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Chapter 774 Activation

The gavel fell.

Most people seemed to have been awakened from hypnosis. They seemed to understand everything just now, but at this moment, they felt like they were seeing things through the fog.

In a daze, everyone subconsciously asked each other.

Suddenly there was a huge public outcry!

"Is this tax coin good or bad? Can you believe it?"

"Who knows?"

"Huh? Where are they going in a hurry?"

"Yeah! What happened?"

"No! We have to go back quickly."

"What are you going back for?"

"You are stupid! Of course we have to stop selling goods. When the court issues tax coins, we can't sell at such a low price."

"Ouch! Come on, come on, come back."


Cao Dongdong, who was stretching on the stage, also noticed that many people were hurriedly walking outside, and hurriedly came to Zhang Fei's side, "Zhang San, look, they are all walking outside. Are they in a hurry?


Zhang Fei, who was slowly packing up the copywriting, looked up and saw that the people rushing out were all businessmen. It was like a flood retreating. It was very spectacular. He immediately smiled and said: "I think they are rushing back to adjust the price."

"What do you mean?"

Cao Dongdong scratched his head and said.

Zhang Fei just smiled and said, "I'll find out later when I go back and ask your vegetable seller."

"You are so old after all!"

Zhao Pin put down the brush in his hand and sighed.

Xu Zun asked: "Why did Mr. Zhao say this?"

Zhao Pin laughed self-deprecatingly: "Zhao has not even thought about the many questions I just asked, let alone asked about them."

What can we do without Zhang Fei?

"I see." Xu Zun chuckled, "It's the same thing, but I don't understand it either."

Cao Dongdong hurriedly joined in the fun, "Yes, yes, even juniors can't understand."

When Zhao Pin looked at Cao Dongdong, he felt a sudden sadness in his heart. When did I end up like him?

Zhang Fei suddenly said: "Actually, I don't really understand either."

The three of them looked at Zhang Fei at the same time.

There were only two words in his eyes.


Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Really. The questions I asked are actually based on what everyone discussed in the newspaper, and then combined with the responsibilities of our public prosecutors and law. There is nothing new."

Zhao Pin thought about it and found that this seemed to be the case as well.

Zhang Fei said: "Actually, what really confuses everyone is that no one is sure whether the third minister's answer is right or wrong."

Zhao Pin nodded and asked: "If we don't understand the real usage of this tax coin, how can we effectively supervise it?"

Zhang Fei pondered for a moment and said: "I think we should not consider this calculation method, but first consider whether it is illegal for them to do so. If it does not violate the "Provisional Law", then it is naturally not prohibited. Next we will

We should consider how to ensure that the interests of the country, the monarch, and the people are not harmed."

Zhao Pin was thoughtful.


"Xue Xiang still has some abilities."

Fu Bi stood up with difficulty with the help of his old servant.

Sima Guang asked: "Then how should we respond?"

Fu Bi said: "Since he plans to use tax currency as a long-term policy, he must legislate it. As for how to restrict it, we have to go back and discuss it."

Su Shi smiled and said: "This may be what Xue Xiang expected. The more we legislate restrictions, the more people will believe in this tax coin."

Fu Bi smiled and asked, "I wonder what Zizhan thinks of Xue Xiang's response to your article."

Su Shi frowned slightly and said: "I also admit that I don't fully understand this tax currency. I really didn't expect that this tax currency is different from Jiaozi, but I think this banknote is inseparable from its origin. Even if he said it,

With all the hype, there is a high possibility of spam.

In the past, many tyrants and treacherous ministers, in order to achieve great achievements and leave their names in history, did not hesitate to resort to violence and treat the people as though they were nothing. I wonder, do these tyrants still care about paying more tax coins?"

Fan Chunren nodded and said, "What Zizhan said is very reasonable."

Fu Bi said calmly: "As judicial officials, you should believe in the law. Otherwise, what is the point of being a minister?"

Su Shi and Fan Chunren both nodded humbly.

In fact, that's what happened. All their doubts are actually a sideways statement of their distrust of the public prosecutor and the law. As judicial officials, they don't believe in the public prosecutor and the law, so how can others believe it.

The key point is that if you don’t believe in the public security organs, you won’t be able to stop it.


Over there, Zhang Fei had just finished cleaning up when Zhao Xu sent someone to call him over.

"Before the hearing, I thought I had a very clear understanding of this tax currency. However, after the hearing, I was full of confusion, so I asked you to come over and help me clear up my confusion."

"Actually, the tax currency and Jiaozi are the same thing. There is not much difference. The only difference is that behind Jiaozi is capital, and behind the tax currency is tax. They are both a kind of debt.

It's just that the tax currency also contains the people's obligation to pay taxes. The situation is more special, but the essence is the same, except that the credit is slightly higher than that of Jiaozi, because the tax currency will eventually return to the court through tax payment.

If it is distributed indiscriminately, the imperial court will also suffer great losses."

Zhang Fei explained.

Zhao Xu asked: "Then how can we avoid spam? Just now, the Third Secretary said that we can draw a conclusion through calculation. Is this possible?"

He has absolutely no clue.

Zhang Fei said: "This sounds feasible, but I don't know much about it."

Zhao Xu said: "Then what preventive measures do you think the public prosecutor and the law should take?"

Zhang Fei pondered for a while, then asked without answering: "Your Majesty, who knows the depth of the river best?"

Zhao Xu thought for a moment and said uncertainly: "Fisherman?"

Zhang Fei nodded and asked: "Who knows the height of the mountain best?"

Zhao Xu immediately said: "Orion."

Zhang Fei asked: "Who knows the value of this coin best?"

Zhao Xu frowned slightly and said unsurely: "Businessman?"


Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Judicial officials don't know much about this, but it doesn't matter. You can ask businessmen who often deal with coins to participate in the decision-making. They are the most sensitive about whether tax coins are more or less."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Zhao Xu was shocked and said: "You mean to let businessmen participate in the decision-making of the imperial court's issuance of tax coins."

Zhang Fei said: "The Legislative Council asked them to come over to assist, rather than directly participating."

Zhao Xu couldn't help but frown.

Zhang Fei said: "Your Majesty, the three envoys have just made it very clear about the advantages of tax coins. As long as tax coins are used well, the benefits to the country will be immeasurable. And I think this will have immediate results, but if it is not used well,

The damage to the country is also immeasurable.

It is true that risks and benefits coexist. If your Majesty wants to double your national power in a short period of time, you must use tax coins. Therefore, your Majesty should do your best to prevent the harm caused by tax coins.

Then we cannot let the life and death of tax coins be in the hands of a group of judicial officials who do not understand finance. Let businessmen participate. In fact, the main purpose is to restrict the Legislative Council.

If there were no merchants, Bachelor Sima and the others could find ten thousand reasons to stop Sansi. No matter how few there were, they would still think it was too much, and what they said must be reasonable. It would be difficult to decide whether they were right or wrong.

If businessmen get involved, it will not be right or wrong, but a struggle between the interests of both parties. This will instead lead to a result that benefits both parties.

Moreover, the participation of businessmen can also help the tax currency gain the trust of more people. As long as the businessman recognizes it, everyone else will recognize it."

Zhao Xu nodded slightly.


In the wing room.

"Sorry, I'm late."

After entering the room, Xue Xiang bowed his hands to Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi asked: "What have you been doing?"

Xue Xiangdao: "Just now, the abbot of Xiangguo Temple came to discuss with the sudden official about the solution of Kupu."

Wang Anshi said: "Jiekupu?"

Xue Xiang nodded and said: "Xiangguo Temple believes that the coin issue is of great importance. If the imperial court only cooperates with the Ma family, it may be controlled by the Ma family in the future. Xiangguo Temple hopes to cooperate directly with the imperial court."

Having said this, he added: "With the advent of the Tax Department and the new tax law, the temple is having a hard time. They can no longer help the powerful to hide their fields, and now they are looking for new ways out.

In Xizhou, Xiangguo Temple cooperated very smoothly with Wang Shao, the buyer, and accumulated a lot of wealth, which gave them a taste of the sweetness, so Xiangguo Temple should have made up his mind to make this banknote with the imperial court.

Buy and sell.”

Wang Anshi smiled disdainfully: "What's the use of their determination?"

But as he said this, he saw Xue Xiang was silent, "What? Do you think we should cooperate with them?"

Xue Xiang nodded and said: "We can't just cooperate with the Ma family. It's not that we are afraid of their Ma family, but the more powerful and wealthy people we cooperate with, the more tax money can last for a long time. Xiangguo Temple is strong, not only has enough

Copper coins, and have close contacts with many dignitaries in the DPRK. If they can be brought in, they will naturally believe in tax coins, and more and more people will use tax coins.

Next, I have studied the Majia Jiekupu in Hezhong Prefecture. Based on Xianggong's Qingmiao Law, people can deposit salt banknotes in their Jiekupu, and they will lend the money to others and collect interest.

In the beginning, Majia Jiekupu actually did not have much capital. The coins deposited were only stored in their accounts, not in the treasury. In other words, it was a tax coin that could have two values.

We should also follow the example of Hezhong Prefecture and set up multiple Jiekupu, and then connect them all with Xianggong's new policy."

Wang Anshi nodded, "I have been studying the success of Hezhong Mansion. It is indeed feasible, but can we leave the businessmen aside and let the court do it on its own?"

"I don't think so."

Xue Xiang shook his head.

Wang Anshi asked: "Why?"

Xue Xiangdao: "Because businessmen are the people who have the most contact with coins. If they don't participate, they won't trust it. If they don't trust it, the people will not trust it."

Wang Anshi nodded slightly, "But you have to be extremely careful when cooperating with them. These insects are not afraid of the court."

The people in Xiangguo Temple are not ordinary wealthy businessmen like Chen Maoqian, they also belong to the ruling class.

Xue Xiangdao: "But now they are afraid of the public prosecutor."

It’s truly a closed loop!


After the hearing, businessmen took immediate action to raise commodity prices, and some even went so far as to close their doors and wait until the results came out. This pressure came to the Legislative Council.

In the past, the people were really eager for the court to issue tax coins, but after watching the hearing, they hoped that the Legislative Council would first introduce a bill to defend their rights and interests, and then issue tax coins.

As for the Third Division, preparations are also needed. Issuing tax coins does not mean standing on the city wall and scattering tax coins into the streets. It counts as completing the task.

You must know that the three companies have no financial power, Xue Xiang must strengthen the monetary power, otherwise, the three companies will really become a warehouse.

He is also actively discussing with major treasuries such as Xiangguo Temple, Ma Family, and Charity Foundation on how all parties should cooperate.

Fortunately, there is a sample like Hezhongfu.

It’s not too troublesome to work together.

Moreover, the cooperation here not only involves tax currency, but also includes some financial policies within the New Deal.

While they are in full swing, the Legislative Council is also actively discussing. Fan Chunren and Su Shi have not yet returned to Jingdong East Road. In fact, they are also waiting for this result.

However, after several days of discussion, there is still no result.

Because this is really not what they are good at.

Sima Guang and Su Shi, who were usually eloquent, were completely arrogant this time. They kept arguing without knowing what they were talking about.

Even if they are discussing on the basis of the Public Security Law, which means they believe the Public Security Law can stop it, the problem is how to design this rule.

Because according to Xue Xiang, the amount of tax coins issued fluctuates, how to design this bottom line.

Fu Bi also invited some judicial officials from the capital to come up with a solution, including the son-in-law Xu Zun and Zhang Fei.

After a heated debate, everyone was thirsty.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Sima Guang suddenly looked at Zhang Fei standing aside, "Zhang San."

Zhang Fei subconsciously straightened his back and said, "What's the matter?"

Sima Guang asked: "You don't seem to have much insight this time?"

When he asked, everyone looked over.

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, then pretended to hesitate, and then said: "I do have an idea, but it may be a bit bold."

Fu Bi immediately said: "You tell me first and listen."

Zhang Fei said: "It's hard for us people to feel whether the tax coins are more or less. What really affects them are the businessmen. Businessmen are more sensitive than us in this aspect. There are experts in this art, so why don't we ask businessmen for help."

Su Shi asked curiously: "How can I ask for help?"

Zhang Fei said: "It's very simple. If the court wants to issue tax coins, the Legislative Council will preside over it, and then invite wealthy businessmen from all walks of life. If they all agree, then they will give it. If they don't agree, they won't give it. Anyway, use it."

They are the ones who earn the most tax dollars, and we in the Legislative Council do not need to be evil people, nor do we need to bear this responsibility."

Sima Guang was frightened and said, "Such a national matter should be decided by businessmen?"

Zhang Fei said: "This is a national matter, but if the merchants don't accept the tax coins, there will be no point in issuing the tax coins. Instead, it will cause bad things. Why don't we discuss it first?"

Moreover, it was the Legislative Council that convened businessmen to discuss whether to allow it, and the power to allow it lies with the Legislative Council, not in the hands of businessmen. It is just that the Legislative Council stipulated that businessmen should participate in the decision."

Su Shi's eyes lit up, "This is really a good idea."

Fu Bi nodded and said: "The idea is good, but it may be very troublesome to implement. If it is a state or county, then it can be done, but the intention of the three ministers is to issue tax coins across the country sooner or later. It is difficult to

Why don't we invite businessmen from all over the country every time we issue tax coins? Also, this person talks a lot and has different interests. When will we be able to come up with a conclusion?"

Zhang Fei shrugged and said calmly: "It's very simple. It stipulates that tax coins should be issued once every three years. It also stipulates how many people agree and it will be passed."

Fu Bi couldn't help but frown slightly.

When Xu Zun saw this, he immediately frowned and said: "Zhang San, can't you be more serious when the rich man asks you? Your shoulders are shaking, who are you showing them to?"

Zhang Fei was stunned when he was scolded and said: "My father-in-law taught me that it is no wonder that my son-in-law has a bad habit. But in fact, my son-in-law answered very seriously. The market fluctuates. We must legislate on an accurate number. That is

Very difficult.

Moreover, there are conflicts between the country, the people, and the monarch on the issue of tax money, but if it develops viciously, all three will suffer huge losses.

It is better to leave it to them to solve it themselves. The three departments propose how many tax coins to issue. It is for the benefit of the country and the monarch. If the businessmen can accept it, then everyone will be happy. If not, then they can discuss it among themselves. We will be the organizer and judge.


Just like today's court trials, the president also listens to the witness's confession, looks at the evidence, and then makes a judgment in accordance with the law, instead of having to battle wits with the suspect himself."

Zhao Pin was delighted to hear this, "This statement is quite novel."

"Don't be upset midway."

Fu Bi smiled and said, "I didn't blame him for being rude just now. In fact, what Zhang San said made sense."

Su Shi also said: "I think so too. In fact, the problem with Jiaozi is that the people's rights and interests are not protected. If you do this, it seems to let them discuss it themselves, but in fact, the Legislative Council provides businessmen with protection so that they can negotiate with the government. Bargaining, in this way, can very well prevent the indiscriminate issuance of tax coins."

Fu Bi nodded and asked Zhao Pin, Sima Guang and Fan Chunren, "What do you think?"

The three of them also nodded.


After the Legislative Council reached an agreement, Wang Anshi and Xue Xiang were invited to discuss the matter.

When Wang Anshi heard this, everyone was dumbfounded, "Rich Lord, let businessmen decide national affairs?"

Fu Bi laughed a few times and suddenly pointed at Sima Guang beside him, "It's rare that Jiefu and Junshi have the same views!"

Wang Anshi glanced at Sima Guang subconsciously. The two looked at each other and at the same time tilted their heads and snorted softly.

Wang Anshi suddenly had an idea and said: "It seems that Mr. Fu also knows that there are many conflicts between Jun Shi's and mine. Since we both have the same views on this matter, it shows that this is not possible."

Fu Bi smiled and said: "Jiefu misunderstood. We do not let businessmen decide national affairs, but our Legislative Council invites businessmen to help our Legislative Council make decisions.

Because we old men don’t know much about this, we don’t want to delay the Third Division’s plan. Moreover, merchants’ acceptance of tax currency is also the key to the success of tax currency, so why not let them participate.”

Wang Anshi frowned slightly and looked at Xue Xiang again.

Xue Xiang nodded slightly.

Fu Bi added: "But at present, the three departments have not determined a calculation method, and the three departments have also said that it is just a trial for the time being, so during this period, the Legislative Council will temporarily introduce a bill to ensure the tax currency deposited by the private sector. , it cannot exceed the copper silk in the national treasury.”

Wang Anshi said: "Master Fu, this matter is of great importance, we should be more cautious."

Fu Bi said: "We have been discussing for many days. This is the only way. Only in this way can our Legislative Council defend the legitimate rights and interests of the country, the monarch and the people."


When Wang Anshi came out of the Legislative Council, his first words were, "Believe it or not, this idea must have come from that Zhang Er pen."

Xue Xiang asked: "Why is Mr. Xian so sure?"

Wang Anshi hummed: "The rich man is not necessarily more enlightened than Sima Junshi. Sima Junshi thinks the same as me. Could the rich man think of such a method? It was Zhang Erbi who was the one who brought the government together with the Ma family. , the reasons are all the same.”

Xue Xiangdao: "But I think this method is good. If you want to use the tax coins for a long time, you should communicate with the merchant first to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

As long as everyone recognizes the tax currency, the court can use the tax currency in some matters, which can save a lot of losses."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Wang Anshi thought for a while, "Since you think it will work, then give it a try. Anyway, we can't change the decision of the Legislative Council."


Of course, whether we can do this depends on the emperor's approval, but Zhang Fei has already convinced the emperor.

In addition, almost all the ministers in the court support this, because many officials actually do business, and the business is not small. In addition, it is related to their salary. They have to guard against both the Third Division and the Third Division.

The Legislative Council allows businessmen to participate directly. In fact, they can also participate indirectly. After some discussions, they finally heard it smoothly.

And the news just got out.

The businessmen all found it incredible. This result was really a huge surprise for them.

The effect is also immediate.

All prices immediately rose to the prices before the money shortage, and even the prices of grain, silk and other bulk commodities increased a bit.

At the same time, Sansi announced its cooperation with Ma Family, Xiangguo Temple, and Charity Foundation.

In fact, Xiangguo Temple and the Charitable Foundation have cooperated with the Ma family before, but now they will also open Jiekupu. With dishes that cost millions of dollars, not to mention the Ma family, even the three of them can eat some.


Of course, they have not given up cooperating with the Ma family, because the three families have always cooperated closely, especially Xiangguo Temple, which is actually the largest proprietor behind the Ma Family Charitable Foundation.

And Xiangguo Temple has very close relationships with many powerful people.

The three companies immediately announced to the public that people could bring tax coins to Jiekupu to exchange for copper coins, and conversely, they could also use copper coins to exchange tax coins.

Xue Xiang made it very clear at the hearing that the Third Division has never guaranteed that the tax coins can be exchanged for currency. The Third Division only admitted that the tax coins can be used to pay taxes at face value, but Xue Xiang also mentioned that the private sector should pay attention to

Huang and the Third Division also had no objection.

The reason why these three companies do this is actually to attract traffic. They first use this exchange business to attract customers, and at the same time, they also use this to increase their deposit business.

In fact, the money-saving business and the paper money exchange business had already existed in the Song Dynasty, and there was nothing new about them.

In order to support the three of them, the Third Division also handed over all the salaries of the lower-level officials of the Public Security Bureau, Prosecution and Law to them. In the future, the Royal Police can directly go to the three of them to receive their salaries.

As for the soldiers, Xue Xiang didn't dare to move. The water there was too deep. The commanders had to get some of whatever they sent. If they were all put in Jiekupu, what would happen to the interests of those commanders? Moreover, the three families couldn't handle it now.


But Xue Xiang believes that sooner or later the soldiers will have the same demands as the Royal Police.

Although it is still in preparation and the tax coins have not been officially issued yet, the backwater of Gyeonggi has been completely activated. Since the tax coins can be exchanged directly for coins at Jie Ku Pu, why are they still holding on to it?

Both common people and businessmen quickly took out their coins and spent money.

However, the size of this market can be said to have doubled from before, because now officials, soldiers, and royal police all need to take money to go to the market to buy what they need.

This productivity immediately pales in comparison.

The new city plan is also urgent.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development also announced the new city plan in due course, which will build two new towns on the east and west sides of the capital. These two areas are actually the only way to enter the capital.

This was planned by Wang Anshi. He hoped to build fortifications in the two new towns, mainly to hinder cavalry and increase archers. Therefore, he also stipulated that some of the workshops must use bricks and tiles instead of wood.

This chapter has been completed!
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