yuan Jiang said: "Commander Qin, please rest assured that the military expenses that should be paid will not be less than a penny."

Qin Zhongshou breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "That's OK."

Regarding this matter, Liu Daxing also came forward, "Prefect Cai, Bachelor Yuan, compared to the army, people in our government office are even more panic-stricken. When the police and procuratorate came, they were already afraid of losing their jobs, and now they are even more worried."

Cai Yanqing said: "There is no verdict on this matter yet, so what are you worried about?"

Yuan Jiang nodded and said: "What Magistrate Cai said is reasonable. This has not yet been judged. Don't worry. I believe that President Zhang is also a person with general knowledge and will not deliberately make things difficult for the government."

Liu Daxing said sarcastically: "I hope so."

But they all know in their hearts that you either don't want to try this lawsuit. As long as it goes to trial, the government will definitely lose. They don't have the mentality of winning, and even asking for an earmark is a hindrance.

However, the finances are not rich to begin with. If we want to make up for this amount of money, it will definitely cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, so we will definitely have to reduce expenditures. All parties are worried that the cuts will be borne by themselves.

Especially the military, they are big financial financiers.

Wei Yingfang and others also took advantage of the mentality of all parties and deliberately fanned the flames and created panic.

After a while, Su Che, Cai Jing and others entered the court.

But this time, the corridor next to Su Che was finally built and welcomed its first user. Li Min and his three deputies also entered the corridor.

As soon as they came in, there was a lot of discussion outside the courtyard.

Li Min is really in the limelight recently, and this request for interest is really exciting and exciting.

Can this still be done?

After a while, Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian went up to the court president's stage, and the inside and outside of the courtyard gradually became quiet.

After making some preparations, Zhang Fei glanced at the sky, looked around, and said loudly: "Because the weather has been very hot recently, in order to be able to conduct the trial in a more comfortable environment, the president of the court has decided to advance the court opening time to 3:30.

From now on, the court opening hours will also change depending on the weather. If you want to come to the hearing, you need to pay attention to the notices posted by the imperial court in time."


This handsome president of the court is still so considerate and considerate.

The people's favorable impression of Zhang Fei is really overwhelming.

Cai Jing stood up again and said: "Today, our imperial court is hearing a case involving a salt merchant suing the Salt Department for breach of contract on salt banknotes."

After he sat down, Zhang Fei banged the gavel and said, "The court is officially open. The plaintiff's representative Erbi will speak first."

Li Min stood up, bowed, and said: "I would like to ask the president of the court to summon the plaintiff Duan Chaobei to appear in court to testify."


As soon as he stood up, discussions suddenly broke out around him.

This is the first time in Hezhong Prefecture that you can see Erbi going to court. In the past, it was the procuratorate's role. Today, the procuratorate is only here to supervise.

This ear pen is not only on an equal footing with the Prosecutor General, but there seems to be no difference between the two.

Is the status that high?

Almost all the ear pens from Hezhong Mansion also came. Seeing this scene, my eyes became moist, and I felt that my spring was finally coming.

After a while, Duan Chaobei came to the court. It was early in the morning, the cool breeze was blowing, but the man was sweating profusely and restless, as if under the scorching heat. Although they had also witnessed this imperial court trial,

But when you actually sit on it, the feeling is completely different.

Li Min asked: "Duan Chaobei, where are you from?"

Duan Chaobei replied: "I am from Luoyang."

Li Min asked again: "Why are you here in Hezhong Mansion?"

Duan Chaobei said: "I have been engaged in selling salt, so I often stay in Hezhong Mansion."

"Excuse me, how many years have you been selling salt?"

"More than ten years, to be precise, twelve years."

"But I heard that you are changing your career recently?"



When Zhang Fei heard this, he leaned back slightly and whispered: "This Li Min looks pretty good!"

Xu Zhiqian whispered: "Even though he is young, he has fought hundreds of lawsuits in the Legal Aid Department, and he is actually no worse than Li Lei."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "This can only show that he has experience, but the specific method is hard to say. After all, the other party does not have an ear pen, so he has taken a huge advantage!"

Then Li Min said: "Really? You have been working for twelve years, why do you want to change your career suddenly?"

Duan Chaobei said: "That's because the salt business has become increasingly difficult recently."

"Why is this?"

"According to the rules set by the government, we salt merchants transport money to the border, buy salt banknotes from there, and then go to designated salt ponds to exchange salt banknotes for salt. However, in the past four years, the salt banknotes have been exchanged for salt.

They come less and less, and many times they can’t even replace the salt.”

"Can you be more specific, how much salt can the salt banknote be exchanged for originally, and how much salt can it be exchanged for now?"

"Originally, one salt banknote could be exchanged for two hundred kilograms of salt, but now it is one hundred and ten kilograms or one hundred and twenty kilograms."

"Salt banknotes can be exchanged for two hundred pounds of salt. This is an unwritten rule, but it is also explicitly stipulated by the government."

"It is clearly stipulated by the government."

Duan Chaobei said excitedly: "The government issued a clear notice at the beginning. It has always been possible to exchange for two hundred catties, but it has only gradually decreased in recent years."

Li Min asked again: "Then what did the government say?"

Duan Chaobei said: "The government just said that there is not that much salt in the salt pond, so a salt banknote can only be exchanged for 110 kilograms or 120 kilograms. Many times the government directly refused to exchange it for us because there was no salt.

Later, the government issued a salt banknote worth sixty kilograms of salt, but the original salt banknote could only be exchanged for two, which still totaled one hundred and twenty kilograms of salt."

Li Min asked: "Could it be that the government has changed the regulations, but you just don't know about it?"


Duan Chaobei said: "The government has never issued a notice in this regard, and we have also signed a contract with the government."

Li Min nodded, picked up another piece of evidence, and said to Zhang Fei: "President, this is the contract between Duan Chaobei and the government, and the original notice issued by the government can prove that the salt banknote issued by the government, one

It’s worth two hundred kilograms of salt, and the value of the salt banknote has never been changed.”



"He already has the evidence, so what else is he asking? Couldn't he just present it directly? It's really pretentious!"

Qin Zhongshou said with disdain.

Fu Shichun on the side smiled and said: "Uncle Qin, you don't know this. The purpose of this lawsuit is to convince the president of the court and the procuratorate. They will only ask questions that are beneficial to them."

Cao Dongdong said anxiously: "But why doesn't this official know his ear pen?"

Qin Zhongshou said: "You can't win this lawsuit even if you file it."

Cao Dongdong said: "That's not true. If we can hire Zhang San, we can win this case."

Qin Zhongshou said in surprise: "Really?"

Cao Dongdong nodded and kindly reminded: "If Uncle Qin commits any crime in the future, he must get an ear pen. This money cannot be saved. Back then, he accused me of rape...Xiaochun, you stabbed me..."

What am I doing?"

Fu Shichun rolled his eyes, "A good man doesn't mention his former bravery."

Cao Dongdong suddenly woke up, sat up straight, and began to observe carefully.

The military attachés on the side looked at Cao Dongdong one after another.

"Ya Nei, you haven't finished speaking yet?"

"Well...this Li Min still has some tricks up his sleeve!"


After Li Min presented the evidence, he continued to ask Duan Chaobei: "Then did you exchange the salt banknotes for salt?"

Duan Chaobei shook his head and said: "Of course not. If you only give me one hundred and twenty kilograms, then...then I will lose all my money."

"how do I say this?"

"We need 4,800 yuan to exchange for a salt banknote, which is 24 yuan per catty, plus shipping costs. If we sell it to Jingdong Road, we have to sell at least 40 yuan per catty to make a profit. But if

One hundred and twenty kilograms, the cost is forty pennies per kilogram, plus freight, it would cost at least fifty or sixty pennies to make a profit, but for fifty or sixty pennies, it cannot be sold at all, and it may be sold.

Official punishment.”

As he talked, Duan Chaobei looked aggrieved and choked up: "So we have been staying in Hezhong Mansion, hoping that the government can give us salt in full. In the past two or three years, all my money has been in these salt banknotes.

, I can’t do anything, I can only sit and eat, and sometimes I even rely on borrowing money to survive.”

The acting is good and the words are touching, but compared to Wu Zhang and Huang Tong before, the people watching this time are very uncertain. Although they hope that the salt merchants will win, they are only targeting the government, and they are not stupid either.

If you don't have enough to eat yourself, who will sympathize with these big salt merchants?

The officials even sneered and wished they could be punished themselves. Who doesn’t know you people? You still need to borrow money to survive. Do you think we are stupid?

Li Min asked again: "How many salt notes do you have in your hand now?"

Duan Chaobei said: "Twelve thousand strings in total."

The people shook their heads when they heard this. You can come up with so much money, and why are you still crying about being poor?

Li Min said: "Is this a one-time exchange?"

Duan Chaobei shook his head and said: "No! It was divided three times because the government repeatedly promised at that time that as long as we continued to sell salt, it would give us enough salt, but it has not been fulfilled until now."

Li Min nodded and asked: "Then if you could get all the salt in exchange, would your life be different?"

Duan Chaobei immediately said: "That will definitely be much better than now. In recent years, I have been staying in Hezhong Mansion every day, looking forward to it day and night, and haven't made a penny."

"I'm done asking."

Li Min bowed to Zhang Fei and sat down.

"He lied."

"I don't believe he didn't make a penny."

"He has a lot of money, how can he borrow money to live?"


Immediately there were sounds of dissatisfaction in the surrounding area.


Zhang Fei directly hammered it down.

Xu Zhiqian whispered: "This salt merchant must not be telling the truth."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Who told the government not to ask for ear pens?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "Aren't you going to expose their lies?"

Zhang Fei said: "I am the president of the court now, not a judge. As long as they provide evidence to prove what they say, that will be fine. If they cannot prove it, they will just ignore it. The key is that these misfortunes will not have any impact on this case. They

Even the common people were not moved."

With that said, he said to Li Min: "Since the other party did not ask for an ear pen, the plaintiff, on behalf of the ear pen, can continue to pass the evidence."

Li Min's eyes flashed with joy, this was truly a wild start!

He successively subpoenaed the remaining six plaintiffs.

All kinds of grievances, all kinds of misfortunes, all kinds of hints that the government does not keep its promises.

The officials were so angry that they puffed their beards and stared, but there was nothing they could do.

"For the record, all my witnesses have appeared in court."


Zhang Fei nodded and said loudly: "It is said that He Salt Supervisor will appear in court."

Li Min did not subpoena an official, it was all from his own side, but logically speaking, questioning officials is the key. Li Min and Zhang Fei also discussed this point. He was new here and was still a little afraid because you have to ask officials.

, must be asking to death.

But if anyone dares to dig into this muddy water, Li Min doesn't know what will happen to him.

In addition, the other party did not ask for an ear pen, so Zhang Fei personally came to inquire from the government.

This chapter has been completed!
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