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Chapter 546: Making profit from the law (4)

 I remember that when he first went to court, Tang Zhongwen was really confident, but his momentum was a little weaker than Yuan Jiang.

This is not surprising either.

Although officials of the Ministry of Finance such as Tang Zhongwen are not as majestic as those prime ministers and generals, most of the power is controlled by them.

If you want funds, you have to ask him.

And Tang Zhongwen is not stupid. He has also analyzed the accounts that the Procuratorate wants to ask, and basically every word has a strong flavor of deficit.

The finances of the Embassy and the Legislative Council are also in a state of dire straits.

Having said that, this is also the reality. The main reason is that the central government's finances are not good, and more hope is that the Hezhong Prefecture will spend the northwest military expenses.

Tang Zhongwen prepared a closing statement that asked the procuratorate to help us ask for a little more money from the central government.

But dreams are full, but reality is very skinny.

At this moment, Tang Zhongwen was sitting on the chair with a pale face, as if he was asking something and didn't know anything.

Self numbing!

Su Che was not Zhang Fei. Once he saw Tang Zhongwen in this state, he didn't ask any more questions, "I'm done."

Chen Qi whispered: "Our future life will probably be much more difficult than that of the imperial court."

Su Che didn't even need to look, he could already feel the resentful looks coming from all directions. This really kicked everyone's job. He said rather helplessly: "We have tried hard."

It has to be said that this battle really brought out the prestige of the Procuratorate, and also made those officials suddenly realize that relatively speaking, the Procuratorate is even more of a poisonous snake.

The Imperial Court was not offensive, and they could only say that the Imperial Court was biased in its final judgment, but no one found fault with the process.

Really can't pick one.

But the Procuratorate is different. The Procuratorate is very offensive and will look for your weaknesses to attack, whereas the Imperial Court will probably not.

But from Xu Zhiqian's point of view, she felt that Su Zhe was still too tolerant. She curled her lips and whispered: "It seems that Mr. Su Xiao still has some room for improvement."

She was very dissatisfied with this, and even asked about this, why not ask clearly about the military expenditures. People fought for the country, and their arms were broken. They only have thirty or forty swords.

More than a thousand strings.

This is really chilling.

It is better to figure this issue out directly, which can save the country money and give soldiers the treatment they deserve.

Her position has always been clear, even if she always stands on the weak side, she cannot change it. This is why her career as a lawyer is very short.

Zhang Fei looked back at him and said with a smile: "If I keep asking, it will be a case."

As he said that, he looked at Qiu Zhengwen again, "Is there a problem with the Legal Aid Department?"

Qiu Zhengwen shook his head and said, "No."


The soldiers who were watching the interrogation were all very angry. What do you call the Legal Aid Agency? It would be better to call it "no agency". They would just say "no" and they couldn't say anything else.

Tang Zhongwen suddenly felt discouraged and collapsed on the chair. When he stood up, he almost fell down. Fortunately, the court police on the side supported him. He was panting and walked down the court. He was not as calm and calm as before.

Zhang Fei looked at Su Che again, "Are there any witnesses from the Procuratorate?"

Su Che shook his head and said, "We have no witnesses."

The officials on the side breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It is a certainty that he deliberately defaulted on military pay, and it would be redundant to ask further.

Zhang Fei looked at Qiu Zhengwen again and said, "Does the Legal Aid Department have anything to say?"

Qiu Zhengwen then stood up and said: "What we are mainly targeting is that the Transportation Department deliberately deducted Chen Guang's military expenses. According to the contract between Chen Guang and the military camp.

The military camp required thirty liters of rice, fifteen kilograms of pickles, two hundred and fifty coins, and one set of clothes for each season every month. According to the price of rice from the first year of Xining to the second year of Xining, every liter of rice was at ten

Thirty liters of rice, that is, three hundred pennies. The price of pickles at that time was about ten cents per catty, and fifteen kilograms was one hundred and fifty cents.

The four sets of clothes, according to the evaluation we asked a specialized dentist to evaluate, the total value is about 1,200 yuan. When divided into monthly payments, it is about 100 yuan. Plus some scattered subsidies, the government should pay every month.

Chen Guang’s wife received one thousand three hundred and fifty yuan.

But as Chen Guang said before, the court only gave Chen Guang's wife a piece of cloth, ten pounds of pickles, and one set of clothes every month."

Having said this, he lowered his head and looked at the copy carefully. These were all data. He did not dare to exaggerate, so he said: "According to the court system, the government can use cloth, money and food to convert it to the families of soldiers.

Although the court did not specify the specific conversion standard in this regulation, we found the specific conversion standard in the court's regulations on tax collection and official salary distribution. According to this conversion system, it is based on things.

Let’s make a specific calculation based on whether it’s good or bad.”

The officials immediately opened their eyes and looked at Qiu Zhengwen.

Since it is not written clearly, then the government has the final say. How can we calculate according to other conversion regulations? Do you understand the rules?

Zhang Fei directly asked them about their doubts and said, "Can this be confused?"

Qiu Zhengwen said: "The military expenses earned by generals and soldiers all come from the military treasury, and they are all under the military salary system. There is no clear distinction in the court, so they should be calculated according to the same standard."

Xu Zhiqian submitted a copy in due course.

After Zhang Fei read it, he nodded: "Yes, in the military pay system, there are indeed clear conversion regulations. There are high-grade cloth, low-grade cloth, high-grade rice, and low-grade rice. Since they are under the same system,

Without further explanation, this conversion should be at the same standard. You can continue."

Those officials are in trouble. They really don't dare to argue about different standards, because it involves a tax conversion. If they argue about this conversion issue, they may be shooting themselves in the foot!

The conversion of soldiers is expenditure, and the imperial court recognizes this expenditure. Even if you pay in full, it will not affect your political performance.

The conversion of tax collection is fiscal revenue.

Fiscal expenditures may not necessarily affect political performance, but fiscal revenue will definitely affect political performance. If revenue decreases, then political performance can be described as a mess.

They can only recognize it.


Qiu Zhengwen nodded and picked up a wooden tray, "This is the cloth that Chen Guang's wife gets every month. Manager Tang just admitted that the military treasury issued a batch of such cloth to serve as military pay.

And we found four Ya people and five cloth shops for questioning and investigation, and the results they determined were almost the same. Among these cloths, the cheapest one was only worth 70 cents, and the most expensive one was only 70 cents.

It is worth one hundred cents. We calculated as a compromise, and on average a piece of cloth is worth eighty-five cents. Plus the ten kilograms of pickles per month. Although they are about to go moldy, we still calculated it based on ten cents.

That is to say, one hundred cents, as well as the clothes and the subsidy for the New Year and festivals. Then the actual monthly income of Chen Guang's wife is about two hundred and thirty cents, which is almost only one-fifth of the agreed amount.

In this regard, we have relevant conversion evidence here, which also includes the account books of the rice sold by the rice shop in that year, the bargaining price of these cloths by the dentists, and the cloth shop, etc. "

Li Min immediately stood up and handed a thick stack of copywriting to Cai Jing.

On the one hand, the soldiers who were watching the trial gritted their teeth. They had also been exploited, but they couldn't understand how much they had lost. Now they heard that it was one-fifth. This was really outraged by both humans and gods. This was a bit too cruel.

On the other hand, I looked at the Legal Aid Office in a different light. It turned out that the Legal Aid Office did not have "no legal aid agency" and it was checked so carefully.

In the past, this kind of dispute case was just a matter of one sentence. How could the accounts of the rice sales of the rice shop be used as evidence?

Many officials couldn't help but feel eye-opening.

Is this the process emphasized by the imperial court?

You really do what you say!

Cai Jing was very sensible and gave the copy to Cai Bian and the others instead of handing it over to Zhang Fei.

How can such rough work be done by a teacher? The teacher can just sit on it and drink tea.

Zhang Fei was really drinking tea. He put down the tea cup and said to Qiu Zhengwen: "Keep talking."

Qiu Zhengwen continued: "It is obvious that the remuneration paid by the government to Chen Guang's wife is far lower than what the government and Chen Guang agreed. Moreover, Prosecutor General Su just mentioned that the military treasury allocates funds to the Minister's Court, which is not an exception.

And according to our investigation, last year the Military Treasury allocated at least 50,000 guan and 6,500 tons of grain to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, distributed in twelve months of the year. It can be seen that the warehouse of the Military Treasury has always been more than just

Those cloths are a considerable amount of money and food that was not planned.

This is enough to show that the military treasury is deliberately shoddy, because according to the regulations of the imperial court, this kind of cloth is inferior to inferior cloth, but the government uses the usual price, which is the price of superior cloth.

, it can be seen that the government uses a conversion method to deduct military pay.

Moreover, this case is extremely special because Chen Guang went on an expedition with the army and had only his wife and children at home. He had no protection and could only rely on this salary to eke out a living.

And this guarantee is also the key to this contract. The original intention of the court to establish this rule is also to allow the soldiers to kill the enemy on the front line with peace of mind and perform meritorious service. If the government cannot ensure the livelihood of Chen Guang's wife and children, Chen Guang will never

He agreed to go out with the army.

However, as we all know, two hundred and thirty cents was completely unable to maintain the livelihood of Chen Guang's wife and children, and Chen Guang was not around at the time. Chen Guang's wife and children had no other choice but to sell their land and borrow money to survive.

During this period, Chen Guang's wife borrowed a total of 16 guan from the villagers, and now the amount including principal and interest has reached 82 guan."

There was an uproar in the whole place.

It only takes two years at most, which is already almost 200% interest.

But Zhang Fei was very calm and did not raise any objection to the interest.

Qiu Zhengwen continued: "But all this was caused by the imperial court withholding military pay. Therefore, the imperial court should bear all these debts, as well as repay the six acres of land sold by Chen Guang's wife during this period and the interest paid.

Money, and at the same time, pay thirty pounds of pension and part of the reward. I'm done."

Zhang Fei looked at Su Che again.

Su Che stood up and said: "I don't have much to say, because based on the current evidence and Manager Tang's confession, it is enough to prove that the Transportation Department deliberately defaulted on military expenses.

Because after Chen Guang’s pension application list was submitted to the military treasury, the military treasury had three to five expenditures on the Minister’s Office, and the official documents of the Minister’s Office requesting funds from the military treasury were after that pension list.


According to what the transfer envoy Yuan Shi said, the funds received by each government office are allocated based on the funds of previous years. The finances of the Minister's Office and the military treasury are relatively independent, and the finances of the military treasury are used to pay for military expenses.

Then Chen Guang’s pension should also be included.

However, the reason why the Military Treasury defaulted on Chen Guang’s pension was that it had to wait for the court to allocate funds, and at the same time, it allocated the money and food in the warehouse to the Minister’s Court. Obviously, this was a deliberate default on the pension.”

He just explained calmly, but the hearts of all the officials present were directly in their throats.

Are you not implying that the military treasury diverted military funds to the Legation Council to use public funds for food and drink, and then requested more military expenditures from the court in the name of pensions?

Officials throughout Hezhong Prefecture began to become anxious.

You have really wronged me. Military expenditures are really tight, and the Embassy is just a slight icing on the cake.

If we cut military spending, we will be choosing sesame seeds and losing the watermelon!

Zhang Fei suddenly looked sideways at Yuan Jiang, who was sitting at the VIP table, "Do you have anything to say, Bachelor Yuan?"

Yuan Jiang opened her mouth excitedly, then fell silent.

He can't say that eating and drinking with our public funds is just the icing on the cake of tight military expenditures.

That's really self-inflicted.

Try to act like you don't understand.

Wow! This acting skill is really superb. Zhang Fei secretly praised it.

At this time, Cai Jing handed the reviewed and compiled evidence to Zhang Fei and said: "There is no problem with this evidence."

Zhang Fei nodded, didn't bother to look, and knocked the gavel directly, saying: "After the trial of this court president, the Transportation Department was found guilty of defaulting on arrears and deducting Chen Guang's military pay. The Transportation Department will bear the responsibility of Chen Guang's wife when Chen Guang went to Yanzhou.

During the period of garrison, in order to survive, all debts borrowed must be compensated for the six acres of land sold during this period, as well as the relevant interest paid during this period. At the same time, within this month, his pension must be paid three

Ten Guan is given to Chen Guang. As for the reward, this is a consideration for the military camp and this court will ignore it for the time being."

This chapter has been completed!
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