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Chapter 742 Food and Liquor Act

Three divisions.

"Shi Zheng, what do you think?"

Wang Anshi asked Xue Xiang.

Xue Xiangdao: "Xiaoguan is very much in favor of this tax coin plan. In fact, Xiaguan has always been very concerned about the financial situation of Hezhong Prefecture. He found that one of the key reasons for the financial growth of Hezhong Prefecture is the tax department, and another key reason is the salt banknotes.

The reason why the salt banknotes were successful in Hezhong Prefecture was not because of the salt in the salt ponds, but because the salt banknotes could be used to pay taxes. Therefore, the value of the salt banknotes in Hezhong Prefecture has not changed much, even with the salt debts some time ago.


As long as the salt banknotes can pay taxes, there will be no devaluation.

The widespread use of salt banknotes not only promoted business growth, but also reduced the court's losses. After I took office, I have been checking the accounts in this area and found that since the people of Hezhong Prefecture became accustomed to using salt banknotes, the government's losses have dropped by five.

so many successes,

In the past, when collecting taxes, people either paid grain or silk, which required transportation, storage management, and more manpower. Now, the government in Hezhong Prefecture directly takes salt banknotes to the market to buy grain, and the money earned by the people

, and used to pay taxes, which saves a lot of losses.

Therefore, I suggest that we issue tax coins that are valid for three years and take this opportunity to gradually make people accustomed to using tax coins."

Wang Anshi nodded and said: "You and I have the same idea. This plan will be left to you. It can be regarded as the first thing your new official takes office. Don't worry, I will definitely let him pass it."

Xue Xiang cupped his hands and said, "I obey your orders."

Just as he was talking, Deng Wan suddenly arrived. Now Deng Wan is also the Minister of Household Affairs. Before Lu Huiqing came back, he was temporarily in charge of the Household Department.

"Ms. Wang, the Third Secretary, just now news came from the Ministry of War that they are already arranging manpower to go to Huainan West Road."

"I see."

Wang Anshi nodded.

Deng Wan said: "Ms. Wang, I heard that the police department sent people there this time to target our new policy."

Wang Anshi waved his hand and said, "Reassure those people. The police station is only sending people to deal with the disaster and execute my orders. They will not interfere with too many things."


Deng Wan nodded and added: "Also, now everyone is talking about the Procuratorate's bill, not many people are talking about our policies."

Wang Anshi frowned when he heard this, "Seriously?"

Deng Wan nodded, "The people seem to believe more in the public security organs and the procuratorate than in...!"

Wang Anshi reacted immediately and knew what the reason was. Of course he was thinking of MMP, but he said: "It's okay. When the time comes, they will know who they are relying on to get through this difficulty."


True to what Zhang Fei said, after he and Wang Anshi's two newspapers were sold, the three deficiencies and the cycle of natural principles became the self-amusement of the scholar-bureaucrats.

People inside and outside the capital were discussing the contents of these two newspapers.

Especially this newspaper from the Procuratorate.

Because after several years of development, the authority of the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate, and the Law has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the hearts of the people, the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate, and the Law can really solve problems.

In comparison, the people actually don't have much hope for this policy or anything else. They just hope that the court will not take advantage of it.

After all, there are cases before.

However, the powerful and landowners are also very concerned about this.

At this time, the tax law was being changed, and it also involved profiteering industries such as food tax and alcohol tax. This seemed fishy. Based on Zhang Fei's previous operations, the landlords expressed their panic!


This must be stopped!

And after reading this article, they were all very confused about one point, that is, what does it mean for the procuratorate to submit a bill?

The procuratorate's power is not to prosecute the government, so why can they submit a bill?

Regarding this, not only the landowners did not understand, but also the court officials did not understand.


The predecessor of this official office was the Trial Court. The Legislative Council was only a temporary institution before. Legislative Chairman Fu Bi worked in the Political Affairs Hall. The first Legislative Council was also held in Xiangguo Temple.

But now that the public security organs and the judiciary want to break away from the political hall system and achieve true separation of politics and law, it is necessary to establish a permanent legislative chairman. Naturally, the Legislative Yuan also needs to have an official office.

Zhao Xu changed the Criminal Court into the Legislative Yuan, which was actually a favor to Fu Bi.

You should know that the official office of the Criminal Court is relatively close to the palace.

On the day the newspaper was released, a group of conservative officials went to Fu Bi to inquire.

Facing the questions from Liu Shu and other officials, Fu Bi thought carefully and replied: "This should be possible."

Liu Shu immediately asked: "Why?"

Wen Yanbo couldn't help but look at Fu Bi with doubts.

Fu Bi said: "In fact, the rules of the Legislative Council have already stated this, because the Legislative President only presides over the meeting, which is very different from the political hall. Tongping Zhangshi is the policy maker, but the rules of the Legislative Council are

, judicial officials from various places raise questions or propose their own bills according to the situation, and then submit them to the Legislative Council. If passed by the Legislative Council, it will become a written law.

The Procuratorate, and since they are now the Supreme Procuratorate, they are certainly qualified to submit bills."

All the officials looked at each other in confusion.

Is there such a rule?

Most officials don't know much about the Legislative Council, because the Legislative Council has a very low sense of existence. After all, it is a temporary organization that only meets once every three years. Who can remember this!

Wen Yanbo suddenly asked: "But this Legislative Council is held every three years, and the next Legislative Council should not start until the end of next year."

"That's the convention."

Fu Bi said: “But if you read the rules of the Legislative Council carefully, it is not difficult to find that there are extraordinary meetings, whose purpose is to solve some difficult and urgent issues.

Regarding this provision, there are also examples to prove that if there is a policy that may touch the law but can solve some urgent problems, then an extraordinary meeting must be held.”

Liu Shu sounded like he had made it up on the fly and asked, "Who made these rules?"

Fu Bi looked at Sima Guang, who was silent at the side.

Everyone also looked at Sima Guang.

Sima Guang said sarcastically: "Most of the rules here were imagined by Zhang San."

Everyone suddenly realized.


This rule was all Zhang San thought about, could he make such a mistake himself?

It must not be possible!

Sima Guang added: "Don't think too much, everyone. The procuratorate made it very clear in the newspapers that the reason for submitting this bill is due to some unfair problems faced when collecting taxes last year, which may be related to

It doesn't have much to do with the disaster. Even if it does, it must be to protect the people."

Wen Yanbo smiled and said: "Jun Shi! Don't deceive yourself and others. These two newspapers are in tandem. If you say that this was not discussed with Wang Jiefu, no one will believe it!"

Seeing that Sima Guang was caught in the middle again, Fu Bi hurriedly came out to smooth things over, "We should wait until the Procuratorate submits the bill. It is not easy to pass the Legislative Council."

Having said that, many officials felt deeply uncomfortable because Zhang Fei was the founder and the power of interpretation was in his hands!

At this moment, an official entered the room and said to everyone: "Just now news came from the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War will appoint Sergeant Ma and Chief Fu to go to the Huainan West Road area to build a police station."

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at Sima Guang again.

Sima Guang immediately said: "I only learned about this news before I came here. Please don't forget that I am now the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, but the police station has been transferred to the Ministry of War."

Even before, the police station was not under the control of Sima Guang. It had always been under the direct jurisdiction of the emperor.


The DPRK and China were in chaos, and so were the people.

charity organization.

I saw businessmen who had donated to the charity foundation, and even lay disciples sent by Xiangguo Temple, gathered around the long table.

"Old Chen, Brother Fan, you are usually close to Sanlang. Do you know what this bill is?"

"Sanlang won't force us to sell food at low prices, right?"

"Or do you want to raise the wine tax to prevent us from using grain to make wine?"


Fan Yong and Chen Maoqian looked at each other helplessly.

Chen Maoqian said: "To be honest with you, neither of us knew anything about it. After all, this is a matter within the government. How could Sanlang tell us in advance?"

Fan Yong comforted him: "But please don't worry, Sanlang will definitely not embarrass us. Since Sanlang became an official, the business of our merchants has been getting better and better. The bills he promulgated have always been beneficial to us."


"That's true, but... But this time it's disaster relief, so money must be paid."

“If you really need to contribute money, let’s donate whatever amount our charity foundation has.”

"If charitable foundations can donate, then does Saburo still need to amend the tax law?"


Chen Maoqian and Fan Yong didn't know what to say.

They can't guarantee this.

All fools know that this is definitely something that requires money.

Now many businessmen are panicking.

In the past, when the imperial court promulgated policies, there were policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. However, the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate have to implement the bill, and they can't find any countermeasures for the time being.


Southern suburbs.

"Why did you let Xiaoma and Xiaochun go and not let me go? Isn't that looking down on people?"

Cao Dongdong said with sadness and anger on his face.

Fu Shichun said: "Yes! Why didn't the Yamen go and let me go? I just returned to the capital to recuperate, and then they asked me to go to Huainan West Road, and it was during this natural disaster."

Ma Xiaoyi looked left and right, not knowing what to say.

He was quite happy to go.

Traveling is the happiest time.

Zhang Fei glanced at the three of them and said, "Wei, what are you looking at me for? I'm here to see you off, not to assign tasks. This is none of my business. It was arranged by above."

After that, he glanced at Cao Dongdong and said: "There is also you in the Yameni. If you go too, who will be in charge of the capital? Your father is the Minister of the Ministry of War and is not in the capital at the moment. Many affairs have to be handled by you."

Cao Dongdong said excitedly: "When I am away from home, I rely on my brothers. You sent my two brothers away, what should I do with them?"

Zhang Fei said: "You don't regard me as a brother!"

Cao Dongdong hummed: "We are brothers, and you still charge me money."

"Ahem, brothers are brothers, and business is business."

With that said, Zhang Fei quickly changed the subject and said to Fu Shichun and Ma Xiaoyi: "Xiao Ma, when you go there, you have to be careful. After all, the imperial court and the procuratorate have not been built there yet. If you go, don't ignore it in advance.

, Just keep an eye on the new laws and regulations, and don’t let those evil officials force the people to pay back the money. This can also win the goodwill of the people for the police department. As for the other powers, let’s wait until the imperial court and the prosecutor’s office.”

"Third brother, don't worry. I've remembered it all. We did it the same way in Hezhong Mansion. I have experience."

Ma Xiaoyi couldn't wait any longer, "If there's nothing else, we'll leave first."

Cao Dongdong said depressedly: "Xiao Ma, are you willing to let go of your brother?"

Ma Xiaoyi said: "Brother, don't worry, I'll come as soon as I go."

Cao Dongdong said: "Brother doesn't understand you yet. If I don't call you back, you will definitely not come back. But don't worry, brother will call you back as soon as possible."


"Yanei, don't forget me, brother!"

Fu Shichun said quickly.

Cao Dongdong hummed: "Just stay there with peace of mind."

Zhang Fei rolled his eyes and interrupted their quarrel, "Okay, okay, you guys hurry up and get on your way."

Cao Dongdong said persistently: "I'll see them off for a while."

After the group left, Zhang Fei was about to return to the city when an old face suddenly flashed before his eyes.

"Bachelor Sima."

The visitor was none other than Sima Guang. He glanced at Ma Xiaoyi and others and couldn't help but said: "At the beginning, we established the Public Security Bureau to check and balance the New Deal. Now it seems that it is used to deal with Wang Jiefu's aftermath."

There was a sense of resentment in his voice!

If there were no public prosecutors, judging from the officials there, Wang Anshi would definitely be dragged into the water.

Due to debts and natural disasters, many people will be forced to lose their families and their families.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! As a result, he was solved by the move he created.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "This just proves that Academician Sima is dedicated to serving the public good and is not excluding dissidents."

"When you say that, I don't even dare to say a word of complaint!" Sima Guang snorted.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "I'm just talking about the matter. I can't say that Bachelor Sima is a selfish villain. Isn't this lying with open eyes?"

"What a mouth you have!"

Sima Guang pointed at Zhang Fei fiercely and said: "By the way, your bill was in collusion with Wang Jiefu, right?"

Zhang Fei hesitated for a moment and said: "To be honest with Bachelor Sima, the reason why I am submitting this bill at this time must be related to the disaster. I have indeed talked to Bachelor Wang about it, but even if there was no such disaster, I would still submit it."

Yes, but it may not be so fast. Bachelor Sima should know that in Hezhong Prefecture, we reformed the wine tax and it was very successful."

Sima Guang said: "Are you following the liquor tax reform of Hezhong Prefecture?"

"It's somewhat similar, but not exactly the same. After all, the situation in Hezhong Prefecture is different from the situation in Beijing."

Zhang Fei said: "But please rest assured, Bachelor Sima, my bill will not harm anyone's interests, and at the same time it can protect the interests of the monarch, the country, and the people."

Sima Guang was shocked and asked: "Is it so powerful?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "If I am not completely sure, I would not dare to report it directly. After all, the rich man will not let my bill pass because of my face.

If Bachelor Sima wants to know, I am willing to tell him."

"Stop pretending here."

Sima Guang said: "You just know that I won't ask, that's why you said that."

In fact, it was not against the rules for him to ask, but he knew very well that Zhang Fei's bill must be controversial and very innovative, so he would definitely question it. As long as he raised questions, he would be interfering with the procuratorate.

affairs, the result is breaking the rules.


As for this bill, the Procuratorate kept it strictly confidential and not a trace of it was revealed.

It made everyone feel itchy.

Now, everyone from top to bottom is staring at the Procuratorate.

Putting everything aside, the tax law is definitely more powerful than any relief policy!

Fortunately, the disaster was so urgent that Zhang Fei did not dare to titillate people. The day after Ma Xiaoyi and the others left, the Procuratorate formally submitted the bill to the Legislative Yuan.

A group of officials came upon hearing the news.

"Warehouse tax?"

When they saw this bill, everyone was dumbfounded.

It was completely beyond their expectation, and they didn't even touch it at all.

Fu Bi nodded and said, "I'm also surprised. The procuratorate's bill mainly targets taxes on grain stored in warehouses."

After that, he handed the bill to Wen Yanbo who couldn't wait.

Liu Shu was stunned and said: "How to conquer this?"

Fu Bi said: "As of the beginning of autumn, each household will be levied a tax of 500 shi on grain, divided into three levels, from 500 shi to 1,000 shi, with a 10% tax, and from 1,000 shi to 2,000 shi, a 30% tax will be levied."

, if it exceeds two thousand dan, a 50% tax will be levied.

Suppose at the beginning of autumn, you still have 3,000 shi of grain stored in your warehouse, 500 shi of which is levied at 10%, which is 50 shi, of which 1,000 shi is levied at 30%, which is 300 shi, and the remaining 1,000 shi is

The levy is 50%, which is 500 shi, totaling 900 shi of grain."

All the officials gasped.

This is equivalent to a one-third tax, and it is infinitely close to 50%.

Since ancient times, there has not been such a heavy food tax.

"He...why did he do this?" an official said excitedly.

Fu Bi said: "But at the same time, the commercial tax on the sale of grain is exempted. In other words, no matter how much grain the grain shop sells in the future, no tax will be included."


"Yes, free of charge."

Everyone looked at each other again.

This means beating a stick and giving a date!

Liu Shudao: "What about the agricultural tax?"

Fu Bi said: "Agricultural taxes will remain unchanged."

Lu Gongzhu suddenly said: "He hopes to use this bill to force landlords to put grain on the market instead of putting it in warehouses."

Fu Bi nodded and said: "That's right. As long as you sell the grain, you don't have to pay taxes, but if you store the grain in the warehouse, you will face a very high tax."

I know how to play!

This kid still knows how to play!

He was able to come up with such a solution.

It’s really hard to say!

You say he should increase taxes, and you sell them all, but you don’t have to pay a penny. If you say he should reduce taxes, as long as you put the grain in the warehouse, then you are just waiting to cry.

Sima Guang asked: "What does the rich man think?"

Fu Bi said: "I think his bill is reasonable and its purpose is very simple. It is just to prevent some people from hoarding food. If you don't have bad intentions, for you, it is a tax cut."

, rather than raising taxes.

In this bill, the Procuratorate also made it very clear, precisely because some people complained that it was too unfair to pay agricultural tax and commercial tax on grain."

Sima Guang nodded, feeling that there was nothing wrong with this. He just encouraged landlords to sell grain. As long as you sell the grain, you will only get more than before, but this will be good for the court and the people.


It can be seen that Zhang Fei did not lie to him at that time.

Another official asked: "What about those grains that are already tax-free?"

Fu Bi said: "It does not clearly state tax-free grain, but I think it does not include tax exemption, because general tax exemptions are for land, not grain."

It’s really the most poisonous writing style!

One of the officials felt angina pectoris when he thought about the mountains of grain in his warehouse. It really was angina pectoris!

It's terrible!

Wen Yanbo said: "But if this bill is passed, it will definitely cause a lot of turmoil."

Many officials nodded repeatedly.

It's so targeted that only powerful people, officials, landlords, and family warehouses can store thousands of dan of grain!

Fu Bi stroked his beard slightly, "I don't have the final say whether it is passed or not, but this bill is indeed based on the complaints of landlords and businessmen, the rise in prices in the upper and lower capitals, and the unreasonableness of the new tax law and the old tax system. I plan to

When a meeting is held, whether it is passed or not depends on everyone’s opinions.”

Liu Shu asked again: "What about the wine tax?"

Wen Yanbo said: "In terms of liquor tax, it is somewhat similar to the situation in Hezhong Prefecture. It also advocates comprehensive liberalization and the design of a floating tax."

"Floating tax?"

"The wine tax is designed based on the amount of food available each year. If the food is abundant, the wine tax will be reduced. If the food is in short supply, the wine tax will be increased. This will guide everyone to make wine."

"How do you calculate this? Can they do it?"

"In the past, it probably wouldn't have been possible, but now...!"

Lu Gong wrote: "Now that there is a tax department, this is not impossible. It is said that there were also wine merchants in Hezhong Prefecture who secretly brewed wine and lied about tax returns, but they were all found out by the tax department.

Because there are so many materials needed for brewing, such as firewood, grain, distiller's yeast, stoves, etc., the tax department can investigate in all aspects.

In fact, this warehouse tax is also based on the tax department's methods, and it would definitely be difficult to collect it in normal times."


Regarding the warehouse tax, the reaction of the reformers and conservatives was similar. Both sides had wealthy dignitaries and scholar-bureaucrats.

This warehouse tax is completely targeted at them.

"This has nothing to do with me."

Wang Anshi told the officials: "Yes, I know that the Procuratorate will submit a bill, but I don't know the specific content. If I can lead the Procuratorate, there won't be so many things."

"I wonder if Mr. Wang supports it?"

"Of course I... support this. Look at how abominable those grain merchants are. Before the government handed over this task to me, the price of grain was only rising. Now they have driven the price to such a high level.

, they are deliberately against me, and they deserve it."

After saying this, it was hard for everyone to say anything else.

Because from Wang Anshi's standpoint, he had no reason not to support it.

In fact, as a reformist, we should also support it.

This also includes the core theoretical dispute between the reformists and conservatives, which is the method of ancestors.

If we return to the ancestral methods, then the New Deal will be thrown into the trash can!

And some of the new rich among them may also be kicked out of the court.

This is a desperate and desperate fight!



"It's too much to deceive others. This Erbi is really too much to deceive others!"

Liu Ping clenched his fist and slammed it on the wine table.

"Yes! Why doesn't he grab the 50% warehouse tax?"

"What should we do now? He is forcing us to sell food!"

"Don't worry, it needs to be passed by the Legislative Council before it can be counted. Many officials in the imperial court are very opposed to this bill, so it may not be passed."

"Even if it is passed, we still have to fight with them to the end. Now that we are still half a year away from the beginning of autumn, we just won't sell it and let's see who dies first."

If this bill passes, it will be really terrible.

You have to work hard!


Alum Tower.

Needless to say, there was also a lot of criticism.

For those who can eat in Baifanlou, there are at least tens of thousands of shi of grain stored in the warehouse.

This warehouse tax is really hitting them hard.

What is the business tax exemption? How much is the business tax? It is directly levied at 50% here. It is really costing my life.

We complained before, but we didn’t let you do this!

Third floor.

Chen Maoqian listened to the curses below, and then said to Fan Yong on the side: "Brother Fan, you didn't wake up laughing from your dream last night."

Fan Yong asked hurriedly: "What do you mean by this?"

Chen Maoqian said: "This is of great benefit to your Baifan Restaurant. It liberalizes brewing, exempts commercial taxes on grain, and encourages landlords to put grain into the market. Your restaurant is the most advantageous."

Fan Yong was very embarrassed and said: "I haven't even written the eight characters yet. It's too early to say this. It's too early."

My heart was really happy.

His son Fan Zheng has been staying in Hezhong Mansion. He knows how much benefit the restaurant will bring when the liquor tax is relaxed, so he has long written to him and told him this.

Bailun Tower has been something I have been looking forward to.

Now there is finally some hope.

Not only Fan Yong, but most businessmen are happy because they avoid commercial taxes, break the landlords' monopoly on grain, and liberalize the right to brew wine. These two commodities have a great impact on all transactions.

For businessmen who don’t have much land, this is a great thing!

This chapter has been completed!
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