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Chapter 593: The Three Laws Controversy (7)

Fan Zhen's question caused the faces of many officials present to change slightly, with a hint of nervousness in their expressions.

Yuan Jiang just shook her head calmly and said, "Sorry, Yuan is not sure why Mr. Fan asked that?"

Fan Zhen pondered for a moment and then asked: "Just now, Academician Yuan kept saying that the imperial court would abolish the Green Miao Law because of this? But I don't know why Academician Yuan made this conclusion?"

All eyes were focused on Yuan Jiang.

In fact, everyone knows the answer, it’s just that you can’t make money.

Regarding this point, Sima Guang and Wen Yanbo have been clamoring in the court for a long time, but they will not go outside to publicize the quarrel in the inner circle. After all, this is just an internal struggle of the ruling class, but now outside

But they are all common people, so can you say this?

The people outside the hospital were still looking at the flowers in the fog and a little confused, but the officials looked nervous and uneasy.

The window paper is almost broken!

Chen Qi couldn't help but whispered: "If you continue to ask questions like this, the majesty of the imperial court will be lost."

Su Che glanced at Zhang Fei and said with a smile, "I'm learning from President Zhang."

Chen Qi was stunned and thought to herself, this is indeed Zhang San's style.

In the past, Zhang Fei often pulled out the official's underwear in court and asked questions that the officials could not answer.

Wang Shen glanced at Su Che and asked curiously: "The chief prosecutor doesn't seem worried at all?"

Su Che just smiled and said: "The matter is now over, what's the use of worrying."

He had already expected this scene before the fight.

Fan Zhen's complaint was not about whether the government had the power to prohibit them from agreeing on interest, because he knew in his heart that the government certainly had the right to prohibit it, and it was impossible to fight on this point.

He is suing the government for abusing their power and amassing wealth. He must be trying to expose the other party's dirty information and guide the government's behavior towards guilt.

On the contrary, Li Min and the others must prove that this ban is legal and reasonable. Since one's side is legal and reasonable, then the other party must be wrong, and he must attack the other party.

This lawsuit is bound to hurt each other.

Yuan Jiang glanced at Fan Zhen and saw his determined expression, knowing that this would not be an easy test.

In fact, before that, he had already expected that Fan Zhen might raise a problem on this point, just to see how deep it was. Now it seems that he wants to pierce the window paper.

Yuan Jiang could only answer truthfully: "Because the function of the Qingmiao Law is not only to benefit the people, but also to improve the country's finances. It is actually the best strategy to kill two birds with one stone. The court has made it very clear on this point.

, Mr. Fan should also know."

Fan Zhen continued to ask: "In other words, as long as the court fails to make a profit, even if it can benefit the people, it will inevitably be abolished?"

Yuan Jiang pondered for a while and explained: "The imperial court promulgated the Green Crop Law mainly to solve the harm of usury, but it also absorbed the disadvantages of the Chang Ping Cang Law. Previously, the Chang Ping Cang Law provided interest-free loans, but once the government's finances were tight,

, it becomes unsustainable, and Qingmiaofa provides interest-bearing loans, so that it can ensure that it continues to operate.

If the private sector really has lower interest rates to lend to the people and usury is no longer rampant, then for the imperial court, there is no need for the Qingmiao Law. This is what the imperial court is happy to see.

But the purpose of the other party's interest rate agreement according to the patriarchal system is not to help the people, but to destroy the Qingmiao Law. As long as the Qingmiao Law does not exist, there is no way to check and balance usury. They are so rampant and openly hostile to the government. How can the government remain indifferent."

His response was clear and concise, and he was obviously prepared for it. After all, he had thought in advance that the other party would attack him.

This immediately moved many people, and many people outside the hospital could not help but nod their heads.

After all, it was not the court that made loan sharks at usury before, but the big landowners.

The squires couldn't help but be disappointed, but they didn't even bother him.

But Fan Zhen was not discouraged and smiled to himself: "Bachelor Yuan kept emphasizing that those gentry who agreed on interest through patriarchal methods were using monopoly techniques with the purpose of destroying the Qingmiao Law. Then if the squires are finally prohibited from agreeing on interest through patriarchal methods, as expected,

, will the promotion of Chang Pingsi benefit from this? Or, will more people come to promote Chang Pingsi to borrow money?"

Yuan Jiang nodded and said: "Of course the Green Seed Law will be better implemented."

Fan Zhen asked again: "Would it benefit from promoting Chang Pingsi?"

Yuan Jiang hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

Fan Zhendao: "Since the government will benefit from this, how can Bachelor Yuan explain that by doing this, the government is not using monopoly techniques? After restricting private low interest rates, the government will increase the interest rate to five cents or even higher.

, to amass wealth?”

Many officials immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

Oh my God! Can I ask this?

However, Su Che's eyes lit up and he thought to himself, thanks to Master Fan, it turned out that it was just a false shot before, and this is the killer move. Good question!

He once argued with Lu Huiqing on this issue in the Ordinance Department of the Second Government. You can agree on two points, but you can also agree on twenty points. No one can control the key. This is more terrible than usury.

And he expected that this would definitely happen, because Wang Anshi's fundamental purpose was to make money. If he borrowed money normally and couldn't make much money, he would definitely resort to tricks.

"I object."

Li Min immediately stood up and said: "This is completely the other party's wishful thinking."

Fan Zhen immediately said: "My question is based on the reason why Xuesheng Yuan banned low-interest loans in the clan, and is not a conjecture. If my question is not valid, then the reason why the government also prohibits it will also be invalid."

Zhang Fei thought for a while and said: "The objection is invalid. The witness must answer this."

This issue really caught Yuan Jiang off guard, because the government monopoly is completely legal and there is no reason to say it. However, it seems a little inappropriate to mention it here. After all, they are now fighting for the moral high ground. Shen Sheng

A little, he could only avoid the important issue and say: "The government does not prohibit low interest rates, it only prohibits the interest rates agreed upon by the patriarchal clan."

Fan Zhendao: "But the squires only restricted the landlords in their own villages, and did not restrict the people to only borrow money in the villages. However, the government did not tolerate it. Moreover, the government believed that the squires were playing monopoly by doing so. They only relied on young people to borrow money.

The two-part benefit of the law comes first, and the one-and-five points they agreed on comes later. However, the government has benefited greatly from this ban, so how can the government guarantee that this ban is not a monopoly?"

Yuan Jiang said: "Because the imperial court has express regulations."

As soon as these words came out, boos suddenly sounded outside the hospital.

Yuan Jiang was very embarrassed.

The common people are very, very aware of this matter. When it comes to the art of monopoly, whoever has mastered it before the imperial court knows that the regulations are of no use.

Damn it, I've always paid much more than what's stipulated.

You tell me the rules?

At this time, they have also suddenly realized that you said that the squires are playing monopoly tricks. How can you prove that you are not playing monopoly tricks?

You are more ruthless than them!


Zhang Fei banged the gavel, shouted to stop the people, and then said to Fan Zhen: "Mr. Fan, you can continue."

"Thank you!"

Fan Zhen nodded slightly and said to Yuan Jiang: "I heard that Bachelor Yuan just came to Hezhong Mansion and started a lawsuit about salt banknotes?"

Yuan Jiang fainted as soon as she heard this.

"I object."

Li Min stood up again and said, "This question has nothing to do with this article?"

Fan Zhen said calmly: "I will prove later that this question is closely related to this article."

Zhang Fei said: "Objection is invalid."

Li Min sat down depressedly.

Yuan Jiang had no choice but to nod slightly.

Fan Zhendao: "How many salt banknotes are sold every year and how much salt is exchanged for each salt banknote? Is there any explicit regulation by the court?"

Yuan Jiang nodded.

Fan Zhendao: "But as far as I know, and I believe Academician Yuan also knows, in fact, salt ponds in various places do not follow the regulations. Why is this?"

Many salt officers present were shocked, they were shot while lying down!

They secretly glanced at Zhang Fei with a guilty conscience, and felt a little relieved when they saw Zhang Fei's expressionless face.

"Uh...ahem..." Yuan Jiang said unclearly: "There are many reasons for this, and I can't explain it for a while."

This cannot be explained.

Fan Zhendao: "But the fact is that the government did not comply with the regulations, right?"

Yuan Jiang hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The people know this in their hearts, and no matter how you explain it, it is just sophistry.

Fan Zhen asked again: "Then how can Bachelor Yuan guarantee that when the government bans private low-interest loans, the government will not raise interest rates?"

Yuan Jiang fell silent.

After a while, Zhang Fei looked at Yuan Jiang and said, "Please ask the witness to answer this."

Yuan Jiang was forced to have no choice but to say: "I really can't guarantee this."

If he said he could guarantee it, Fan Zhen could find ten thousand facts to prove that he couldn't guarantee it at all.

Because Yuan Jiang has been an official for so many years, such as county magistrate, magistrate, transfer envoy, etc., doesn't this phenomenon not exist in those places?

He couldn't stop it either.

The fact is that it cannot be stopped.

The four little kings shook their heads after hearing this!

This is embarrassing!

Fan Zhendao: "I'm done asking."

The corner of Yuan Jiang's mouth twitched a few times. At this moment, he also understood why Wang Anshi was unwilling to sit here even if he wanted to kill him.

What a torment!

At the same time, boos broke out outside the hospital.

Many squires could not help but be secretly excited when they saw that the common people were all looking angry, and silently cheered for Fan Zhen.

But officials such as Cai Yanqing are very anxious. If you do this, not to mention the reputation of the court, other monopoly projects may also be attacked!

Do you want to continue the trial?

Wei Yingfang and the others were secretly excited. They were very happy to see this scene. Although they were also officials, only in this way would they provoke a fierce counterattack by the reformists. Their ultimate goal was to provoke judicial reform and new laws.

The battle, not the outcome of the lawsuit.

Qiu Zhengwen whispered: "This bachelor is quite powerful."

Lu Bangxing said: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Can a Hanlin Academy scholar be an ordinary person?"

Li Min said: "It seems that we can't continue to ask Bachelor Yuan, otherwise, it will be too easy for the other party to catch us, and we will be able to attack instead of defend."

Qiu Zhengwen and Lu Bangxing nodded at the same time.

The window paper has already been pierced. If you continue to ask Yuan Jiang, it will be too easy for the other party to fight back. The government has more shit on its butt than anyone else. This argument cannot be won.

Suddenly he heard a few bangs and bangs, and saw Zhang Fei frowning and shouting: "Quiet! Quiet!"

After it became quiet outside the hospital, Zhang Fei looked at Li Min and asked, "Does the defense have any more questions?"

Li Min said: "We have no problem for the time being."

Zhang Fei looked at Fan Zhen again and saw that Fan Zhen also shook his head, indicating that there was no problem, so he said to Yuan Jiang: "Thank you, Bachelor Yuan, for appearing in court to testify. Now, Bachelor Yuan can go down and take a rest."

Yuan Jiang slowly stood up, but her body still swayed slightly. Under the sympathetic eyes of everyone, she walked slowly down the court.

Next, Li Min summoned witnesses.

He is also an old acquaintance, none other than Liang Youyi.

When the old man came up, he just glanced at Zhang Fei secretly, trying not to look directly at him, for fear that he would not be able to bear it anymore and start a fight with him. Competing with Zhang Fei in this court was like lighting a lamp in a latrine.

Li Min stood up and bowed to Liang Youyi first.

Liang Youyi just glanced at him slightly.

Li Min didn't care. After all, there were too many class differences. He glanced at Wen Yu in a pretentious manner, and then asked: "According to our investigation, Mr. Liang contributed money and effort to the clan-based interest rates in each township.

I wonder if you want to make suggestions?"

Liang Youyi nodded and said, "You are right to say that."

Qiu Zhengwen reminded in a low voice: "His ambiguous tone is not conducive to our subsequent problems."

Li Min nodded slightly and asked gently: "Mr. Liang, please answer in a positive tone, yes or no."

Liang Youyi glanced at him slightly dissatisfied, and then said confidently: "Yes."

He looks magnanimous and serves the country and the people.

Li Min asked: "I wonder what purpose Mr. Liang has for working so hard?"

Liang Youyi immediately said righteously: "Of course it is to benefit the villagers. Do you still need to ask?"

Li Min asked: "It seems that Mr. Liang is often charitable in the countryside?"

Fan Zhen frowned and was about to stand up, shouting objections and giving Liang Youyi a reminder. Unexpectedly, Liang Youyi didn't give him this opportunity at all, and said directly: "I can't talk about being charitable, but I usually follow the example of my ancestors and help those who come to ask for help. Villagers.”

Li Min nodded and asked: "To help the villagers, we also need financial support. I wonder how much land Mr. Liang's family has?"

"I object."

After all, Fan Zhen knew his destiny, so he stood up slowly and was not as agile as Li Min. This time he quickly shouted before slowly standing up, "What the other party asked has nothing to do with this."

Zhang Fei nodded and said to Li Min: "Defense, this question involves the witness's personal property. Unless you can provide sufficient reasons, the witness does not need to answer."

Lu Bangxing whispered: "Don't ask these questions yet, just ask the loan shark directly. This old man is easy to deal with, so don't let him go easily."

Li Min nodded and said to Zhang Fei: "I take back the question I just asked."

Later, he said to Liang Youyi in a rather serious tone: "Mr. Liang just said that the reason for agreeing interest rates according to the patriarchal system is to benefit the villagers. He must also be against usury."

Liang Youyi nodded and said, "That's natural."

Li Min took out a contract and said, "This is a debt contract signed between your Liang family and a household in the village. I would like Mr. Liang to take a look at it."

A court policeman immediately came up and handed four copies of the contract to Zhang Fei, Fan Zhen, Su Che and Liang Youyi respectively.

When Fan Zhen saw it, his expression changed slightly. He glanced at Liang Youyi and shook his head secretly.

The interest on this, calculated visually, amounts to 200%.

After Liang Youyi looked at it, he looked panicked and immediately asked: "Where did you get this from?"

Li Min ignored him and continued to ask: "Does the seal above belong to your Liang family?"

Liang Youyi's eyes were slightly evasive, "I don't... I don't know very well."

Li Min immediately said to Zhang Fei: "President, it is very simple to verify the authenticity of this contract. You only need to compare the seal of the Liang family with the previous contract signed by the Liang family to know the authenticity. Even the emperor The court can investigate the land in the contract and whose hands it is currently."

"I object." Fan Zhen said immediately: "I wonder what this issue has to do with this?"

Li Min hurriedly said: "What is their original intention of stipulating interest according to the patriarchal system is the key to this case."

"invalid objection!"

Zhang Fei looked at Liang Youyi and said, "Mr. Liang, please confirm carefully whether this is from the contract of your Liang family?"

Liang Youyi looked at it pretendingly, nodded and said, "Yes...it comes from my family. But I don't know that, because dogs are in charge of family affairs."

Li Min said: "In this contract, the interest agreed upon has reached more than twice the principal after our calculation. It is definitely a usury. I would like to ask Mr. Liang if he agrees with this practice?"

There was an uproar outside the hospital.

Liang Youyi immediately said: "Of course I don't agree, but I am old and have limited energy, so I can't take care of so many things. But after I get home today, I will find out about this matter immediately."

When it came to the latter part, he looked like he was killing his relatives for the sake of justice.

Li Min asked again: "As far as we know, the Liang family obtained at least 356 acres of land through high-interest loans last year. Does Mr. Liang know?"

Liang Youyi looked very impatient and said: "I have already said that I am not in charge of this family's affairs, so how do you know? Don't accuse me unjustly."

Li Min was not discouraged and continued to ask: "Does Mr. Liang know how many concubines he has?"

Fan Zhengang was about to shout his objection, but Liang Youyi said first: "Asshole! This is my private matter, what does it have to do with you? You are seeking to avenge your private vengeance."

Avenging private revenge? Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment. He was not making insinuations about me, was he? Then I really wanted to avenge private revenge publicly.

Fan Zhen shouted hurriedly: "I object."

Zhang Fei couldn't help frowning and looking at Li Min, "Defense, what does this issue have to do with this case?"

Li Min hurriedly explained to Zhang Fei: "In reply to President Zhang, according to my investigation, Mr. Liang has a total of twelve concubines, seven of which were paid by issuing usury loans. Therefore, we believe that Mr. Liang is not right.

Nothing is known about this.”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

"Really?" Zhang Fei asked, "Do you have any evidence?"


Li Min will immediately produce four copies of the evidence and present it to them.

After Zhang Fei saw it, he asked Liang Youyi: "Mr. Liang, do you know all this?"

Liang Youyi's face turned red and he thought to himself, where did these bastards get all this evidence? Could it be that there was a traitor in the family? Now he couldn't stand it. He couldn't say that they were all Quanzi's concubines. I only slept occasionally.

He avoided the important matter and said lightly: "I don't understand what this has to do with this?"

Li Min said: "Just now, Mr. Liang said that the reason for using the patriarchal method to agree on interest is to oppose usury and benefit the villagers. But judging from the facts, your Liang family has benefited from usury many times, including Mr. Liang himself. I don't know.

How does Mr. Liang explain everything?"

Liang Youyi was already sweating profusely, and the corners of his mouth were twitching. He didn't know that the other party would attack him from this angle.

In the past, the ear pen had rarely appeared in the trial. He had never seen such a scene where drawing a sword would lead to bloodshed.

Since you can't explain it, just pretend to be deaf and dumb!

Seeing that Liang Youyi couldn't rely on him, Li Min started to pretend to be dead again, so he said: "The reason why Mr. Liang is keen on agreeing interest through patriarchal methods is because the Qingmiao method will seriously harm the interests of the Liang family. That's why Mr. Liang thought of this method.

To destroy the Young Seedlings Law, this is your real purpose."

"I object." Fan Zhen quickly raised his hands and shouted.

Li Min sat down and said, "I'm done asking."

Playing dead?

This is of no use in the imperial court. After all, a lawsuit is not about debating, but about convincing the judge that Li Min's goal has been achieved.

This is not difficult to see from the demeanor of the assistant jury on the side. They all looked at Liang Youyi with disdain.

Zhang Fei looked at Fan Zhen again and said, "Mr. Fan, do you have any questions to ask?"

Fan Zhen glanced at Liang Youyi, who seemed ten years older, and couldn't help but sigh secretly, then shook his head and said, "I have nothing to ask."

At this moment, Ma Xiaoyi suddenly came to the court and said: "President Zhang, a witness suddenly fainted."

Zhang Fei asked: "Who?"

Ma Xiaoyi said: "Xu Qingnian."

Hearing this, Zhang Fei couldn't help but glance at Fan Zhen, who looked slightly embarrassed.

But there is nothing you can do. You are so ruthless and pick on weak spots and hit them. Who dares to come up to you!

After thinking for a while, Zhang Fei looked at the sky again and said, "It's getting late, so the trial will be here for the time being in the morning and will continue in the afternoon. The court will be adjourned."

This chapter has been completed!
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