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Chapter 621: There is no eternal enemy

The progress of this new law on Jingdong East Road is exactly as Wang Anshi expected.

In the entire Jingdong East Road, except for a few conservative backbone members such as Fan Chunren, almost all the other officials are leaning towards the reformists.

Although it is said that to govern a country, you must first govern the officials, but if everyone supports you and sincerely follows your lead, this is actually a kind of governing the officials. Although it is not sustainable, it can at least have a very wonderful start. This is for Wang Anshi.

Words are very important.

In fact, Lu Huiqing is here specifically to explain the stakes to the officials and lobby them to fully support the new law. If the Green Seed Law fails, judicial reform will soon come to Jingdong East Road.

Then you will wish yourselves good luck.

This account is not difficult to calculate, and you will definitely lose blood.

Zhang Dun is responsible for comprehensively promoting the Green Seed Law, and he is the real executor.

As for the way they promote the new law, it is still driven by administrative orders.

After their arrival, within a few days, they directly promulgated administrative orders formulated by the Ordinance Department of the Second Government in various places, stipulating that all households in Fanzhou County could go to the local government to borrow cash or borrow money before harvesting in summer and autumn every year.

Grain is used to subsidize farming. Borrowing households are rich and poor, and 10 people are guaranteed to check each other. The loan amount is divided into five levels according to the assets of each household. The first-level households can borrow 15 guan at a time, and the bottom-level households can borrow 1 guan. The borrowings of the year will be carried out according to the summer and autumn

The two taxes are repaid with an interest of 2 cents per period.

At the same time, the money and grain in the Changping warehouses in various places were used as capital, and all of them were used for the young crops method.

This is a little different from Hezhongfu. Hezhongfu charges two cents of interest every year, but here it is paid per issue. There are two installments a year. In fact, it is two cents of interest for half a year.

Of course, this is also because the land in Hezhong Prefecture is not as good as here, and agriculture is far less developed than Jingdong East Road. However, debt collection may encounter many problems.

In addition, the key to Hezhong Prefecture is salt profit. Although Wang Anshi is stubborn, he is actually very flexible when it comes to financial management. After Zhang Fei's persuasion, he also agreed that the key to improving Hezhong Prefecture's finances lies in salt debt.

Salt notes, not loans.

This also led to the fact that Hezhong Prefecture's Changpingcang still retained the money and food for relief. Anyway, if someone borrowed it, it would be borrowed. If no one borrowed it, it would be considered a bird.

In fact, Hezhong Prefecture has not promulgated this decree yet. It directly delegates this aspect of business to merchants and allows merchants to lend money for themselves. However, at the same time, it has signed a mutual auditing regulation with Majia Jiekupu, which makes Majia Jiekupu willing to accept salt.

Debt mortgage.

But this actually still followed Wang Anshi's strategy. If Wang Anshi didn't nod, Yuan Jiang would not dare to do this.

However, as the lean period approaches, some problems arise in Hezhong Mansion.

Imperial Court.

"what's the situation?"

Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian came to the office and asked Ye Zuqia, who was staying at Hezhong Mansion.

Ye Zuqia stood up quickly, "We just received a lawsuit. A farmer sued the local squire for being dishonest and unwilling to lend him money."

"Really?" Zhang Fei asked: "Can you ask me what the specific reason is? Could it be because the other party has no collateral, or the person has bad credit?"

Ye Zuqia said: "According to what the farmer said, he borrowed money last year and paid it back on time, but he can't borrow it this year. There shouldn't be any problems in this regard, but we haven't sent anyone to investigate yet."

Zhang Fei said: "Then send someone to investigate. Our Imperial Court is all about evidence, not speculation."

Xu Zhiqian asked curiously: "Didn't they promise that they would lend money to farmers in the countryside at a low interest rate of 1.5 cents starting from this year?"

Ye Zuqia said: "As far as I know, it's because the big landowners saw that the government was investing money from young crops in the Ma family's Jiekupu. In addition, many of them were also expanding their leather and wool production.

medicinal materials and other workshops, so they don’t want to lend money to ordinary farmers in the countryside at such low interest rates. But this is just a rumor and has not been confirmed.”

"This is really unreasonable!"

Xu Zhiqian said angrily: "Our imperial court really shouldn't have believed these people in the first place."

She couldn't stand this kind of behavior the most, because she had seen too many people who were forced into desperate situations by these big landowners, and she really hated it, so she firmly supported Wang Anshi, and she still does so now.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Fei smiled bitterly: "We didn't believe them at the beginning, but they won the lawsuit."

"It's true that good people are not rewarded, and bad people live for a thousand years." Xu Zhiqian muttered in a low voice, getting angry and scolding, but she was also very tolerant, otherwise, Xu Zun would have been tricked to death by her.

Ye Zuqia said nonchalantly: "Speaking of the ban lawsuit, the teacher only vetoed the government ban, but there were not many restrictions on the squires and landlords.

According to their regulations, for any loan in the countryside, the interest rate cannot exceed one and a half cents. However, there is no force for large landowners to lend money to rural households. In this case, the large landowner does not want to borrow money, but does not demand high interest rates. In fact, it is not

It doesn’t violate their agreement.”

Xu Zhiqian turned her eyes and asked Zhang Fei: "If it is violated, can our imperial court intervene?"

Zhang Fei pondered: "If it is violated, it is a civil dispute. It depends on how they agreed and whether the responsibilities are detailed. If not, we can't control it. But if it is not violated, then we definitely can't control it."


Xu Zhiqian looked slightly disappointed, and suddenly an idea came to her, "How about asking Xueshi Fan? He was the one who started that lawsuit, and he was its supporter. He should also be responsible for it."

Yes! We must use this to put some pressure on those squires and reduce their influence at the same time. Zhang Fei pondered for a moment, turned around and shouted: "Li Si."


Li Si immediately flashed in front of the door.

Zhang Fei said: "Go to the Legal Aid Office and ask Mr. Fan to come over."

When Fan Zhen arrived, he didn't say anything and his face turned red first.

Zhang Fei was not too tactful and said straightforwardly: "Mr. Fan, I invite you here today mainly because I want to ask about the loan situation in the township. Now we are approaching the lean period, and many farmers are unable to sustain their food rations.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Before he could finish speaking, Fan Zhen hid his face and sighed, and said with shame: "Actually, I already know about this and asked about it. It's true.

..It is true that some large landowners are not very active in this regard, and we are trying to persuade them to help the villagers."

Zhang Fei said: "Since Mr. Fan already knows, let me tell you frankly that in the face of this situation, our imperial court does not have much to do, because it is not illegal. But at the trial, when you defended those squires,

If you break your promise again, it will have a bad impact on everyone."

Fan Zhen nodded repeatedly and said, "I know this, and I will urge them again."

Zhang Fei cupped his hands and said, "Then there is Mr. Lao Fan."

Fan Zhen suddenly asked: "Is it true that the imperial court cannot intervene in this matter?"

Zhang Fei said: "It's not sure yet, because our Imperial Court has not investigated yet, but judging from the current situation, it is indeed difficult for our Imperial Court to intervene, because it is impossible for our Imperial Court to force them to lend money to farmers. We can only say that they

What was the original agreement? Supervise them to fulfill the agreement."

Fan Zhen's face was gloomy and gloomy.

In fact, he knew early on that this kind of thing would not last long, but he never thought that someone would regret it this year, and there were quite a lot of them. Judging from their last words, he actually didn't have much confidence.

This is also true.

When Fan Zhen went to the countryside to supervise him with all his integrity, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Those big landowners are all smart people, and they also have a certain way of talking. They plausibly say that they have invested all their money and food in the shops, and they will lend the money wherever they come from to the rural households.

Lending money to people to buy houses or fields is really not a good idea. If you don’t pay back the money, the houses and fields will belong to me. But when you say you are lending money to people to eat, it’s scary just to hear it. If there is no high rate of return

, who wants to borrow it?

The key point is that by doing this, you can neither drive away the Qingmiao Law nor disturb the Public Security Bureau.

Having said that, if we want to deal with Qingmiaofa, we have to invest money in Jiekupu to compete with Majia Jiekupu.

Not only that, they also shamelessly discussed with Fan Zhen whether they could sue the government. They believed that it should be Chang Pingcang's responsibility to relieve rural households, but the government invested Chang Pingcang's money in Majia Jiekupu, which resulted in

Having no money to provide relief to rural households should be regarded as a crime of dereliction of duty.

Indeed, Chang Ping Cang has the authority that is almost equivalent to free relief, charging a little interest or even directly exempting it from interest.

Fan Zhen was tired and said directly that this is not the responsibility of our Legal Aid Department. If you want to file a lawsuit, you can hire someone to file a lawsuit yourself.

To be able to force a person who is so opposed to the Qingmiao Law to do this is enough to prove their shamelessness.

Of course, everything cannot be generalized. There are still a group of respectable country squires who are lending money at low interest rates as agreed. However, without the support of these big landowners, they are powerless and they cannot lend all their grain to the villagers.


If you can't do ideological work, you can only have a clear conscience.

However, these big landowners actually went to the imperial court and the procuratorate to complain.

Anyway, if you can't sue, you won't be punished.

Su Che was directly amused by them. You really have no limits and ignored them, because the main responsibility of Chang Pingcang is to prevent low grain prices from hurting farmers and raising grain prices. As for the lending function, most of them

It only applies to years of famine, and the grounds for prosecution are obviously insufficient.

Xu Zhiqian over there heard them coming to complain, and she almost fainted from their anger. She didn't care about her ladylike image, and immediately cursed, "I have never seen such despicable and shameless people. How can they have the nerve to come here to complain."

We don't bother you, but you still come here to complain.

Zhang Fei glanced at her and said, "You've been with me for so long, why are you still so unprofessional?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "Am I wrong to scold you?"

Zhang Fei said: "Of course it's wrong. Our imperial court does not talk about despicableness, only evidence. This is a good thing. They know how to achieve their goals through litigation and defend their legitimate rights and interests. It's just that their evidence is insufficient. "

To prosecute someone who is clearly not being justified is exactly what the public prosecutor, the procuratorate, and the judiciary are pursuing. If you can distinguish right from wrong based on the principles in your heart, then why do you need justice?

No matter how despicable or shameless a person is, they still have the right to be protected by the law.

Of course, this approach will be despised by many people, but there is no way, because if you do it in the opposite direction, it will definitely be the worst result, and no one has ever been unethical.

Xu Zhiqian was still angry and hummed: "I'm just a little bookkeeper, I don't have much self-cultivation. If I don't scold you a few times, I'll feel uncomfortable."

"Then you should continue scolding me." Zhang Fei smiled and said, "Don't make my wife angry."

While talking, he also closed the door, giving Xu Zhiqian an excellent environment to vent her anger.

Xu Zhiqian pursed her lower lip and almost laughed out loud. She rolled her eyes at him, and the anger in her heart cooled down a little.

While we were chatting, Li Min suddenly came.

"You are such a busy person, why do you have time to come to my place?"

"No matter how busy I am, I can't be as busy as the president of the court."

Li Min first flattered him fiercely, and then said: "Actually, I came here today to ask a question to the chief judge."

"What's the problem?" Zhang Fei asked.

All along, Zhang Fei has given Li Min, Lu Bangxing and others some hints about what kind of case, what attitude the imperial court will take, and what size it will take. But whether they can win the case depends on themselves.

This is also to help their Erbi grow. After all, the legal system has not yet been formed into a written law, and these Erbi are sometimes unclear to them.

Li Min said: "It's like this. Some customers come to me and ask me if I don't implement the agreement in the township, is it illegal? Will I be held criminally responsible by the imperial court?"

Xu Zhiqian snorted softly and turned her head to the side.

Li Min panicked. He knew Mrs. Zhang's temperament, but he was just unlucky enough to come at the wrong time and not see Zhang Fei alone.

Zhang Fei said: "It depends on the specific circumstances, how they agreed, and whether it complies with the principles of the contract. It also depends on their debt details and debt obligations. Under normal circumstances, there will be no criminal liability. At most, it will only be a civil lawsuit."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Li Min immediately explained: "The original lawsuit was decided by the chief judge. The chief judge should be very clear that their agreement is actually very simple, and it is based on the principle of contract. Before."

Zhang Fei said: "Looking at the agreement alone, it should not be mandatory, but since you have been litigating for so long, you should know that there is no lawsuit that cannot be fought, and I cannot give you any guarantee."


Li Min nodded repeatedly.



"It doesn't make sense! It doesn't make sense!"

Yuan Jiang paced back and forth in the lobby, "At first they forced us to give up the ban, but now they are backing us and going to the procuratorate to sue us. Are we really the government easy to bully?"

Wei Yingfang hurriedly said: "Bachelor Yuan, the imperial court rejected our ban."

"They are also the main culprits."

Yuan Jiang scolded angrily.

Wei Yingfang saw that Yuan Jiang had gone berserk and did not dare to speak.

The key point is that many officials also think that what the big landowners do is too much. If you don't treat us as officials, forget it. You simply don't treat us as human beings!

The Public Security Bureau is your father. If anything happens, go and file a complaint.

Cai Yanqing said: "I do have a plan."

Yuan Jiang hurriedly said: "Prefect Cai, tell me quickly."

Cai Yanqing said: "We can also sue them for not abiding by the agreement and making the matter bigger. Let's see how the imperial court will respond?"

"That's a good idea!"

Yuan Jiang's eyes lit up and he said: "But this is not enough. Our government also has the power to make the decision on this matter. Wei Tongpan, you send someone to urge them to implement their agreement. Remember, you must go through the market with ostentation, ahem, with great momentum,

So that the people can see their faces."


Wei Yingfang suddenly felt like Alexander with these two sides.

Yuan Jiang frowned and asked, "Aren't you willing to go?"

Wei Yingfang said hurriedly: "No, I will send someone immediately, send someone."

Yuan Jiang said to Zhuo Qun again: "Master Zhuo, could you please go to the Procuratorate and invite Chief Prosecutor Su here? Doesn't he like to come here very much? I specially invited him here today."



When he saw Su Che, Yuan Jiang didn't say anything, but just roared like a tiger, making Su Che almost lose his breath.

have a look!


Such is the virtue of the great landowners that you protect everywhere.

Now that I have taken the money away, they won't lend it to me anymore. You, the public security bureau, and the law are also deeply involved, so you can do whatever you want.

Su Che couldn't laugh or cry: "Sister Yuan, the original verdict was made by the imperial court, not our procuratorate. Of course, our procuratorate is also very supportive, and I personally think it has nothing to do with this matter."

"Has nothing to do with this?"

He Chunlin said sarcastically: "Prosecutor Su, why didn't you have such insight when you came to check the accounts?"

Su Zhe said without being humble or arrogant: "I'm just discussing the matter. I've heard some about the situation in the village, but it has nothing to do with that lawsuit, because that lawsuit ruled that the government had no right to prohibit people from agreeing on a legal loan interest rate.

That's all, it's very reasonable, whether they borrow it or not when the time comes is not involved."

"What did you say?"

Yuan Jiang said: "If it hadn't been for that lawsuit, how would we be today? This green crop money was originally used to help the people. The one on your left is making money for the country, and the one on your right is fighting for profits for the people, forcing the government to decentralize this green crop money to the people."

Businessmen went to borrow money, and now when the people are in need of relief, you tell me that you don't care about your business?"

Su Zhe said confidently: "If the new law is really to help the people and reduce their burden, they should not charge any interest, or help the people at the extremely low interest rate of Changpingcang. If the government does not charge such a high interest

, the agreement made by the other party will become meaningless, and so many things will not happen. In the final analysis, it is still interests, not benevolent government."

Although he also knew the virtues of the big landowners, this did not change his view on the Qingmiao Law.

Two cents of profit, if you say you are helping the people, then Majia Jiekupu is also helping the people!

It's better spoken than sung.

If the government provides interest-free loans to help the poor, no one will say a word.

But when the officials heard this, they became furious, bulging their eyes, and glared at Su Che. You are obviously using strong words to make excuses. You are really afraid that the gangsters are educated.

Su Zhe also had no fear. He had long expected that something like this would happen, but he believed that the big landowners would not borrow at most. This was a personal choice. If the government came to do it, everyone might have to borrow.

This is even scarier.

"You can't make the decision. I'll go to the imperial court and tell you."

Yuan Jiang was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, waved his sleeves and left angrily.

Su Che didn't care and said with a smile: "Our procuratorate is for supervision, not for making decisions."

He stood up, bowed his hands, and said, "Goodbye."


That Yuan Jiang really ran to find Zhang Fei, but when he saw Zhang Fei, he didn't get angry, but said to Zhang Fei: "Zhang San, last year your public prosecutor and the law were in the limelight, while our government lost all face, but

This is not a long-term strategy. This year our government must regain lost ground and regain the trust of the people."

Zhang Fei nodded and said with a smile: "Scholar Yuan has something to say, but it doesn't hurt to say it."

Yuan Jiang said: "No matter what, even if our government comes to file this lawsuit, your imperial court cannot force those big landowners to lend money to the people. Instead, you should let them know that it is okay if they don't borrow money."

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "That's what I did."

"Have they already come to ask?"


Zhang Fei said: "But I don't pretend to be public for personal gain. In fact, they are not illegal, and our imperial court has no control at all."

Yuan Jiang nodded and said, "That puts me at ease."

Zhang Fei said with a smile: "You are just trying to make a false shot, and you are going to lend money to the people again."

Yuan Jiang nodded: "Yes, our government wants to use the Green Seedlings Law to regain the hearts and minds of the people."

After that, he sighed again, "Did you know that many ministers in the current government believe that the political achievements of the Hezhong Prefecture last year should belong to your public security, procuratorate, and law? This puts Bachelor Wang under tremendous pressure."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "So Academician Yuan should quickly write a memorial and inform the imperial court of this matter."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Yuan Jiang was stunned and said: "Some people may use this to attack your public security organs."

Zhang Fei said: "It doesn't matter, we the Public Security Bureau did not make any mistakes. Besides, it is our turn to suffer some grievances."

Yuan Jiang chuckled: "This is what I appreciate most about you, you are reasonable."

"Thank you, Bachelor Yuan, for the compliment."

Zhang Fei added: "But lending money to the common people is not an easy job."

Yuan Jiang asked anxiously: "What's your clever plan?"

Zhang Fei wondered: "Is it possible that Bachelor Yuan didn't think of how to borrow it, so he just did it like this."

Yuan Jiang said: "Of course I have countermeasures, I just want to ask you if you have any better suggestions."

Zhang Fei chuckled and said: "This is what Zhang San admires most about Bachelor Yuan. He is not ashamed to ask."

"Cut the nonsense, okay?"


Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "You asked me to think of a salt debt and take advantage of it. I might be able to do that, but you asked me to lend money to the people seriously, how could I do that!"

"Nothing you asked."

"Can't I just care about it?"

"Okay! Okay! Remember, you have to cooperate with me this time."


Zhang Fei readily agreed.

How to cooperate is actually very simple, just follow the footsteps of the government.

After Yuan Jiang returned, he hired Lu Bangxing and several other Erbis, and then filed a lawsuit with the imperial court against the gentry and landlords for failing to comply with the original judgment.

On the other hand, officials were sent to the villages to urge them to immediately lend money to the people in need at an interest rate of one and a half cents.

Wait until the government builds momentum and everyone knows.

The Imperial Court directly dismissed the government's lawsuit due to insufficient evidence. Of course, both the Imperial Court and the Procuratorate gave corresponding reasons.

But the government didn't care about this. On the one hand, they scolded the imperial court for being irresponsible and favoring the gentry and landlords. On the other hand, they directly invited Liang Youyi and other landlords and gentry to the government for negotiations.

The result, of course, was that the talks fell apart.

In fact, many squires also know that they are in the wrong, but they are just a very loose alliance. Because they stand together with a common enemy, they all know that this binding force is very small. It is just that no one thought that the breach of trust would come so quickly.

However, they are all human beings and cannot admit that they are wrong. Otherwise, they will not have to bear all the responsibility. They said that we also borrowed money, but it is impossible to take care of every person who needs a loan.

Secondly, no one violated the original agreement, because there was no agreement not to borrow money at the beginning. It was just that everyone agreed that the interest rate on the loan should not exceed one and a half cents. Everyone has the right not to borrow money, and you, Qingmiaofa, also have the right not to borrow money.

, does your Qingmiao Fa require everyone to borrow it?

These words left those officials speechless.

Of course, many of them are two-faced and side with the squire.

But Yuan Jiang refused to give up and directly issued a decree to force the big squires and landowners to lend money to the people to help them tide over this difficulty.

The big landowners filed a complaint directly to the imperial court.

This does not require a court trial. How can you force someone to borrow money? This is completely baseless. The imperial court directly stated that the government's decree is illegal.

The big landowners immediately became emboldened.

Things in this world are so funny.

In the past, these big landowners and squires were still planning how to kill the Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Department to avoid paying taxes, but now they are hiding under the wings of the imperial court and making faces at the government.

Hit me!

Come and hit me!

But the people who used to regard the government as exploiters now side with the government and hope that the government can seek justice for them.

This is the effect Yuan Jiang hopes to see.

Although it was rejected by the imperial court again, it doesn't matter, it can win the hearts of the people.

Many people who were previously afraid of the Green Crops Law now support the Green Crops Law. Those big landowners are really unreliable!

Unreliable, unreliable.

The question is, what to do now?

When things became like this, the big landowners also made up their minds not to borrow money at all. They would offend the government anyway, but for the people, this was worse than before. Although it was usury before, at least they could borrow money.

However, the government invested money in Majia Jiekupu.

At this time, Han Jiang finally arrived at Hezhong Mansion.

Could this be the legendary hunk who descended from heaven?

This chapter has been completed!
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