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Chapter 568: Do you have any words to accuse someone?

"President Zhang, I was wrong. I am willing to apologize. I am willing to apologize. Please give us another chance."

"President Zhang, we really know we were wrong."

Kong Tai, who had just plausibly shouted out "Seniors must be killed but not humiliated", was now crying and shouting at Zhang Fei at the top of his lungs.

The two of them used to be in the Imperial Guard, and they often went to the fireworks place. Who knows who are the people dumping excrement there? They are simply the best of the mean, and they are even the kind of people who cannot see anyone during the day.

Then you should still humiliate me!


They all went to take out shit, and they still talked about their dignity.

However, there are no eggs!

It is almost impossible to get President Zhang to work overtime.

This actually aroused inexplicable joy among the onlookers, and they cheered continuously for a while. You must know that before the verdict, many people were leaning towards Lu Bangxing's plea.

But now, it is unanimously applauded.

It seems that throughout the ages, happiness has been based on the pain of others.

Among them, the happiest people were Cao Dongdong and Ma Xiaoyi, who gave each other a high-five and laughed proudly.

This face is absolutely evident!

Who do you want to mess with? Go and mess with Zhang San. If you embarrass him, he will be so petty that he will kill you! Lu Bangxing sighed secretly, stepped forward and said, "Okay! Okay! Stop screaming, we'll wait for you later."

I'll go discuss it with President Zhang."

"Mr. Lu Er, please."

"Yes! Sir, we would rather apologize than dump excrement there!"

The two of them were filled with tears and snot, and they regretted it!

"I got it! You must stop talking nonsense."

Lu Bangxing dropped these words and left.

Wei Yingfang, Cao Yi and others also stood up silently and walked low-key to the imperial court from the side door.

"What a pity!" Wei Yingfang sighed.

Cao Yi smiled and said: "We have no extravagant expectations that this small case will cause much trouble to the imperial court. This is just throwing stones at us."

Wei Yingfang nodded and said: "Yes, this test was quite successful. With so many people in the public prosecutor's office, it is impossible for him to be flawless. It doesn't matter how capable Zhang San is."

As he spoke, he saw Cao Yi was silent and turned his head to glance at Cao Yi. When he saw Cao Yi staring blankly at the front left, he followed his gaze and couldn't help but be startled.

I saw Han Dongniang and a handsome young man standing under the willow tree, talking happily.

That handsome young man is Fu Shichun.

Coincidentally, Fu Shichun also looked at them and nodded with a smile.

The provocation can be felt from afar.

mock up!

You and I are playing dirty tricks in the land of fireworks. Don't you know that I am the founder of Feng Yue Bao?

Wei Yingfang couldn't help but sigh: "That's right! It's not easy for rich kids like them to play these tricks."

Xu Zhiqian over there also quickly finished cleaning up, and then chased after her, "Zhang San, I think the laws on molesting women are not perfect enough!"

"Not perfect enough?"

Zhang Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Don't make it sound like it was perfect before. It's always been imperfect. I spent a long time trying to find a crime to convict."

Xu Zhiqian said: "Since you know, then you should find a way to improve it."

Zhang Fei sighed, "Don't worry about that. If it's not perfect, I'll feel uncomfortable too. I'll have to rack my brains to convict and decide the punishment. I don't want this young man to be bald."

As he spoke, he wiped his thick bun.

While the couple was doing this post-trial review, they walked to the backyard. But as soon as they arrived at the small lake, Li Si came to inform Su Zhe and asked to see him.

So Zhang Fei asked Li Si to invite Su Che here.

"President Zhang, Mrs. Zhang."

"Mr. Su Xiao, please sit down."

Zhang Fei and Su Che sat down, while Xu Zhiqian stood silently behind Zhang Fei.

"Mr. Su Xiao is eager to come to me. Could it be that he feels that my just sentence is unfair?"

Zhang Fei asked half-jokingly.

"Not really."

Su Che shook his head: "President Zhang's judgment is still very fair, but it also makes me feel a little worried."

Zhang Fei asked: "Is Mr. Su Xiao worried about the power of the Royal Police?"

"Yes, but not quite."

Su Che said: "What I am really worried about is the crime cited by Chief Justice Zhang just now, coupled with the powers of the Royal Police, and the punishment given by Chief Justice Zhang.

In fact, the cases that were just tried are not unusual in the market, and before, they were between punishable and non-punishable. It usually depends on who the other party is, if the other party is a dignitary, and no one was injured.

, maybe just to calm the matter, and even those government officials turn a blind eye and avoid it, but if they are ordinary people, they may be arrested and taken to the government office to make a fortune.

And now the crime cited by President Zhang several times can be cited in many disputes, and the royal police can also arrest people, which makes the power of the royal police very terrifying.

Wei Zheng, the great prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, once said, "The law has no fixed rules, and the severity is determined by emotion. If you want to impose a crime, do you have no words?"

Behind the scenes, he was still dissatisfied with Zhang Fei's penalty.

Although the crime cited by Zhang Fei is "those who are in the city and among the people, causing alarm and causing disturbances." It covers many things, but it generally refers to causing panic among people. To go further, it mainly refers to

This is to cause panic by falsely claiming that ferocious beasts have entered the city.

Fighting is rarely cited.

Not to mention that this crime has been cited in several cases.

In addition, according to the Song Dynasty's criminal system, the minimum standard for the penalty for this crime was eighty sticks, but there was no penalty of hard labor.

Although Su Zhe also knew that Zhang Fei had the power in this regard, the crime was vague and the punishment was still yours to decide, so it definitely wouldn't work.

The president of the court can judge according to the circumstances of the case. If he is dissatisfied, he will be sentenced harshly, and if he is dissatisfied, he will be sentenced lightly.

More importantly, the powers of the Royal Police, this crime, and Zhang Fei's punishment are combined into one. The power of the Royal Police is difficult to supervise.

If the two quarrel, they may be caught.

Because you can't tell whether a quarrel will disrupt the market, but since it's okay to fight, then of course it's okay to quarrel.

This will give the Royal Police a lot of room to maneuver.

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "What Prosecutor Su said makes sense. In fact, I have studied relevant laws and cases before this. In this regard, our court's laws are very strict.

If I had judged according to the law at that time, Xu Jingtian's behavior could actually have been punished by litigation, with the minimum sentence being three years in prison, but this was obviously unreasonable. So if I did not cite this crime, then I

I can only quote the last article in the twenty-seventh volume of Zalu, "Those who do not deserve to do so should do so."

Su Che said: "What Wei Zheng said just now refers to this crime."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "The crime is summarized as miscellaneous misdemeanors, and there are so many different types of crimes that it is difficult to cover them all. If I cite this crime, then I can't give it an exaggerated sentence, and this crime is even

I am allowed to impose the death penalty, so I do not want to invoke this crime.

And the reason why I quoted Article 432 of the Zalu, "Those who are in the city and among the people, so that they are alarmed and disturbed" is because I hope that all cases of this type will be classified under this crime, and then I will write it down

Very detailed regulations were issued, and the punishment was uniformly hard labor, ranging from one hour to two months, depending on the severity of the case.

This is used to distinguish between the law of fighting and lawsuits and the law of thieves and thieves, and it is also a supplement. For example, if a fight is serious, it can be classified under the law of fighting and lawsuits, but if it is only minor, it will be classified under this law."

Only then did Su Che react and said: "It turns out that President Zhang had already considered this."

Zhang Fei spread his hands and said, "I have no choice. I can't find the relevant laws."

This "should not be punished", as the name suggests, is to provide the bottom line for miscellaneous laws. There are too many disputes between people, and it is impossible to write all the laws and regulations.

So how can the government regulate according to the law? If it cannot find a suitable law, it can quote this law to make a judgment.

If there is no law and the circumstances are very serious, this law can be applied and the death penalty can be imposed.

Of course, as far as the Tang and Song Dynasties were concerned, if the death penalty was imposed, it had to go through very strict review and must be approved by the emperor.

Officials generally do not like to impose death sentences, because if the sentence is wrong, the emperor will definitely know about it.

As far as Zhang Fei's knowledge is concerned, he certainly believes that it is better to have as few pocket crimes as possible. As Wei Zheng said: The law has no fixed subjects, and the severity is determined by circumstances. If you want to add a crime, you have no words?

Once an official invokes this crime, no lawsuit can be filed.

But Zhang Fei also considered that this is not an era of legal system, and the laws are not perfect. If the government is not given this power, more problems may be encountered, and the rich can oppress the poor at will.

This is why Sima Guang and others have always emphasized that they should pay attention to the moral issues of officials. A good official citing laws and regulations is mostly to promote good and punish evil, which has the limitations of the times.

Zhang Fei has no intention of touching this law.

Therefore, Zhang Fei could only classify this kind of public security crime as another crime, because this "undue crime" can be cited when no corresponding laws and regulations can be found.

The explanation is very clear. Miscellaneous misdemeanors are misdemeanor, and there are so many different types of crimes that it is difficult to cover them all.

But if you have relevant laws and regulations, you cannot invoke this crime.

As legal provisions become more detailed, this pocket of crimes can be further narrowed.

Su Che said: "But I don't know how President Zhang plans to make up for this loophole?"

Zhang Fei said: "I can't do this alone. I suggest that the imperial court, the procuratorate, and the police department jointly formulate relevant charges and specific punishments. If Mr. Su Xiao is willing, Mr. Su Xiao can preside over it."

Su Che said hurriedly: "I don't dare, I don't dare. This idea came from President Zhang, and President Zhang should preside over it."

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "I can't, I'm very busy and I have a lot of things to do."

Behind her, Xu Zhiqian couldn't help but look at Zhang Fei with disdain. He was busy, he was just lazy.

But Su Zhe didn't see it that way. He thought Zhang Fei was implying that he had to take care of disarmament, finance, and other laws and regulations and had no time to deal with it. So he said: "Well, if President Zhang can't find time recently, I can

I will preside over it temporarily for President Zhang."

Zhang Fei immediately cupped his hands and said, "Then it's time to work."

Su Che said: "That's about the Royal Police."

Zhang Fei said: "For the time being, we can only rely on you and me to supervise and let the Royal Police know that every suspect they arrest has the right to appeal to the Royal Court. Apart from this, there is no better way. If the Royal Police are given too much

Too many restrictions will be counterproductive."

This chapter has been completed!
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