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Chapter 668: Destined Tragedy

Qi Hui's words immediately cheered up the scholar-bureaucrats who had almost collapsed.


From the beginning to the end, this guy avoided talking about etiquette and talked about other things. This is obviously avoiding the important and taking the easy!

He didn't even mention the legal system. In the past, whenever he wanted to fight for anything, the legal system would never leave his mouth.

The concept of legal system is first of all the interests of the country and the monarch, and the fact is that Confucian etiquette and law are closely related to the interests of the country and the monarch.

There is absolutely no doubt about this, because Confucian etiquette can be understood as the values ​​of the world. If the values ​​collapse, then the country will be gone.

Then the emperor will count as a ball!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with defending etiquette and law under the legal concept.

So this guy is very cunning.

Fortunately, Qi Hui was also an official in the court who had a high level of knowledge in the law, so he would not be fooled by him.

Faced with Qi Hui's doubts, Zhang Fei just smiled calmly and said: "President Qi is right. The legal system first protects the interests of the country and the monarch. Etiquette and law definitely belong to the interests of both. However, President Qi did not We are not defending etiquette, but defending public opinion."

Qi Hui frowned and said, "Defend public opinion?"

Zhang Fei asked: "I dare to ask President Qi, treat each other as guests and share joys and sorrows. Is this what the etiquette of husband and wife pursues?"

Qi Hui hesitated for a moment and said, "Of course."

Zhang Fei said: "Liu Qin is lagging behind in her husband's family, but she never leaves her husband, takes good care of her, and fully supports her husband's academic achievements. Isn't this a husband-wife ritual?"

Qi Hui remained silent as he did not understand this beforehand.

Zhang Fei added: "And Liu Qing never left his wife when she was in the most difficult time. He would rather be alone than appeal for his wife. Isn't this a courtesy for husband and wife?"

Qi Hui said: "But the Liu Qin family and the monks committed adultery in the temple and violated morals. If they are not severely punished, where will the etiquette and law be?"

"That's the problem."

Zhang Fei said: "Both belong to the etiquette and law. The former is praised by the etiquette and law, while the latter is despised by the etiquette and law. If President Qi is defending etiquette and law, then why does President Qi say nothing about the virtues of Mrs. Liu Qing and others?" Instead of mentioning it, you are leading public opinion to wantonly slander the couple?"

Qi Huidao: "I admit that I was somewhat negligent about this, but these have nothing to do with this case."

Zhang Fei immediately said: "It has nothing to do with this case. This refers to justice. If we only talk about justice, President Qi must abide by the principle of arresting traitors after their husbands. But President Qi just said that he would defend etiquette and law. Since he wants to defend Etiquette and law, then we cannot ignore these virtues. We should at least delve into the internal causes and explain clearly the rights and wrongs of etiquette and law, instead of just saying what public opinion wants to hear."

Qi Hui immediately retorted: "Don't talk nonsense. I don't just say what public opinion wants to hear."

Zhang Fei said: "But in the judgment of Judge Qi, he repeatedly reiterated that the impact of this case was extremely bad, so he chose to make an exception. But I don't know what this 'impact' refers to?"

Qi Hui blinked.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Actually, I can understand what President Qi was thinking at that time. Because he was caught in public and in a temple, it attracted a lot of attention and caused a huge public outcry. In order to calm the public's anger, President Qi did this.

We complied with public opinion and gave this verdict. But this is obviously a judicial taboo. As judicial officials, we must not be swayed by public opinion."

As he said that, he picked up the newspapers again, "These are the articles published at that time. They all used those rumors to tell how lewd the Liu Qin family was. It was simply impossible for anyone to do anything. They also told how Liu Qing was.

How evil or incompetent they are, using this to uphold etiquette. But judging from the facts of today's investigation, it is all nonsense, and what they are doing is not etiquette, but condescension."

Many scholar-bureaucrats' faces turned red, and they wrote articles at that time to praise etiquette and law on this case.

Who would have thought that these articles would become one of the supporting evidence for this case.

Zhang Fei continued: "The judiciary is to pursue the truth and the whole picture of the incident, so that it can be fair and impartial. There is a big phenomenon in public opinion, that is, it is very easy to catch a glimpse of the leopard. This is a very classic

The combination is also a very fatal combination. When the two meet, there will be grievances. If the judiciary is influenced by public opinion, there will be an unjust case in all likelihood."

Having said this, he raised his head and said loudly: "When I wanted to appeal the case, countless people warned me not to do so, as it would affect etiquette. But my response was to laugh it off as if they were farting.

I am a professional judicial official, but the chief judge of Shaanxi Road, how can I be swayed by their petty ideas? As long as the evidence is found, our procuratorate will file an appeal."

The whole place was silent.

Be it Sima Guang or Wang Anshi, the corners of their mouths were twitching.

Who the hell are you scolding?

Even Wang Gong and Qi Ji looked at Zhang Fei with question marks on their faces.

Brother! Do you want to experience the feeling of backstabbing?

Zhao Pin coughed and said, "As a professional judicial official, shouldn't he be full of foul language?"

"Sorry! I was a little emotional just now. I take back the swear words I just said. I hope the president of the court will forgive me." Zhang Fei apologized quickly.

Zhao Pin also followed his words and said: "Then you should say something professional."


Zhang Fei added: "Now let me talk about something professional, that is, the legal system that President Qi mentioned just now. If you start from the legal concept of legal system, President Qi's judgment will only become more ridiculous.

I also emphatically explained one point in class, that is, the "Song Xingtong" of our dynasty was inherited from the "Tang Lv Shu Yi", and the "Tang Lv Shu Yi" was compiled based on Confucianism, that is, virtue governs the law and the law assists.

They are defending the lowest moral standards, while etiquette is a very high standard.

Based on this point, President Qi’s decision is to abolish the lowest moral standards and then defend the highest moral standards. This may sound strange, but it is the fact.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! And the results also tell us that doing so will directly cause most people to become harsh and mean, and lie without conscience, while some want to tell the truth.

People are also forced to fabricate facts and spread lies.

If it happens a few more times, it means that etiquette has collapsed. It can be seen that if you want to defend etiquette and law, you must first defend justice. To abolish judicial principles and defend etiquette and law is actually putting the cart before the horse. It is neither stupid nor bad."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Hui slumped down on the chair.

Sima Guang saw this and had a headache. Why are you talking so much? It's not like you don't know the personality of this brat. If you don't mess with him, he will take care of your face. If you mess with him , he will definitely not show mercy.

Zhao Pin thought for a while and suddenly said: "Prosecutor Zhang, you have also been the president of the court. If you encountered this case, how would you judge?"

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Actually, this case is not complicated. If it were me, I would immediately find Liu Qing, tell him what happened, and tell him that according to judicial principles, the matter must be reported The decision whether to sue or not is in his hands."

Zhao Pindao: "But if the other party chooses not to complain, will this affect etiquette?"

Zhang Fei asked rhetorically: "Has the Chief Justice ever thought about whether your question will affect the administration of justice?"

Zhao Pin was startled by this hat, and said hurriedly: "I'm just asking, but I have no other intention."

Zhang Fei said with a serious look: "But the words of the chief judge are alluding to the fact that observing the law may violate etiquette. I don't know what the chief judge's idea was based on when he asked this question, but our prosecutors litigate cases based on justice. It's not based on etiquette, so I don't know how to answer the question of the chief judge."

Wang Gong was dumbfounded and couldn't help but whispered: "You are trying to offend everyone!"

Zhang Fei said: "Our procuratorate doesn't look at the president's face. Let's just discuss the matter. There is nothing to be afraid of. When we were in Hezhong Mansion, Su Ziyou would come to teach me a few words no matter what happened. I learned from him. have to."

Zhao Pin looked slightly embarrassed, pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "I'm sorry, the president made a mistake. I take it back."

He also felt aggrieved. When he said this, he actually wanted to shut up the scholar-bureaucrats, but in the end, Zhang Fei turned his army around.

But it's true that good intentions are not rewarded.

Zhang Fei continued: "When talking about the legal system, I mentioned that etiquette can be used as a reference for crimes. If a person breaks the law and it has an extremely bad impact on the moral level, then It can be re-sentenced.

But as far as this case is concerned, if Liu Qing does not file a lawsuit, Liu Qin cannot be convicted according to the law. If there is no conviction, then the conviction cannot be based on etiquette and law.

If etiquette can transcend judicial conviction, then I also want to know, who in the court can represent etiquette? Who can give me a standard for etiquette and punishment? If anyone can give me these answers, our procuratorate is actually willing to comply."

These words he said were sonorous, powerful and resounding.

Wang Anshi smiled and said secretly, you brat, you really know how to find every opportunity.

He knew that the purpose of Zhang Fei's lawsuit was to suppress etiquette and law, and that the judiciary must also be independent of etiquette and law.

At this time, a scholar-official said angrily: "Does it mean that if you care about justice, you can ignore the public opinion?"

It’s finally here. I thought you had forgotten this trick. There is justice in numbers. Zhang Fei replied: “Of course not. Those who are enlightened will get more help, while those who are unjust will have few. The people’s wishes cannot be ignored, but This is not a fish and cake problem, it can be solved.

The people of the world can request the imperial court to directly abolish this principle, and the Legislative Council has this power. As long as it is abolished, our procuratorate will not file an appeal if such a case occurs again. It is as simple as that."

The scholar-bureaucrat was already irritated by Zhang Fei, and was about to say that he would go to the government to abolish this principle, but the people around him pulled him down, and he reacted and immediately sat down.

If you demand the abolition of this principle, then...then you may not be in the majority.

Zhang Fei smiled slightly, "Everyone might as well think about it, why does such a principle appear? What is the reason?"

Zhao Pin stroked his beard.

No one responded.

Zhang Fei looked around and said, "Those who ask the government to severely punish Liu Qinshi, the answer has been given to you. As long as everyone demands the abolition of this principle, then people like Liu Qinshi can be punished to their heart's content."

The whole place fell silent.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Fei said: "As I said before, this lawsuit is not about avenging anyone, but about defending laws and regulations. It is about defending the legitimate rights and interests of everyone. When judicial officials can destroy it at will, According to the law, you will all suffer."

Meng Qiansheng suddenly shouted: "Is Prosecutor Zhang appealing or attending class?"

Some officials quickly echoed.

If you continue talking, this person’s mind has changed!

Zhao Pin also came to his senses and said quickly: "Prosecutor Zhang, you can make your closing statement."

Zhang Fei was stunned and said hurriedly: "Actually, what I said above is the closing statement I prepared. The verdict of the Xiangfu County Imperial Court will cause irreversible damage to the clear law of arresting adulterers for following their husbands. Therefore, we sincerely request the Chief Justice to rule that this judgment is invalid and leave the final decision to Liu Qing.

There is also the matter about Miaokong. Miaokong is one of the key witnesses in this case and a relevant stakeholder in this case, and his confession will directly affect the judgment of the president of the court.

According to the confessions of relevant witnesses, it is sufficient to prove that Miao Kong deliberately made false confessions in court and committed the crime of testifying without romance, and the circumstances were egregious."

Zhao Pin nodded. At this point in the interrogation, he gradually understood why Zhang Fei wanted to add this accusation and leave someone to sit here. In this way, the other party would have nothing to say and no pretense. After checking the confession, he announced directly: "Based on the lawsuit filed by the Procuratorate, the president of this court declares that the verdict of the Xiangfu County Imperial Court on the Liuyun Temple adultery case is invalid. Liu Qin's husband, Liu Qing, will decide whether to appeal."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Roar...!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a burst of thunderous cheers outside the courtyard.

When the people heard this, they all understood that if they did not defend this principle, they might be the next victim.

Of course that's not possible.

This is a right that belongs to the people.

All we can say is that Zhang Fei could not help but win the lawsuit and change public opinion.

Many scholar-bureaucrats were so angry that they walked away.

This cheer made them feel a certain threat.

Wang Gong bowed his hands and said, "Prosecutor Zhang is indeed worthy of his reputation. We have learned a lesson."

Qi Ji also bowed his hand.

The lawsuit has been completed. How could they not understand Zhang Fei's intention, which is to warn them that focusing on justice means defending etiquette and law. They should not be coerced by public opinion, but they should explain it clearly. In this way, they can naturally Get everyone's understanding.

This is actually very important, because before this, etiquette and justice had always been confused. In many cases, justice was hijacked by etiquette.

This case is the most classic example.

Qi Hui was concerned that the impact would be too great, and he was also afraid that if he did not impose such a sentence, it would lead to a crusade from Shilin, so he did not care about Liu Qing's rights and interests, and the trial was actually relatively rough.

He only wanted to confirm one thing, that is, whether the adultery was a fact.

He believes that as long as this is true, there will be no problem with the verdict even if it is said to be unreasonable.

All I can say is, sir, times have changed.

In fact, Qi Ji, Wang Gong and others also thought so, but after this lawsuit, they also understood that this is not the spirit that the procuratorate should have.

Zhang Fei cupped his hands and said: "Where! Where! This lawsuit can be won because all of you have contributed a lot. Now, I'll treat you. Let's go to a restaurant and have a good meal."

After that, he seemed to have thought of something, "You shouldn't be afraid to go out with me today, right?"

"Ashamed! Ashamed!"

Several people immediately packed up the copywriting.

Suddenly I heard a hoarse voice, "I won't sue! I won't sue! Please let my wife go."

Several people turned their heads to look, only to see Liu Qing being stopped outside by two court policemen and shouting at the top of his lungs. In fact, he had been shouting for a while, but it was covered up by everyone's cheers.

Wang Gong and Qi Ji smiled knowingly, and a sense of satisfaction suddenly welled up in their hearts.

But there was a flash of worry in Zhang Fei's eyes.


Lu Huiqing, who was about to leave with Wang Anshi, also heard Liu Qing's cry. He couldn't help but glance at Liu Qing and immediately said to Wang Anshi: "Teacher, I think the reason why Zhang San went all out to fight this lawsuit is. Xiang Zhuang danced his sword with the intention of attacking Pei Gong, and his main purpose may also be to suppress etiquette. Just like when he was in class, he claimed to defend etiquette, but in fact he was upholding justice."

Wang Anshi said: "This is a hundred benefits and no harm to us!"

Lu Huiqing smiled and nodded.

The reformists also want to break some old traditions. At this point, they have a common enemy with Zhang Fei, but Sima Guang may feel uncomfortable.


"Xiye, don't take it too seriously. No one is a saint, and no one can make mistakes. I was also humiliated by that kid in the Ayun case."

Sima Guang couldn't help but comforted him.

Liu Shu sighed: "Actually, you really shouldn't have stood up at that time. Zhang San didn't point the finger at you, so why should you..."

Qi Hui raised his head and looked at them blankly, "So, do you all think I made a mistake?"


Several people were speechless for a while.

Zhao Pin has made such a judgment, then...!

Sima Guang said: "It's not that you are wrong. After all, this judgment has been carefully reviewed. Including Mr. Fu and I, we didn't think there was anything wrong with this judgment before."

Fu Bi and Wen Yanbo also nodded.

Just then, I heard a commotion.

Several people looked up and faintly heard crying coming from over there.

Sima Guang couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

Fu Bi seemed to feel something was wrong, so he immediately asked his servants to ask.

Soon, the servant turned back and said, "Sir, I heard that the convict woman Liu Qin just hit her head against the corner of the wall when the guards were not paying attention and died immediately."


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.


Over there, Zhang Fei and Qi Ji had completed the formalities and were about to get on the carriage and leave when they suddenly heard a shout from behind.

"Prosecutor Zhang! Prosecutor Zhang!"

Zhang Fei looked back and saw a court policeman running over. He couldn't help but frown slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

The court policeman came to them and gasped slightly: "Just now...just now Liu Qin committed suicide by hitting the wall."


Everyone was shocked.

Qi Ji said excitedly: "Why? She has already been exonerated."

The court police officer shook his head and said, "We don't know either."

Only Zhang Fei was relatively calm and asked: "Did she commit suicide after knowing that Liu Qing won the lawsuit?"

The court policeman nodded and said: "We were ordered by the chief court president to take Liu Qin to the Yamen to go through the relevant procedures. And because we had already told her that she might be free soon, we didn't expect that she would be free. Sudden suicide."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I understand."

The court police officer asked: "Won't Prosecutor Zhang go over and take a look?"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said, "I have some things to deal with here."

Wang Gong and Qi Ji looked at each other and said to Zhang Fei: "Prosecutor Zhang, why don't we go back and have a look. Anyway, we are not in the mood to go to a restaurant to celebrate now."

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go next time."


"Everyone, walk slowly."

Liu Qinshi's sudden suicide undoubtedly left a haze on this great victory.


In the evening, Zhang family.

Xu Lingxiao picked up the chopsticks and suddenly saw several women sitting there motionless, "Why don't you eat?"

Zhang Fei also said: "I just heard from Qingmei that my father-in-law has an appointment with Liu Sheren tonight and will not come back for dinner."

"It has nothing to do with dad, I'm just not in the mood."

Xu Zhiqian was upset and said: "I don't understand, you have already helped them win the lawsuit, why...why did Mrs. Liu Qin commit suicide?"

Gao Wenyin also sighed quietly.

Xu Lingxiao suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After all, he had previously prevented Zhang Fei from filing a lawsuit, but he didn't know that after the lawsuit was settled, public opinion would be reversed.

Zhang Fei put down his chopsticks again, "Actually, I have already thought that this may be a destined tragedy, no matter what the outcome of this lawsuit is."

"Have you guessed that Liu Qin might commit suicide?" Xu Zhiqian asked in surprise.

Xu Lingxiao, Mu Zhen, and Gao Wenyin also looked at Zhang Fei in shock.


Zhang Fei nodded and said: "You all know that last time I went to Xiangfu County, I met the Liu Qin family. From the beginning to the end, she acted very calmly, and she also said it herself that she had planned to

After Liu Qing obtained the title, she decided to end it on her own. However, her plan was still unknown to anyone, not to mention that it was causing a lot of trouble in the city, and no one knew about it. In other words, after she dedicated her life,

When I gave it to Miaokong, she had already decided her own ending."

Mu Zhen couldn't help but sigh: "Why is this so!"

Zhang Fei said: "Sister-in-law, what you said is wrong. Although from the process of the case, it seems that Miao Kong seduced Liu Qin, but I think Liu Qin is actually a very smart woman, and she was not tempted by Miao Kong. Therefore,

When Miaokong put the blame on her, she did not refute.

Because she thinks very clearly that if she wants to help Liu Qing concentrate on studying and obtain fame, she, as a woman, actually has no choice. Even if she doesn't deal with Miao Kong, she may choose to go to a brothel."

When Mu Zhen heard this, she shook her head and sighed.

Gao Wenyin even wiped the corners of her eyes quietly. She was the most touched by Liu Qin's experience.

Xu Lingxiao suddenly said: "Since my sister-in-law has guessed that she may commit suicide, why not persuade her."

Zhang Fei said: "My winning this lawsuit is the best advice to her. For this reason, I didn't even let her appear in court to testify. Otherwise, it would have been easier for me to win."

Xu Lingxiao nodded.

Zhang Fei shook his head and sighed: "She only cares about Liu Qing, so she can't let herself become a stumbling block in Liu Qing's career and become a stain on Liu Qing. And she didn't seek death before. I guess it's because she cares about Liu Qing.

Qing's safety, now that the lawsuit has been won, she no longer has to worry about it."

Having said this, he added: "Although Mrs. Liu Qin is gone, she has left us a lesson. Husbands and wives should still be honest with each other, support each other, and respect each other as guests, instead of thinking about shouldering the burden alone.

Only in this way can we reach the end of life together."

Xu Lingxiao nodded and said: "My sister-in-law is right. I'd like to toast my brother-in-law. Don't take the things I said for my brother to heart."

Zhang Fei hurriedly raised his glass and said: "Brother is too ignorant. I have to say it next time. If I am wrong next time and brother doesn't remind me, then I will be doomed."

When he said this, Xu Lingxiao was completely relieved, "Okay, okay! Let's do it!"


Putting down his wine glass, Zhang Fei said to Xu Zhiqian and Gao Wenyin: "Eat! Eat! You two pregnant women, don't let anyone worry about you."

Xu Lingxiao said: "There are three."


Zhang Fei was stunned.

Xu Zhiqian was the first to react, "Sister-in-law is also pregnant."

Mu Zhen nodded shyly.

"Ouch! Sister-in-law, congratulations, congratulations, I'd like to give you a toast."

"Sister-in-law, congratulations. We, husband and wife, would like to toast you."

"Your sister-in-law can't drink right now, so I'll drink for your sister-in-law."


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