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Chapter 562: The First Battle of Sanduan (End)

In fact, as far as the system is concerned, the military system of the Northern Song Dynasty can only be described as outrageous. It is really a miracle that it has not collapsed so far.

With the recruitment system and the number of forbidden troops that can easily reach millions, even the God of Wealth, let alone Wang Anshi, will not be satisfied!

Even modern society cannot do this.

Wang Anshi talks about opening up the country, but if you look carefully at his new law, disarmament is actually inevitable.

He didn't mention it at first just to reduce obstacles.

It can be seen that the issue of disarmament is actually a consensus between conservatives and reformists.

But why couldn’t it be done before?

It is because of redundant officials who are still standing in the way. Redundant officials not only increase the financial burden, but also make the execution ability collapse.

For such a major surgery, if it is not done accurately, it is very likely to cause big trouble.

Everyone is afraid of this responsibility.

For example, Sima Guang hit the nail on the head and pointed out the harm of redundant troops to Zhao Xu, but then he immediately made it clear that this would not happen overnight.

The implication is that I know the harm, but based on our current situation, we definitely can't do it now.

The reason why it went so smoothly this time is not that it met Sima Guang's requirements, but because the imperial court appeared with a whip and forced the court to change.

Of course, there was secret support from the emperor and Wang Anshi.

Then, the next step will be to see the execution of Hezhong Mansion.

It can be seen from this that the first civil servant group in the Northern Song Dynasty is not in vain. They are all very intelligent geniuses. However, many problems are difficult to resolve. If the officialdom is not eliminated first, it will be difficult to make a difference.



After receiving the imperial edict, Na Yuan Jiang was as excited as a child. She immediately rushed to the imperial court to discuss compensation with Zhang Fei.

"What a good boy. At such a young age, you have the wisdom to plan for the country."

Seeing Zhang Fei, Yuan Jiang praised him fiercely.

When he first learned about this plan, he was actually very nervous. It was really complicated. He had never played it like this before, because it involved many interests, and there were also party disputes between the DPRK and China. If it failed, he would not be able to shoulder the responsibility!

Zhang Fei was unfazed by the honor and disgrace, and handed over his hands and said: "Scholar Yuan is really over-honored. In my opinion, the real test has just begun. Youdao is like accompanying a king to a tiger. The official family has given such great support. If he fails,

Oh, the consequences are unimaginable!"

"That's true."

Yuan Jiang nodded, but he couldn't hide his excitement. At least he could make a difference. As a civil servant and at his age, if he doesn't fight now, then when will he sit down and say: "In the past month,

I have carefully studied the accounts of the Transportation Department. If compensation starts next year and is calculated in terms of money per person per month, as long as the disarmament reaches 30%, there will be no financial pressure.

Even if disarmament cannot be achieved so quickly, it doesn't matter. As long as it is planned to reach 30% in the second half of the year, the existing finances will be enough to support it. Even if it is not reached in the second half of the year, it only needs to issue 300,000 salt bonds to make up for it.

It can be seen that as long as there is disarmament, there will be no harm at all!"

After speaking, his tone became excited again.

Disarmament is tantamount to going into battle lightly. How can he not be excited?

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "It seems that Bachelor Yuan is ready."

Yuan Jiang said: "If the autumn tax is not reduced, it will be relatively easy for our transportation department."

All the money paid by the forwarding department is tax money.

Zhang Fei said: "There is no problem with the autumn tax of Hezhong Mansion, at least it will not decrease. As for how much it will increase, I can't guarantee it."

"That's enough." Yuan Jiang nodded slightly, "Then the most critical thing is how to arrange the laid-off soldiers."

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment and said: "Regarding this, I have suggested to Academician Yuan before that the current promotion of Changping Division is to use money to generate money, so other aspects can use business. The Transport Division only needs to pay money.

Coupled with the arrival of police stations and police service laws, a large amount of labor can be absorbed."

Yuan Jiang frowned and said: "But merchants may not necessarily cooperate with us to absorb the laid-off soldiers in time to prevent them from causing chaos due to resentment. And when we promote the Changping Division, we also need to buy cheap and sell dear, and there is a lot of goods.

Can we also hire some craftsmen? There are many skilled craftsmen in the military camp.

In addition, if you want to strengthen the army, armaments are also a big problem, and some people can be left here to produce armaments."

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "I don't agree with self-production and self-marketing, because facts have proven that this approach is very easy to lead to corruption, oppression, and exploitation. The fate of those salt households, Bachelor Yuan should know better than me."

Although he doesn't understand much, one thing he knows very well is that with a strong legal system, business will inevitably prosper.

Nowadays, businessmen are oppressed. If many businessmen have no background, they will only be exploited by the government. If there is public prosecution, businessmen will be liberated to a certain extent.

If we use disarmament to create another wave of fire, we will definitely develop rapidly.

What he designed for Tiji Changping Division is a purely financial institution that lends money, lends money, and collects profits. The money is used to make money. If it is combined with self-production, it will be difficult to prevent corruption with the current technology.

Yuan Jiang asked again: "Then arms production should also be handed over to businessmen?"

Zhang Fei was also a little entangled. It seemed a little bad to leave arms production to businessmen, but it is conceivable that official production would be corrupt and defective if it was not handed over to businessmen. He said: "We don't need to hand over arms production to businessmen."

merchants, but it is not up to the forwarding department to do it themselves.

Otherwise, it could be left to the local government to manage, or it could be suggested that the court set up a special government office in the local area. In the future, the military camp would report the required armaments to the Transportation Department, and the Transportation Department would be responsible for purchasing from that government office. In this way, mutual restraints could be achieved

, which can eliminate some corruption phenomena."

He said with some hesitation. This mutual restriction is not that easy, because after all, there are three government agencies in charge, and this can only rely on the supervision of the Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Department.

Yuan Jiang nodded and said: "That's okay, it's better to count it as local finance. The northwest region has been wary all year round, and the land is not as fertile as the south of the Yangtze River. The local finance is stretched thin. If armament production is placed in the northwest, it can make it prosperous.

It will bring blessings to the local people. I will give it another thought."

After a short pause, he added: "In addition, we are also responsible for the Young Crops Law. Lending loans and earning profits is not an easy job."

Zhang Fei said: "My suggestion is to borrow if you can. If you can't borrow, don't force it. Don't limit it to farmers. You can also make business loans. It is purely a business. Our Public Security Bureau will assist you to determine whether to postpone the repayment of the people."

time limit to avoid conflicts between the government and the people."

Yuan Jiang nodded and said, "But I have another idea."

Zhang Fei said: "What do you think?"

Yuan Jiang said: "It is to connect the young crop money with disarmament. For example, if ordinary farmers apply for military service, they will receive certain training in peacetime and are obliged to rush to the battlefield in wartime. They can apply for the young crop money first in times of difficulty.

In this way, more soldiers can be laid off."

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "I don't agree with this. If you do this, you will encounter many problems during the debt collection period, because there is an obligation to serve in the military, which will also affect the judgment of our imperial court. Moreover,

Under heavy rewards, there will be brave men, and as long as the military pay is sufficient, soldiers will be able to be recruited at any time."

With the Royal Police here, doing this is superfluous, because if the Public Security Bureau is to take shape, a lot of Royal Police are needed. If a little more Royal Police are added, they can play a role in wartime, which is actually very profitable.

Yuan Jiang nodded slightly, but did not reply.

Because this was not his idea, but Wang Anshi's idea. When the armor-preserving method disappeared, Wang Anshi thought of secretly developing the armor-preserving method by using the green seedling method.

He still trusts his own methods, what the hell is the police station?

Zhang Fei suddenly thought of something again, "That's right! The Transportation Department can try to use salt banknotes of small denominations to compensate the soldiers."

Yuan Jiang asked: "Why is this?"

Zhang Fei said: "When those soldiers got salt banknotes, they must buy grain and other goods. This greatly promoted the role of salt banknotes in the transaction."

Yuan Jiang said: "But this may also lead to the indiscriminate issuance of salt banknotes, especially when the court is in urgent need of money."

Zhang Fei said: "Our imperial court can stop this."

In fact, this is the real role and value of the public prosecutor’s office. A fair trial of a few cases will have very little impact.

The real value is all intangible.

For example, in commerce, salt banknotes and salt debts, with the support of the public prosecutor and the law, their power is endless.


While Yuan Jiang was discussing with Zhang Fei, Su Zhe was secretly communicating with Wang Shao and Guo Kui. Those black sheep in the military camp had the nerve to apply for compensation. What's the use of it.

When you disarmament, you must be careful not to leave behind some bad apples after the disarmament.

This is really the icing on the cake for Guo Kui and Wang Shao.

They immediately held a meeting at the Yongxing Army base camp.

Basically, all the generals from Hezhong Prefecture were present, including Zhonge, Zhongjie, Zhejizu and other border commanders.

Guo Kui was sitting in the upper seat with a serious face. With a glance, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

"Do you know why I want to come to you today?"

"I don't know, my subordinate."

Qin Zhongshou looked slightly worried.

Guo Kui said calmly: "The procuratorate found out that some people were eating and drinking in the military camp, and they even shamelessly went to the procuratorate to apply for compensation."

As soon as these words came out, some generals started to sweat.

As the saying goes, when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

Their relatives more or less have names in the military camps and receive military pay.

Guo Kui added: "Originally the procuratorate planned to prosecute those people."

Go to court to sue?

Some generals even started to tremble.

As far as the interrogation process of the Imperial Court is concerned, it is impossible to leave them undercover. Although the Imperial Court will not settle old scores, their official career will definitely end here.

It’s really fatal!

Guo Kui glanced at those people and said: "But I dissuaded them. After all, disarmament is imminent, and there is no need for the procuratorate to spend a lot of time. I also promise the procuratorate that all these people will be eliminated."

Having said this, he glanced again: "I don't want to embarrass everyone. At that time, I will announce that soldiers can apply for discharge on their own. I will give you a month to clear out all the bad sheep from the military camp.

, let them pack their bags and leave.

In addition, you must understand that disarmament does not only involve soldiers, but also generals. Don't think that you can sit back and relax.

If a month later, the procuratorate still finds out that the bad apple is hiding in the military camp, then don’t blame me for being unkind, do you understand me?"

"General, I understand."

Several generals replied subconsciously.

Qin Zhongshou asked cautiously: "Are those old and infirm included?"

Guo Kui said: "I will have other plans for these people. Your task now is to get rid of those black sheep."

Those who are old and weak can be seen at a glance and are easy to eliminate. The key is that these bastards are very young, so you can't tell.

This is really a good reason for Guo Kui and Wang Shao.

Just imagine, if these generals removed all their relatives from the military camp, would they still allow others to hang out?

If I don't take advantage of this, neither can you.


These military generals were squeezing out of the base camp. If they lost their positions because of this, it would be really not worth the gain!


On the same day, many gangsters rushed to the procuratorate, hugged their legs, and demanded that their lawsuits be withdrawn.

No more suing!

We won’t sue!

These people are all related households. In fact, they all have connections to make money. They just put their name here, which is equivalent to making money for nothing. If you don't, you would be a fool.

If the defendant goes to court, the whole family will be implicated.

Everyone was scared to death.

The procuratorate has not made trouble for them yet. It just said that they would look for it and asked them to come back later. But they refused. It was just a bunch of snot and tears. If you don't return the petition to us today, then we will go back.

Will be beaten to death.

If you don't give it, we won't leave.

At this time, Su Zhe had no time to pay attention to them, because Yuan Jiang and Zhang Fei had secretly discussed it and formally proposed their own compensation plan to the previous five hundred soldiers.

First of all, without interest, there will be one monthly amount of money, mainly coins and salt banknotes, supplemented by grain. It will be distributed starting from the next month and can be obtained from the Tiju Changping Division based on military status.

Also, ensure that the salt banknotes can be exchanged for the same amount of salt.

Of course the soldiers agreed, because they had never thought about the money before. They just looked at Chen Guang with greed. It would be really good if they could give it, so they would pay it in installments.

Finally, under the auspices of the Royal Court, the Transportation Department reached a settlement with the Procuratorate and the Legal Aid Department and signed a compensation contract.

This contract will provide a precedent for future claims.

It’s not that the Transportation Department can’t afford so much money. After all, there are only 500 people at present, which is about 10,000 guan. However, the reason for the Transportation Department is that it will affect the normal operation of the government, so they choose to compensate in installments without interest.

The government can do this, and the people can also do this if they owe money to the government. If the people owe the government money, they can pay it back in installments. What about the money owed to the landlords?

Of course, the most important thing is that soldiers will be bound to the public security organs.

Since compensation is paid in installments, the soldiers will definitely have to rely on the public prosecutor and the law. They will definitely not be able to defeat the government alone.

Then they will definitely support the public prosecutor and the law.

This will pave the way for the comprehensive promotion of public security law in the northwest.

This chapter has been completed!
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