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Chapter 600 Set things right

 The Song Dynasty can be said to be a wonder among feudal dynasties, because it was the only feudal dynasty in Chinese history where commercial taxes exceeded agricultural taxes on a large scale.

According to statistics, the commercial tax in the Northern Song Dynasty was dozens of times that of the Ming Dynasty.

All this was first due to the "Business Tax Regulations" originally promulgated by Song Taizu, which was China's first commercial tax regulations promulgated by the government. The "Business Tax Regulations" stipulated the types of taxed goods, tax types, tax rates, and

The handling of tax evasion and tax evasion, etc.

This not only ended the commercial and tax chaos of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, but also pushed the commercial development of the Northern Song Dynasty to an unprecedented peak.

This also shows the importance of this legal system.

However, with the outbreak of the Song Dynasty's financial crisis, various problems arose in this business tax.

In ancient times, it was very difficult to collect business taxes. No one would be stupid enough to send money to you. You had to spend money to hire someone to collect taxes. This was a necessary expense.

However, when facing a fiscal crisis, the country wants to reduce expenditures and increase revenue at the same time, but these two are very contradictory, because the country's current revenue is mainly tax collection, while its main expenditures are

War expenditures and official salaries cannot be reduced. Military expenditures cannot be reduced. In order to reduce expenditures, we have to lay off people. But once we lay off people, there will be fewer people collecting taxes, and the taxes will not be collected.

At present, many ministers criticize Wang Anshi's new policy, which also involves this issue. Wang Anshi wants to open up the country, and to open up the country, he needs to recruit people, and recruiting people will increase the financial burden.

Take the Young Crops Law, for example. To implement the Green Crops Law properly, a group of people must be hired to collect debts. This will obviously increase the financial burden. This is very contradictory to Sima Guang's cost-saving policy.

But the earth is round, and as long as you are greedy enough, you will always find a way.

How to do this is very simple, that is to replace the fixed salary expenditure with rewards and commissions.

In fact, using rewards and commissions to motivate staff to collect taxes is a very reasonable approach, but replacing fixed expenditures will definitely cause problems.

The imperial court cannot afford less money, so it can only acquiesce to them not collecting taxes in accordance with tax laws.

Once there is no other way, the fists will do the talking.

For example, when it comes to taxes, according to the "Commercial Tax Regulations", the national overtax requirement is 2%, but currently the overtax in many places in Hezhong Prefecture has reached 20%.

They even directly closed the wide business roads that were difficult to collect taxes, forcing business travelers to cross bridges or take narrow roads, and then set up checkpoints there to exploit the business travelers.

To put it bluntly, this is a kind of gangster logic replacing legal principles in order to quickly obtain wealth.

This is why when the procuratorate accused them, they retorted with confidence, the court allowed us to do this, and if you do this now, you are killing the donkey and killing the donkey, which is extremely unkind.

But this situation is obviously not conducive to business development, and Zhang Fei wants to revitalize the judiciary, so how could he allow this situation to continue to happen.

In addition, Wang Anshi also realized that this problem is very serious, because officials don't do things, and the real ones are the officials, but they don't get salaries, only a little welfare. They have power, but no money. What do you think they will do?

Wang Anshi's first step in governing officials was to pay them wages, but he did not say it separately, but put them into the tax exemption and implemented them together.

It can be seen that Wang Anshi is really a mess in terms of publicity.

In fact, this law should be written in a big book, while the Young Crops Law should be publicized in a low-key manner, because one is to distribute money, and the other is to collect interest. Of course, it should focus on distributing money, so as to win the hearts of the people.

Perhaps Wang Anshi didn't have much confidence in this either. After all, his main purpose was to make money for the country.

But in any case, Zhang Fei and Wang Anshi had a consensus on increasing salaries for officials, so Zhang Fei had the confidence to ask Su Che to negotiate with them and express his willingness to fight for officials' salaries.

Because the fundamental reason for undermining the judiciary is the non-payment of salaries, which must be compensated.

However, finance is not under the jurisdiction of the Public Security Bureau, but is the responsibility of the Transportation Department.

The government is still negotiating with the procuratorate, but neither side is willing to give in.

When the officials below saw that the procuratorate would not give in, they made a fuss even more fierce. However, they were also very cunning and chose to go on strike specifically on matters involving tax collection. The purpose was to prevent the government from collecting money and see which of us would take longer.

Currently, the entire tax collection in Hezhong Prefecture is in a state of paralysis.

These officials knew very well that as long as the court could not receive money, they would compromise.

This is why Cai Yanqing is so anxious.

However, the procuratorate is still very forceful, saying that it does not need to settle old accounts, but this kind of behavior will never be allowed to continue. If the court defaults on salary, you can sue, but you cannot use this method to collect money.

If you go on strike, you go on strike. It has nothing to do with me. Not only that, seeing that the other party was unwilling to compromise, the procuratorate seemed to have gradually lost patience and began to prosecute those arrested.

The officials outside are still resisting, but the people inside can't stand it, because in the procuratorate's understanding agreement, the punishment is very light. It only involves returning what has been taken to others, and then fines some money, so there is no penalty involved.

They are all wealthy people now and are unwilling to take this risk.

In addition, those Erbi are also lobbying them. The procuratorate has solid evidence. They will definitely not win the lawsuit. If they go to the imperial court, they will definitely be punished.

At the same time, the police station did not stop, and suddenly sent people directly to take over the prison in Hezhong Prefecture, citing the lack of management of the prison.

Those few cell guards could not stop hundreds of well-equipped Royal Police.

This caused a huge shock in the government. Are you going to replace us all?

Government office.

"Master Zhuo, what did they say?"

Seeing Zhuo Qun enter the hall, Wei Yingfang immediately asked.

Zhuo Qun said: "The police station said that the procuratorate is currently preparing to prosecute, and the number of prisoners will increase by then, but the government and prison have not cooperated with them, and recently they closed the government prison due to lack of manpower. They had no choice but to

, they just chose to do this.

At the same time, they also showed official documents from the court. According to the regulations of the court, the police station already includes prison guards. At that time, the police station will be separated into an official office dedicated to prison management.

Moreover, they also decided to close the prison and convert the property of the prison into a temporary superintendent of the police station to detain suspects who have not yet been tried. At the same time, they will build a prison outside the city specifically to hold prisoners.


After hearing these words, Wei Yingfang and the others were stunned.

They never imagined that the police department would have such great power.

The reason why the police station recruits so many people is not just for public security. When the time comes, the tax police, prison guards, court police, and some prosecutors will all be separated from the police station.

Liu Daxing suddenly stood up and said, "Prefect Cai, Bachelor Yuan, you have all seen it. Now this police station will also ride on our heads. By then, the entire Hezhong Prefecture will obey their public prosecutors. Who will let us go?"

In your eyes?"

As a county lieutenant, he is equivalent to the director of the Public Security Bureau. Facing the aggressiveness of the police station, he is the most anxious. Once the police station completely takes over public security duties, he will be unemployed!

"This is a conspiracy."

Yuan Jiang suddenly said.

Cai Yanqing immediately looked at him. You finally spoke. Let's see how round you are this time.


Everyone was startled and looked at Yuan Jiang in surprise.

Yuan Jiang glanced at them: "Don't you think this scene seems familiar?"

Deja vu?


Zhuo Qun suddenly said: "Could it be disarmament that Bachelor Yuan is referring to?"


Yuan Jiang said: "Isn't that how the disarmament came about in the first place? The Public Security Bureau created financial problems, we wrote to the court and complained, and then they persuaded the court to disarm.

At that time, they wanted to repeat their old tricks and constantly put pressure on the government, forcing us to appeal to the court, and then they forced the court to dismiss officials on the grounds of redundancy."

"Not bad!"

He Chunlin immediately turned pale and kept nodding: "Xueshi Yuan is absolutely right, their goal is to lay off officials, we can't let them succeed again!"

They don't care about disarmament, but they don't care about cutting officials!

That little compensation is a lot for soldiers, but for officials like them, even sending beggars is not enough!

The officials sitting here could not help but feel their hair standing on end.

What a good idea. Cai Yanqing sighed secretly, immediately took over the job of praising him, and asked: "In the opinion of Bachelor Yi Yuan, how should we deal with it?"

Everyone looked at Yuan Jiang.

After Yuan Jiang thought deeply, he said: "Just follow the plan."

"Just follow the plan?"


Yuan Jiang nodded and said: "Their purpose is to force us to appeal to the imperial court and suggest that the imperial court dismiss officials, but we do not appeal. We do what they say and pay every official a full salary, which is a penny."

A lot of them."

Wei Yingfang couldn't help but ask: "Do we have so much money?"

Yuan Jiang said: "We can issue salt debts and salt banknotes to make up for this financial problem."

Cao Yi frowned and said, "But this salt debt and salt banknotes must be repaid with salt."

Yuan Jiang said with a smile: "We'll have to wait until the time comes, but it's not time yet. After the court investigates the charges, we will pass the responsibility to the public prosecutor and the judiciary. If we appeal now, in terms of legal principles, in the end we are in the wrong. We can only let the court understand that we are in the wrong."

Only when we have real difficulties will the imperial court understand us, and giving money can appease the officials below."

Everyone nodded frequently.

This is really a clever idea!

At present, the Procuratorate has the evidence, and if they go to the court, they will not get any advantage. Now that they have to pay for their food first and then fail to pay it, and pass the responsibility to the Public Security Bureau, the court will naturally be concerned about their good deeds and will acquiesce in their going.

Making money for the country.

Everything will go back to how it was before.

The key is to be able to send money to everyone, which is also a good thing to win people's hearts!

What a huge profit!

Wei Yingfang asked: "Then what should we do now?"

Yuan Jiang said: "You should immediately count how many officials there are in Hezhong Prefecture, and according to their official duties, set a salary for them that is enough to support their families. Then every month, they will be directly promoted to the Changping Division to receive their salary.

But you also have to remember one thing, don’t do any fraud, because the procuratorate will definitely be watching, and once they get a handle on it, they will definitely ask the court to dismiss the official."

When it comes to layoffs, everyone is very nervous.

This is definitely not a joke, because many ministers in the DPRK want to lay off officials, and the disaster of redundant officials is shouted out every year.

No one wants to lose their official position, this must be taken seriously.

Cai Yanqing suddenly asked: "How should we deal with it with the procuratorate?"

Yuan Jiang sighed: "We can only reach a reconciliation with them and let everyone disperse the money to eliminate the disaster. After all, those people inside can't stand it anymore."

His suggestion was quickly recognized by everyone.

After the meeting, Wei Yingfang and the others went to discuss with those officials to ensure that the public prosecutor, procuratorate, and law would not hold them accountable, and at the same time, they would be given adequate salaries. If they were given less, you would go make trouble again.

Most officials are willing to accept this condition, because most of them still can't make much money, and their lives are tight. It's not easy to ask for money from the people. If you are ruthless enough, your salary will be much more stable.

Yeah, they think it's a blessing in disguise.

And those few evil officials have no choice, because their people are now detained in the police station, and they are not willing to risk their lives and wealth.

After all, the procuratorate also guaranteed that they can continue to do business, but they can no longer break the law.

The government sent Erbi to negotiate a settlement agreement with the procuratorate, one by one, to see how to compensate and punish.

During this period, the Procuratorate stole the show and demonstrated its powers to the fullest. These people suddenly discovered that the Procuratorate not only had the power to investigate, but also had the power to decide whether to prosecute.

This does not mean that you must be prosecuted if you violate the law. The procuratorate can implement specific plans based on specific circumstances.

This power is terrible, and the imperial court is terrifying, but the prerequisite is that you have to be prosecuted before the imperial court, but you can choose not to go, or you can negotiate with the procuratorate.

The Procuratorate and the Police Station have blocked all matters. The Imperial Court is relatively relaxed. Recently, it has been busy with the Law School and the Legal Aid Department.

Zhang Fei plans to help those students who pass the law examination first in the Legal Aid Department. There happens to be a shortage of people in the Legal Aid Department. They will just treat it as coursework and give them a small living allowance, because currently law schools cannot do it.

Classes are held every day, and there are currently no professional professors.

The Four Little Kings still have to put official duties first. In addition, most of these students have a basic knowledge of law. It is more important to teach them the concept of legal system and the operation mode of the public prosecutor and law.

However, due to the arrival of Fan Zheng today, Zhang Fei could only put down what he was doing and went to Da Gou's restaurant with Fan Zheng to discuss.

"How do you think about it?"

Zhang Fei asked with a smile.

As the situation changes, it becomes very important whether the Charity Foundation and the Ma family decide to open a warehouse in Hezhong Prefecture.

Because they will bear part of the responsibility of Qingmiao Law.

But Fan Zheng, who was cautious, never gave an accurate answer.

Fan Zheng smiled slightly: "The current situation in Hezhong Mansion is indeed prosperous and has become more beneficial to our businessmen, but how long can this last?"

Zhang Fei said: "On this point, you won't believe my guarantee. There are definitely risks, but we also have to look at the benefits.

If you agree, Ma Laosi's plan will definitely succeed. You will have a monopoly on the soldiers' pay and exchanges. This regular and large-scale business will not only reduce your transportation costs, but also allow you to

business, touching every corner of Shaanxi.

In addition, the connection between Shaanxi Road and Bianjing is very close."

Fan Zhengdao: "But we have never thought about cooperating with the government."

Zhang Fei said: "If you don't cooperate with the government, you won't be able to get these deals, but if you are willing to cooperate, our Public Security Bureau will ensure that your rights and interests will not be arbitrarily usurped by the government.

Moreover, in addition to flying money, lending, storage and other businesses, there is also a business that you may not have thought of, but it may be handed over to you in the future."

Fan Zheng asked: "What kind of deal?"


Zhang Fei said: "The government's credit in Jiaozi is getting worse and worse. However, with the development of commerce, coins will be further scarce, and salt banknotes are fixed. Jiaozi may still be needed. If the public security organs are there, the government may relax the rules for private individuals."

The store distributes Jiaozi."

Fan Zheng frowned, "But we are cooperating with the government. If we issue Jiaozi, does the government have the final say, or do we? If it is the government that has the final say, then the government is just borrowing us to make money. We would rather not issue it.


Zhang Fei said: "In terms of Jiaozi, if you are unwilling to cooperate with the government, you can separate it and sell it separately. I do not recommend that you cooperate with the government."

Fan Zhengdao: "Will the government be willing?"

Zhang Fei said: "If Hezhong Prefecture needs to issue Jiaozi, it can only mean that Hezhong Prefecture's business is booming. While the government is getting benefits, why doesn't it want you to issue Jiaozi to promote business to a higher level?"

Fan Zheng pondered with a deep brow, Jiaozi was quite tempting to him, not because of Jiaozi's monetary attributes, but because Jiaozi was more convenient for their business dealings. If he was able to make large-scale flying money and loan transactions, it would be completely

It is very troublesome to rely on iron coins and copper coins to trade. Just counting them can take a whole day. If Jiaozi can be issued to serve as a basis, it will be much more convenient.

After a while, Fan Zheng said: "To be honest with Third Brother, in fact, Fourth Uncle has sent someone to send a message. Fourth Uncle believes that even if he does not cooperate with the government, he will still be under the supervision of the government. He doesn't have much opinion on this."


Ma Tianhao has always cooperated with Xiangguo Temple, and Xiangguo Temple also has close cooperation with the imperial court, so Ma Tianhao does not reject cooperation with the imperial court. On the contrary, he believes that if he wants to make big money, he must cooperate with the imperial court.

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded: "Ma Laosi is the one who thinks more thoroughly."

Fan Zheng smiled awkwardly and said: "My fourth uncle is a senior, so he is naturally more foresighted than me. But my fourth uncle also said that this needs to be guaranteed by the public prosecutor and the law first."

Businessmen in the capital have all realized the benefits of the public security system to businessmen.

Zhang Fei immediately said: "On behalf of the Public Security Bureau, I will give you a guarantee now."

Fan Zheng was stunned, as if he did not expect that Zhang Fei would agree so decisively, and hehe said: "The third brother seems to be very eager for us to open a store here."

Zhang Fei said truthfully: "If the finances of Hezhong Prefecture cannot be improved, but the financial burden will be increased because of the Public Security Law, then who among the ministers in the DPRK and China will support the Public Security Law? Who has any reason to support the Public Security Law? So if you give up, we will

We will also look for other businessmen to cooperate.”

Fan Zheng nodded slightly, thinking that if the public prosecution failed, it would be very detrimental to us businessmen. He thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "Okay, we can agree to open a store here, but we have to negotiate with the government!"

Zhang Fei took out a piece of paper and put it on the table, "Let's negotiate according to what's written on it."

Fan Zheng was stunned for a moment, "It seems that Third Brother has guessed our decision."

Zhang Fei chuckled: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for businessmen. There is no reason for you to refuse."

Fan Zheng smiled, picked up the copy, and studied it carefully.

After Fan Zheng left, the big dog came over with a pot of tea. While helping Zhang Fei pour the tea, he said: "There is news from Jingzhao Mansion that many people are trying to stop the Public Security Bureau from going to Beijing."


"It is expected that no one will like us."

Zhang Fei picked up the tea in the cup, took a sip, and asked: "How is the disarmament in Jingzhao Mansion going?"

Dagou said: "With the support of the Zhe family, the Zhong family, and the Yao family, plus the fact that Wang Xuanfushi and Guo Jinglue are in charge, it is relatively smooth."

Zhang Fei said: "Is there no problem at all?"

The big dog was stunned for a moment and asked: "Of course there are problems, mainly in terms of compensation. Many soldiers are dissatisfied."

Zhang Fei said: "You ask our people in the camp to tell other soldiers that if they are treated unfairly, they can come to the imperial court of Hezhong Prefecture for litigation, and let the news out that the Public Security Bureau will go to Jingzhao Prefecture next year."

The big dog said in surprise: "Will the Public Security Bureau go to Jingzhao Mansion next year?"

If he really wanted to go, he would have to make preparations.

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "Just talking. Hezhong Mansion is still in a mess at present. How can I go to Jingzhao Mansion? But I want to use this to tie up the soldiers of the entire Western Army. As long as the military and political affairs are stabilized, then

In addition, the finance of the entire Shaanxi Road is concentrated in Hezhong Prefecture, so they will not be able to pose much hindrance to us. Let the military and civilians in various places become agitated first, and look forward to the arrival of our public prosecutors. When the time is right, everything will be done with twice the result with half the effort."

"I know what to do."

Big Dog nodded and said: "By the way, I received news before that the people from the Taxation Department are already on their way to Hezhong Mansion. There should be no problem with the Taxation Department appearing in Hezhong Mansion next year."

Zhang Fei said: "Tell them to hurry up. Next year, they will have to rely on the Taxation Department for many things. I also have to explain some things to them."

"I see."

Pinglu County.

That is where Sanmenxia is located.

This is the transportation hub of Hezhong Prefecture, especially for water transportation. It is an excellent place to collect taxes.

As the procuratorate and the government are still negotiating, the tax collectors here are also on strike.

They don't dare to accept it now. If they are accused, they may go to the police station to stay.

Next to this commercial road, there is a tea shop, and there are only three or five men sitting inside.

"Stop! What to do now?"

A young man said to the bearded man sitting in the middle: "The government only said it would pay the officials, but it didn't say it would pay us. Those officials will definitely not care about us, so what should we do?"

There are several types of officials. Those who work in the government are all well-established. However, people like them who sit on the roadside to collect taxes are called barristers. They are not well-established and do not even receive benefits.

Just get commission.

According to the current negotiations between the government and the procuratorate, the government will definitely not pay them.

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

When the bearded man heard this, he drank a cup of hot wine and opened his mouth and said: "It's all that bitch's fault of the public prosecutor. Before they came, our Hezhong Mansion was peaceful. Now that they come, everyone is in fear and shouting every day."

Both of them are afraid of being caught."

"That's not necessarily the case. To pay officials salaries, we have to find someone to collect taxes. Maybe we have to rely on us."

"Do you know how to settle accounts? The money we get is all overcharged. If it doesn't cost much, can the government still give us the little tax money?"

"That's true. Then we have no work to do."

Suddenly, a man sat down.

Baantou was startled and turned his head to look. He saw that this person was very unfamiliar, "Who is your Excellency?"

The man glanced at them and said seriously: "You have lost your livelihood now, so you can make a living with me from now on."

Several people heard this in confusion.

The headman asked: "I wonder what you do?"


The man slapped a token on the table.

They all recognized this token. It came from the government. Although they had never read a book, by coincidence, they all recognized the words on the token - tax.

Then I heard the man say: "Taxation Department."



With a clang, the iron chains were loosened, and the cell door slowly opened. A young man was seen excitedly entering the cell, his eyes searching in front of the unkempt and black-faced prisoners.

Suddenly, he stopped in front of a cell door, and saw a thin man sitting in the corner inside. Unlike other prisoners, this man's hands were tightly tied with hemp ropes.

"elder brother!"

The young man shouted twice excitedly.

The man shook his head, shook the hair out of his eyes, and blinked hard.

"Brother, it's me, Xiao Lin."

"Xiao Lin?"

The man panicked and said, "Why did you come in too?"

"No, no, brother, I'm here to save you."

The young man said, and immediately called to the prison warden beside him, "This brother, he is the person I am looking for. Release him quickly, quickly, quickly."

"Are you sure it's him?"

"It's him, he can't be wrong."

The warden immediately opened the cell door and said to the man, "You can go out now."

The prisoner said depressedly: "Brother Cha, my hands are still tied."

The young man immediately rushed into the cell and quickly untied the hemp rope, "Brother, you are locked in there, why are you still tied up?"

The prisoner said: "It's not my fault, Brother Cha, it's all my fault. I used to unlock the door and sneak out by myself."

An hour later.

In a hotel in the southern suburbs of Luoyang.

The man who had just been released would have his head buried in the dining table, devouring his food without even thinking about talking.

After a while, the man looked at the empty plates on the table with satisfaction and let out a sigh of relief, "Comfortable, so comfortable!"

He then asked the young man next to him: "Xiao Lin, what is going on? How could you let them release me? Did you spend money?"

The young man said: "Who dares to take someone from this prison? Even if you can spend money to redeem the person, how much money will it cost to redeem you? Don't you know how many crimes you have committed?"

"Then what's going on?" the man asked in confusion.

The young man named Xiao Lin suddenly laughed: "Brother, you don't know something. A month ago, we went to rob the government, and we were accidentally captured. Fortunately, we were helped by a noble man. This noble man is really powerful.

No matter what kind of prisoner he is, if he says a word, the government will release him."

"Then why did he save you?"

"It's because of this method of ours."

As he spoke, Xiao Lin made a stealing gesture.

"What did he ask us to steal?"

"We don't know exactly what he stole. He just asked me to steal the land deed of a wealthy family, and then asked me to put the land deed back."

"Land deed? Will you give it back?"


"Then what are we brothers doing now?"

"He just told us to go to Hezhong Mansion first, and he will arrange tasks for us then."

As he said that, the young man took out another baggage. When he opened it, he saw two household registration books and some silver coins inside. Then he took out another household registration book and handed it to the man, "Brother, this is yours. Go here.

From now on, you will be called Fu Qian, and we will be called Fulin, a person from Luoyang."

"Is this household registration real or fake? Why does it look like the real thing?"

"It's not the same as the real thing, this is the real thing."


The man frowned, "Do you think this person is?"

"Brother, I didn't tell you, so let's stop guessing. Now that this noble man is helping our brother, we don't have to be afraid anymore, and we can also get a lot of money."

This chapter has been completed!
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