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Chapter 642: Conflicts intensify

Judging from Zhao Xu's final statement, it is clear that the reformists had the upper hand in this debate. Otherwise, Zhao Xu would not have agreed to Lu Huiqing's request to popularize the Young Crops Law, the Elimination of Service Law, and the Equalized Loss Law throughout the country.

For the reformists, this was an unexpected surprise, a blessing in disguise. They were all very pessimistic after the results came out. The difference in financial growth between the two places was so big that they couldn't even argue with it, so they all thought it would be possible.

To hold on is to win, but I never thought that I could turn defeat into victory. It was a blessing in disguise.

Everyone came out of the hall with happy faces, talking and laughing happily, looking like a winner.

On the other hand, the conservatives walked out angrily, muttering and cursing. It was simply unacceptable that such a huge victory could be snatched away by the other party!

They even believe that the meaning of the Public Procuratorate and Procuratorate Law should be adjusted. We cannot say that the Public Procuratorate and Procuratorate Law is just a judicial reform, but that it is a nationwide systemic reform that also includes finance. Otherwise, this financial increase will not be considered the Public Procuratorate and Procuratorate Law.

On the head!

After all, administrative orders cannot come from the imperial court or the procuratorate, but must come from the administrative office.

There's no way to win!


"Wang Jiefu, Wang Jiefu, I didn't expect you to be such a despicable person. You can't stand up to me. You use such dirty tricks. You are really shameless."

After all the colleagues left, Sima Guang grabbed Wang Anshi's sleeve and cursed through gritted teeth.

As everyone knows, the angrier he gets, the more excited Wang Anshi becomes. He resists leaving, just waiting for Sima Guang to get angry. He waves his arms and breaks away. He can't help but wonder: "Sima Junshi, are you talking about yourself?


Sima Guang immediately stared angrily: "At first, you were competing, but now Hezhong Mansion's finances are far better than Jingdong East Road. This is enough to prove that the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate are superior to your new policy. Not only do you not admit it, you are also greedy.

Because of this, you really don’t even have any shame.”

Wang Anshi nodded and said: "I don't deny that this is indeed what I am comparing, but what I am comparing is the New Deal and the Public Security Bureau, not Hezhong Mansion and Jingdong East Road. The success of Hezhong Mansion, the new law is the most important, and you

Although the Public Security Bureau has made great achievements, it also consumes a lot of money. It can be said that the merits outweigh the faults and are not worth mentioning.

You, don’t listen to those rumors outside. After all, these accounts are not deceptive. You spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on the Public Security Bureau, but all of them are taken care of by my New Deal. If you still can’t do your job well, then I’m going to look for you.

It’s troublesome.”

"I bother!"

Sima Guang directly physically sprayed Wang Anshi in the face, "Wang Jiefu knows the truth very well. You are simply telling lies with open eyes and no shame."

Who knows Wang Anshi's IQ better than Sima Guang? Although Sima Guang spent the rest of his life opposing Wang Anshi and counterattacking, he never questioned Wang Anshi's wisdom and talent.

The financial success of Hezhong Prefecture is obviously due to the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate. The new law is completely based on the Public Procuratorate and Procuratorate. If you say the other way around, you are really confusing right and wrong.

Wang Anshi touched his face and said, "Bah!"

He spat back first, and then said: "Don't you, the Public Security Bureau, like to litigate? Litigation requires evidence. The accounts are written clearly and clearly. The financial growth is all due to the policies formulated by the Transportation Department, but you don't

Confusing right and wrong here, who is shameless?

Also, the success of Qingmiao Law on Jingdong East Road and the success of Jishan Law on Southeast Sixth Road have proven that the New Deal can still succeed without the Public Security Bureau, Procuratorate and Law, but your Public Security Law has never proved that without the New Deal, it can still succeed.

Can it be successful?"

Sima Guang wiped the spittle from his face, anger boiling in his heart, but he could not refute it. Indeed, the public prosecutor, procuratorate, and law had not proven themselves individually. He looked at Wang Anshi coldly and said, "Okay, okay, let's just wait and see."

Wang Anshi raised his hand and pointed to the door, "Let's go then."

After saying that, the two of them walked towards the door at the same time. Unfortunately, their shoulders bumped into each other. They immediately glared at each other, and then pushed towards the door without giving in. Both of them gritted their teeth.

Since the outcome cannot be determined in a literary fight, the fight can only continue with force.

Lan Yuanzhen, who had just walked from the side of the hall, looked at Wang Anshi and Sima Guang, who were squeezing around in front of the huge hall door and refused to give way. He couldn't help laughing, "Oh! You two gentlemen, this door is amazing.

Three or four people come in and out at the same time, no need to prioritize."

The two of them were stunned at the same time, looking very embarrassed. Sima Guang snorted angrily and walked away.

Wang Anshi chuckled, raised his finger and pointed at the palace door, saying to Lan Yuanzhen: "You don't know something, noble man. Although this door is big, some people are too small-minded to allow two people to cross each other."

Lan Yuanzhen just laughed and didn't answer the question.

Wang Anshi cupped his hands again and said, "Farewell!"

"Scholar Wang, walk slowly."

Lan Yuanzhen bowed his hands in return, then looked sideways at Wang Anshi who was going down the steps, "These are living enemies!"


A feeling of frustration permeated the Court of Justice. This obvious victory was suddenly turned into a burden by the other party. This was really outrageous.

"I knew the matter was not that simple. That Yuan Houzhi was recommended by Wang Jiefu. Wang Jiefu should have known about the financial situation of Hezhong Mansion for a long time. There is such a big difference. It is impossible for him to be so calm and have to deal with

We compared it, and we must have come up with countermeasures in advance, but we never thought that he would actually try to take advantage of the situation and remove the firepower from the bottom."

Wen Yanbo, who had seen a lot of things in the world, was not discouraged, but sighed with a little regret.

Before the meeting started, he had a vague feeling that something was not good, because during this period, Wang Anshi and Lu Huiqing were very calm, but they should have known the situation in the two places.

Lu Gong stroked his beard and said: "Actually, what Wang Jiefu and the others said is not completely unreasonable. Judging from the situation in Hezhong Prefecture in the past two years, it is indeed the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate that have effectively prevented the disadvantages of the New Deal, thus forcing the Transportation Department to adjust its strategy. However, it is also because

Such success can only be achieved by the proper adjustment of the Transshipment Department. The two are indispensable, and I think the credit should be half and half. If the two cooperate, they may be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! They don’t know that Zhang Fei is cooperating with Yuan Jiang.

Fu Bi, who was silent, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "No! The two cannot be compared."

Lu Gongzhu looked at Fu Bi, "Why did Mr. Fu say this?"

Fu Bi said: "Although what you say makes sense, the paths to success for the two are completely different. The success of the New Deal depends on Yuan Houzhi's personal ability, while the success of the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate lies in this extremely sophisticated system.


Think about it, if it were Wang Jiefu and Lu Huiqing, would they be willing to be forced to adjust the New Deal? If they were willing, the trouble would not be as bad as it is today.

The success of the Public Security Bureau can benefit the whole world, while the success of the New Deal is only temporary. The two are not the same, and Jingdong East Road will soon prove this."

Lu Gongzhu and Wen Yanbo both looked at Fu Bi in surprise.

Since his failure to compete with Han Qi last time, Fu Bi has always kept a low profile and kept a low profile. He also leaves a little room for speech and tries not to get involved in the dispute between North Korea and China. However, his statement today is extremely strong.

Wen, Lu couldn't help but wonder whether it was the public prosecutor, prosecutor, and the law that made Fu Bi regain his fighting spirit.

On the contrary, Sima Guang's face was as calm as water, but he glanced at Fu Bi slightly and asked: "In the opinion of Duke Fu, how should we respond?"

Fu Bi said: "Wang Jiefu has a good saying. We only emphasize that the New Deal is inseparable from the Public Security Bureau, but we have not thought about whether the Public Security Bureau and the Law are inseparable from the New Deal. This is really unconvincing.

What we need to do now is to build the Public Security Law in Qingzhou. I firmly believe that the Public Security Law can still promote financial growth and make people live a prosperous life. At the same time, I still believe that the Youth Law without the supervision of the Public Security Law will inevitably fail.

Now, as long as we fight the battle of Qingzhou successfully, we will be able to defeat the New Deal in one fell swoop."

Wen Yanbo stroked his beard and smiled and said: "The rich man is really an old man, which makes us admire him."

Fu Bi glanced at him: "I just can't see Wang Jiefu using his wisdom to confuse right and wrong here, which makes Kuanfu laugh."

"How dare! How dare!"

Wen Yanbo quickly handed over his hand. Although he and Fu Bi were of the same generation, with only two years apart, he was a junior in the officialdom. He respected Fu Bi very much, and said: "Since Zhang San cannot be appointed, then

I wonder who should be sent to Qingzhou this time?"

Sima Guang frowned and said: "Last time I asked Su Shi and Fan Chunren to go to Yangzhou and Dengzhou, but it ended up affecting their idle wealth. This was not because of their lack of ability, but because of the lack of manpower. This time, we can't make the same mistake again. We have to ask Hezhong Prefecture

Likewise, it is indispensable to establish both the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate in Qingzhou at the same time."

Wen Yanbo said: "Chunren knows the public prosecutor's law well. Instead of letting him idle in Dengzhou, it is better to let him go to Qingzhou to serve as the prosecutor general."

Sima Guang nodded: "Fan Chunren is indeed a suitable candidate."

Wen Yanbo said: "As for the position of president of the court, I think Qian Andao is more suitable. He and Chunren once went to court with Zhang San, and later served as the president of the court in Xiangfu County. His understanding of the public prosecutor's law is even better than

Fan Chunren, with his upright character and integrity, is the most suitable candidate."

Sima Guang frowned and said: "But Qian Andao and Fan Chunren have a close relationship, and the imperial court and the public prosecutor's office are supposed to check and balance each other, so there seems to be something wrong with this arrangement?"

This stubborn donkey loves to look for trouble. Wen Yanbo said angrily and funny: "If Junshi wants to avoid this, then you can only go to the Ordinance Department of the Second Government to recruit people."

Sima Guang couldn't help but smile.

In fact, when the tax exemption was first implemented in the capital, the public prosecutor's law was popularized in Kaifeng Prefecture, but most of them were the censors of the imperial court and the judges of Dali Temple, such as Qian Yi and others.

Of course, Sima Guang would not send these people to Hezhong Mansion. First, they had to consolidate the public security system in the capital and let the emperor see with his own eyes how good the public security system was.

Secondly, all of these people are in their forties or fifties, but Hezhong Mansion must have Zhang Fei as the core, so they may not listen to Zhang Fei. In this regard, Sima Guang thought very carefully, and if he wanted to send him, he would have to

Send some young officials, rising stars like Su Zhe.

However, it failed, and as a result, no one has been sent until now.

Wen Yanbo added: "Besides, you don't know that the two of them have a clear distinction between public and private affairs. Just wait and see, the two of them will inevitably argue in court."

Sima Guang nodded: "What Mr. Wen said is absolutely true. I am indeed worrying too much."

Lu Gongzhu asked: "Who should be sent to the post of police superintendent?"

Wen Yanbo stroked his beard and said, "Would it be better to send a civilian official or a military attaché?"

Fu Bi chuckled and said, "We don't need to worry about it. We can just let the officials choose people to go."

Several people reacted immediately and nodded.

Listen to this name, Royal Police. This must be appointed by the emperor himself, otherwise, it will be unfair to the name and inconsistent with the words!

Moreover, the reason why the police station can expand unscrupulously and recruit tens of thousands of people at once is because this armed force is always in the hands of the emperor, not in the hands of the imperial court or the procuratorate.


The conservatives felt that they had suffered a big loss, while the excited reformers also felt that they had fallen short. Although they turned defeat into victory, they could not defeat the public security organs, which was really regrettable.

This is still somewhat different from their expected decisive battle in Bianliang, Tokyo.

The key point is that what the Public Security Bureau did in Hezhong Prefecture made many powerful people very afraid, and they now believe that the Public Security Bureau must be killed.

The Ordinance Department of the Second Government was established.

Wang Anshi also immediately held a meeting with a group of key personnel to discuss how to deal with this new competition.

"Xueshi Wang, the other party obviously wants to kill the New Deal, and I think I should treat him in the same way as he did."

The imperial censor Deng Wan said to Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi asked: "How to treat others with their own treatment?"

Deng Wan said: "Follow the old system, send censors, and set up a prison department."

Many people sitting here nodded and expressed support.

"Deng Yushi's words are reasonable. At present, the Public Security Bureau has exhausted its financial resources and its achievements are mediocre. If the Criminal and Prison Department is given half of the financial support, it can beat the Public Security Bureau."


Although the two sides fought fiercely before, it seemed to be just a test of fists and kicks. It can hurt people, but it is difficult to kill. Just like this competition, at most it can only prove that the public prosecutor's law is inferior to the new law, but it cannot prove that the public prosecutor's law is useless.

To get rid of the Public Prosecution Law, it must be proven that the Public Prosecution Law is of little use and that its shortcomings outweigh its advantages. However, if they are asked to think of another system to replace the Public Prosecution Law, they cannot come up with one. They can only prove that the old Public Prosecution Law is victorious.

In addition, they are very good at the Department of Prisons. They are confident that they can do things better.

Many of them also believe that this old system is not as good as the Public Security Bureau, but it only depends on the corruption of officials. As long as we work hard, we can still beat the Public Security Bureau.

Wang Anshi frowned slightly and looked at Lu Huiqing again, "Jifu, what do you think?"

Lu Huiqing pondered for a while and said: "According to the letter from Ambassador Xue Zhuan, there are many officials who oppose the New Deal in the south of the Yangtze River. The implementation of the Green Crops Law in the local area may encounter many obstacles. According to what Deng Yushi said, at least it can

Gaining more people's support for the new deal. In addition, it can also make the decrees of the Ordinance Department of the second government more clear, which is conducive to the new law."

If they want to revitalize the old system, this will give them the opportunity to deploy troops, and they can use this to increase the influence of the Ordinance Department of the Second Prefecture in various places.

Wang Anshi seemed hesitant, "Let me think about this again."

Deng Wan said: "Xueshi Wang, this should be interrupted without interruption. If the matter is at this point, if they still control the judiciary, they will only create new laws and dangers. In Hezhong Prefecture, the public prosecutor and the procuratorate are making things difficult for the new laws. If it were not for Yuan

The bachelor's ability is outstanding, but I'm afraid the new law has already been destroyed by the public prosecutor and the procuratorate."

The rest of the people were also fanning the flames, hoping that Wang Anshi could consolidate the power of the censor and the prison chief.

Wang Anshi frowned and said, "I understand your worries, but I also have to consider the official's attitude. Let's go to the palace to meet the emperor another day, and I will talk to the official about this matter."


After the meeting, Lu Huiqing and Deng Wan came to their lounge.

"It seems that Academician Wang still has great trust in Zhang San. Even though we all support him, Academician Wang is still hesitant." Deng Wan said, stroking his beard.

Lu Huiqing narrowed his eyes and said: "Although the public prosecutor's law is wonderful, the sword is in the hands of the enemy. Once Zhang San betrays or is dismissed, the situation will be extremely bad for us. We cannot put it into the hands of the enemy."

The New Deal rests on an Erbi."

At this point, he looked at Deng Wan and said, "You arranged for someone to mention this matter, saying that the public prosecutors and the judiciary spent money and resources, but the income was very little. It is still unclear whether they can shoulder the important task. At the same time, it caused judicial officials in various places to slack off in government affairs.

Before the imperial court determines that the public prosecutor's law is feasible, it should provide support to judicial officials in various places."

Deng Wan couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he said, "Ji Fu's move is so wonderful!"

But then, he immediately said: "But if the other party takes advantage of the situation and demands that the public security law be implemented nationwide, what should we do?"

Lu Huiqing laughed and said, "You can rest assured that Sima Niu will never do that."


Under the covert operation of Lu Huiqing, the reformists soon took the lead in launching a new round of attacks on the conservatives. They reported to the emperor that judicial officials in various places had begun to slack off in their official duties due to public prosecutions and the law. The reason was very simple. They would have to be replaced anyway.

Even if you work hard and don't get a promotion, you might as well just lie flat.

At the same time, they also attack the shortcomings of the Public Security Bureau, which is to increase financial expenditures. It is not yet known whether this is really feasible. Therefore, they ask the court to provide local judicial support and encourage them to continue to make progress.

This immediately gained support from the majority of officials, who all said that the public security system was not as good as the old system, and that if the Department of Criminal Justice and Prisons were given such large financial support, they would be able to do a better job.

In fact, this is not a lie they are telling lies with open eyes. It is indeed a real need, because the popularization of the public security and judicial system is too slow, and at the same time, it is necessary to completely replace the old judicial system. This will inevitably make local judicial officials feel uneasy.

It's definitely not possible if you don't work. You must know that the judicial system was very important in the Song Dynasty.

Wen Yanbo saw that the other party had murderous intentions, so he quickly persuaded Sima Guang and took the opportunity to propose the popularization of public security laws across the country.

However, Sima Guang firmly disagreed, because he believed that with their current strength, it was simply impossible to do it. If they popularized it rashly, they would only gain more than they lost, and harm the public prosecutor and the law.

Even Zhao Xu personally asked Sima Guang. What they said was very reasonable, but I leave the judicial affairs to you. It's up to you what to do.

As a result, Sima Guang said that the foundation of the public security law is still shallow and cannot be fully popularized.

After he said this, Zhao Xu could only make a decision, order to provide local judicial support, and handed over this important task to Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi handed over this task to Zeng Gong, the prefect of Kaifeng Prefecture.

This decision will give the Ordinance Department of the Second Government more power to make personnel decisions, and at the same time allow the local judiciary to provide great support for the new law.

This almost made the conservative officials faint with anger. What was supposed to be an easy victory turned out to be standing on the edge of a cliff, in danger.

Moreover, the opponent is really going to kill them this time, that is, they are going to use the old system to backfire on the public prosecutors.

But there was nothing they could do about it. Lu Huiqing's move was really cruel. They were telling the truth and there was nothing they could do to refute it.

They can only hope that Qingzhou will win and the shortcomings of the Jingdong East Road Green Seeding Law will be exposed and cause public resentment.

The two sides started a new round of game, but it has stopped at the previous point and now has weapons with the intention of killing the other party.


Compared with the flash of swords and shadows in Bianliang, Tokyo, Hezhong Prefecture at this time was really peaceful and prosperous.

However, I see that major restaurants and tea shops are displaying the word "wine" or "tea" one after another. In fact, they used to display the word "wine" or "tea", but now this sign represents the liquor business qualification certificate.

, are all officially guaranteed and are legal businesses.

Zhang Fei, on the other hand, arranged for Ye Zuqia to be in Hedong County to take charge of the overall situation. Now, 99% of the lawsuits in the county are sent to Hedong County for Ye Zuqia to hear.

The imperial court of Hezhong Prefecture basically did not accept these ordinary civil lawsuits and criminal lawsuits, and focused more on judicial interpretation and improvement of regulations.

The most thorny issue at present is the issue of rural laws, which is no small matter.

After the last discussion, the rural forces began to split. Many people disagreed with this equal treatment, but a considerable number of people supported it.

This kind of split was expected by Zhang Fei. He wanted to disintegrate some rural forces so that the public security organs could enter the countryside.

Today, Fan Zhen brought Lu Xiaosheng to the imperial court again to discuss the matter with Zhang Fei.

"A date in Lantian Township?"

Zhang Fei looked slightly surprised and said: "Isn't this Lantian County under the jurisdiction of Jingzhao Prefecture?"

Fan Zhendao: "Yes, but this township agreement was created by the Lu brothers in Lantian County, so we named it Lantian Township Agreement."

"Brothers Lu?" Zhang Fei frowned slightly.

Lu Xiaosheng said: "The main writer is named Lu Dajun, and he is a squire from Lantian County."

"Lu Dajun?"

Zhang Fei frowned slightly and thought to himself, is it the Lu family's hometown agreement?

He knew about the "Lü Family Covenant". It was created by brothers Lu Dajun. It was different from the previous patriarchal laws. It was also the first written law drafted by the common people in history. It can be understood as a people's covenant.

Unfortunately, the Northern Song Dynasty died soon. It was just a flash in the pan, but it laid a solid foundation for the rural management system of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. However, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was not a people's convention, but became a government decree, which was mandatory.


Fan Zhen asked: "Does President Zhang know this person?"

"No, I don't know him."

Zhang Fei shook his head and turned to the first page, only to see four sentences written on it - "Virtue and deeds encourage each other, faults and faults are regulated, etiquette and customs are intertwined, and adversity is sympathizing with each other."

If so, it seems that this is the Lu family's rural agreement. Looking back further, he couldn't help but read one of the sentences, "If you make an agreement to rectify one or two people, it will be done by the one who is upright and upright."

This sentence was still fresh in his memory.

Lu Xiaosheng thought that Zhang Fei didn't know what he meant, so he explained: "It was Li Zheng who was in charge of the countryside before, but now we meet by appointment, so we call it Yue Zheng. At the same time, the Lu brothers also combined the shortcomings of the previous ban and the proposal of President Zhang

The question is that since people have obligations to perform, they should have corresponding rights so that they can be held accountable.

At the same time, this township contract also follows the contract principle of President Zhang. It will not reject those who come, and will not pursue those who leave. It ensures that everyone is free to stay and go, and then one or two people who enter the contract will be elected as the contract holder.

When managing the countryside, if there are any issues, the government can ask Yue Zheng for inquiries."

"It should be so, it should be so."

Zhang Fei nodded. In fact, he knew it, because he had studied it when he was studying, and he couldn't wait to flip through it. He couldn't help but frown, why were there no relevant provisions of the Armor Protection Law?

It turns out that the Lu brothers created the Lu Family Covenant in order to deal with Wang Anshi's intention to use the Baojia Law to control the countryside.

That's right, the Baojia Law has not yet come out, and Lu Dajun cannot predict the situation, so he will not write these contents. In other words, this is a rural agreement formulated in response to the Public Security Law.

Zhang Fei frowned secretly, and then read it carefully. As expected, this rural covenant is different from the historical Lu family covenant. Although it is still based on ethics, it places more emphasis on economic mutual assistance and education.

It is still in line with Zhang Fei's proposition, which is to formulate rural rules around the charity warehouse.

Generally speaking, it can be understood as unity and prosperity.

After closing the township agreement, Zhang Fei asked again: "So, does everyone respect this township agreement?"

Lu Xiaosheng smiled and said: "Those who are willing to join will not be forced to join, and those who are unwilling will not be forced. I don't know how many people support it yet. Lao Zhuo and Brother Fan are here today. They just want to discuss with President Zhang first. If the imperial court has no objection, we will make an agreement on our own."

, see how many people are willing to join, and then come back here to register."

Zhang Fei pondered for a while, then suddenly opened the township contract and read it for a while, "I don't have many opinions on the regulations, but it also involves some punishment issues."

Lu Xiaosheng immediately said: "Even according to the contract principle, the income and compensation must be stated. If there is no punishment, who will follow the agreement? Isn't this a matter of course?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I am not against the punishment in the township agreement, but I hope that the person who implements the agreement must pass the training of the Royal Police and must strictly follow the police manual. The two old gentlemen should know that.

Many cases of favoritism and bending of the law arise during the implementation process. However, in this rural covenant, only principles and etiquette are emphasized, but there are no clear implementation standards.

Suppose I agree to the township agreement, but the township agreement tacitly allows the enforcers to beat the villagers at will. According to our agreement, the imperial court should not have any involvement, but judging from the facts, this is obviously wrong."

Fan Zhen and Lu Xiaosheng looked at each other.

Zhang Fei added: "Of course, you can also write an execution manual yourself and submit it for filing. This is fine. I just ask that this point be made clear."

"What President Zhang said makes sense, but we have to go back and discuss this matter again."


This chapter has been completed!
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