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Chapter 531 Sorry! I am the creator!

 Although the Imperial Court had already held two court sessions before this, it was actually still in the preparatory stage and was a temporary matter. The system had not been established at all. Basically, Zhang Fei said whatever he said was what he said.

But how can this be done? The rules of the imperial court must be clear.

And the reason is waiting for this lawsuit.

Only after this lawsuit is heard can the imperial court truly gain a foothold here.

Because this lawsuit can uphold the power of the Imperial Court and make everyone realize the power of the Imperial Court again.

It can be the final word.

No one is outside it.

Therefore, after this lawsuit, Zhang Fei and the others did not get a moment of rest, but instead ushered in the busiest period.

After breakfast, Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian came to the conference room to preside over the meeting.

"Teacher, we have sorted out the confession, court records, and the work diary of our imperial court regarding Suizhou Yigu, and I would like to ask the teacher to review them."

Cai Bian handed a thick stack of essays to Zhang Fei.

Everything he does here must be recorded and then sent to the capital for study by the Criminal Court and the Legislative Council. Because Zhang Fei does not have a strong head and six arms, the establishment of the system must be promoted by the administration.

It is just an example, and other places should follow this example.

"very good!"

Zhang Fei took it, threw it directly to Xu Zhiqian beside him, and said: "After Xu Zhiqian has read it, and if there are no problems, give it to Cai Jing, who will compile it into an official document and send it to the court."

Cai Jing nodded and said, "Students understand."

Zhang Fei added: "From today on, Cai Jing will serve as the deputy president of the court."

As soon as these words came out, apart from Cai Jing who had a surprised look on his face, Cai Bian, Shangguan Jun and Ye Zuqia all had shocked looks on their faces.


How are we inferior to Cai Jing?

This is not fair!

The four of them are friendly on the surface, but secretly they are competing with each other, and they don't agree with anyone.

Their expressions were also what Zhang Fei expected, and he explained: "The reason why Cai Jing was assigned to this position is because I need someone by my side who can fully assist me, coordinate with various government agencies, and be in charge of the finances of our imperial court.


This position has nothing to do with the court hearing. I am still in charge of judicial and court matters, and Cai Jing is responsible for other aspects. However, if the position of deputy chief judge is not given, it will be difficult for him to coordinate."

After the three of them heard this, their expressions softened a lot.

It turns out that if Cai Jing is asked to argue with various government agencies, then... that's fine.

In fact, when Zhang Fei went to Hezhong Mansion, Cai Jing had been arranged to handle these matters. I have to admit that Cai Jing handled them very well, but if he was not given a high position, he would not be able to handle it.

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Cai Jing was overjoyed in his heart. This was what he had longed for. His ambition was not in the imperial court, but in the political hall. Power was what he pursued. He immediately stood up and said, "Thank you teacher for your cultivation. The student will definitely do his best."


Zhang Fei nodded slightly and smiled: "You deserve this."

Cai Bian looked at his brother's excited expression. On the one hand, he was happy for him, but on the other hand, he was a little worried.

He knew that this was his brother's ambition, which was understandable. People go to higher places and water flows to lower places, but he was still worried about his brother's character.

But Zhang Fei knows Cai Jing as well as he does, but what he needs is not a mediocre person, he wants talents, and talents will have ambitions. You can't have both, it depends on how you weigh it.


Zhang Fei obviously valued Cai Jing's ability to do things, and said: "In addition, it is the construction of our imperial court. From today on, our imperial court will officially set up three permanent imperial courts, namely the civil imperial court, the criminal imperial court and the imperial court.

Grand Imperial Court. I believe I don’t need to say more about this, if you still remember the concept of the rule of law.”

Several people nodded.

Zhang Fei asked again: "Tell me, among these three imperial courts, which one is the most critical?"

Shangguan Jun said: "The students thought it was a civil imperial court."

Zhang Fei asked: "Why?"

Shangguan Jun said: "Because this is the biggest difference between the legal system and the legalist method. It has never been seen before."

Ye Zuqia added hastily: "And the civil cases are definitely the most numerous and the most complicated."


Zhang Fei nodded and said: "So the civil court will be the top priority of our court. It is opened throughout the year and there will be a permanent president at all times. In addition, I would like to warn you again, if you want to

If you want to be promoted, you have to spend more energy on handling civil cases, because there are many talents in the DPRK and China regarding criminal cases. In terms of seniority, it is difficult for you to get to the top. But at present, you may be the only ones who know how to handle civil cases.

You should cherish this opportunity."

Ye Zuqia said excitedly: "Can we also conduct a trial?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "I will temporarily promote you to judges so that you are qualified to judge, but at present you are not experienced enough and do not have much experience. I will take you to trial for a period of time first, and then slowly hand it over to you.


The three of them nodded excitedly.

Zhang Fei added: "In addition, we will build three major institutions under the Imperial Court, namely the Legal Aid Department, the Law School and the Law Journal."

Everyone was stunned. Does our imperial court still run so many businesses?

Zhang Fei continued: "You should know that the Legal Aid Agency in Bianjing was initially staffed by officials sent by the court and was not within the Public Security Bureau. However, the situation here is different. The government is not too keen on it, and the Procuratorate may be

It is the opponent of the Legal Aid Department, so it is inconvenient to manage the Legal Aid Department. For the time being, it can only be under the jurisdiction of our imperial court, and Master Xu will be personally responsible for this aspect."

The four of them glanced at Xu Zhiqian and had no objections.

Because Xu Zhiqian was arranging the initial court assistance, they knew very little about it. After all, they were not from earwriting backgrounds.

Zhang Fei added: "As for the law school, first of all, the name is to distinguish it from the Imperial College of Law, which is supported by the finance of our imperial court. As for why?"

He glanced around and said, "Look at our empty conference room. I believe it goes without saying that we need more legal talents now. Like the Procuratorate, we will recruit some talents with a foundation in law or litigation. Related textbooks

It’s up to me to decide, but it’s up to you to attend the classes.”

Shangguan Jun said anxiously: "Can we take classes with others?"

Zhang Fei asked back: "I can teach you lessons, why can't you teach others."


Zhang Fei smiled again and said: "Don't put any burden on yourselves. Those who can come to law school must have a legal foundation. Just treat it as an exchange."

"Students know."

"As for the law journal?"

Zhang Fei said: "This is mainly to promote our imperial court and legal system. We will publish the trial processes of most cases to the public so that the people can have a clearer understanding of our imperial court's trial methods and legal science.

Regarding the law journal, I will be personally responsible for it. You can also write your opinions. If it is outstanding, I would not mind publishing your article."

At this moment, Li Si walked in and said, "Third brother, Bachelor Zheng and Prosecutor General Su are here."

Xu Zhiqian couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Why did they come together?"

Zhang Fei shrugged slightly, indicating that I didn't know either, and stood up again and said: "Secretary Xu will preside over the meeting on my behalf later. You follow her instructions. Cai Jing, you come with me."



Zhang Fei and Cai Jing came to the front hall, and after a brief exchange of greetings.

Zheng Xie explained the purpose of his visit, "After I returned, I carefully studied President Zhang's judgment. Although President Zhang's explanation was very clear and reasonable, I still have some questions about President Zhang's guiding principles.


Having said this, he paused for a moment and then said: "In fact, in the same type of case, the presiding judge will give a lenient or harsh sentence according to the specific differences of the case. This often happens, but it never happens.

Some people put their own reasons for judgment above the law."

Zhang Fei said: "About this...!"

Before he could finish speaking, Zheng Xie nodded and said, "I know that President Zhang may have this power, but for such a big matter, President Zhang's one-sided words are still unconvincing."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "After Academician Zheng returns to Beijing, he can ask Academician Sima or Mr. Fu."

Zheng Xie nodded and said: "That's why I came here today. I hope that President Zhang can give me a complete set of guiding principles, and I will take them back to Beijing to discuss with Bachelor Sima and the others."

Zhang Fei was surprised: "Complete guiding principles?"

Zheng Xie asked rhetorically: "Could it be that when it comes to military law, these are the only guiding principles?"

Cai Jing immediately understood Zheng Xie's purpose of coming here and opened his mouth, but still did not speak. He only looked at Zhang Fei with a slightly worried look.

Of course Zhang Fei also understood, shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, there are just a few for now, I can't guarantee whether there will be more in the future."

Su Che immediately said: "We at the Procuratorate also have doubts about this guiding principle. Although this kind of guiding principle has its merits, it can play a key role in many cases, making the final judgment biased towards one side.

If there are no written regulations in advance, then President Zhang can fabricate guiding principles at any time to influence the judgment of a case, which is not justice but President Zhang's personal authority, which is obviously not acceptable."

After all, Zheng Xie had no supervisory power. He was only attending as a witness, and he was acquainted with Su Zhe. The procuratorate had the power to check and balance the imperial court, so he asked Su Zhe to come with him to explain the matter clearly.


It just so happened that Su Che also had this concern.

Take this example as an example. As long as Zhang Fei slightly changes this guiding principle, it will still be very reasonable, but it may be another verdict.

This is simply a BUG.

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I understand your concerns very well, and this is indeed a huge hidden danger. I can indeed use the guiding principles to influence the judgment, but I have no choice. I am also forced."

Zheng Xie and Su Che looked at each other, and then looked at Zhang Fei doubtfully.

Is this still forced?

Then come and force me.

Zhang Fei explained: "As I said in court, I was ordered to build a military court. The reason is that the previous laws for such cases were not perfect enough, and the judiciary often did not play a decisive role. This is a starting point.

It is a process of making something out of nothing, and I am a creator. If I don’t provide guiding principles, then I would be derelict in my duty. If I do, I will be self-willed.

This is why I pay great attention to the trial process and try my best to convince everyone, but it won't work if I don't give guiding principles. This is what I am here to do, and I am not here just for this."

Su Zhe said: "But Judge Zhang can write everything down first. In future trials, everyone will follow this guiding principle and there will be no doubts."

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "I can't do this because I have never been involved in relevant cases before. I can't come up with some guiding principles out of thin air. I have to think from specific cases, so I can't come up with one."

I would like to give you two complete guidelines.”

Zheng Xie questioned: "President Zhang keeps pursuing fairness, justice and openness, so does President Zhang think this is fair?"

Zhang Fei said: "Whether it is fair or not depends on how Master Zheng views this matter."

Zheng Xie asked: "How do you say this?"

Zhang Fei asked: "When Li Kui compiled the Book of Dharma, the punishments in it were more or less related to his personal opinions and thoughts. Does Zheng Xueshi think this is fair?"

Zheng Xiewu didn't know why.

Zhang Fei said helplessly: "I am the creator of the legal system, not a law enforcer. If Master Zheng regards me as a law enforcer, it is indeed unfair, but if he regards me as a creator, this is very unfair.

It's fair, because these principles are not a one-time thing. After I give the guiding principles, the imperial court in the capital must also follow them, and then everyone starts to act on the same principle."

Zheng Xie was shocked and said: "Do you have such great power?"

"Without this power, I wouldn't dare to do this."

Zhang Fei nodded and explained: "Of course, this is also subject to restrictions. At that time, this case will be sent to the capital for final evaluation by the Criminal Court, Dali Temple, Ministry of Punishment, and the Legislative Council.

And when they originally suggested that I come here to build a military court, they hoped that I could improve military law in specific cases. If I could figure it out out of thin air, then I wouldn't need to come here."

This chapter has been completed!
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