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Chapter 749 Treating guests to dinner again

If issuing banknotes can’t solve the problem, what else can we do, of course layoffs!

This is definitely not a joke.

Because the imperial court really has debt restructuring, if the disaster is too serious, it can only lay off officials and reduce expenditures.

Some of the officials sitting there couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Of course, there were also many conservative officials who cast disdainful glances at Xue Xiang.

This is our philosophy, Xue Xiang, do you have the nerve to say it?

In other words, the end of this increase in revenue is expenditure reduction.

This is truly a closed loop!

And this meeting ends here.

Fu Bi said that they still need to study the evidence handed over by Xue Xiang. After all, today's hearing touched on their blind spot.

And these evidences will play a decisive role. If you don't understand the principles behind this, you won't know how to ask questions.

The officials all shook their heads and left with sad faces.

After these two hearings, they felt unfamiliar and out of control.

There is a feeling of being powerless.

In comparison, Zhao Xu looked relaxed and was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he asked Zhang Fei: "How do you think they will oppose these two bills?"

Zhang Fei pondered for a while and said: "As for the warehouse tax, they must have directly stated that it is unfair to the landlords. After all, landlords have been collecting grain since ancient times. Moreover, they will also criticize the tax department for using this method to

Exploiting the landowners' food. As for the tax bill, we should oppose it based on the shortcomings of Jiaozi."

Zhao Xu nodded and asked: "Then how do you think I should respond?"

Zhang Fei said: "I don't know about this. After all, they are not being reasonable."

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Xu laughed a few times and suddenly remembered something, "By the way! Regarding that kind of statistical method, you can give me some suggestions and tell him everything you know. Financial accounts must be done this way in the future. I don't want to be kept in the dark all the time."



After talking about this matter, Zhao Xu got up and went back to the palace.

Of course, Zhang Fei knew very well that Zhao Xu had changed from passive to active, and the next step was to seek revenge and complain!

He hummed a little tune and walked outside.

"Sometimes, sometimes, I believe that everything has an end, there is a time to get together and leave, and nothing lasts forever...!"

The singing stopped suddenly because there was a roadblock in front of me.

"Bachelor Sima."

Zhang Fei quickly stepped forward and bowed his hands.

Sima Guang said expressionlessly: "If you are not in a hurry, sit down for a while and then go back."

Zhang Fei nodded politely.

He followed Sima Guang to a rest room. As soon as he sat down, Sima Guang said in a strange tone: "Okay! Even the three envoys will worship you as their teacher."

Zhang Fei smiled bitterly and said: "I knew that Bachelor Sima would misunderstand, but everything that happened today really has nothing to do with me. It was learned by the Third Commander himself."

Sima Guang snorted: "You think I will believe your nonsense, Xue Xiang is obviously imitating you."

"Ouch! Master Sima, please don't say that. It will ruin my reputation. The Third Secretary is really not very knowledgeable... Ahem... Cai Jing and the others are good."

Zhang Fei said very depressed.

Sima Guang asked confused: "What do you mean by this?"

Zhang Fei said: "If you are my apprentice, then... basically, there is no suspense. The Legislative Council must pass it by me."

"Hey...you are really not too petty!" Sima Guang said with great interest: "I would like to hear the details. What would happen if it were you?"

Zhang Feiyun said calmly: "It's actually very simple. You just need to talk about previous disaster relief cases, and there will basically be no suspense.

I have seen the government opening warehouses to provide disaster relief, but it was a complete mess. Even these people were rescued half to death. They had to wait in line for a long time and take a sip of porridge. Those who should have starved to death would still starve to death.

Otherwise, the imperial court would not have brought all the victims to the military camp. If it were me, I would first take various cases and criticize them all day long, and then give some guarantees to the tax currency bill. Would the Legislative Council give me some guarantees?

However, if we still use the traditional method of opening warehouses to provide relief, then as long as people starve to death, it will be a problem for the Legislative Council."


The air seemed to freeze.

Sima Guang sat there blankly, without the aura of showing his teeth and claws just now.

After a while, Sima Guang coughed and said, "In other words, you also think that issuing tax coins is better than opening a warehouse for relief."

Zhang Fei frowned and said: "To be honest, I think tax coins are a double-edged sword. If used well, it is indeed 10,000 times better than opening a warehouse for relief. But if it is used too hard, the situation may be worse than it is now.

It's even worse, so I didn't talk too much. If it will definitely get better, then I will definitely tell Bachelor Wang, or I will do it myself."

"You think you have a general understanding of things."

Sima Guang nodded with great satisfaction. Zhang Fei's words touched his heart, and he said: "As long as they get a taste of the benefits, this tax coin will definitely cause endless troubles."

After that, he looked at Zhang Fei again, "That's why I came to you. How can I prevent this bill from being passed?"

With Sima Guang's character, it is absolutely impossible for him to support banknotes, because the risk is too great, and he knows human nature well. As long as he tastes the sweetness, he will continue to use it. Whether it is Sichuan businessmen or the government, they will use the facts

Proved this.

No matter who is issuing banknotes, they will inevitably issue them indiscriminately.

But to refute Xue Xiang, we must start from the evidence he submitted and find flaws in it. But Sima Guang didn't understand much, so he came to Zhang Fei for help.

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "Sister Sima, if I can really stop it, I have already found a way to stop it in Hezhong Mansion. Now that Hezhong Mansion has achieved great success, and there is still a drought at this time, it is even more impossible to stop it.


Sima Guang said: "But you also said that the harm is endless. Doing so is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst."

Zhang Fei sighed and said: "Actually, when we were in Hezhong Mansion, Prosecutor General Su and I also weighed this point and whether we should try our best to stop it.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, we have considered that if the government is resolutely prohibited from issuing salt banknotes, the public security organs and the law will not be able to enforce it, because the government cannot afford to pay, but legally, it must pay.

So from this point of view, the government made a compromise for the public prosecutor and the law, so we finally chose to take a step back, and at the same time gave the procuratorate great supervisory powers to keep an eye on every aspect of the issuance of salt banknotes."

"it's useless."

Sima Guang waved his hand and said: "You can keep an eye on it for a while, but you can't keep an eye on it forever! If the three ministers use tax coins to help the country survive the drought, just wait and see. If there are any difficulties, they will issue banknotes, and the government and the opposition will

Up and down will gradually become luxurious."

Zhang Fei said: "Could it be that Academician Sima only regards the public security system as an emergency need rather than a long-term system?"

Sima Guang frowned when he heard this and sighed: "Of course I didn't think so, but judging from the facts, it is still unclear whether the Public Security Law can last forever. Nowadays, more and more people in the DPRK are aware of the constraints that the Public Security Law imposes on them. Those who oppose it

There are also more and more public prosecutors, but even if we return to the previous judicial system, the harm to the country will be far less than the harm caused by banknotes!"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "I don't think so. As long as the Public Security Bureau is there, even if a certain state or county is issuing banknotes indiscriminately, the Public Security Bureau can still let the court collect the banknotes, and the bleeding can be stopped in time.

Then again, if there is no public security law, can Bachelor Sima guarantee that banknotes can be stopped? Some states and counties still issue Jiaozi, and the local people do not have the public security law to protect their rights and interests."

Sima Guang showed a hesitant look on his face, "So your opinion is to find a way to limit it?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "The possibility of stopping this matter is extremely small. In view of what many people have done before, the officials will definitely support the passage of these two bills."

Sima Guang said in confusion: "Did the official tell you something just now?"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "Of course the officials will not reveal their feelings to me. They will just explain the rationale. However, the officials currently have no reason to oppose these two bills."

Sima Guang nodded slightly.

Zhang Fei continued: "Instead of doing this, it is better to find ways to supervise. In fact, the questions asked by the chief judge were very good. At least they forced the three envoys to state that the tax coins are only for temporary use. We should

Believe in the Public Security Bureau, because the Public Security Bureau was born to deal with such complex situations, and..."

Sima Guang glanced at him and asked, "And what?"

Zhang Fei said: "And I think this is also an opportunity for the Legislative Council to leave an impression on everyone that it is fair and impartial."

Sima Guang stroked his beard and began to think deeply.


Inside the carriage.

Wang Anshi glanced at Xue Xiang and asked with a smile: "Shi Zheng, the evidence you just submitted, were they prepared a long time ago, or were they rushed out last night? I heard that you stayed in the Third Division last night?"

Xue Xiang said truthfully: "Some of them were prepared long ago, and some were made temporarily last night."

"It's really a temporary preparation." Wang Anshi exclaimed: "Then your method of learning now and selling it is really eye-opening to me!"

Xue Xiang said modestly: "Actually, compared to Prosecutor Zhang, I still have some shortcomings. I watched Prosecutor Zhang give a deposition. He was able to connect many things together and put the other party in a dilemma, but I couldn't do it."

at this point."

"Don't compare yourself to that kid. I can't figure out the reason why that kid can survive until now. You've already performed quite well."

Wang Anshi smiled and said: "Of those people on the stage, which one is easy to offend?"

Having said this, he sighed, "It's a pity that you stated on stage that the tax currency will only be used for this one time. In fact, as long as the paper currency is properly issued, it will not only be beneficial to the finance, but also beneficial to the people."

Since the last salt banknote incident, he has been very optimistic about this banknote.

Xue Xiang said hurriedly: "Although I said it would only be used this time, in fact it is not important. What is important is that as long as the people like it, it can be used for a long time. The same is true for Hezhong Mansion. At the beginning, Hezhong Mansion only said it would be used.

For a while, but over time, the people thought that the salt banknotes were very good, so they are used today, but the court has no policy on this."

Wang Anshi thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense."

Xue Xiangdao: "So I have been writing the bill for three years. As long as the people get used to using tax coins within these three years, it will be logical to issue tax coins in the future."


Although there have been many hearings, this one completely aroused public opinion, because the previous hearings all had specific cases. Although some national policies were involved, they were still centered on evidence, and those policies were

has been promulgated, and this hearing was before the policy was promulgated.

This gives people an unprecedented sense of participation and security.

If there is a hearing on a policy that has been announced, the people will only be cursed at most, and more helpless. But it has not been promulgated yet, and everyone is more thinking and discussing, and the questions and answers at the meeting also make them feel confident.

, thinking that the imperial court would not mess around.


Alum Tower.

I saw a group of businessmen looking at Fan Yong.

Fan Yong felt a little embarrassed when they looked at him, "Ouch! Don't look at me like that."

"Old Fan, at this time, don't hide it. My son knows best what is going on in Hezhong Mansion. Don't say you don't know anything."

"You're right! Originally, I planned to make no losses this year, but the words of the Third Secretary gave me some hope. If I can make money, that would be the best."


They, the wealthy businessmen, could withstand a disaster easily, but Xue Xiang's words tickled their hearts again. After all, Xue Xiang's reference point was Hezhong Prefecture, and they had no idea about Hezhong Prefecture.

We all have some understanding of the situation there, and the prosperity there is not false.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Fan Yong said: "Aren't many of you going to open branches over there? Don't you know?"

Chen Maoqian said: "Your family doesn't know that. What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid...!"

Fan Yong sighed: "To tell you the truth, according to what is written in Quanzi's letter, it is indeed because of the salt banknotes that the business of Hezhong Mansion has become more prosperous. The salt banknotes are convenient to use and can save a lot of losses.

In the past, people had to push grain to pay taxes, but now they can hand over money at the entrance of the village. Even a five-year-old child can do it, and the government does not need many people to collect taxes.

But Hezhong Prefecture is Hezhong Prefecture, and the capital city is the capital city. I can’t guarantee whether the capital city can be as good as Hezhong Prefecture.”

The paper merchant Huang Can suddenly asked: "In other words, what the Third Secretary said is right, but we just need to see whether the tax coins will be the same as the salt banknotes in Hezhong Prefecture."


Fan Yong nodded.

Huang Can added: "Why can Hezhong Prefecture make the local people believe in salt banknotes so much?"

"Just because I can pay taxes."

Fan Yong blurted out.

The room suddenly became quiet.


And in a large private room on the third floor, I saw Liu Ping and other big landowners, all like ants on a hot pot, restless.

"It's Zhang San again, it's Zhang San again. If I have a chance someday, I have to chop that kid alive."

"We can't control whether the tax is in currency or not. Anyway, we just don't collect the tax currency. The key is the warehouse tax. If it happens, then... what should we do? I still have twenty in the warehouse.

A few...ahem, some food!"

"What's the point of panic? What's the point of panic?"

Liu Ping stood up and said, "No matter how much food our family has, can we have more food than those gentlemen above? If they can afford it, how can we afford it?"

A big landowner said: "But can this tax punish the gentlemen above?"

Liu Ping said: "At the hearing, Zhang San made it clear and clear that the situation in Xiangguo Temple is special because there are many people in Xiangguo Temple. This is a special situation. In terms of privileges,

Xiangguo Temple should be exempted directly."

"That's true. As long as everyone is treated equally, we are not afraid. The worst we can do is sell the food."


The businessmen were uncertain and hesitant, the landowners were uneasy and could not sleep, and the officials in the court were even more quarrelsome.

Some officials are firmly opposed to the warehouse tax and do not even mention the tax currency.

Some officials are opposed to the tax currency bill, but as for the warehouse tax, they remain neutral.

Some officials are opposed to it.

Some officials support it.

There are people with various positions, but generally speaking, most people are opposed to the warehouse tax. This is something that all landlords do not support. If a landlord does not hoard food, can he still be called a landlord?

If you force us to sell, it will inevitably hurt the farmers, and others will switch to other crops.

It's like going back to the Qingli period, harassing the emperor every day and engaging in fatigue bombing.

It's really strange that no one paid attention to the Legislative Council.

Because they all know that this is really no small matter. If the emperor doesn't speak up, your Legislative Council will dare to pass these two bills.

But this time they guessed wrong.



Wen Yanbo was surprised: "Fu Gong plans to pass these two bills?"

Fu Bi nodded, "After our research, there are no problems with the evidence submitted by Xue Xiang. They are all true. We can't find any reason to stop it."

Wen Yanbo said: "Is it the official order?"

Fu Bi shook his head and said: "The officials have not expressed their position yet, but I think they will definitely support it."

Wen Yanbo said: "If you do this, you will offend a lot of people. The opposition in the DPRK and China is becoming more and more intense. Some people are even clamoring that if the court passes the warehouse tax, they will no longer grow food."

Fu Bi said: "But no one has ever told me this."

Wen Yanbo was stunned and said with a smile: "Does the rich man still care about this?"

"I don't care, but the Legislative Council must care."

Fu Bi frowned and said: "Now that politics and law are separated, the decision-making power of whether to pass or not lies with the Legislative Council. I originally hoped that they could come to the Legislative Council to discuss it. If they present strong evidence or if there is any inconvenience, we will all

They have considered it, but the fact is that no one has ever thought about the Legislative Council.”

Wen Yanbo said: "So the rich man wants to use this to establish his authority in the Legislative Council?"

Fu Bi nodded.

Wen Yanbo worried: "But this may arouse the resentment of many people, especially the warehouse tax, which many ministers are firmly opposed to."

Fu Bi said: "There is no way. This is my responsibility. I have also given them a chance. If I don't teach them some lessons this time, no one will take the Legislative Council seriously in the future. Politics and Law

Separation is nothing but empty talk."

Wen Yanbo looked at Fu Bi in surprise.

Originally, when Fu Bi returned to the court, he planned to support the emperor without fighting or grabbing. After all, he was old and he knew that his era had passed. Wen Yanbo also knew this, but Wen Yanbo did not expect it.

Yes, this public prosecutor's order ignited Fu Bi's fighting spirit again.

I've given you a chance, but you don't take me seriously. Do you really think that I'm too old to be able to carry a knife?

He told Wen Yanbo that it was purely out of friendship. In fact, Wen Yanbo had no control at all. The Political Affairs Hall and the Legislative Council were on the same level.

The only one who can control it is the emperor.

But Fu Bi knew very well that the emperor would definitely support it, so he decided to use these two bills to establish authority for the Legislative Council.

Moreover, he has already won the support of Zhao Pin, Sima Guang, and Xu Zun. Only Feng Jing is opposed. It's not that Feng Jing really doesn't support it, but that he is the censor Zhongcheng. Nowadays, many censors are very fierce in their opposition. He has to

Worry about your own identity.

But Feng Jing's opposition alone was of no use, and many judicial officials now serve in the public prosecutor's office, and Sima Guang even controls the appointment of judicial officials.

So with the full support of Fu Bi, Zhao Pin, Xu Zun, Sima Guang and others, the two bills finally passed the Legislative Council.

This was really unexpected by everyone.

what's the situation?

Why did it pass?

However, instead of reflecting, these officials felt that they had been stabbed in the back. Their opposition became more intense and they impeached the officials together with the Legislative Council.

The emperor has not even opened his mouth, how dare you pass the Legislative Council?

You don't take the emperor seriously.

Many ministers even threatened to resign.

The people are also building momentum, and food prices are still soaring. If you charge warehouse tax, I won't buy any food.

Zhao Xu, who had been silent for many days, finally summoned the ministers to Chui Gong Hall to discuss matters.

Inside the palace.

There was silence.

Because when the ministers came to Chui Gong Hall and were about to have a good talk, they suddenly found that there were fine wines and delicacies in the hall.

Isn't it a matter of discussion?

Why are you having a banquet?

Everyone stared at the delicious food on the table, feeling a little panicked. They had a lot of things to say, but they didn't dare to say it.

Zhao Xu, who was sitting on it, glanced at the ministers and asked, "Are you not satisfied with this dish?"

No one dared to answer.

Because no one knew what the emperor wanted to do.

Wen Yanbo replied: "Your Majesty, with the current disaster situation and the people not having enough to eat, the court should not be extravagant and wasteful. If this is spread, it will damage your Majesty's reputation. I hope your Majesty will think twice."

"Not bad for this meal."

Zhao Xu responded lightly, then looked up and sighed: "I still remember that Taizu hosted a banquet to entertain the heroes."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the ministers changed.

Brother, what are you saying that is not good? What do you want to do when you say this?

The key point is that there are no generals here, they are all civil servants and powerful people. Have you made the wrong choice?

Trying to imitate others?

Even Wang Anshi couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. He glanced sideways at Zhao Xu and felt that the emperor in front of him was so unfamiliar.

Then I heard Zhao Xu talking to himself: "At the banquet, Taizu promised to have meritorious officials, fertile land and beautiful houses, and wealth for generations. Do you think that the royal family has achieved this in more than a hundred years?"

The ministers nodded solemnly.

Discussing the matter as it happened, it was indeed done.

Zhao Xu nodded and said: "I don't dare to forget each other, so no matter how the imperial court reforms, I have not taken back the privileges in their hands. They are still rich and noble, and the wealth of their family has continued to increase.

But recently, I have been having trouble sleeping and eating."

I'm coming!

It’s hard to sleep and eat again, can’t you say something else?

Isn’t it okay if I don’t object?

Some powerful people were wiping sweat from their silk handkerchiefs.

These words are all too familiar.

Then I heard Zhao Xu say: "Actually, I was present at the hearings on those two days. To be honest with you, I actually have doubts about the warehouse tax, and I even asked the Empress Dowager for advice.

But what I didn't expect was that I would encounter so many ministers' opposition, especially after the Legislative Council passed two bills. In this day, I received no less than a hundred memorials. It was these memorials that made me uneasy.


I can't help but wonder why you are so fiercely opposed. Is it because of wealth? Probably not. I have asked repeatedly. According to this bill, as long as the grain is sold, there is no need to pay the warehouse tax, and it is also exempt.

In the case of business tax, all income earned belongs to you.

The Legislative Council also stated that there are no problems with the two bills. So what is the reason why so many ministers in the DPRK and China even threatened to resign?

This reminds me of the rebellion case of Wu Tian in Qizhou two years ago. At that time, Qizhou was in turmoil and food prices soared. The people did not know where to buy food. However, the rebel Wu Tian got enough from the gentry and landlords.

Food and grass. Oh, it seems that the landlord Luo Hai is also a meritorious queen.

Yes! This food is more useful than money at critical times! Maybe you want more than just wealth."

Before he finished speaking, more than ten ministers quickly walked out of their seats, came to the middle, bowed and said: "I deserve death for my crime, please punish me."

Big beads of sweat kept dripping from their faces to the floor.

Zhao Xu looked at them for a while and said: "It's not even a crime that deserves death. I just want to tell you that I can't do without you for the wealth and honor that Taizu promised me back then, but don't think too much about the rest.


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