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Chapter 795 This is the third fire

It's like mourning an heir.

When the ministers in the DPRK learned that the Zhengshitang had finally adopted Zhang Fei's suggestion, everyone felt as if they were mourning for their heirs, as if the sky had collapsed.

This third fire was finally lit by Zhang Fei.

Doesn't this stop it?


And Wen Yanbo was also self-reflecting. Now, he suddenly felt that he was really messing around and had lost face. It was really not worth the loss!


But in the end, isn’t it the political hall that makes the decision?

On the contrary, if Zhang Fei made these suggestions in the palace before, it might really affect the power of the political hall.

It also shows that the power has always been in their own hands.


That's impossible, because if the target is Zhang Fei, he has already passed the time of jealousy. He is more than 20 years old, but he is a master, and this is exactly what literati are most jealous of. As for the president of the court, Wen Yan Bo had known for a long time that Zhang Fei would become the president of the court sooner or later, and there was nothing to be jealous of.


Fight for something.

As Zhang Fei said, there are two chief judges in Beijing, and Zhao Pin is from the conservative side. The other judicial officials are also their friends, and Wang Anshi has not said that he has given Zhang Fei much support, so Zhang Fei is alone. One, even if you want to fight in the party, you don’t have the conditions.

Is that because this suggestion was not approved by him?

But in the end, this policy was formulated based on Zhang Fei's suggestions. If it was not recognized by them at all, it would be impossible to compromise.

Think about it.

Wen Yanbo gradually wanted to understand the essence of the matter.

In fact, times have changed.

In the past, things like this would have involved constant arguments between the two sides, because power used to be relatively decentralized, and everyone was more willing to point out problems with the other party's policies than to easily come up with their own policies.

Because once something like this goes wrong, the responsibility is huge.

But now it’s not feasible. The division of power is very clear. If you don’t solve it, it’s your problem. There is no perfect policy, so the political hall must weigh the pros and cons instead of picking and choosing. And the pace is obviously getting faster. If there is a problem, you must find a solution immediately, which further tests the prime minister's decision-making ability.

This was precisely what the Song Dynasty lacked most in the past. Everyone was still very accustomed to the slow-paced political ecology.

The problem lies here. They are not willing to accept this reality, and are even very resistant in their hearts. It is not about whether the policy is right or wrong.

Their previous plans for governing the country were not very suitable for the current system, but they were unwilling to admit this, causing everything to become very awkward in their hands.

Each of Zhang Fei's suggestions is actually very consistent with the current system, and therefore touches the weakest part of their hearts.

Not out of jealousy, but out of pride.

It's like if you are very good at long jump, the result is not that you can't jump others, but that everyone likes to watch running more, and everyone also switches to running.

This person must be very disappointed in his heart, but according to human nature, he will not compromise easily, and he must also hope to prove that the long jump is more beautiful.

However, what made them even more disappointed was what happened later. Just after the household registration system was completed, the Supreme Court issued a final judgment on the Xizhou case.

It was determined that the Xizhou merchant's behavior was not guilty.

At the same time, the Supreme Court also suggested that the Xizhou government only needs to issue a notice to inform those merchants that Xixia is now strictly prohibited from trading with Xizhou. If you go to Xixia to trade again, there are very big risks. If you must go, then you

You have to take responsibility yourself.

Without special reasons, Xizhou merchants cannot be prohibited from trading in Xixia.

It can only be suggested, not prohibited.

The political affairs hall spent a long time fussing around, looking forward and backward, and suffering humiliation. It was not easy to launch this policy. Its purpose is to restrict this kind of behavior.

If Lu Dajun and others hadn't said that the border was very chaotic, they wouldn't be so urgent.

As a result, you just spent one night and then gave a verdict that was contrary to our policy.

The contrast is really...!

Are you deliberately trying to humiliate us?

Or is this your third fire?

The point is, your sentence is unreasonable, so why is it not illegal?

Even Fu Bi was a little confused, so he sent someone to invite Zhang Fei to the Legislative Council.

"President, please forgive me for being old and stupid, but I don't know what the reasons are for your judgment?"

Fu Bi asked with both humility and curiosity.

Wen Yanbo, Sima Guang, Zhao Pin, and Lu Gongzhu were also present, and they also looked at Zhang Fei with confusion.

Zhang Fei replied with a serious look: "When I return to Mr. Fu, I am doing it based on the legal system."

"Really?" Fu Bi asked, "I'd like to hear the details."

Zhang Fei said: "First of all, the household registration system just promulgated by Zhengshitang does not explicitly prohibit this kind of behavior. My judgment does not violate the court's system."

"Who said this?"

Wen Yanbo immediately retorted: "It is written clearly and clearly that foreign businessmen must also abide by the temporary law, and they also need an ultimatum when entering and leaving Xizhou. Although it is currently only Xixia that unilaterally prohibits trade with our country, and we have not banned it.

, but merchants in Xizhou also need documents if they want to trade with Xixia.

The government can use this as an excuse to ban merchants from entering Xixia trade, but in your judgment, you said that merchants should not be prevented from entering Xixia trade without necessary reasons."

They are also very smart, because the court has not yet decided to ban trade with Xixia. The key point is that even Wen Yanbo believes that it should not be banned. If Xixia wants to ban it, then we will also ban it. What will happen?

But now there is a fight between Xizhou merchants and the defenders on the Xixia border, which is likely to trigger a war. They think it is not necessary.

So how to restrict, just think of this ultimatum, if I don't let you pass, if you want to enter again, then you are breaking the law, so you can impose restrictions.

However, Zhang Fei's judgment said that unless you have necessary reasons, for example, the other party is doing it carefully, or it is illegal in the country, etc., otherwise, you should not stop it. Under this judgment, the government cannot easily ban merchants from entering Xixia

In trade, if you don't have a good reason, the businessman can sue you. This is what the chief judge has said.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Aren’t you specifically doing the opposite of us?

Zhang Fei said: "I have just said that this is because of the concept of legal system. As we all know, Xizhou's finances are completely supported by trade. Otherwise, the court will have to pay millions of dollars every year, and Xixia is even more related to Xizhou is a major trader, in other words, any restriction on trade with Xixia will harm the interests of the people of Xizhou, thereby affecting the country's finances."

Zhao Pin suddenly said: "President Lu and Prosecutor Fan wrote letters saying that the public security bureau and the law are difficult to manage because of imperfect systems and laws. But you also said the same before. The imperial court has just improved the system in this area, and you Won’t the verdict leave the Xizhou Imperial Court at a loss as to what to do?”


Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "Actually, whether it is forbidden or allowed, it is possible. As long as the court gives a clear statement, it will be easy to manage. For example, now, the Xizhou Imperial Court does not need to care at all. Those businessmen Trade with Xixia.

The government has already given advice. It is very dangerous there. If you go there, you are responsible for it. This is the utmost benevolence and justice."

Zhao Pindao: "But President Lu also mentioned in the complaint that it was precisely because of the inability to control and the prohibition of trade in Xixia that the Xixia border soldiers often clashed with Xizhou merchants, resulting in chaos on the border."

Zhang Fei said: "It was Xixia that caused the chaos, not the merchants of Xizhou. They just wanted to do business. This was their livelihood. However, due to the ban of Xixia, their way of survival became dangerous, so they hired people to protect them. Although my business is chaotic, the fault is not with the merchants of Xizhou. On the contrary, they are working hard to maintain the prosperity of Xizhou, and we should encourage them."

Is this okay?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be the case, mainly because Xizhou is a very special existence, relying entirely on trade, and agriculture alone cannot support so many people.

If it is based on Xizhou's local interests, then it really shouldn't be stopped.

Sima Guang said straightforwardly: "But if this continues, it may trigger a war with Xixia, and then Xizhou will only be devastated. How can this be regarded as safeguarding Xizhou's interests?"

Fu Bi, Mr. Lu and others also nodded.

This is actually what they are most worried about. The country is currently prosperous, so who wants to go to war at this time?

Zhang Fei asked rhetorically: "If Xixia asks our court to give four million yuan every year, and if we don't give it to him, we will go to war, does Sima Bachelor think we should agree?"

Sima Guang said: "Of course we should not agree to this."

"This is it."

Zhang Fei said: "The way to prevent war should not be to fear war. The fault of this matter is not ours, but Xixia's. They were the ones who stirred up the trouble first. They unilaterally banned trade with our country without any reason. This is very harmful to Xizhou." It caused heavy losses, but we have been very restrained. In the end, the government did not intervene. This was the choice of the Xizhou merchants themselves.

If they start a war with us because of this, then we are just sneezing, and they may start a war with us. This is not a way to stop the war.

Our imperial court must protect the rights and interests of the country and the people. The people of Xizhou have the right to survive. I am opposed to anything. I would rather trap my own people to death than compromise with the other party's policy."

Sima Guang frowned and said: "Who said you want to trap your own people to death? What I mean is that you have to consider the overall situation. Now is not a good time to fight against Xixia."

Zhang Fei said: "First of all, I didn't say that I would go to war with Xixia. Just now, Academician Sima said that Xixia might launch a war. Secondly, I don't know what academician Sima can do to protect Xizhou's interests while ensuring that Xixia is not involved in war."


Sima Guang asked: "If we don't trade with Xixia, Xizhou will be trapped to death."

Zhang Fei said: "Not trading with Xixia will harm the interests of many merchants in Xizhou. In addition, can Bachelor Sima ensure that if we make a compromise, the Tubo tribes who are slandering us will not follow suit?

If it is related to survival interests, we cannot make any concessions. Once we give in, the other party will definitely make further progress. On the contrary, if we insist on something, they will be afraid of it."

Sima Guang frowned and thought silently.

Wen Yanbo suddenly said: "But this is a major military matter, and the chief judge should still rely on the opinions of the Political Affairs Hall and the Privy Council."

Zhang Fei immediately said: "Right now, I just want to ensure the people of Xizhou's most basic right to survive. If I were the prime minister, I would suggest sending troops to help them obtain a livelihood."

Everyone was shocked, is it so violent?

Why haven't you noticed before that you are so strong?

Wen Yanbo said: "What if the Zhengshitang issued an order banning trade with Xixia?"

In fact, he didn't care that much about this matter. He was more interested in understanding the power structure between the political affairs hall and the imperial court.

Zhang Fei said: "I said at the beginning that I made this sentence because the Zhengshitang did not issue an order to prohibit it. If the Zhengshitang had ordered a ban, then I definitely would not have made this sentence."

After that, he changed the topic, "But if the people of Xizhou appeal against this, the Zhengshitang had better come up with sufficient reasons to prove that this ban is necessary and in the interests of the country and the people."

Wen Yanbo frowned and said: "In other words, no matter what decision the Zhengshitang makes, it still needs the approval of the chief judge."

"of course not."

Zhang Fei said: "I have made it very clear that our imperial court will abide by the ban issued by the Political Affairs Hall, without hesitation. After all, the public security bureau must abide by the law and system.

But if many people want to complain about this and produce evidence to prove that there are problems with this policy, then of course our imperial court cannot turn a blind eye. This is also the responsibility of our public prosecutors and the judiciary.

Only by doing this can we prevent treacherous ministers like Li Linfu from taking over, plundering the people's wealth for their own selfish desires, regardless of the people's life and death, which is what the ancestral law pursues."

Zhao Pin nodded slightly after hearing this.

I think what Zhang Fei said makes more sense. The reason why he made such a judgment now is because the Zhengshitang did not issue a ban. If the Zhengshitang issued a ban, he would abide by it.

It just means that if people appeal, he will also hear it.

If it can't be tried, then the political hall can't do whatever it wants. What's the point of the public prosecutor's office?

There is a check-and-balance relationship between the two.

Wen Yanbo nodded secretly, and at the same time he had already made some calculations in his mind. He himself felt that if he went to court, the Zhengshitang would most likely lose, because the people of Xizhou could definitely prove that this ban had caused them heavy losses, but the Zhengshitang

It cannot be proven, otherwise Xixia will definitely start a war.

Fu Bi suddenly asked: "In the judgment of the chief judge, it was specifically mentioned that this judgment also applies to the public prosecutors and law areas?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Yes, although the temporary law has given people more freedom to move, they still have to register and get approval before they can leave their place of residence.

Nowadays, trade exchanges have become more and more frequent, and many small wealthy households have also joined in. However, the provisional law does not provide detailed provisions on why and who cannot migrate. Then the official office in charge of migration may take advantage of this opportunity.

Make things difficult to make money.

This judgment of mine is a supplement to the Migration Law. The government cannot restrict the migration of people without reason, especially when the people are seeking a livelihood. If an official makes things difficult, the people can appeal based on this judgment."

After Wen Yanbo and the others heard this, they couldn't help but be slightly startled. It turned out that there was such a hand hidden in this judgment, and they almost ignored it!

Fu Bi said: "But the main reason why the imperial court restricted migration was for the sake of national stability. Based on this ruling, people can basically move freely. Will it be difficult for local states and counties to control it?"

"That was before."

Zhang Fei explained: "Now that we have the Royal Police, they can handle these migration issues. As long as they abide by the temporary regulations, that is, register with the user registration."

Fu Bi nodded thoughtfully.

As the saying goes, times have changed.

In the past, the few small government officials could not control it at all. They could only try to ban it so that people would not run around and make it easier for the government to manage.

But things are different now. The Royal Police are all over the streets, and their management system has also been improved. They can maintain public order, and they don't need to be straightforward. They can now do things that they didn't dare to think about before.

However, the provisions of the provisional law must be followed, that is, registering at the relevant official office, because the Royal Police also needs to rely on household registration for management. Nowadays, there is no eye in the sky, and the only certificate is household registration.

It can be seen that this judgment is not only for the people of Xizhou, but also to promote business development.

Of course, judging from the current traffic conditions, even if they are given more freedom, most people will still not leave their hometowns easily. If they want to leave, they will most likely have to do so under forced circumstances.

It will not cause large-scale migration of people, it will just make it more convenient for businessmen.


After Zhang Fei left, Sima Guang asked: "What do you think?"

Wen Yanbo said: "There must be something wrong here. If I am not wrong, they should want to use the conflict between the Queen Mother of Xixia and the leader of Xixia to create chaos within Xixia and thereby weaken Xixia."

Sima Guang frowned and said, "But is this in compliance with the rules? This has not been discussed by the Political Affairs Hall and the Privy Council."

Fu Bi smiled and said: "This was planned by President Zhang Da personally, how can it be against the rules? So far, all the merchants have been fighting against the Xixia soldiers. In fact, Fan Zhen and the others must have known it in their hearts. They just suffered from the lack of evidence, so they were in a hurry.

Appeal, and now his judgment has opened the door to this."

Wen Yanbo suddenly said: "Actually, it's because we are not familiar with this system, so we always act passively and are led by the nose by Zhang San."

Sima Guang asked: "What does Duke Wen plan to do?"

Wen Yanbo said: "I don't think there are many problems with this strategy. It's called attacking with troops, so we can suggest that your Majesty take advantage of the contradiction between the Queen Mother of Xixia and the leader of Xixia to formulate relevant policies to weaken Xixia."

Lu Gongzhu couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Now the emperor and Zhang Fei are acting secretly, but if the political hall proposes this strategy, wouldn't they have everything under control?

Fu Bi nodded and said: "This is a way. In this way, we can indeed take back the initiative, but I think it is better to pretend to be confused about this matter."

Wen Yanbo asked: "Why?"

Fu Bi said: "What is happening now has not affected the country's overall strategy, but if the political affairs hall requires this, it will be very different. This may cause local officials to misunderstand, and the court will change its strategy.

In addition, under the current situation, the imperial court can move forward and retreat freely. If it is a policy formulated by the Political Affairs Hall, if it wants to retreat at that time, it may face many obstacles."

This so-called overall strategy is actually focused on repairing internal affairs. Even if Xizhou merchants are allowed to trade with Xixia, it is to protect the interests of the merchants. In fact, it is still an internal affair. But if the political hall orders a strategy for Xixia, local officials will definitely think that

, there will be a war soon.

Sima Guang nodded and said: "What Mr. Fu said is right, we must be cautious about this matter. Wang Jiefu must support it. If we also support it, it may really lead to launching a war against Xixia."

Everyone is supportive. It would be outrageous not to fight.

Wen Yanbo thought about it again and again, and nodded: "Okay! Let's continue to pretend to be confused about this, but from now on, I must take the initiative, otherwise, I will always be controlled by others."


Wen Yanbo also kept his word. Although he did not put the matter on the table in the end to regain the initiative, he still reported to the emperor that in view of the situation on the Xizhou border, he required the border defense generals to do a good job in defense to avoid

Xixia launched a surprise attack and at the same time strictly ordered the border defense generals not to go into battle without permission.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Zhao Xu readily adopted Wen Yanbo’s suggestion.

Because according to their strategy, the main focus is on defense at the moment. They only send troops privately in the name of businessmen to fight in Xixia territory. Advancement and retreat are not the key. The key is to experiment with new firearms and prepare for the future against the Liao Kingdom.

However, in the eyes of others, Wen Yanbo's memorial was still adhering to the original strategy, which was to focus on internal affairs, so Bianzhou naturally focused on defense, and there was nothing wrong with that.

But this is also a tacit approval of the judgment of the chief judge. The chief judge's judgment is that merchants must not be blocked from entering the Xixia trade. The political affairs hall does not prevent him from doing so, but requires a good defense. Isn't this just a cover for the judgment of the chief judge.


All wrong!

At first, everyone thought that the household registration system was Zhang Fei’s third thorn in the side, but now it seems that this verdict is Zhang Fei’s third thorn in the side!

After all, the household registration system was drawn up by the Political Affairs Hall, and Zhang Fei just reported the matter and gave his own suggestions.

They were there on their own, shouting and killing, but Zhang Fei didn't pay any attention to them.

However, his judgment ranked second to the political order of the political hall.

This shows the authority of the chief judge.

Because of his judgment, everyone must cooperate.

However, Zhang Fei's verdict also injected a shot in the arm into the entire public security system.

The morale of the entire public security bureaucracy has been greatly boosted.

If the Chief Justice is so powerful, then why should we be afraid of the powerful people? Scholars and officials, if you dare to break the law, I will arrest you.

When there was no chief judge, everyone actually didn't care that much. At that time, they all thought it would be good if this trend continued. The chief judge might just be the icing on the cake, specializing in hearing some very complex cases.

However, after the chief judge was appointed, everyone discovered that the chief judge was so important, and that the previous public prosecutors had no soul at all!

One and the other, the powerful people in the court finally acquiesced to this rule. That's it. Don't challenge the authority of the chief judge easily. He is such a dick.

Life is like that, when you can't resist, then you can only enjoy it silently.

This chapter has been completed!
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