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Chapter 626: Infinite Tax

After talking about the household registration matter, Han Jiang and others left in a hurry. They really had no shame in staying here.

Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

But Su Che's mind was not on this. In fact, the census of household registration is also good for the government. These are all political achievements. Those officials are just looking for trouble. It is all their own fault. On the contrary, he is more concerned about the patriarchal clan mentioned by Zhang Fei, Han Jiang and the others.

After leaving, he asked: "How does President Zhang plan to improve the clan system?"

Although he is a firm supporter of the Public Security Bureau, he is also a supporter of patriarchal and rural laws. He believes that the people must have power to check and balance the government. The government cannot have the final say in everything. If local officials make trouble, the court will not know.

The Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate also belong to the government, and the principle is still the same. Although the patriarchal system is problematic, it is unlikely to be worse.

Zhang Fei was very aware of Su Che's political stance in this regard and said to Li Si: "Li Si, bring up a wooden board."


Soon, Li Si came up with a wooden board and hung it on the screen.

Fu Shichun and Cao Dongdong also stood up and gathered around.

Zhang Fei took the charcoal and said: "My improvement of the patriarchal system is actually very simple. It requires clear personnel arrangements and clear obligations and responsibilities for everyone. Therefore, I will ask each village to set up a township committee."

"Township committee?"

Su Che frowned.


Zhang Fei nodded, then pointed his charcoal pen and drew a few small circles on the wooden board, "Assume that these are villages. It is impossible for the Royal Police to establish branches in every village. Therefore, the police station usually establishes a branch in a group of villages.

A branch office was established in the middle of the village.

At the same time, township committees are formed in each village, and they are still responsible for organizing people's farming, disaster prevention, mediating disputes, mobilizing for war, as well as medical care, construction, education, etc.

To put it simply, government orders are ultimately issued to the township committee, and the township committee can also directly report the village's difficulties to the police station."

As he talked, he drew a simple political structure in a few strokes.

Su Che nodded and said, "Actually, that's how it is now. It consists of household heads, Li Zheng, and squires. It's just that the tasks and responsibilities are not so clear."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "And this is what we have to do. We must determine which matters are under the jurisdiction of the township committee and which matters must be reported to the police station. Of course, we will also issue relevant regulations to clearly tell the police station what to do.

How to cooperate with the township committee."

Cao Dongdong said depressedly: "I don't want to cooperate with those old masters, it would be too difficult."

Zhang Fei said: "But you have no choice, because it is impossible for the Royal Police to manage every village. If you want to do this, the Royal Police in Guanghe Zhongfu must have at least 30,000 people, and the finances simply cannot afford it."

Fu Shichun said: "Yamen, this is a good thing. It can reduce the burden on the police station."

"Master Fu is right. The disputes at the bottom are the most numerous and complicated. If you don't stay in the countryside all the time, you can't control them at all."

Zhang Fei gave Cao Dongdong a helpless smile and said: "At the same time, the number of people in a township committee and who will be responsible for it must be clarified for future accountability."

Su Che asked: "Then how is this regulated?"

Zhang Fei said: "I plan to regulate it from two aspects. First, those privileged people in the township. Anyone who enjoys privileges and tax exemption must bear the responsibility of the township committee."

Su Che said: "But these people may not be able to manage the countryside well."

Zhang Fei said: "I have to say something that Prosecutor General Su may not like to hear."

"Su is all ears." Su Zhe nodded slightly.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Compared to morality, I actually believe in interests more. If the tax-free privileges and the responsibilities of the township committee are connected, I believe they will manage it well with their efforts."

Su Che smiled slightly and did not comment.

If you do this, they will definitely cheer up. This privilege is so important now that even the tax department dare not touch it. This is a golden job!

Zhang Fei said: "The second is to be highly respected. In my opinion, being highly respected means what the people want. Choosing a person who is deeply respected by the local villagers to chair the township committee will make the work of the township committee smoother.


Su Che asked with a smile: "Didn't President Zhang say that you believe in interests more than morality?"

Zhang Fei said: "When you reach a state of high moral and esteem, reputation is also a benefit."

Su Zhe retorted speechlessly, cupped his hands slightly and said, "I've learned a lesson!"

After all, they are rules.

The imperial power does not need to go down to the county, but the rule is that it must go down to the county, and the villages must operate according to the regulations of the imperial court, with clear responsibilities and obligations.

Although there were household heads and Li Zheng before, the household heads and Li Zheng couldn't control the big guys in the village, so they were not the same group of people.

Zhang Fei wants to change this and let those who enjoy power serve as the township committee. The more power you enjoy, the more responsibilities you must bear. At the same time, these people are often capable and are very suitable candidates.

At the same time, being highly respected represents public opinion, and this public opinion can check and balance those privileged people, because their interests are different. Even if this highly respected person is also a privileged person, these people often care more about reputation.

After asking casually, Zhang Fei came up with such a detailed plan. Su Zhe knew that his guess was correct. He had already thought about how to resolve the conflict between the law and the patriarchal clan.

He also admitted that this is indeed a problem that must be solved, otherwise, the Royal Police will conflict with them.


Although the question-and-answer session has ended, most people are still staying where they are, discussing the content of the session with each other. They mainly discuss the census of household registration.

Because many people hide their household registration to avoid taxes and corvee, accounting for almost a quarter or one-third of the entire Hezhong Prefecture, it is possible.

This is a big deal!

But originally, this was not a big problem. Our purpose was to evade taxes. We just wanted a bite to eat. How could I possibly register?

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But now the taxation and corvee systems have changed. The Labor Exemption Law has turned many corvees into hired labor, and tax collection has become self-declaration. Don’t say you don’t have a household registration, you just have it.

You don’t have to pay taxes if you have household registration. On the contrary, if you don’t have household registration, I will also check your taxes. The Tax Department has made it very clear that I don’t care where you are from. If you live in Hezhong Prefecture, you must pay taxes.


At the same time, this self-declaration eliminates all exploitation methods such as conversion and transfer. The tax rate for poor farmers is only 5%. There is no need to be afraid. After all, there are still many inconveniences in concealing household registration. If you are bullied, you dare not speak out.

This made the people very conflicted.

On the one hand, they want to get their surname household registration, but they are afraid that they will get into trouble.

The officials left quickly while discussing in low voices.

"The public prosecutor and the judiciary are really bullying people. If they also let them seize household registration rights, what else can our government do?"

"Didn't Han Si Shi and the others go to settle accounts with them? Han Si Shi will definitely not let them succeed if they are here."

"The right to register is secondary. The most important thing is that the question and answer session is terrible. If they do this, the public will definitely demand that our government do the same."

"Then let's do the same. We can't let the public prosecutor and law steal the limelight."

"If you say this, you will throw water away. You said it, can you do it?"


After the sound faded away, two old men walked out of the Legal Aid Department, it was Fan Zhen and Lu Xiaosheng.

Lu Xiaosheng asked: "Do you think the government will hold this kind of question and answer session?"

"Definitely not."

Fan Zhen was very sure: "For officials, the clearer they speak, the greater the constraints on them and the smaller the power in their hands. It is best if everything is unclear, so that they can be like a fish in water."

Lu Xiaosheng nodded slightly and asked: "Then why did the Public Security Bureau, Procuratorate, and Law Association hold this question and answer session? Could it be that what Brother Fan said does not apply to the Public Security Bureau, Procuratorate, and Law Association?"

Fan Zhen shook his head and said, "No, of course this also applies to the public prosecutor's office."

At this point, he sighed with shame, "I'm far inferior to him!"

Lu Xiaosheng nodded slightly and said: "This person is indeed extraordinary. We misunderstood him before."

Just as he was talking, he saw a group of people walking out from the south gate of the imperial court. They were Han Jiang, Cai Yanqing, Wei Yingfang and others.

Although Han Jiang came, it was not much different from before. The officials still came out of the imperial court as if they were mourning for their heirs. Not once did they come out with their heads held high.

This was different from what they imagined. Han Jiang did not reverse this phenomenon, which made Wei Yingfang and others very disappointed. They winked at each other and asked Han Jiang why he wanted to reconcile with the other party. The power is in our hands.

Just when they were about to ask, Han Jiang suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked at them angrily.

"How many other stupid things have you done?"

All the officials were stunned and looked at Han Jiang blankly.

Han Jiang said angrily: "According to the system, the purpose of the existence of the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate is to cooperate with our government, especially the police station. They replace the government officials and must be dispatched by us.

They submit suggestions, and whether you agree or not, you must at least give a reply. You have done nothing. Isn't this just giving up power?

I gave you the power to command the police station, but you don't give command, and you complain all the time. I really don't know how you got to sit in this position. This makes me mad."

After saying that, he angrily got the carriage on the ground and drove away, leaving Wei Yingfang and others in a mess in the wind, without even the courage to defend themselves.

That's the truth.

If this matter is brought to the court, they will definitely die as well.

"Bachelor Yuan, Prefect Cai, what should we do now?" He Chunlin looked at Cai Yanqing and Yuan Jiang aggrievedly.

Cai Yanqing tilted his head and looked at Yuan Jiang as always.

Yuan Jiang sighed: "Maybe we are really wrong." He first took the responsibility on himself, after all, he was the one who had been against the imperial court, and then looked at them, "But in the future, we should not pay too much attention to the public prosecutor. We should take care of our own business first, so that we can ensure that our power is not infringed upon by the public prosecutor and the law, and that we can take a dominant position and let the public prosecutor and the law cooperate with us."

Everyone nodded.

If they don't care, the public prosecutors and law will take care of it. The more vindictive they are and the more they don't care, the more power the public prosecutors and law will have, because the public prosecutors and law can really control it. But if they manage their own affairs, the public prosecutors and law will protect them.

They are now more and more aware of this problem. Now that they are no longer at an advantage, they must first defend their rights and first understand how to use the public prosecutor's office.


Putting aside her acting skills, Han Jiang was actually right and was really thinking about the government.

Power does not equal opposition.

Power does not equal dismissal.

Power lies in governing the country and sharing the king's worries. You should not be obsessed with it and run against the imperial court every day. If you cannot oppose it, you will feel that your power has fallen by the wayside.

This is simply outrageous!

Only in the process of governance can you use power. If you don't use power, it means you don't have it. Only in this way can you suppress the public prosecutor and the law.

For example, Wang Anshi and Sima Guang's game is not simply to oppose and oppose. Sima Guang never ordered Zhang Fei to oppose the Youth Law, but only asked them to build the Public Security Bureau and enforce the law, because he knew that in the process of enforcing the law, he would It can check and balance the young seedling method.

Wang Anshi did the same thing.

Finally, after Han Jiang's mediation, Cai Yanqing took the lead and issued a notice announcing that Hezhong Prefecture would conduct a census of household registration and replace it with a new household registration. This matter would be handed over to the police station for execution.

After this notice was released, the police station posted a notice announcing how to conduct a household census. At the same time, an application was formally submitted to the government. After all, the land, size, and design of the prison had already been completed.

After all, the government is still in charge of finance and land. If a police station wants to build a prison, it still has to allocate money and land from the government.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The government did not create any difficulties and approved it directly. However, in order not to delay the project of the police station, the transportation department directly paid salt banknotes as funds for the construction of the prison. .

In fact, this is normal operation.

It is impossible for the police station to have the power to conduct a census of household registration. This must be decided by the government, because household registration is one of the most important tasks of the government, and the police station is only the executor.

However, as the saying goes, the biting dog will not bark.

As soon as the question-and-answer session came out, everyone felt at ease and were not afraid of the police, prosecutors, or law. On the contrary, it was those who did not speak who made people feel scared.

Taxation Department!

It is really a pity that the Department of Revenue did not participate in this question and answer session.

This tax department has disappeared since the beginning of the year. No one knows what the tax department is doing now. Anyway, it is just a person who comes to pay the deed tax, and they accept it. But if you don't come, he won't ask.

It just looks like you don't like having sex.

In order to test, some people sent people to pay the deed tax, and then deliberately pretended to bring the wrong deed, saying that they would go back to get it, but they ended up not going, just to see if the tax department would come to urge them, and half a month passed.

The tax policeman never even showed his face.

Come and ask me, let's have a chat.

It's so scary that you are pretending to be deaf and mute.

No matter how good and fair the public prosecutor's law is, the powerful and wealthy people in Hezhong Prefecture are still uneasy, and their eyes have always been focused on the Taxation Department.

They still have a lot of white deeds in their hands and have been thinking of ways to avoid them.

As the saying goes, take advantage of the opportunity.

But if the opponent can't make any moves, how can you take them out?

This is really torture!

As time goes by, this anxiety becomes more intense.

Not only are the landlords anxious, but so are the officials!

So they found an excuse and asked Cai Yanqing to invite Chen Ming to the government office.

You see, the tax collection period is coming soon. Can the Taxation Department handle it? If it can't be collected, there will be a big problem. The finances are already so tight. If there is no surplus food, if you can't collect the tax, you will have to pay taxes next year.

Lying flat.

In addition, we have to extend our powers in various aspects. The Department of Taxation collects taxes for us, and we also have to supervise and supervise.

Cai Yanqing thought it made sense, so he invited Chen Ming to the government office.

"Tax Commissioner Chen, how is your tax collection?" Cai Yanqing asked.

Chen Mingdao: "I checked the account last month and found that I collected about 1,200 yuan."

"Only one thousand two hundred strings?"

Wei Yingfang immediately said: "There must be more than this amount of white deeds out there. They have been backlogged for many years. I think there are not even tenths of them now. The deadline is already halfway over. Aren't you going to urge them?"

Chen Mingdao: "No need!"

Wei Yingfang was stunned for a moment and said, "How do you say this?"

Chen Mingdao: "Frankly speaking, the reason why those people are delaying is that they hope that our tax department will not survive for a year, because they have no way to avoid the deed tax, and those lands and houses cannot be hidden. As long as the tax department does not die,

In the last two months, they will rush to pay the deed tax.

Therefore, our tax department has made corresponding arrangements a long time ago. Now most of the accounting offices are busy with other things, so just two people are sitting there collecting taxes. In September, I will arrange for the accounting offices to come back to collect taxes."

It's so direct, it's so domineering.

As for their little thoughts, I took care of them steadily.

Wei Yingfang was speechless for a while and said: "What should we do if Tax Commissioner Chen makes a mistake in his judgment?"

Chen Ming cupped his hands and said: "Thanks to the good news, if that's the case, the bonus of our tax department will be increased several times next year. I hope all of our tax police can buy land in Hezhong Mansion."

If you pay, we can only get wages. If you don't, we can still get bonuses. Getting rich depends on your little thoughts.

Cai Yanqing and Yuan Jiang looked at each other and almost laughed.

Unexpectedly, this paralyzed face has a humorous side.

Wei Yingfang's mouth twitched a few times, "It's really exciting."


After Chen Ming left, Cai Yanqing suddenly said: "Wei Tongxuan, although this tax evasion will not be punished, if someone in the government is caught, it will definitely affect his career."

Wei Yingfang's expression changed, "What does Magistrate Cai mean by this?"

Cai Yanqing said: "You have to take good care of the people below. I don't want to see any officials being sued by the tax department."

Wei Yingfang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, I understand."


When I returned to the mansion, I saw Cao Yi and Liang Youyi sitting inside.

"Wei Tongpan, how is it? What does Chen Ming say?"

Cao Yi asked hurriedly.

Wei Yingfang shook his head and told them what Chen Ming had just said.

Cao Yi frowned and said, "It seems that the Taxation Department is sure of it."

Wei Yingfang nodded, and suddenly felt a disdainful smile on Liang Youyi's lips next to him, so he asked, "What do you think, Mr. Liang?"

Liang Youyi stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Actually, the tax department's methods are just ordinary, so there is no need to worry."

Cao Yi hurriedly asked: "How do you say this?"

Liang Youyi said: "Many people have discovered the methods of this tax department. On the one hand, they recruit old tax collectors and use their experience to inspect taxes. On the other hand, they bribe people close to big landowners and lurk in their homes to investigate. Speaking of which,

To put it bluntly, it’s just to use money to seduce others to check taxes for you.”

Wei Yingfang frowned: "Is this what Chen Ming said, everyone should do what they can?"

Liang Youyi said with a smile: "This strong dragon can't suppress the local snakes. In this world, nothing can escape our eyes and ears. They can bribe other people's servants, and the tax police can also be bribed. It just depends on who can pay more."

That’s all. Anyway, as far as I know, many stoppers and tax policemen have been bribed, and they now know every move of the tax department!"

Wei Yingfang smiled and said: "Yes, the Taxation Department is not as good as the Imperial Court and the Procuratorate. There is a mixed bag of good and bad people there. If you want to deal with the Taxation Department, it is most effective to attack it from within."

But after Liang Youyi left, Wei Yingfang asked Cao Yi: "Prefect Cai is right, be careful and sail the ship for ten thousand years. We can't risk going to court and follow them to make trouble."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Cao Yi nodded and said: "I think so too."

Wei Yingfang added: "However, we can give it a try for fields that are not in our name. Even if we are caught, it will only be a fine."


Imperial Court.

"Ya Nei, why are you in such a hurry to find me?"

Zhang Fei came to the small pavilion by the lake and asked Cao Dongdong, who was sitting restlessly.

Cao Dongdong glanced left and right.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Don't worry, you can see everything from here, no one can eavesdrop."

"Is it?"

Cao Dongdong looked into the lake again.

Zhang Fei almost lost his temper, "Speak quickly! What's the matter?"

Cao Dongdong whispered: "This is a big deal and we can't let people listen to it."

Zhang Fei asked curiously: "What's the big deal?"

Cao Dongdong said: "I found someone secretly bribing the tax police."

Zhang Fei frowned and said, "Where did you get the news?"

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, this is absolutely true and there is nothing wrong with it." Cao Dongdong said.

Zhang Fei glanced at him and said, "Tell me honestly how many traitors you have planted in the Taxation Department."

Cao Dongdong immediately said: "I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Zhang Fei said nothing, just frowned and looked at him.

Cao Dongdong said: "Not many, just two or three."


Zhang Fei said: "I am your hired Erbi. It will not do you any good if you hide it from me."

Cao Dongdong hesitated for a long time, then raised his fingers and said, "More than fifty."

"More than fifty?"

Zhang Fei said speechlessly: "You only handed over a total of 500 people to the Taxation Department, but in the end, 10% of them are yours. Why do you want to save face?"

"They are trained by me. If they want to be loyal to me, what can I do?" Cao Dongdong blinked guiltily and said, "Besides, there are dozens of traitors in our police station, so we should treat each other with courtesy."

Reciprocity? This is clearly Infernal Affairs! Zhang Fei shook his head helplessly and said: "So they bribed your people."

Cao Dongdong nodded.

Needless to say, those who want to bribe Cao Dongdong are really wishful thinking. This guy's background is too powerful. Currently, I am the number one relative of the Song Dynasty. I am the head of the infantry army. I am also an upstart in the public prosecutor's office. Everyone is willing to follow him.

This cannot be replaced by money.

Zhang Fei pondered for a while and said: "Ask your people to accept the money and say that they will complete the task."

Cao Dongdong said cautiously: "Nothing will happen. Let me tell you, I have to protect them. Otherwise, who will hang out with me in the future."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. I will arrange everything right away."

Cao Dongdong said: "That's OK."

Zhang Fei asked again: "But why did you arrange for so many people to hang out in the tax department?"

Cao Dongdong scratched his cheek and said, "Isn't this to avoid misunderstandings?"

"What misunderstanding?"

"First of all, let me explain that I have not evaded taxes. All my money was given by my father. I am just worried that if someone close to me is found, such as you, then I can notify you in time to pay taxes. !”

"Thank you so fucking much."

Zhang Fei said angrily.

Cao Dongdong said hey: "No thank you. No thank you. You must remember that you are the Erbi hired by us, and our conversation is protected by the contract. If you dare to say it, I can sue you." "

Zhang Fei looked at him in surprise, "Okay! You've made great progress, Yanei!"

Cao Dongdong said proudly: "Those who are close to Mo are considered black."

"Fuck you."

After seeing Cao Dongdong off, Zhang Fei went to Da Gou's restaurant.

"It's time to collect taxes soon, how are you preparing?" Zhang Fei asked.

The big dog said confidently: "Everything is under control."

There was not enough time last year, but giving them a whole year this year is too much time.

Zhang Fei said: "There were no twists and turns?"

"Indeed there is."

Big Dog seemed to remember something, "Recently, some people have been bribing the traffic police, tax policemen, and even the accounting offices of the tax department. Although this will not affect our tax collection, what should we do with these people?"

Zhang Fei pondered for a while and said: "These birds die for food and people die for money. We can't stop them from collecting dirty money. This kind of thing will continue to happen, but this kind of thing can't be slapped. We are

Being able to stop those people from sending them money."

The big dog asked hurriedly: "How to stop it?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Just allow them to collect money."

Big Dog was surprised and said: "Are they allowed to collect money?"

Zhang Fei said: "As long as everyone knows that these people not only collect money but do nothing, they will even testify in court and stab them in the back. Then no one will give them money. Not only that, it will also force them to be loyal to the tax."

Department, because as long as they leave the protection of the Department of Taxation, haha, they will definitely be retaliated by others, and the end will be very miserable."

The big dog made a grunting sound in his throat and thought to himself, "The president of the court looks so amiable, but I didn't expect him to be so ruthless. I will have to be careful what I say in front of him in the future."

Zhang Fei suddenly turned his head and glanced at him, "You don't think I'm too cruel, do you?"

The big dog was startled suddenly, shook his head and said: "No! Of course not!"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "If so, it only means that you are still too kind, and you need to reflect on it. Have you ever seen any kind person asking others for money?"

The big dog scratched his head and whispered: "Actually, I have been blocking those people from checking your taxes, Chief Justice."

The corner of Zhang Fei's mouth twitched and he said: "I don't do this, not because I am not ruthless enough, but because this kind of thing only requires money. To me, it is meaningless. The chief judge can kill you."

The big dog hurriedly said: "I understand! I understand!"

This chapter has been completed!
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