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Chapter 591: The Three Laws Controversy (5)

"Assistant jury?"

Fan Zhen was panicked, he had never heard of this thing, what was it.

Since this assistant jury only appeared once, it was the case of Guixiang's matricide. Although Zhang Fei said at the time that this kind of arrangement would happen again in the future, it never appeared again, so everyone thought it was just a one-time event.

Sexually, it was just to solve the matricide case. Even Su Che had never mentioned this matter to Fan Zhen before.

Guo Xiaofa immediately stepped forward and explained: "Master Fan doesn't know something. The purpose of this assistant jury is to select some people from the outside judges to help the president of the court in the trial."

Fan Zhentou heard this operation before, "How to choose?"

"Pick whatever you want."

Guo Xiaofa said contemptuously: "Last time, even the tea lady and the butcher joined in."

"Tea lady? Butcher?" Fan Zhen said in surprise: "Isn't this treating the trial as child's play?"

Guo Xiaofa said: "I think so too, but Zhang San said that it is difficult for an upright official to resolve family affairs. The law is nothing more than human relationships. There are many hidden things that he cannot understand, so he invited the people to join the trial and provide some


Fan Zhen stroked his beard and asked, "How important is the role of this assistant jury?"

Guo Xiaofa said: "Last time Zhang San adopted the suggestion of the assistant jury, but we all believe that he originally planned to sentence him that way, but we don't know this time."

Fan Zhen glanced at the seats and couldn't help thinking.

Over there, Su Zhe and more than a dozen prosecutors also entered the procuratorate's exclusive corridor through a special passage.

When they arrived, they also saw the row of empty seats.

"Does President Zhang want to arrange a team of assistants for the trial?"

Chen Qi was surprised and said: "Why does such a big man need to form this trial assistant team?"

Wang Shen wondered: "What are the regulations for this assistant jury? Why would this assistant team be used?"

Su Che thought for a moment and said: "This case is about loan sharking and is closely related to the people of the world. It is reasonable to arrange a team of assistants."

As he said that, he turned back and looked at Fan Zhen and the others with worried expressions on his faces.


On their right, there was a very low-key group of people, it was the Erbi Group headed by Li Min. After all, they had a low status and did not hold court meetings, so they did not dare to speak out. They were also whispering about the trial assistant team at this time.

"What exactly does this assistant jury mean?"

Lu Bangxing came late and didn't catch up with the lawsuit, so he didn't know much about it.

Li Min said: "Just find a group of ordinary people to sit here and provide their opinions to the president of the court."

Qiu Zhengwen said: "We should also consider assisting the trial and try to ask some bad things about the big landowners. There are so many people out there, it is impossible to choose a group of landowners to sit on."

Several people immediately immersed themselves in discussions.

A great scholar like Fan Zhen has very strong principles, but these ear pens have no principles and are easier to adapt to.


Guo Kui, Wang Shao and other hard-working people are quietly hiding in a corner. They are very nervous now and are unwilling to chat with others, because whichever side they offend will affect their government affairs. They also want to make a fortune in silence.


Cai Yanqing also quietly came over and said with a cheeky smile: "What are you talking about?"

But his eyes seemed to say, Brother, please take shelter, there is no place for me outside!

Wang Shao smiled and said: "Prefect Cai is still in the mood to come to us. It seems that he is sure of winning!"

Cai Yanqing hurriedly said: "Hey, you! There are so many affairs in the yamen, I don't even care about them. It's all arranged by Bachelor Yuan."

When they heard this, they immediately understood that they were from the same camp.

Wang Shao then asked again: "By the way, have the tax accounts for this autumn come out?"

Cai Yanqing said: "It hasn't been calculated yet, but it is estimated that it should be 30% more than in previous years."

Guo Kui frowned when he heard this, "The police station doesn't do anything else. It just declares on its own. This autumn tax can be increased by 30%. What a joke."

Wang Shao couldn't help but lamented: "Reforming laws is not as good as enforcing the law impartially! No matter how good the new law is, if no one implements it, or if it is violated in disguise, it will be all in vain!"

Several people also nodded.

There is no change to the autumn tax. It just asks everyone to pay the tax in full, and the result is an increase of 30%.

Guo Kui said: "I hope today's trial can end this turmoil and usher in a good start for next year."

This group of people is now full of longing for the future. This increase in taxes and reduction in expenditures can make a lot of difference!

During the conversation, the four little Vajras entered the court, and everyone immediately took their seats.

After a while, Zhang Fei, Xu Zhiqian, and Li Si entered the court.

A spectator outside the door shouted loudly: "President Zhang, long time no see."

Zhang Fei looked up and saw a young man. He smiled and said, "Long time no see."

During this period, the Four Little Kings were always interrogating, and Zhang Fei rarely appeared. Although the Four Little Kings also won certain recognition, everyone still preferred to watch Zhang Fei's trial, mainly because of the behavior of the Four Little Kings, or

Those who are more serious don't dare to joke casually, so they don't have Zhang Fei's affinity.

When Zhang Fei came to the court, everyone immediately stood up, which had already formed a conditioned reaction.

"Everyone, please take a seat."

Zhang Fei stretched out his hand to signal, and then sat down with them. After a while, Zhang Fei picked up the long-lost gavel and banged it hard, and said loudly: "What this court is going to hear today is the accusation against the twenty-eighth township of Hezhong Prefecture.

The government agencies and the transportation department took advantage of their powers, illegally enriched themselves, and amassed wealth.

However, since this case is related to the people of Hezhong Prefecture, after careful consideration, the president of the court believes that the people should also be given a seat. Therefore, the president of the court decided to select fifteen men and five women from the audience outside the door as the assistant jury to join.

Come to the trial."

"I come!"

"Choose me!"

"President Zhang, choose me."


The audience outside the door suddenly became crowded, and there was no one with stage fright. The reason was very simple, because Zhang Fei was sitting on it.

Ma Xiaoyi, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, shouted: "Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze! If anyone wants to squeeze again, I won't choose him."

Immediately no one dared to move.

Ma Xiaoyi immediately jumped onto the bench next to him, his eyes searched the crowd for a long time, and his hand lit the crowd. After a while, fifteen men and five women came out.

Fan Zhen, Li Min, and Su Che all looked at these twenty people.

Looking at the attire, there are various professional combinations, butchers, scholars, salesmen, farmers, carpenters, and these ladies who are carrying vegetables in their hands and rags on their shoulders.

It's really quite casual.

An old master stood in front of the door and questioned: "President Zhang, you have chosen all the people from the market. How can he understand the truth? You should choose some scholars to come in."

The first time we selected the assistant jury, there were really not many scholars at the door, but this time it was different. There were many squires standing in front of the door, but none of them were selected. This made the squires feel very embarrassed!

Zhang Fei glanced at the man and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you, sir. Aren't all these scholars sitting inside?"

As he spoke, he pointed at Fan Zhen, Su Che and others.

The old man was suddenly embarrassed and speechless.

After the twenty people took their seats, Zhang Fei said to them: "I may have to delay you for a while today. I'm very sorry, but after the trial, our imperial court will give each person two hundred yuan as the cost of appearing in court.


Is there any money left?

An aunt clapped her thigh excitedly and said with a wide smile: "President Zhang, there is no need to apologize. We should be grateful to President Zhang."

"No thanks! This is what it should be."

Zhang Fei added: "But during this interrogation, if I don't ask you questions, you must not speak loudly, do you understand?"

"Don't worry! Don't worry! I won't tell you, I won't tell you."

"very good!"

Zhang Fei picked up the gavel and knocked it lightly, "The court is officially open. First, Mr. Fan, the hired ear of Twenty-Eight Township, will ask questions."

After all, given his age and status, it was not easy for him to address Fan Erbi directly.

Fan Zhen stood up slowly, bowed his hands, and said: "President Zhang, Mr.... I would like to ask the transfer envoy Yuan Jiang to appear in court to testify."

Zhang Fei nodded and immediately sent word that the transfer envoy Yuan Jiang would appear in court.

After a while, Yuan Jiang came to the court.

Although they were not close friends, they could be considered to have worked together. The two exchanged a few words before Fan Zhen started asking questions.

"Bachelor Yuan, according to our investigation, the ban on interest stipulated by the patriarchal clan was issued in the name of the government, but it was under the strong suggestion of your transportation department. I wonder if it is?"

Yuan Jiang nodded and said, "Yes."

Fan Zhen asked again: "May I ask how many years it has been since Bachelor Yuan became an official?"

Yuan Jiang thought for a while and said, "About forty years."

Fan Zhendao: "I heard that Bachelor Yuan served as a judge, county magistrate, and magistrate in many places. I wonder if this is true?"

Yuan Jiang nodded.

Fan Zhen asked again: "During this period, did Bachelor Yuan expressly prohibit any clan system, or did he recommend others to ban any clan system?"

Yuan Jiang couldn't help but hesitate.

Zhang Fei whispered: "I don't know how powerful this old man is."

Cai Jing turned around and whispered: "Students have inquired about it. This Bachelor Fan was transferred to the Procuratorate for more than a month because he offended Bachelor Wang."

"One month, that's pretty impressive." Zhang Fei nodded.

Xu Zhiqian whispered: "Scholar Fan was the first person to become a Jinshi and become an official. Of course he is awesome."

Zhang Fei said with relief: "It turns out he is the number one scholar."

Over there, Yuan Jiang hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "No."

Fan Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Like Bachelor Yuan, I have been an official for almost forty years, and I have never seen the government explicitly prohibiting patriarchal clans. I rarely even ask about it. After all, the country has national laws and every family has its own family."

Therefore, Fan is very curious and wonders for what reason Academician Yuan wants to ban this clan law?"

Yuan Jiang replied: "First of all, I don't think they have the right to do this."

Fan Zhen waited for a moment and then said: "I heard that Bachelor Yuan once served as a transshipment envoy in Guangdong...!"

Before he could finish speaking, Yuan Jiang immediately said: "Secondly, their motives will have a very bad impact on the country."

Fan Zhen glanced at him, stroked his beard and smiled.

Yuan Jiang looked elsewhere.

In fact, many customs in various places are ignorant and even conflict with the law. For example, in the southern barbarian land, there are many people who practice lynching. Those patriarchal laws are even more unreasonable and should be banned. Why don't you ban it?

Yuan Jiang also knew in his heart that the other party wanted to ask about Qingmiao Law. He originally wanted to deal with it, but the result was instantly defeated. This was also because he had been an official for so many years, and politics was the art of compromise, and he had to be more sincere.

If so, there will be too many loopholes for the other party to attack.

Fan Zhen asked: "Where did Bachelor Yuan start with these words?"

Yuan Jiang immediately said: "Because I think those people who stipulate interest are just talking nonsense to deceive the public, intending to resist the imperial court's policy and seek benefit for themselves."

This chapter has been completed!
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