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Chapter 631: Rogue Office

For a while, there was a loud discussion.

This amount... made these respectable people no longer able to pretend, but what surprised them was not that the tax department knew everything, but that they did not expect that Yin Chengxing had evaded so much tax.

You must know that the ancients loved to hide their wealth and not expose it. Everyone only knows that Yin Chengxing is a rich man, but they don't know how much money he can earn.

You have evaded more than 3,000 yuan in taxes this year, so how much do you have to earn?

In fact, it has been the same throughout the ages. Most of the wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a small number of people.

At least half of the land in Guanghe Zhongfu is in the hands of the government or super rich people like them.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

Zhang Fei banged the gavel several times in succession, finally silencing the public opinion outside, and then asked Yin Chengxing seriously: "Defendant, you said that the other party is talking nonsense. You didn't evade so much tax, so how much did you evade?"


Li Min and Lu Bangxing had a headache after hearing this. When these people came to find them, they were really confident. However, they were so vulnerable. They were immediately exposed at the first question. They were really not afraid of their god-like opponents. They were just afraid.

Teammates who are like pigs!


Yin Chengxing was startled, suddenly realizing that he had let something slip. He quickly said, "No, he's talking nonsense. I didn't evade taxes at all."

When he spoke, his face was full of guilt. If this were the old interrogation system, one look at your expression would tell you that you were lying. You would have to be tortured with a stick to extract a confession. But he was lucky. This was the imperial court and he could see the evidence.


Zhang Fei did not argue with him, "Defendant! Please control your emotions and don't interrupt the other party's accusation easily."


Yin Chengxing nodded repeatedly. At this time, he was sweating profusely and panting heavily. He sat down with difficulty, but he kept mumbling something and his eyes were filled with resentment.

But unfortunately, no one here is afraid of him. Zhang Fei said to Qiu Zhengwen: "The prosecution can continue."


Qiu Zhengwen nodded and continued: "According to last year's tax return, the defendant reported a total of twenty hectares of land, which is two thousand acres of land, and paid a tax of one hundred guan. But in fact, according to the investigation of the Taxation Department, he owned a total of

Thirty-three thousand and twenty-six acres of farmland requires payment of one thousand six hundred and fifty-one and another three hundred coins according to law.

At the same time, he also owns three ranches, a fleet, and is engaged in lending, selling private liquor, selling leather, etc. All in all, his annual income is at least 23,086 guan."

After these words, Yin Chengxing's initial shock turned to anger, to grievance, and now he has no love in his life.

I sell bootleg liquor, do you know that?

Wei Yingfang and the others found it even more unbelievable. If this was not nonsense, then the tax department would be outrageous!

Li Min suddenly stood up and said, "The other party is talking nonsense and insulting my client's reputation. On behalf of my client, I ask the other party to provide specific evidence. Otherwise, we will sue the other party for this."

After saying that, he sat down.

Lu Bangxing whispered: "Since the other party dares to say that and makes it so specific, there must be evidence."

Li Min said, "But there is nothing we can do. Officer Yin only gave us this bit of evidence. We can only see what evidence the other party can produce."

Lu Bangxing nodded slightly.

Zhang Fei looked at Qiu Zhengwen and said, "Does the prosecution have evidence?"

"It's worth it."

Qiu Zhengwen nodded and suddenly took out a small book and said: "This is a book of accounts of the Yin family that a kind person picked up on the street and gave it to our tax department. It clearly records that they sell medicinal materials.

Moonshine, profits from leather.”

Yin Chengxing was dumbfounded. How could my family's accounts be dropped on the street? "Fake! That's fake! President, that account is fake."

Qiu Zhengwen said: "It has the signature of their accounting office, including Yin Yuanwai's own handwriting, and the seal of their store. Comparing the handwriting and seal, you will know whether it is true or false."

"Defendant, please control your emotions."

Zhang Fei first warned Yin Chengxing again, and then said to Ou Jun: "Ou Jun, show the accounts to Mr. Yin for a look."

At the same time, he gave him a look.

Because Ma Xiaoyi is still fighting in other places, he can only let Ou Jun take his place.

Ou Jun understood the idea and walked up to Yin Chengxing with the account. He didn't hand it to him directly, but opened it in front of him, and after a while, he turned the page.

As Yin Chengxing watched, his face gradually turned pale, he was speechless, and he collapsed on the chair as if he was deflated.

When Li Min saw it, he couldn't help but be surprised: "How could the Yin family's accounts get into the hands of the Taxation Department?"

Lu Bangxing said: "Don't you know the methods of the Taxation Department?"

Li Min said: "They are stealing."

Lu Bangxing said: "Do you have any evidence?"

There were also whispers in the VIP seats.

"Thieves! They... they must have stolen it from the Yin family. How could such a ledger fall on the street?" He Chunlin said excitedly.

Cao Yidao: "But Yin Chengxing doesn't know what's going on, so what evidence do you have to sue them?"

Wei Yingfang clenched his fist tightly and said: "The tax department, it turned out to be a group of thieves. I really thought highly of them back then."

Many officials shook their heads.


This is really shameful!

To use such despicable methods, you are still an official!

Zhang Fei didn't care so much and asked: "Does the defendant know this account book?"

Yin Chengxing suddenly woke up, jumped up again, pointed at Qiu Zhengwen and said: "They stole things, they stole my family's account books."

This is tantamount to admitting that the account books belong to their family.

Li Min also stood up quickly, "We are suspicious of how the other party obtained this account, and we hope that the other party will give a detailed explanation."

Qiu Zhengwen said: "As I said just now, a kind-hearted person picked up this account book on the street and handed it over to our Taxation Department. However, because the Taxation Department did not know what it was at the time, it did not pay attention to it.

I didn’t save that kind person, and he hasn’t been found yet.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Li Min smiled and said: "Do you believe this? How could such an important account fall on the street? There just happened to be such a kind person.

Someone picked it up, and then it happened to be sent to the tax department."

Qiu Zhengwen replied forcefully: "I believe it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone around him was immediately scorned.

How shameless!

This is obviously stolen.

Li Min suddenly remembered something and said to Zhang Fei: "I remember that when the chief judge was litigating in the capital, he denied the legal validity of the evidence on the basis that a piece of evidence was contaminated. I would like to ask if it is valid here."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Of course it is valid. If you can prove that this evidence was stolen by the tax department, then I can reconsider the legal validity of this evidence. It depends on the specific process."

"...We will reserve the right to prosecute!"

After saying these words, Li Min sat back, and that was all he could do.

Zhang Fei said to Qiu Zhengwen again: "The prosecution can continue."


Qiu Zhengwen continued: "As for the land, the other party even threw themselves into a trap. He spent a hundred dollars to bribe the employees of the Taxation Department, and the employees of the Taxation Department pretended to agree on the surface, and then took the opportunity to take advantage of them.

After taking clues, people from the Taxation Department have now obtained the specific location of their fields. Not only have they measured it, but they are also monitoring it every day to confirm that the grain in the land is all shipped to the Yin family's granary. Now the grain is still in the granary.

Inside, the people from the tax department should control those granaries, as there is definitely only twenty hectares of grain there."


Yin Chengxing suddenly went crazy, baring his teeth and claws, and roared: "It was Ba Tou who betrayed me, that thief joined the army, I want to kill him."

Zhang Fei was too lazy to shout, and directly glanced at Ou Jun. Ou Jun came forward with two court policemen and pushed him down on the chair, but he still couldn't stop cursing.

Zhang Fei knocked the gavel and said: "Defendant, if you can no longer control your emotions, the president of this court will take coercive measures to calm you down."

This force and verbal intimidation finally made Yin Chengxing calm down.

"Conspiracy! It's all a conspiracy!"

Liang Youyi was stunned, trembling his lips and muttering to himself.

After the situation was under control, Qiu Zhengwen passed the words Yin Chengxing said to the court.

As soon as this person appeared, he immediately caused an uproar.

It turned out that he came out wearing a mask.

Qiu Zhengwen immediately explained: "Since employees of the Taxation Department are risky, it is inconvenient for them to appear in public. I also ask President Zhang to allow them not to show their true colors."

Zhang Fei nodded, "The president of the court has given permission for them to appear in court to testify wearing masks."

After Ba Tou sat down, Qiu Zhengwen asked: "Excuse me, may I ask your surname?"

"Everyone calls me Ba Tou."

It could be heard that his voice was trembling a little.

Qiu Zhengwen asked again: "What is your current livelihood?"

Batou said: "I am an employee of the Taxation Department."

Qiu Zhengwen asked: "When did you enter the Taxation Department?"

Batou said: "Last year."

"Then do you know the defendant?"

Qiu Zhengwen pointed at Yin Chengxing who was pressed on the table.

Ba Tou turned his head and glanced, nodded and said: "We know him, but I have only met Mr. Yin two or three times. I am quite familiar with Mr. Yin Zhong, the elder of the Yin family."

Qiu Zhengwen asked: "How did you meet Yin Zhong?"

Batou said: "I used to collect taxes for the imperial court. The Yin family often had goods coming and going. Many times Yin Zhong would come to pick them up and deliver them. Over time, we got to know each other."

Qiu Zhengwen asked: "Have you always kept in touch?"

Batou said: "That's not true. In the past, when their convoy came in and out, Yin Zhong would give us some money for tea and wine, and occasionally treat us to drinks. Later, I stopped being the leader and had no contact with Yin Zhong. But this year

In July, Yin Zhong came to see me."

Qiu Zhengwen asked: "Why is Yin Zhong looking for you?"

Batou said: "Because he learned that I had recently become an employee of the Taxation Department and was investigating the area where their Yin family's fields are located, so he wanted to bribe me to help hide their fields."


Yin Chengxing sat up directly, and then was pushed down again. The words that came to his mouth were blocked by the cold eyes of the court police and the ball of cloth in his hand.

Qiu Zhengwen ignored Yin Chengxing at all and continued to ask: "Isn't Yin Zhong afraid of being reported by you?"

Batou said: "This is because their family often didn't pay taxes in the past and spent some money on tea and wine. I also often collected some money, so... so he still trusts me."

Qiu Zhengwen asked: "Then how did he tell you?"

Batou said: "He promised to give me two hundred guan as a reward, and gave me a hundred guan first, and gave me a piece of tax evasion information on ten hectares of land, and asked me to deliver it."

Qiu Zhengwen said: "Have you promised him?"

Ba Tou nodded and said, "I accepted the hundred dollars because our tax department allows us to collect money."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Su Che looked at him in surprise.

Qiu Zhengwen pretended to be surprised, "You said your tax department allows you to collect money?"


Batou said: "The requirement of our tax department is to check taxes. If someone sends money, it will be treated as an extra bonus for us. As long as we work hard to check taxes, it will be fine."

Qiu Zhengwen said: "Can I think that I am just asking you to collect money and not do anything?"

Batou said: "I am doing things, but I am continuing to do things for the Taxation Department. And according to the analysis of our Taxation Department, if this happens, once I agree to them, they will naturally relax their vigilance. This will make it easier for us to investigate. This is also

The reason why the Department of Revenue allowed us to collect money.”

Qiu Zhengwen said: "So after you collected the money, you continued to investigate them?"

Ba Tou nodded and said: "Yes."

Qiu Zhengwen asked again: "When he evaded taxes before, he also gave you money. Why didn't you report them then?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Ba Tou said: "This is because if I report them, I will not get any reward. On the contrary, it will cause trouble."

"What's different now?"

"Now, we can get half of the fine as a bonus, which is much more than the two hundred dollars. At the same time, the tax department will protect us. Of course I will not agree to them."

Many scholar-bureaucrats shook their heads when they heard this. They are such a rough man. Can't they be more tactful?

The court police on the side were very envious.

Just a quick calculation, if you catch one, you can earn thousands of dollars. It's so irritating that people are so different from each other!

I want to change my career!

Lu Bangxing whispered: "It's not okay to keep going like this. Now it's not as simple as being beaten. Our reputation will be ruined."

Li Min frowned and said: "The chief judge said that there is no lawsuit that cannot be fought."

Lu Bangxing said: "What do you think?"

The two of them whispered to each other.

Qiu Zhengwen picked up another piece of evidence and said, "This is the one hundred salt notes and a piece of specific information about the fields that the Yin family boss gave to Badou."


"I have no problem."

After presenting the evidence, Qiu Zhengwen sat down.

After a while, Zhang Fei asked them: "Does the defense have anything to ask?"


Li Min stood up and said to Batou: "Your Excellency just mentioned that the elder of the Yin family came to see you in July this year and tried to bribe you."

Ba Tou nodded and said: "Yes."

Li Min asked: "Did he tell you his intention as soon as he came up and hope that you would help hide their family's land?"

Ba Tou shook his head and said: "That's not true. We chatted for a while first, and then he inquired about the internal information of the Taxation Department."

"Inside information?"

Li Min asked: "Can you elaborate?"

"That's probably how our employees do their taxes?"

"That is to say, Yin Zhong does not know the internal situation of the Taxation Department and the investigation system of the Taxation Department."


"That is to say, Yin Zhong did not know whether he could avoid the tax department's investigation at the time."

"Uh... you could say."

"How did he know later to evade the investigation of the Tax Department?"

"Yes...I told him."

"If you don't tell him how to avoid investigation, will he still evade taxes?"

"I object."

Qiu Zhengwen immediately stood up.

"I take back the question."

Li Min seemed to have expected it, and then asked Ba Tou: "Did he give you money at that time?"

Ba Tou shook his head and said, "No."

Li Min said: "Then when did he give you the money?"

Batou said: "It's the second time we meet."

Li Min said: "In other words, when we first met, he was not prepared to give you money because he didn't know that he could avoid the tax department's investigation. It was you who told him that you could help him do it, so he did

I gave you money the second time. This is obviously because you are asking for bonuses and deliberately guided Yin Zhong to evade taxes in order to obtain bonuses."

Yin Chengxing seemed to see the dawn of victory again, and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, yes! It was this guy who induced me to evade taxes. He said it only cost two hundred guan to solve the problem. He also said that everyone was doing this, so I was tricked by him.


"I don't."

Ba Tou immediately defended: "He was the first...!"

"I'm done asking."

Li Min didn't give him a reason to defend himself and sat down.

Lu Bangxing immediately said happily: "Wonderful."

Li Min frowned and said, "But Zhengwen has no objection." At this point, he glanced at Qiu Zhengwen, who was as steady as a mountain.

Qiu Zhengwen stood up slowly and asked, "Batou, can your name be registered in the personnel book of the Taxation Department?"

Ba Tou shook his head and said, "No."

Qiu Zhengwen asked: "Then what is your relationship with the Taxation Department?"

Batou said: "It's just an employment relationship. I just signed an employment contract with the Taxation Department."

Qiu Zhengwen asked: "Then what are your duties?"

Batou said: "It's just to check the taxes, and then use the evidence to claim the bonus."

“Aren’t you going to get the tax department’s salary?”

"Don't take it."

Ba Tou shook his head, "The tax department will only give us food money for half a year, and then we have to live on bonuses. If we can't find evidence, we won't get a penny."

Qiu Zhengwen said: "Then what you said can represent the Taxation Department?"


Ba Tou continued to shake his head and said: "We are just ordinary employees, and our duty is to investigate secretly. Even our life and death, the tax department will not care about it. This has been written in our contract."

Qiu Zhengwen asked again: "Then will you induce others to evade taxes?"

Ba Tou chuckled.

Qiu Zhengwen said: "Your Excellency, please answer my question."

Batou said: "If the other party takes the initiative to ask, then of course I will say yes, so that I can charge more money and get a generous bonus."

Qiu Zhengwen asked: "Didn't the Taxation Department prohibit you from doing this?"


Batou said: "The Taxation Department only advised us not to break the law. If we are caught breaking the law, we will bear the responsibility ourselves. They don't go to the Taxation Department to ask, but come to me to ask, then... of course I am... right.

..We can’t let go of the money delivered to our door, it’s what we rely on for our living.”

"I'm done asking!"

Qiu Zhengwen sat down.

Lu Bangxing was dumbfounded and said blankly: "How can the Taxation Department still do this?"

Li Min said frustratedly: "They came prepared. We are sharpening our swords temporarily and can only be beaten passively."

There was a flurry of discussion both inside and outside the courtyard.

This really refreshes their lower limit.

Can you still do this?

Is this law enforcement?

This is obviously cheating!

The high-ranking image of the Tax Department suddenly collapsed and was replaced by the image of a scoundrel.

A prosecutor asked: "General Prosecutor, can they do this?"

"I don't know yet." Su Zhe said, "Let's see and then talk."

"Quiet! Quiet!"

Zhang Fei banged the gavel several times. After everyone calmed down, he asked Li Min: "Does the defense have any witnesses?"


They didn't have any witnesses, he just came to see the scene, but now the situation has changed.

Li Min didn't want to be beaten so passively. He thought for a while, then suddenly stood up and said: "We require the tax envoy to appear in court to testify."

Zhang Fei nodded.

After a while, Chen Ming came to the witness stand and sat down.

There were boos!

After all, the people who were watching today were all rich people. This Chen Ming was a thorn in his side, a thorn in his side, and he hated him to the core.

Li Min asked: "Does Tax Envoy Chen know anyone from Batou?"

Chen Ming nodded and said, "He is a temporary employee of our Taxation Department."

Li Min said: "Tax Commissioner Chen, can you elaborate on the relationship between this temporary employee and the Taxation Department?"

Chen Mingdao: "It's just a simple employment relationship. We hire him to help our tax department with tax inspections, and he collects bonuses by presenting evidence."

Li Min asked: "Can your employees induce others to evade taxes?"

Chen Mingdao: "I suggest not to do this. I also suggested that everyone pay taxes in accordance with the law."

Li Min asked again: "Then if an employee does this, what will your tax department do?"

Chen Mingdao: "I suggest them not to do this next time."

Li Min asked again: "What if they continue to do this next time?"

Chen Mingdao: "I suggest them not to do this next time."

Good guy, it’s an endless loop, right?

Li Min asked: "So even if they induce others to evade taxes, will they not be punished?"

Chen Mingdao: "We have no right to impose any punishment on them. They are not tax police, they are just employees. Our contract with them is very simple. If they provide evidence, they will get half of the fine. If they break the law, they will have their own laws."

It’s not our turn to punish them.”

Li Min said: "Don't Tax Commissioner Chen think that this approach is encouraging them to use this method to obtain bonuses?"

Chen Mingdao: "It is common sense to pay taxes in accordance with the law. Our tax department has repeatedly stated that we must pay taxes. Otherwise, we will face several times the fine. If it is not the first offender, we may even face criminal penalties. If you ask the tax police, the tax

The police will tell you this too.

But if you want to take chances and believe that others can evade taxes, then there is nothing we can do about it."

Li Min asked: "Then the other person is an employee of your Taxation Department. Maybe others think that what he said can represent the Taxation Department."

Chen Mingdao: "Then they should also come to the Taxation Department to ask whether these employees can represent the Taxation Department, instead of asking those employees. Our Taxation Department is a government agency, and everyone can come and ask. Everything is based on the announcement."

Lord, in the second announcement we issued, we mentioned that if you don’t understand the tax laws, you should come to the tax department to ask directly, or you can ask the tax police, but don’t believe other people’s rumors. Those employees

He is only responsible for checking taxes and knows nothing else."

Li Min said: "But Ba Tou just said that they are allowed to collect money."

Chen Ming nodded and said: "Yes. They are allowed to collect money. I also promised that the money he received is their bonus. Because if someone gives them money, it proves that this person is thinking of a way.

Tax evasion, this is a very critical clue, and for our employees, collecting money is also a strategy."

Li Mindao: "Allowing to collect money and allowing employees to induce others to evade taxes, doesn't Tax Commissioner Chen think there is something wrong with this?"

Chen Mingdao: "First of all, the Department of Taxation never suggests that they induce others to evade taxes; secondly, everything is based on the announcement of the Department of Taxation. Don't trust anyone. If everyone follows legal procedures to pay taxes, then there will be no problems."

What a rogue government agency! Li Min cursed secretly and said sarcastically: "I'm so sorry. After today, this strategy may not be effective."

Chen Mingdao: "There is no shortage of greedy fools in this world."

Yin Chengxing turned his head and looked at Chen Ming, "Who are you scolding?"

"I'm done asking."

Li Min sat down.

Zhang Fei looked at Qiu Zhengwen and said, "Does the prosecution have a problem?"

Qiu Zhengwen shook his head.

Su Che suddenly said: "Our procuratorate also has a problem, and we want to ask Tax Commissioner Chen for advice."

Zhang Fei nodded.

Su Che asked: "Tax Commissioner Chen, if those employees received money and intentionally concealed it for others, how would the Tax Department handle it?"

Chen Mingdao: "Terminate the employment contract."

"Won't they be punished?"


Chen Ming shook his head and said: "Because these things are originally done by our tax police. Due to lack of manpower, we only use employees. We have no right to hold them responsible in this regard."

Su Che stood up and asked, "Isn't the tax envoy Chen worried that this will reduce the country's tax revenue?"

Chen Mingdao: "Don't worry."

Su Che asked: "Why?"

Chen Mingdao: "Because they need to bribe all employees to avoid being traced, but this is almost impossible, and it is impossible for them to know all employees. In addition, taking this case as an example, the other party only gave two hundred dollars

, but if the case is convicted of tax evasion, Ba Tou will be able to obtain at least thousands of dollars in profits, which is the only reason for him to report the other party. Our Tax Department always recommends that no matter who you are or what your identity is, you must pay taxes in accordance with the law.

Tax, because you can’t escape it.”

Su Che asked: "What if someone helps others hide taxes and causes losses to the national finances?"

Chen Mingdao: "I will bear all responsibilities, and this responsibility cannot be passed on to those employees. They cannot bear it, and the court and government will not agree with it."

This chapter has been completed!
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