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Chapter 609: If there is no lawsuit, create a lawsuit

 After leaving the conference room, a gust of biting cold wind rushed towards her face. Xu Zhiqian couldn't help but raise her hand to block it in front of her face. Suddenly she felt a warmth surrounding herself. She couldn't help but look at Zhang Fei coquettishly, and twisted a little, "This

But in the official office."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "So what."

Xu Zhiqian knew his temper, so she didn't say anything more, but changed the subject and said, "You have already thought about this, right?"

Zhang Fei asked: "What?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "That's Cai Jing's suggestion just now."

Zhang Fei nodded with a smile, hugged her and walked towards the backyard, saying: "Actually, our judiciary is relatively passive, and there are too many unreasonable things in the original system.

However, the judiciary has no right to interfere with administration, which leaves us powerless to do many things.

For example, in the case of the purchase tax case last time, if the government defended it seriously, the Legal Aid Department might not be able to win, because in many cases, the government favors taxation."

Xu Zhiqian nodded slightly and said, "No wonder you said before that without the tax department, many issues would be impossible to discuss."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "This is exactly the reason. Now that the Taxation Department is here, as long as the tax collection method changes, then our imperial court can intervene in response to this change and then establish new principles."

Xu Zhiqian said: "The first offender is exempted from punishment. Does that mean you have to intervene?"

Zhang Fei chuckled: "This is just a warm-up, the fun is to come."


When he was in the capital, it was Xu Zhiqian who acted as Zhang Fei's gunman. Basically, all the articles published by Zhang Fei in the official bookstore were ghostwritten by Xu Zhiqian. But after coming to Hezhong Mansion, this changed.

Almost all the notices and articles published by the imperial court were drafted by Cai Jing.

I have to admit that among the Four Little King Kongs, Cai Jing has the best literary talent. After all, the Imperial Court and the genuine bookstore are not the same concept. The Imperial Court is more solemn and serious, and it is inconvenient to write in a very rough writing style.

And Cai Jing has also specialized in the writing style of newspapers and periodicals. He can use a flowing writing style to write the kind of easy-to-understand articles that Zhang Fei wants.

Maybe, this is talent!

Not only that, Cai Jing is also very good at figuring out other people's thoughts. Zhang Fei only needs to explain in one sentence, and he will know exactly what Zhang Fei wants to express.

Soon, the second issue of Dharma Report will be released.

The content of this issue explains very clearly that because the tax department’s independent declaration is different from the previous traditional tax collection, there may be some problems, and these problems include some unintentional tax evasion.

, based on these issues, the imperial court will exempt the first offender from the penalty and will only impose a fine as a penalty as appropriate.

This is actually not a big problem, and it can be said to be reasonable.

Although self-declaration has been carried out before, it was only at a very basic level. They just used the land deed to pay taxes. The police station did not have much control over it. It was just a deterrent. As long as the tax revenue was not higher than last year, it would just let it pass.

But this time it applies to all types of taxes. However, according to the "Song Xingtong", the penalties for tax evasion are very serious, so it is very reasonable to be exempted once.

But among the people, it caused a huge sensation.

You must know that when everyone learned that the Taxation Department had arrived in Hezhong Prefecture, the people who were most afraid of the Taxation Department were not the landlords, but the common people. The people of Hezhong Prefecture also heard the rumors about the Taxation Department.

Smarter people will not hate the rich at this time. They will think that if the tax department is so cruel to the landlords, much more cruel than the previous tax collectors, then we are just fish on the chopping board and can only suffer.


However, this issue of Dharma Report suddenly made people think, yes, there is an imperial court here that can make decisions for us.

Times have changed.

You must know that not long ago, the imperial court helped many people to seek justice from the government's purchase tax. Of course, they did not know that this was actually the tax department giving up on their own initiative, not the government really surrendering.

But at least on the surface, the imperial court's verdict is beyond doubt.

Although this is only a small change in punishment, it has a calming effect on people's hearts.

However, this can only appease the people, but it cannot appease the big landowners and squires. They are not very afraid that they will be bullied by the tax department, but they are very worried that their money will be taken away by the tax department. The reason is

The thing is, they are big tax evaders.

And they don’t intend to pay taxes truthfully!

Liang Youyi, who had been having an inextricable fight with the government a few days ago, came to the Wei Mansion on behalf of some big squires and rich men to discuss countermeasures with Wei Yingfang, Cao Yi and the others.

In their hearts, they think that they should not pay taxes. We are official officials, and the court should allocate money to us instead of asking us to pay taxes!

The key is that we also bear the responsibility of rural stability.

"According to the information currently known, the Department of Taxation will consolidate all taxes into one tax, but how it will be implemented is not yet clear."

Wei Yingfang shook his head and sighed.

In the past, their fight with the imperial court was quite roundabout, and they were just competing in secret, and winning or losing would not affect them personally for the time being, but this time it was different, the fire was burned directly on their heads, and they were very worried now.


Liang Youyi said curiously: "Whether it's two taxes or one tax, it doesn't matter to these old men, but as far as I know, we all have to pay taxes."

Wei Yingfang nodded and said, "That should be the case. The Taxation Department has clearly informed us that we will receive a tax bill by then."


Liang Youyi said: "Then the tax department shouldn't just collect taxes. Can they also formulate tax laws?"

The implication is that they can formulate tax laws, so what is the use of your government?

Wei Yingfang sighed: "We have also protested to the Department of Taxation on this point, but the problem lies in the unification of taxes."

Liang Youyi said in surprise: "How can you say this?"

Cao Yi on the side quickly explained: "Mr. Liang should know that the arrival of the Taxation Department also brought the tax exemption law."

Liang Youyi's expression changed, "Of course I know this. I strongly oppose this exemption law."

"It's useless to object, it's been decided above. And..."

Cao Yi sighed and said: "And because of the last lawsuit against Qingmiao Law, the imperial court has sent Han Sishi to Hezhong Mansion. On the one hand, Han Sishi supports the new law, but on the other hand, he is here to deal with the Public Security Bureau. If we

If we oppose the exemption law now, will the Korean temple still make decisions for us then?"

Their current situation is very embarrassing. Their original plan was to let the new law and judicial reform fight against each other. Their officials and squires would each support one faction, and then start a fight below.

This is a very common method in official circles.

Based on this plan, these officials ostensibly want to support the new law. They do not dare to complain about the exemption law now.

After all, they still have to rely on Han Jiang to contend with the public prosecutor!

Liang Youyi said hurriedly: "Compared with the new law, the public prosecutor's law is more hateful. We have to deal with the public prosecutor's law first, so the new law is not a concern."

He really hates Zhang Fei to the core. He has lost the greatest face in his life, but thanks to Zhang Fei, he chooses the lesser of two evils, so he quickly appeases these officials. We have to put the overall situation first. You guys

Don't oppose the immunity from service law, lest you spoil things.

Cao Yidao: "If you don't oppose the exemption law, then this combination of taxes will be a big problem."

Liang Youyi became more confused the more he listened, "What on earth is going on?"

Cao Yidao: "Because according to the exemption tax in the exemption law, everyone needs to pay it, including us officials, monks, Taoist priests, etc. If the tax department combines all taxes into one tax, it will become a tax for everyone.

You have to pay taxes.”

Liang Youyi thought for a while, "That's just tax exemption!"

Wei Yingfang said: "Mr. Liang, don't you understand? When all taxes are unified, these regulations will also apply to all taxes."

Liang Youyi said: "Then you have no objection?"

"How to object?"

Wei Yingfang exclaimed: "Mr. Liang, please don't forget that those lands were subject to taxes in the past. It's just that those people used various means to avoid the taxes and the government didn't find out. But now, those means are not easy to use."


Liang Youyi hurriedly asked: "How do you say this?"

Wei Yingfang said: "For example, many large landowners entrust their fields in the name of temples and use the temple's tax exemption rights to avoid taxes. But now, temples also have to pay taxes, and according to the exemption tax, the more land they have, the more they pay.

The more land there is, the more land the temple owns, and even if part of the tax is exempted, the tax paid is still very large."

Liang Youyi blinked, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

In fact, their tax-free privileges are limited. No matter how big the official is, how many acres of land are exempted from tax. The rest of the land is also subject to tax, but temples and Taoist temples do not need to pay tax, but now it is combined into one tax. This way of circumvention,

Naturally it will fail.

"Now what?"

Liang Youyi already looked at a loss. This was so complicated that he was a little confused.

Wei Yingfang suddenly frowned: "The Taxation Department has decided to combine all taxes into one tax, and then adopt the method of self-reporting. How about we take a gamble and bet that the Taxation Department cannot detect it. Once the Taxation Department cannot collect the tax,

That will cause a lot of problems, and we can use this as a reason to impeach the Department of Taxation."

Cao Yi frowned and said: "Some people have tried to do this in the capital, but they were punished to the point of losing their entire fortune, or even losing their families. Who would dare to gamble like this?"

Wei Yingfang said: "The imperial court has just issued a decree on this, exempting the first offender from punishment, which means a small fine. With this small amount of money, I think it is worth it."

Liang Youyi also said: "If it's just a small fine, it doesn't matter. To be honest, I don't believe that the tax department has such great ability to clear all tax investigations."

Cao Yi shook his head and said: "Things are not that simple. My brother sent me a letter early in the morning. The powerful people in the capital are not focusing on tax evasion, but on illegal income, such as selling illegal salt. The tax department only cares about money and doesn't care about you.

Wherever the money comes from, you have to pay taxes, and they can also investigate illegal income.

The imperial court only exempts the first offender of tax evasion from the penalty, but it does not exempt the person who breaks the law from the penalty. Unless everyone's income is innocent, otherwise, the consequences of such a gamble may still be serious."

Liang Youyi said: "This won't work, that won't work either, so what should we do?"

Cao Yi pondered: "Concealing reports, lying, this may not work. If we can't stop the tax department, we can only avoid taxes through the imperial court."

"Through the imperial court?"

Liang Youyi looked at Cao Yi in shock.

Cao Yi nodded and said: "According to my brother, the Taxation Department has no judicial power. Whether tax evasion is a matter of evasion will have to be litigated. The Imperial Court can only make judgments according to the law. As long as we don't break the law, the Taxation Department can't do anything to us."

Wei Yingfang asked curiously: "How can I not break the law?"

"Break it into parts."

Cao Yidao: "According to the regulations of the Department of Taxation, the more income, the higher the tax. As long as I disperse the land, everyone does not own much land, so they do not need to pay too much tax."

Liang Youyi nodded and said: "This is a good idea."

They have countless servants, so it's very simple to call in some people to fill up the number.

Wei Yingfang said: "But this is only agricultural tax. How to calculate commercial tax revenue?"

Cao Yi smiled and said: "We can still follow the gourd's example and give our subordinates a little more money. Our income will be a little less. After the investigation is completed, we will collect the money privately. No matter how powerful the tax department is, it will not work."

Maybe we can find out."

Wei Yingfang nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, they had to find ways to evade taxes in the past, but they were in charge before, but not now.


There are policies from above and countermeasures from below, especially when it comes to taxation. Tax evasion is simply a human nature, especially if it is narrowed down to a certain person, because individuals cannot personally feel the benefits of paying taxes, even if the person in front of you is

The roads are wide and big, and you won't think of taxes. It's better to buy an ice cream.

Needless to say, the rich will have to pay more taxes.

From ancient times to the present, when it comes to taxation, the government and the people have always been in the game, and it has never stopped.

Neither the Imperial Court nor the Taxation Department had any extravagant expectations. Just based on their domineering aura or those rumors, these people would pay taxes honestly. This was destined to be a game that could not be cultivated.

What Wei Yingfang and the others did not expect was that the Taxation Department had already penetrated into Hezhong Prefecture, and their tax avoidance methods were quickly learned by Dagou and the others.

Of course, Wei Yingfang and the others did not say that they wanted to hide this tax avoidance law. They did this by relying on the public prosecutor's office. It doesn't matter if you know it. As far as the law is concerned, I am not breaking the law. I am just making reasonable use of the rules, just like before when I sent the land to

In temples and Taoist temples, this is something everyone knows.

Imperial Court.

"President Zhang, why are you here looking for me?"

Chen Ming asked.

Zhang Fei said: "I just learned that many large landowners are planning to break up their land into pieces in order to avoid the new tax system of the Department of Taxation."

Chen Ming nodded and said, "I've heard about this too."

Zhang Fei asked: "Then I wonder how the Taxation Department plans to respond?"

Chen Ming said meticulously: "If they do this, it will only leave us with evidence of tax inspection, because this method requires a large number of household registrations to allocate the land. We also know that they have many domestic slaves, but our tax department

Those people can be tempted to report their masters through huge bonuses and the power to protect witnesses."

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile: "It seems that you already have experience in this area."

Chen Ming nodded and said: "The tax department in the capital has already tried to bribe those domestic slaves and obtain the specific acres of land from those big landowners. This trick is very easy to use. The reporter will not only get a huge reward, but also be able to

With the help of our tax department, we can break away from the master-servant relationship with the family owner."

Zhang Fei nodded with a smile and said: "But this is just a killer move hidden until the end, but at this stage, we can give some responses in other ways."

Chen Ming looked at Zhang Fei doubtfully.

Zhang Fei said: "If the tax department wants to check taxes, witness testimony is of course the key, but vouchers are also indispensable, and the tax vouchers lie in contracts. At present, Hezhong Prefecture is filled with a large number of white deeds (contracts without payment of deed tax). These white deeds are

It is difficult to pursue tax liability for a deed. But as far as justice is concerned, our Royal Court must recognize the legal effect of the white deed, because it is a contract after all. Therefore, I hope that the tax department will initiate a lawsuit to the imperial court, stating that the white deed is not taxable because of tax evasion.

It has legal effect."

Chen Ming thought for a moment, "Then the imperial court used this as an excuse to declare the white contract invalid?"

"If it were just that simple, I wouldn't ask the tax envoy to come here."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "According to the law, the deed tax is only 4 out of 100. But in the past, the government collected a lot of handling fees. When people went to the government to apply for the deed tax, they had to pay almost 12% of the deed tax. It was the three stipulated rates.


This has happened to me before in the capital. The local landowners also used the government's arbitrary tax collection to defend themselves from deed taxes. So I believe that as long as the tax department files a lawsuit, the wealthy people in Hezhong Prefecture will do the same.

Our imperial court can take this opportunity to solve this problem."

Chen Ming stroked his thick goatee and said, "Then the imperial court will require our tax department to collect the deed tax in accordance with the law?"

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded, "Your tax department only needs to bribe those key witnesses, not people's hearts, because the tax department's job is to offend people, so we, the imperial court, need to help you avoid public resentment. Therefore, our imperial court will

We need to win over people's hearts and make them think that our imperial court can prevent them from being exploited by the tax department.

Therefore, I will take advantage of the situation and ask the Taxation Department not to charge any miscellaneous fees. At the same time, I will also ask the Taxation Department to only charge 1.5% for new land transactions, back payment of deed taxes, and replacement of white deeds with red deeds within the next year.

Two percent deed tax. In this case, they have no reason not to pay the deed tax. For the finance, after all, this is an extra fortune."

Chen Mingdao: "But those big landowners need to be broken up into parts. During this period, there will be a lot of land transactions. If we only charge them 2% of the deed tax, will it be too cheap for them?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "I guess they have never thought about paying the deed tax. Two percent will already make them very uncomfortable, and they may even reconsider the feasibility of this plan. If they want to do this, we will collect them first."

Part of the money will be used to fine them a sum of money when the inspection comes, and they will lose their wives and soldiers."

Chen Ming nodded and said, "I know what to do."

Before he came, Zhao Xu had told him that he would only execute the plan. In terms of planning, Zhang Fei took the lead. In fact, this was also the case in the capital.

Just like the Privy Council and the three Yamen, military administration and military orders are separated. In this way, the Taxation Department is always under the control of the emperor.

Whatever Zhang Fei said, Chen Ming did it, and there was no need to ask too many questions. After returning, the Taxation Department immediately hired Lu Bangxing and appealed to the Imperial Court, saying that Bai Qi evaded taxes and seriously hindered the Taxation Department from collecting taxes, and asked the Imperial Court to reject it.

Recognize all legal effects of the white deed.

As soon as this news came out, who was most anxious were the bosses of Jiekupu!

In the past, the government had political power and the people followed private contracts. White contracts were recognized among the people. However, the emergence of public prosecutors and law gradually broke this principle, especially the emergence of civil litigation, which seriously interfered with this principle. If the imperial court refused to recognize it,

If so, then the person will use the white deed as collateral to decide whether Jiekupu will accept it or not. After accepting it, will it be possible to trade in the future? The risk is too great.

Now, if you come to collect debts on your own, if there is a conflict, the other party will file a lawsuit in the royal court.

This will directly affect a large number of land and housing transactions.

Moreover, there are a large number of white deeds among the people, which are not legally binding. Does this mean that this land does not belong to me?

These are really the three most important things for a new official to do when he takes office.

Faced with the strong power of the tax department, many people were unhappy, so they immediately encouraged some people to sue the government for overcharging the deed tax. It was not that we did not want to pay, but that the government charged three or four times the deed tax.

As a result, conflicts were concentrated in the imperial court.

Although the government is trying its best to marginalize the Imperial Court, we will not go to the Imperial Court to make trouble, because as long as we go to the Imperial Court, the Imperial Court will make the decision and the power of the Imperial Court will be extended.

But the emergence of the tax department means that they need to rely on the imperial court, because in comparison, the imperial court still has to deal with the law, and the tax department is just a beast, and only cares about money.

This chapter has been completed!
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