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Chapter 662: Advance as retreat

When it comes to solving financial problems, Zhang Fei still prefers to cooperate with these businessmen.

First of all, of course, it was because the bureaucratic system of the Song Dynasty was too complicated, and Zhang Fei thought that he could not control it with his IQ.

Secondly, he doesn't have many people under him. Seriously speaking, Cai Jing, Shangguan Jun, Cai Bian and the others only have a teacher-student relationship. When ordering them to do things, they have to be moved with emotion and understood with reason.

On the contrary, when cooperating with Fan Zheng and Ma Tianhao, the relationship is relatively simple. Even if they are pursuing profit, he can also command them.

After talking to Ma Tianhao, Zhang Fei went to find Li Bao and asked him to pay close attention to the situation in the northwest, especially Hezhong Prefecture.

The core of northwest finance lies in Hezhong Prefecture, because the annual salt profits from Hezhong Prefecture can pay for millions of dollars in military expenses.

Not only that, Hezhong Mansion is Zhang Fei’s base.

When their Chief Justice left, the people of Hezhong Prefecture were in panic for a time, fearing that they would return to the past. They really enjoyed the benefits brought by the public prosecutors and the law, but the current people believe in people and not the law, but

Soon, everyone discovered that nothing had changed and life went on as usual.

But not long after, news came of the great success of Xihe Extension, which undoubtedly cast another shadow on the finances of Hezhong Mansion.

As the saying goes, misfortunes never come singly, but at this time, something happened to make matters worse.

Hezhong Mansion, South Street, in front of a salt shop.

"Three pounds of salt. I want three pounds."

"Five catties! I'll buy five catties."

"Why are you squeezing? I came first, give it to me first, get it to me first."


But I saw more than a hundred people crowded in front of a small salt shop, waving salt banknotes, and frantically buying salt. The clerks in the salt shop were really busy.

Not far away, two old men looked at this scene with sad faces.

These two old men are really Yuan Jiang and Cai Yanqing, an old pair.

The two of them also contributed greatly to the success of Hezhong Mansion.

"This timing is really unlucky!"

Yuan Jiang sighed heavily, "They are eager to ask for military expenses, but this year happens to be the expiration of the first batch of salt debts. Those salt merchants have been waiting for this day for a long time, and they will not let this opportunity go easily.


Cai Yanqing asked: "Do we have enough salt to redeem these salt debts?"

Yuan Jiang whispered: "Yes, there is, but if the salt debt is exchanged, it will be difficult for many salt merchants to get salt this year, and many state capitals will inevitably be short of salt next year."

Cai Yanqing asked: "Didn't you consider this at the beginning?"

Yuan Jiang said: "Why not, but Zhang San said he has a way to solve it."

"any solution?"

"Alas...that's the problem. He didn't say it at the time. Later, when he left, I...I forgot to ask him."

"What should we do? Nowadays, everyone is exchanging salt banknotes for salt. If we issue more salt banknotes at this time, not only will no one be willing to accept it, but it may also lead to more people coming to exchange for salt. When the first batch of salt debts arrive,

The government cannot issue salt debts before the due date, so what will happen to Xihe’s military expenses?”

"It's not just that simple. Yanzhou, Suizhou, and Fuzhou on the northern line have all sent people to negotiate with our transshipment department. They are worried that we will allocate salt profits to Xihe. This is really troublesome."


This is really a coincidence. Originally, the salt profit of Hezhong Prefecture was mainly used to deal with the northwest war. The opening of Xihe River undoubtedly added another battlefield to the northwest region. The losses will definitely increase a lot, but it is just right. This great victory at Xihe River, encountered

The salt debt is due.

Those salt merchants and banknote merchants have been looking forward to this year for a long time, but at this early stage, they have begun to act like monsters. As long as salt production cannot keep up, the price of salt bonds will inevitably rise.

They hope to use salt debt to lock up the salt industry, which will lead to an increase in salt debt and force salt merchants everywhere to take over the sale at a high price.

These are businessmen who are only interested in profit. They don't care that the burden will eventually be transferred to the people. Since you dared to buy salt debt before, your government must bear the consequences.

This led to a series of chain reactions. In the original financial operation, the government issued salt banknotes in the border states. Salt merchants went to the border states to buy salt banknotes, and then took the salt banknotes to Jiezhou to exchange for salt, and then sold them in various places.

But this year's situation means that anyone who dares to go to Bianzhou to buy salt banknotes knows that salt debt will lock up at least one-third of the salt production. At the same time, people are desperately using their salt banknotes to buy salt. The government must protect the value of salt banknotes.

, we can only overdraft and sell salt to them.

This has further exacerbated the shortage of salt. It is even more difficult to issue salt banknotes this year, and no one dares to buy them. However, the price of salt bonds is expected to rise.

The salt banknotes correspond to military rations, and military expenditures there are directly doubled.

This immediately put the Hezhong government's finances into crisis.

There was nothing Yuan Jiang could do about this. When he first took out the salt debt, he had thought of this. Yin Chi Mao Liang must be repaid, and he must also pay interest.

But at that time Zhang Fei said not to worry, he would take care of everything.

As a result, before the three-year period was up, Zhang Fei slapped his butt and walked away. At the same time, he encountered the Xihe War, and all the pressure was concentrated on Yuan Jiang.


It can be seen that this great victory in Xihe came so suddenly that no one expected it, including Wang Shao himself. Although he proposed the plan, he did not dare to think that it would be possible in one battle.

Recovered five states, expanded the border for more than 2,000 miles, and opened the Xihe River channel.

Moreover, Wang Shao used both soft and hard tactics to induce many Qiang and Tubo leaders to surrender. If your army withdraws, they may immediately rebel.

As a result, management costs have become very high.

It has been forced to divert some of the military expenditures on the northern front to the Xihe area. Due to the disarmament in the previous two years, there is some room for maneuver.

But this also caused dissatisfaction in Yansui and Fuzhou.

The key generals are all ready to take action. We can also win the war. Just give us our military expenses.

Because the last military trial actually subtly changed the military system of the Northern Song Dynasty. Military generals would not be so afraid of civilian officials or military supervisors. As long as I do my job well, you can impeach me as you please. Then we will go to the military court to litigate and see who


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Due to the existence of the Public Security Bureau, many situations are changing. The government does not dare to easily ask the people for money to supplement military expenditures. As long as there is a problem, it can be solved immediately


Censors from all walks of life also saw the financial crisis of Hezhong Mansion. Out of various interests, they immediately wrote a memorial to impeach Wang Shao.

This is a traditional program of the Northern Song Dynasty.

No matter whether you win or lose, there will be internal friction.

The imperial court was already discussing how to govern Xihe, but as soon as these memorials came out, Zhao Xu immediately stood up for Zhang Fei's strategy and had to find ways to unite the internal affairs first, otherwise, there would be endless troubles.

Wang Anshi also feels a little anxious, and he doesn't know the situation there now.

This matter must be discussed quickly to avoid the situation getting out of control.

Both sides must make a compromise.

Bianliang, Tokyo.

Early morning.

"Dong dong dong!"

Early in the morning, Xu Zhiqian came to Gao Wenyin's door and asked, "Sister Gao, are you up?"

"Zhiqian, come in quickly."

"You all wake up."

Seeing that Zhang Fei was already sitting in front of the bronze mirror, Xu Zhiqian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Gao Wenyin: "Sister Gao, do you want my help?"

Gao Wenyin hurriedly said: "No need, it will be done soon."

Xu Zhiqian just sat aside obediently.

Zhang Fei felt a little weird, "Zhiqian, what's the matter?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "It's okay!"

"It's okay, are you so quiet?"

Zhang Fei wondered: "In the past, when we went to litigate, you always made me anxious."

Xu Zhiqian said hurriedly: "Today you are going to Chui Gong Hall to discuss matters, so you have to prepare carefully and don't make a fool of yourself."

She was still very worried about some of Zhang Fei's behaviors. Chui Gong Hall was the highest conference room in the Song Dynasty.

Zhang Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Xueshi Wang's virtues are fine, but you still worry about this."

Xu Zhiqian felt a little panicked when she heard this, and said, "Why are you comparing yourself to Bachelor Wang?"

Zhang Fei said: "Why can't we compare? I am the protagonist today, okay."

Xu Zhiqian was too lazy to argue with him and told Gao Wenyin through lip language that she must be more careful today.


Today, Zhao Xu will hold a special meeting in Chui Gong Hall to discuss the expansion of the Xihe River. Since Wang Shao's memorial asked Zhang Fei to go by name, Zhang Fei must attend this meeting.

This is Zhang Fei's first time to attend such a high-level meeting.

Of course Xu Zhiqian was very nervous. After all, Zhang Fei was usually too casual, but in that kind of situation, he couldn't talk nonsense.

After finally finishing dressing up, Zhang Fei coquettishly twisted his waist a few times in front of the bronze mirror, "Why are you so handsome? I'm not going to a brothel."

Xu Zhiqian was startled, "You are right, it is not good to be too glamorous. Many prime ministers advocate simplicity. Otherwise, Sister Gao, give him a change. Anyway, there is still enough time."

"Just save it."

Zhang Fei immediately glared at her and said, "This man is handsome and looks eye-catching no matter what he wears. It's useless."

After that, he hurried out the door, fearing that Xu Zhiqian and Gao Wenyin would catch him again and torture him.

But when he got on the carriage and saw Li Bao sitting inside, he immediately felt weak, "Oh my God! I'm already busy enough now, don't give me any more trouble."

Li Bao said sympathetically: "I don't want to either, but there is an urgent letter from Hezhong Mansion."

Zhang Fei asked: "What's the matter?"

Li Bao said: "It's about salt debt. The first batch of salt debt is due this year."

Zhang Fei blinked, "But it's due at the end of the year, and there's still half a year left. Are you in such a hurry?"

Li Bao said: "But those salt merchants and banknote dealers have already started to take action. They are encouraging people to exchange salt banknotes for salt. They hint to everyone that this year's salt relief is locked in salt debts, causing people to rush to exchange salt banknotes for salt.

, at the same time, the price of salt bonds is rising all the way.”

Zhang Fei said: "But we have already had countermeasures for this matter, and you also know it."

Li Bao nodded and said: "Yes, we do have enough private salt in our hands, but the problem is that we just encountered the expansion of the Xihe River. The burden on Hezhong Mansion has become heavier, and military expenditures have exceeded before disarmament. Not only that, the North

The Zhe family and the Zhong family on the northern front are also very dissatisfied with the transfer of military expenditures on the northern front to Xihe. The situation there is very complicated now."


Zhang Fei suddenly said: "In other words, in the past, the main salt banknotes were used for the northern route?"

Li Bao nodded and said: "Of course, the most elite armies in the northwest were concentrated on the northern front, such as the Zhe Family Army, the Zhong Family Army, and the Yao Family Army."

Zhang Fei blinked, "It's not urgent in advance. I have to think about it carefully. You can sort out the financial situation of Northwest China. We will discuss it with you after this meeting is over."


After talking with Li Bao, the carriage also arrived at the imperial city. Zhang Fei got off the carriage directly, while Li Bao left in the carriage.

As soon as he entered the imperial city, Lan Yuanzhen greeted him personally.

Arriving at the Chui Gong Hall, Lan Yuanzhen said to Zhang Fei, "Master Sima and others are in the east room, and Bachelor Wang and others are in the west room. Which room are you going to go to?"

What the hell?

Zhang Fei, who was eating from three families, suddenly had a problem. He looked left and right for a while, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

Lan Yuanzhen, an eunuch, looked at Zhang Fei's dilemma and couldn't help but snicker.

After half a ring.

Zhang Fei finally choked out a sentence, "I want to go to the latrine."

"This way, President Zhang, please."

Lan Yuanzhen said with a smile.

This dragged on for a long time, but by the time the meeting started, Zhang Fei followed the ministers into the hall in a very low-key manner. Lan Yuanzhen told him to just stand at the back.

Although he has considerable power, his rank is very low and he still wears a green robe.

After Zhao Xu arrived, there was no such thing as kneeling or kowtowing. After all, this was not a meeting of the imperial court, but a meeting of important officials. The ministers bowed casually.

Lu Huiqing, Deng Wan and others were the first to stand up and praise Wang Shao's achievements in the Xihe area. They immediately praised Zhao Xu's brilliance and martial prowess. This was the largest territorial recovery since Taizu Taizong. Based on this alone

His great achievements are comparable to those of Taizu Taizong.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Anyway, the hype is overwhelming.

After all, this is the first meeting Zhao Xu has held since the news of the great victory of Xihe. This must be boasted. The key point is that it is worth bragging. This credit is really too great.

Conservatives remained silent and looked at him coldly.

A little sour!

Of course Zhao Xu was also very happy, and immediately ordered Wang Shao to be granted the title of Zuo Jianyi, Bachelor of Duanming Palace, Zhi Xizhou, and in charge of the military and administration of Xihe Road. At the same time, he would grant a general amnesty to the whole world and give everyone a three-day holiday to celebrate. celebrate.

The atmosphere needs to be stirred up and this achievement needs to be confirmed.

Liu Shu suddenly stood up and said: "Your Majesty, although Wang Xuanfu's envoy achieved a great victory in Xihe, due to his greed for success and reckless advancement, he did not consider the logistics and supplies, and during the war, the people of the northwest suffered a lot of losses. Shaanxi’s various routes can no longer afford supplies for the entire front.”

Zhao Xu's expression changed, and he frowned and said: "For a long time, the people in the border states have been harassed by the Tibetan and Qiang people in Xihe. Over time, the losses are far greater than this battle. Now we can solve it once and for all, and avoid the people in the hinterland of the Central Plains from being attacked again." The harassment, I think it’s worth it.”

Zhao Pindao: "What your Majesty said is true, but how to provide supplies for the front line is a top priority. The people in the northwest have suffered from war all year round and can no longer afford it."

Wang Anshi stood up and said: "Regarding this matter, Ambassador Wang Xuan has already stated the countermeasures in the memorial, which is to send President Zhang to the local area to build the Public Security Bureau and use the Public Security Law to maintain local stability. At the same time, he will use the location of Xihe's transportation hub to open up trade and gain from it. Military expenditures will reduce the burden on the northwest roads. I also very much agree with this."

A large group of people immediately stood up and expressed their agreement.

Totally revolutionary.

On the contrary, no one from the conservatives stood up. They were all dumbfounded.

Whose political opinion is judicial reform?

But everyone who understands understands.

They just don't want Zhang Fei to stay in the capital. Once Zhang Fei enters the procuratorate, who can sleep peacefully? Moreover, they suspect that if Zhang Fei stays in the capital, he will carry out reforms for the Tokyo area.

That place is very dangerous and there are rebellions every day, so it is very suitable for Zhang Fei to go there.

At this time, Sima Guang suddenly stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the Public Security Bureau is by no means omnipotent. It is impossible to go there and solve the problem. Moreover, the problem in Xihe is mainly that our country's finances cannot make ends meet and it is difficult to maintain external troops, not the Public Security Law. It can be solved.”

Wang Anshi immediately said: "Since the Qingli World War I, our court has always adhered to the defensive strategy, but the result is that the people on the border are often harassed and are in fear all day long. If our army does not show its momentum, the Xixia, Tubo and Qiang people will be more vulnerable." There will be no fear.”

Sima Guang said: "I agree with this point. This is the battle at Xihe. The biggest gain is that it can deter the surrounding areas.

But if we go one step further, both Xixia and Tubo will have to consider their own survival. Then they will definitely fight back vigorously, and our government's finances cannot afford large-scale foreign troops for the time being.

President Zhang worked hard in Hezhong Prefecture to build the Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Department, which restored local people's livelihood. If the war increases the burden on the people, then the Public Security Bureau will also lose the support of the people. Once the people in Hezhong Prefecture start to question the Public Security Bureau , then how can we build a good public security system in the Xihe area?"

The implication is that I agree with the results of this war, but it cannot continue because the finances simply cannot afford it.

Wen Yanbo also stood up immediately and said: "Your Majesty, what Bachelor Sima said is very reasonable. The country is currently undergoing changes internally and has achieved some results. Reducing the burden on the people is the key to the success of the change. If we raise troops externally, it will inevitably

It will increase the burden on the people and make the reform fail. I sincerely ask your Majesty to give priority to the people's livelihood at home and wait until the national strength is restored before making any plans."

Lu Huiqing immediately said: "Our army's morale is very high now. If we suspend our troops, I'm afraid it will affect our army's morale."

Lu Gong wrote: "Morale depends on whether you can reward according to your merits. Once you go to war, it will only end in failure. Just after the victory on the front line, the front line will immediately become desperate. It can be seen that our country is currently not prepared to deal with a large-scale war."

Chen Shengzhi said: "Although it is said that if you are warlike, you will perish, but if you forget to fight, you will be in danger. Border security is directly related to the survival of the country. This is not something that can be measured by money."

Fu Bi said: "What the privy envoy said is reasonable. Even though our country is large, it will perish if it is warlike. What's more, our country's national strength has not yet been restored, so we should be more cautious."

Even if the country is strong and warlike, it will surely perish. With the current national power of the Song Dynasty, let alone being warlike, we can barely start a war.

Zeng Gongliang stood up and said: "But the great victory of Xihe has given our army absolute initiative on the Western Front, which must not be handed over to others. Although it is not appropriate to go further at this time, we can first consolidate the Xihe area, and then gradually

Recover the old territory of the Central Plains."

He was one of the few prime ministers who supported Xihe's strategy of expanding borders. He believed that the fight should be fought, and he always stayed back. If others don't fight, you will fight.

Having said that, these prime ministers have actually made certain compromises and are currently just showing them off to others.

Zhao Xu nodded and said: "What you said makes sense. We must immediately reward the Xihe soldiers for their merits to maintain the morale of our army. We should not show weakness to the outside world, lest people with evil intentions take advantage of it."


At the same time, the country should quickly eliminate the ills, restore national strength, and restore people's livelihood to avoid such a situation from happening again."

"Your Majesty is Holy Ming."

All the prime ministers said in unison.

These words indicate that the country's focus should still be on the country, and external expansion should be paused for the time being. However, the homeland that has been captured must be defended, and at the same time, local military deterrence must be maintained.

Anyway, let's take a step back.

We will not continue to raise troops abroad, but we must also work together to consolidate control of the Xihe area.

Zhao Xu glanced at him and said, "Is President Zhang here?"

"I'm here."

Zhang Fei raised his hand subconsciously at first, then realized something was wrong. He quickly put his hand down, stood up, and saluted.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Zhao Xu did not care about this and said: "The envoy Wang Xuan highly praised President Zhang's political achievements in Hezhong Mansion. President Zhang is willing to make another trip to the northwest for me.

Building the Public Security Bureau on Xihe Road?”

Zhang Fei said with great confidence: "It is my honor to be able to share your Majesty's worries. Of course I am willing to go."

Zhao Xu said happily: "Then are you confident that you can manage Xihe Road well?"

"I am very sure."

Zhang Fei said confidently.

Everyone looked sideways at him, very sure, is this kid really that powerful?

Or are you planning to do something evil again?

Zhao Xu hurriedly asked: "What good advice do you have?"

Zhang Fei said: "In fact, the key to managing Xihe Road lies in how to remove the military power of the local chiefs. As long as their military power is removed, the local situation can be stabilized."

As soon as these words came out, many ministers were frightened and turned blue.

"You're just talking nonsense."

Chen Shengzhi immediately said: "Those chiefs have hundreds of thousands of soldiers. How can they be willing to be relieved of their military power? If you do this, it will only make the local area more chaotic."

Zhang Fei said very forcefully: "If we continue to cut off the situation, we will suffer the chaos. We know that the root cause is here. If we don't cure it, how can we manage the place well?"

When they rebel, the price we have to pay will be even greater, so it is better to strike first, and there is no need to say this explicitly, because those chiefs will definitely break the law, and as long as the public prosecutor and the law punish them severely, we can get rid of them. "

These words frightened Meng Qiansheng and the others and dumbfounded them.

They want Zhang Fei to die, but if you do this, the entire Xihe achievement may be wiped out. This is not suicide, but taking us all to the ditch.

"Severe punishment without mercy?"

Zeng Gongliang, who didn't know yet, couldn't help but said: "You said it lightly, but how can they sit still and wait for death?"

Zhang Fei said: "When Hezhong Prefecture disarmed, many people expressed concern, but what about now? Nothing has happened. The public security organs and law can quickly win the hearts and minds of the local people. As long as the people's hearts are what they want, even if they rebel, they won't be able to hold on for long. "

Lu Huiqing stood up and said: "President Zhang, this matter should be taken step by step. Don't rush it."

Zhang Fei said: "My suggestion is based on their breaking the law. If they break the law and don't punish them, it will be difficult for the public security organs to build the law. This is killing two birds with one stone."

The atmosphere was very awkward for a time.

This president of the court is too fierce.

Can it be done?

The risk is too great!

Zhao Xu also pretended to be confused.

Of course he also wants to remove the military power of those great chiefs, but the problem is that it is simply impossible at the moment.

Sima Guang saw that Zhang Fei's performance was about the same, so he stood up and said: "Your Majesty, although President Zhang is talented and his attainments in law are even more impressive, he lacks experience and has not been in war. He still needs some experience. .”

Zhang Fei said depressedly: "Sister Sima, I am actually quite sure."

Sima Guang frowned and said, "Shut up."

Zhang Fei scratched his head depressedly.

Zhao Xu hurriedly borrowed the slope to get off the donkey, and asked again: "Do you have any suggestions, Master Sima?"

Sima Guang immediately said: "I think we can send Lu Dajun of Lantian County and Fan Zhen of the Legal Aid Department of Hezhong Prefecture."

Lu Huiqing's expression changed and he immediately stood up and said: "Both of these two people are not suitable. Lu Dajun is just a country squire and has made no achievements in governing the country. This is difficult to convince the public.

And what Fan Zhen said, huh, last time he spread rumors wantonly and slandered the New Deal, how can we use it again."

Sima Guang stroked his beard and smiled and said: "Although Lu Dajun is a country squire, he is familiar with the public prosecutor's law, and he proposed the "Lantian Township Treaty" to resolve the contradiction between the rural law and the public prosecutor's law, which shows his cultivation in legal studies.

On Xihe Road, Tubo, Qiang and Han people live together, so his talents are very suitable for Xihe's situation.

As for Fan Zhen, he is the censor, so he can do anything wrong. Now he is working hard in the Legal Aid Department and seeking justice for many people. At the same time, he has been an official for decades, has rich experience, and is good at dealing with people.

The various crises faced are something that President Zhang does not possess."

Liu Shu immediately said: "Your Majesty, Wang Xuan's suggestion was not achieved in a day, but the current situation is that the local people are facing a survival crisis and need comfort and relief. In this regard, Fan Zhen has made outstanding achievements.

The government must first help the local people get out of the crisis and give them a stable environment before they can engage in trade. Otherwise, thieves and bandits will be everywhere, and no matter how appropriate the policies are, it will be impossible to engage in trade."

Many old friends from Fan Town came forward to express their support.

Zhao Xu nodded slightly.

Lu Huiqing was a little anxious and couldn't help but look at Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi stood up and said: "Your Majesty, what President Zhang just said makes sense. The local chiefs are used to enjoying autonomy. If the public prosecutor and the law are removed, I am afraid that they will be dissatisfied. I suggest that we first plan a trading town in the local area, and then build it here."

Trial implementation of public security laws in important towns can also avoid conflicts."

The nervous expression of the reformist minister relaxed slightly.

This is tantamount to drawing a circle to restrain Fan Zhen and the others.

But in other words, he agreed to let Fan Zhen and the others go.

The conservative side is not sure about this, and they are happy to accept you drawing a circle.

The two sides finally reached an agreement on this issue.

"This matter will be left to Bachelor Sima to take full responsibility," Zhao Xu said.

Sima Guang immediately stood up and said: "I obey your order."

Zhao Xu suddenly said again: "As for President Zhang, Mr. Fu once suggested that President Zhang should temporarily serve in the Beijing Procuratorate, because Qingzhou is undergoing debt restructuring, and this law was proposed by President Zhang, and the Legislative Council also needs his assistance. I also

I think Mr. Fu is right, President Zhang, please temporarily serve in the Procuratorate."

Zhang Fei reluctantly held up his hands and said: "I obey my orders."

"Today's meeting ends here."

This chapter has been completed!
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