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Chapter 790: Impartial Judgment

When Zhang Fei went to Jianghuai for inspection last year, Feng Nancy told him that there would be a fierce battle at the end of the year.

It is not an accident that this happens.

The future of the Department of Taxation is definitely not bright, it is definitely full of ups and downs. This is true at all times and in all countries. The source of most conflicts lies in taxation.

Because no one likes to pay taxes.

This is human nature.

But in the past, in the eyes of most people, the Taxation Department and the Public Security Bureau were just like a den of snakes and rats. They attacked them indiscriminately. This even led to many prosecutors and police chiefs thinking that the Taxation Department was with them.

Within a system.

However, with the popularization of public security law, it gradually won the support of the people, which also led them to distinguish between the two.

Because they discovered that the Public Security Bureau is to protect their own rights and interests, while the Taxation Department is to claim their wealth, which is not the same thing.

The change in their views has also led to changes in the mentality of judicial officials, such as Qi Hui, Fan Chunren, Su Shi and others. They actually do not want to join the same trap as the Taxation Department.

After all, they belong to the same class as the scholar-bureaucrats. What the hell is the tax department? They are all made up of evil officials, from the head to the minions, they are all low-class.

This makes the whole matter extremely complicated, because the Taxation Department is subject to the constraints of the Public Prosecution and Procuratorate Law. If the imperial court does not provide support, it will be difficult for the Taxation Department to carry out its work.

Zhao Xu and Zhang Fei had already taken precautions against this. Although Zhao Xu passed the official reform and took power personally, he did not weaken Wang Anshi's power in the court. Xue Xiang and Lu Huiqing were both promoted.

In addition, there is the position of chief judge. It can be said that this position belongs to none other than Zhang Fei.

Otherwise, why Zhao Xu didn't promote Zhao Pin up in the first place was actually because he was waiting. The main reason was that Zhang Fei was too young and it would be inappropriate to directly promote him to the position of chief judge. The second reason was that Zhang Fei had to bring in new people in the Procuratorate because

It is easy to train the president of the court, but it is more difficult to train the chief prosecutor.

But now, Zhao Xu felt that he could not wait any longer.

He set up this chief court to check and balance Fu Bi, Sima Guang, Zhao Pin and others.

Also, the plan against Xixia is full of dirty deals, which is also a very urgent need. A chief court president can cover it and give support to this plan.


When he returned home, Xu Zun also came back, and Zhang Fei truthfully informed his father and daughter that Zhao Xu was going to promote him to the position of president of the court.


Xu Zhiqian looked at Zhang Fei with surprise and joy, "Is he the chief judge of the highest court?"

Zhang Fei nodded.

Xu Zhiqian was confused again: "You...can you take the responsibility?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "The president of the court is directly appointed by the officials, without going through the three provinces and six ministries."

Xu Zun was not surprised by this, but he frowned: "Is it because of the tax department?"


Zhang Fei nodded and asked, "What do you think, father-in-law?"

"This is not easy to handle!"

Xu Zun sighed and said: "I heard that many people blocked the coffin in front of the tax department's gate in Jianghuai and made a big fuss. However, there are almost no ministers in the court who support the tax department.

Not only that, the Yushitai has also intervened. Didn't they set up the Supervisory and Legal Department before? So they are also actively preparing evidence, accusing the Taxation Department of abusing its power and violently enforcing the law. They even compared the tax police to cruel officials like Lai Junchen.

The reason for all this is that many landowners and ministers no longer regard the Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Department as one entity, but hope that the Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Department can curb the atrocities of the Taxation Department and protect their rights and interests."

Xu Zhiqian suddenly realized something and hurriedly asked: "Are the officials asking you to give support to the tax department?"

Zhang Fei nodded.

Xu Zhiqian frowned and asked: "Why don't the officials directly support the tax department?"

Xu Zun frowned and said, "Why do you keep asking endless questions?"

If you think back carefully, it is not difficult to realize that although all the people in the Taxation Department were arranged by Zhao Xu, he is almost invisible in the tax law.

All are supported by the establishment of the Ordinance Department of the second government and the Public Security Bureau.

Zhao Xu never said who he wanted to tax, he was actually very low-key.

The reason is very simple. If he asks the scholar-officials to pay taxes, then he will be an enemy of the entire scholar-official class. Moreover, he is the largest landowner, how can he have the nerve to say this!

Zhang Fei glanced narrowly at Xu Zhiqian who was being scolded, and then said to Xu Zun: "Father-in-law, there is no need to worry too much. In fact, from another perspective, if the chief judge can do this, he can also fully demonstrate the authority of the chief judge.

.I think this is a good opportunity.”

Xu Zundao: "Aren't you afraid of offending everyone?"

The underlying meaning is that the emperor cannot afford to offend him, but can you afford to offend him?

Zhang Fei said: "I hope they know that I am the one who can't afford to offend."

Xu Zun opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Fei with slight surprise.

Zhang Fei said: "Otherwise, I won't be able to serve as the president of the court."

Xu Zunfuxu nodded.

Why Xu Zun would be surprised is because Zhang Fei always hid in the background in the past, played both sides, and was all-round. Through a series of complicated operations, he forced them to solve the problem in the imperial court and worked hard on the judgment to satisfy the interests of all parties.

Zhang Fei suddenly became hard-on, which made him a little uncomfortable.

But what he doesn't know is that now that the stage of not using hidden dragons has passed, the public prosecutor's office is no longer what it used to be. There is no longer a need to be wary of all forces, but all forces should be wary of the public prosecutor's law.

We can no longer look at the law the way we used to.


Although Zhao Xu had never explicitly expressed his support for the Public Security Bureau, he was very direct when it came to the matter of the chief judge. He did not notify anyone or discuss with anyone. He just issued an edict to promote Zhang Fei to the chief judge.

This really caught everyone off guard.

It also made everyone stunned.

In fact, most people also know that Zhang Fei's final position must be the chief judge, but they believe that he will be promoted step by step, at least until Zhao Pin retires.

This is only appropriate.

Considering Zhao Pin's status, it would be awkward to sit below Zhang Fei.

The key is that Zhao Pin is old and cannot stay for so long.

But I didn't expect it to come so suddenly.



"Mr. Fu, can the Chief Justice make such a hasty appointment?"

Wen Yanbo said to Fu Bi with a confused look on his face: "Zhang San just did some inspections outside. The whole time together did not exceed a year, and he did not make any achievements during this period. When he came back, he was promoted to the president of the court. This. ..This is simply unreasonable.”

Gilded tours were very common in history. For example, if the emperor wanted to promote someone, he would go to the border to perform military exploits, so that he could become famous.

But such a gilded journey as Zhang Fei's has never been seen in history.

You must know that in the eyes of many people, Zhang Fei failed to even inspect. How can anyone patrol like him?

It's just paddling.

In Wen Yanbo's view, this is not a gold-plating trip at all, but a smear trip. It is better to promote him directly instead of letting him go out on inspections.

Fu Bi smiled and said: "This is not hasty at all. The officials deliberately did not discuss it with you first, because according to the system, the chief judge is directly appointed by the officials."

The emperor did this just to tell them that this is imperial power. If he wants to discuss it with you, what else is it called imperial power?

Wen Yanbo frowned and said: "Then the next president of the court will probably be a eunuch. This still needs to be restricted. The position of president of the court is very important and cannot be so casual."

Fu Bi stroked his beard and felt that what Wen Yanbo said made sense. He nodded slightly and said, "Let's discuss this matter slowly in the future. After all, there is no problem with the candidate this time. Sooner or later, Zhang San will serve as the president of the court. This is logical. Things."

This edict has already been issued. If they object, it will destroy the entire public security system. This was the original provision. If they regret it, Zhao Xu can also regret it.

Wen Yanbo asked again: "Why do you think the rich man thinks that the government has appointed Zhang San as the president of the court at this time?"

Fu Bi smiled and said, "Why do you ask even though you already know?"

Wen Yanbo frowned and said: "But according to the system, this lawsuit has to be fought one level at a time. Can it go to the highest court?"

Fu Bi said: "Litigation is a matter between two parties. The lawsuit is currently in the hands of Zhao Yuedao. As long as the final judgment is not good for the Taxation Department, the Taxation Department will definitely go to the Supreme Court, because the Taxation Department can only rely on the Emperor." Neither the court nor the officials have ever come forward to protect the Tax Department."

Wen Yanbo said: "But if the case goes to the highest court, in addition to the chief judge, there will also be a chief judge appointed by the political affairs hall and the Privy Council from the second-level imperial court to participate in the trial."

Fu Bi said: "But at present, the five second-level imperial courts are still empty. Now the presidents have to be transferred from the capital to the local areas. Where can I find people in these second-level imperial courts?"

Wen Yanbo looked at Fu Bi, "I wonder what Mr. Fu thinks about this?"

Fu Bi said: "Let's take a look. Like you, this is my first time meeting the chief judge."

Whether there is a chief judge or not, these are really two different things. This is also the first time Fu Bi has encountered it, and he doesn't know how to deal with it yet.


Yesterday, Sima Guang received news that Zhang Fei was back, and was ready to discuss with Zhang Fei how to deal with this problem.

He never thought that after this night, he would directly become the president of the court.


Sima Guang was speechless. This really reached the sky. But Zhang San was not even thirty yet, how could he be promoted in the future?

In view of Sima Guang's character, he would not go to Zhang Fei to discuss the matter before the final verdict.

But he was still very worried.

Hundreds of lives were lost, including some respectable scholar-bureaucrats. The influence was so bad that the literati basically resented the tax department.

This is tantamount to pushing Zhang Fei to the forefront.


Household Department.

"Teacher, by appointing Zhang San as the chief judge at this time, the officials must be hoping that the verdict will be favorable to the tax department."

Lu Huiqing said to Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi nodded slightly.

Xue Xiangdao: "In this case, should we give Zhang San some support?"

Lu Huiqing immediately said: "Three Secretaries must not be impulsive. Nowadays, the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty are disgusted with the Tax Division. Even the officials dare not give clear support. If we support rashly, it will only cause disaster. Now the Three Secretaries

Both the company and water transportation are undergoing reforms, which requires their cooperation.

Furthermore, although Zhang San has always given support to the New Deal, his relationship with Bachelor Sima has always been good. This is an internal issue for them, and they will properly resolve it."

After Wang Anshi thought about it secretly, he said: "Ji Fu is right, we should not get involved in this matter easily. If Zhang San is really in need, he will take the initiative to come to me."

This matter is so unpopular now. Even if you want to support it, you cannot support it blatantly. Otherwise, you will definitely get into trouble. You must know that they are the chief executives. Anything they do requires the cooperation of the officials below. If everyone is

If you offend me, who will cooperate with you?

Not only them, everyone is very cautious in this matter.

Including Zhao Pin.

Now that this case has been in Zhao Pin's hands, Zhao Pin is also thinking dizzy. He is thinking about the future, not the current case. In fact, everyone is fighting for the future, not just punishing a few tax policemen.

Simple, so how to judge will make things change for the better.

It's really hard to decide.

If the tax department is severely punished, what should we do if we collect taxes in the future?

But it’s not okay to sentence the tax department harshly and cause lives to happen at every turn!

Constraints must still be given.

To this day, Zhao Pin has not come up with a solution. However, Zhang Fei's appointment as the president of the court has made Zhao Pin much more relaxed. He does not feel that Zhang Fei has taken his seat. Even in terms of credit, Zhang Fei is not.


Now he knows very well that no matter how he decides, it will eventually go to the Supreme Court.

He simply sentenced the tax department directly. Firstly, this would not cause him any trouble, because the judgment was based on everyone's thoughts. Secondly, it also gave Zhang Fei many reasons to overturn his judgment. Thirdly, it also This is a warning to the tax police, the imperial court may find you guilty.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Therefore, on the fifth day after Zhang Fei came back, Zhao Pin immediately gave the verdict.

More than 30 tax police officers were convicted of manslaughter for abusing their powers and violent law enforcement, and ordered the tax commissioner to rectify their internal affairs to avoid such a situation from happening again.

This charge is very serious, manslaughter, and considering the identity of the deceased, this is definitely a capital crime.

As soon as this verdict came out, the ministers were very excited. It at least proved that most judicial officials were on their side. Everyone has not forgotten our roots. We are of the same class.

As everyone expected, the Taxation Department was directly dissatisfied and filed a complaint directly with the Supreme Court.

Now the pressure is all on Zhang Fei.

Everyone's eyes were also fixed on Zhang Fei.

You are just a mere commander now, how dare you risk the disapproval of the world?

Most people judged that Zhang Fei might just take it back and not go too far.

After all, the law does not blame the public!

With so many people opposing it, even if the Tax Department is not guilty, he is still guilty.

This is a political law!

The consensus of all is the highest law.

These literati also began to exert pressure through articles and in various ways.

This made Xu Zun's family feel like Alexander. Even Xiaotao and the others were pestered with questions when they went out to sell vegetables. The atmosphere was simply suffocating.

However, the results surprised everyone.

After nearly a month of review, Zhang Fei suddenly published the verdict of the Supreme Court in the newspapers. First of all, he expressed his deep sympathy for these tragedies, and at the same time felt extremely sorry.

But that was all, and then they directly overturned Zhao Pin's judgment, saying that the Taxation Department did not make any mistakes in law enforcement and that the tax police were not guilty.

At the same time, he said in the judgment that the root cause of this tragedy was that everyone felt that the tax was too high, so they refused to accept it and blocked the tax department. He also gave an example: look at those ordinary people who did not have any trouble with the tax department. Despite conflicts, he was very enthusiastic about paying taxes. In the name of the chief judge, he even suggested that the court should reconsider the tax law.

Finally, he warned the people again not to conflict with the tax department again. If they encounter injustice, they should immediately seek help from the Royal Police or the Procuratorate or the Royal Court.

This verdict immediately caused an uproar.

But it was different from what everyone expected. Although the final judgment not only did not severely punish the tax department, but also did not even investigate any faults, many ordinary people, wealthy households, and businessmen changed from opposing the tax department to supporting the judgment of the chief judge.


As expected of the chief judge, he is really to the point. His judgment is much wiser than that of Judge Zhao from Gyeonggi Province.

The fundamental reason is that taxes are too high, not that the tax department is too excessive.

If you have the ability, you can double the tax rate so that no one will cause trouble and everyone will pay the tax in full.

All civil and military officials in the dynasty were so angry that they vomited blood.

I have never seen such a shameless person.


Aren’t you the one responsible for the warehouse tax?

Now you think the tax is too high.

God is also you, and ghost is you too.

Why don't you die!

Everyone is trying their best to remind everyone that when it comes to this tax law, this brat is the culprit!

He did it all.

Now he is pretending to be a good person here again.

Don’t be fooled!

However, after their reminder, a considerable number of people suddenly thought that the tax department was right, the tax law was not wrong, and the chief judge was wise and powerful, because they suddenly realized that if the tax rate for big landowners was lowered, they might have to pay

More taxes.

It will go back to the same as before.

Why do we not have conflicts with the tax department, but only big landowners and powerful people who have conflicts with the tax department? That is because the tax department is beneficial to us!


The ministers were completely depressed.

People’s hearts are old!

It’s hard to lead the team!


"This brat is really more cunning than a fox."

Wang Anshi threw the newspaper in his hand on the table, "What he did, turned the judicial issue into an administrative issue."

Xue Xiang worriedly said: "We must not reduce taxes easily. The reason why the imperial court dares to issue tax coins and reform water transportation now is entirely because of the increase in tax revenue. If taxes are reduced, the finances will soon be overwhelmed."

Lu Huiqing frowned and said, "But then, the pressure will shift to us again."

Adjusting tax rates is definitely an administrative power.

Wang Anshi said: "If they want to reduce taxes, then we should reduce employees, salaries, and privileges. With the current system, this is the only way."

Now we can't exploit people wantonly. If we don't have money, we really don't have money.

Whoever wants to reduce taxes will be responsible.


Not convinced!

The ministers were so angry that they couldn't possibly be convinced.

Originally, they planned to rely on public opinion to put pressure on Zhang Fei, but they forgot that the emergence of newspapers and periodicals meant that they no longer had an absolute monopoly on public opinion.

The current direction of public opinion has changed.

This trump card doesn't work anymore.

But at the highest court, there is only the emperor.

So Yushitai took the lead and went to the emperor to make trouble. Their reason was that according to the system, this kind of case should have to be heard by two judges from the second-level imperial court. But now it is the chief judge Qiankun who makes the decision.

It is not in line with the system. At the same time, they also said that so many scholar-bureaucrats have died, but the imperial court still wants to protect the tax department. Why don’t you, the emperor, say a word?

Zhao Xu is actually happy to see this situation, which shows that the judicial power is still in his hands.

So a meeting was held in Chui Gong Hall.

"President of the Court."

"I'm here."

"I promoted you to the position of President of the Grand Court because of your high attainments in the law and your great contributions to the construction of the Public Security Bureau. However, the first case you judged aroused dissatisfaction among the civil and military officials of the entire court."

Zhao Xu asked with a frown.

Zhang Fei replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I will make the judgment according to the law."

Jiang Zhiqi immediately said: "So many people have died, but the murderer is free under the judgment of the chief judge. What kind of legal judgment is this?"

Zhao Xu also pretended to be confused and said: "Yes! If the tax police collect taxes in accordance with the law, how could so many lives be lost?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Zhang Fei said: "Based on the confessions and evidence provided by Yangzhou, the main conflicts occurred in two stages. One is to seize the suspect's property.

According to regulations, the Department of Taxation does not need the approval of the royal court before it can directly seal up. This is to avoid alerting the suspect and causing the suspect to transfer his property.

But this is just affixing a seal, not confiscating it. In this process, the tax police cannot take away any needle or thread. However, many people, including some of the deceased in this case, prevented the tax police from entering their homes and affixing seals. This is

That led to conflicts.

However, in the view of the Tax Department, this kind of behavior may be a delaying tactic by the other party. On the one hand, they prevent the tax police from entering, and on the other hand, they transfer the property, which is why they are very anxious.

Secondly, when property is confiscated, it must be an order from the imperial court. However, there are also many people who obstruct the tax department from enforcing the law.

All the evidence shows that it was the other party who blocked us in the first place that led to the tragedy, rather than the tax police actively provoking the conflict."

Wen Yanbo stood up and asked: "Do we have to kill people in order to raise taxes? Besides, the other parties are all old Confucian scholars, women and children. Isn't there anything wrong with the tax department's approach?"

Zhang Fei said: "Mr. Wen may have some misunderstandings about the tax department. The tax police and the royal police cannot be confused. The royal police protect the rights and interests of the people, but the tax police are only responsible for tax laws. They don't care about other things. They will not go there."

Pay attention to whether the other party is an old Confucian woman or a child."

As he spoke, he took out a tax bill and said, "And on the tax bill, it is also clearly stated what people need to do when facing the tax police."

Wen Yanbo retorted: "But you are the chief judge, not the tax envoy. You should consider the rights and interests of the people. Isn't human life in the eyes of the chief judge as trivial?"

Zhang Fei said: "What Mr. Wen said is very reasonable. I have also carefully considered this point, because from the perspective of the imperial court, we must prevent such things from happening again."

Feng Jingdao: "So you think that by covering up the tax department, this kind of thing won't happen again?"

Zhang Fei said: "First of all, I am not covering up, I am just making a judgment according to the law. Secondly, I think this judgment can effectively prevent such things from happening again."

"I would like to hear from you."

"How to prevent this kind of situation, the imperial court is faced with two choices. One is to strictly restrain the tax department. The other is to deal with it impartially and maintain the authority of the tax department.

After I carefully studied this case, I think the latter can prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

Because the conflict is caused by the other party blocking it in the first place, if the tax department is strictly restrained, they will definitely intensify their efforts, and the tax department must complete the tax collection tasks. Such conflicts will definitely continue to occur and become more frequent.

But if they knew that a conflict with the Tax Department would do them no good, they would naturally not dare to conflict with the Tax Department again.

Regarding this point, Gyeonggi District and Jingdong East Road are the best proof. At first, the Taxation Department also encountered a lot of troubles in these two places, including many conflicts. However, due to the support of the public security supervision and the court, there are no more problems in these two places now.

Such conflicts have occurred and everyone has lived in harmony."

Feng Jing scolded: "You are talking nonsense. Everyone is just forced by the tax department's power, rather than living in harmony."

Zhang Fei said: "That is better than losing one's life innocently. Moreover, I also wrote very clearly in the judgment that the cause of this tragedy is not the tax department, but whether the tax is too high?

Because the reason is that they evaded taxes, were discovered by the tax department, and then refused to pay taxes. There are many reasonable scholar-officials among them. Why they do this must be because they think the taxes are unreasonable!"

"The most unreasonable thing is the warehouse tax, but isn't this the bill you submitted?"

Feng Jing immediately asked.

"I submitted it."

Zhang Fei nodded, "I think it is reasonable, and it is beneficial to the country and the people, and it is still the case now. But they think it is unreasonable, and there is no conflict between the two.

So I wrote the cause and effect of the whole matter in the judgment very arbitrarily. I didn't just brush it off just because I raised it. I think I did it impartially."

The ministers were all dumbfounded. This is not shameless, but selfless?

I really deserve to be born in Erbi.

Zhang Fei added: "Moreover, if you think the tax is unreasonable and too high, you can change the tax rate, but you should not blame the tax department who collects the tax in accordance with the law.

If this problem is not fundamentally solved and the tax department is severely punished, it will only make things more complicated."

This chapter has been completed!
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