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Chapter 801 Flying Dragon in the Sky

Although everyone has their own political agenda in the dispute over horse politics and firearms, this is no longer a party struggle. Party struggle means that no matter what is right or wrong, as long as the other party supports it, you will definitely oppose it. The winner takes all.

, the loser is a bandit.

Simple and crude.

Nowadays, the strategy is unified. It just means that everyone is competing for the dominant position in this strategy. If you, Wen Yanbo, want to develop firearms, they must be produced in business workshops, so that everyone can gain something.

Moreover, Zhao Xu also appointed Han Jiang to go to Hebei to preside over military affairs and build defense depth.

Han Jiang is very close to Wang Anshi, but the conservative side is not that opposed to Han Jiang, unlike Xue Xiang and Lu Huiqing.

But it has to be said that it is still okay for the reformists, the main cadres, to engage in economic development, especially after the public prosecutors and law correct their extreme policies.

Now even conservatives have to admit this.

Recently, the farmland water conservancy law presided over by Wang Anshi has finally begun to benefit the country. I remember that when there was a drought that year, the court allocated millions of dollars for disaster relief. One of the important water conservancy projects was the opening of irrigation and siltation channels.

Today, the Gyeonggi area alone has added 300,000 hectares of fertile land, and at the same time, millions of hectares of land have been improved. Coupled with the production of agricultural tools, the grain output in the Gyeonggi area has increased significantly. According to the past two or three years,

It has been observed that the yield per mu of fields that are irrigated and silted can reach three dan, and that of fields that have been improved by irrigating and silting can also reach two dan.

Although the current focus is on the development of industry and commerce, agriculture has always been the foundation. Whether it is Zhao Xu or the ministers of the DPRK and China, they still attach great importance to agricultural production.

After Zhao Xu received this financial report, he was so happy that he led his ministers to the dam on the Bian River to inspect agriculture.

On the Bian River, flags are flying.

Wang Anshi pointed to the endless fertile fields in the east and said to Zhao Xu: "Please see, Your Majesty, that entire land was originally barren, but now it is all fertile fertile fields."

"Okay, okay!"

Zhao Xu nodded excitedly, "Let's go over and have a look."

He moved forward excitedly, making the surrounding guards nervous. After all, the farmland was very narrow.

When he came to the edge of the field and looked at the fertile field, Zhao Xu couldn't help but bend down to take the soil, put it into his mouth and tasted it. He felt that the soil was extremely fine and moist, and he sighed: "This is really fertile soil!"

Wang Anshi added: "Your Majesty, not only in the Gyeonggi region, but also in the Hebei region, the Water Conservancy Institute has irrigated 150,000 hectares of fields in the past two years, and pouring silt into the fields can further suppress flooding. At the same time, people now buy more

Sophisticated agricultural tools have also further increased the yield per mu.

For the country, these silt lands can now be sold for four guan per mu, which is also a considerable amount of income, thus making the country rich and the people rich."

It is ironic to say that Wang Anshi's Green Crops Law was the highlight of the reform, but Wang Anshi himself did not expect that it would be the Farmland Irrigation Law that would shine brightly in the end and be praised by everyone.

Zhao Xu smiled happily and said: "Such a good policy should be vigorously promoted."

Sima Guang suddenly said: "Now that the national treasury is abundant, why not distribute these lands to the poor farmers? If they are sold at a price of four thousand dollars, they can only be purchased by the landowners."

Lu Huiqing smiled and said: "Sima Shangshu, now and then, there are no restrictions on the trading of land. To distribute these fertile lands to the poor people, it is better to give them money directly, because most of them will sell them.


Moreover, in the past, people were recruited for silt irrigation and then sold to the people at a low price, which was understandable. But now, the annual flood discharge is almost completed by the Xiang Corps, and the money from selling the land must be paid to them as wages and bonuses."

Xue Xiang added: "According to our observations, the yield of the same land if given to landlords will be higher because they have better agricultural tools and fertilizers."

Wen Yanbo said: "Although industry and commerce are developing well now, farmers are still the majority. If too many farmers have no land to farm, it will also lead to national instability."

Lu Huiqing said: "Landowners also have to hire people to farm the land, and the wages of farmhands are quite high nowadays. This is mainly because ministers and officials now have to buy food, and the WFP only appropriately balances food prices and does not

Compete with grain merchants for business, and you will definitely not have to worry about selling the grain you grow."

Xue Xiangdao: "This is also one of the reasons why the sales of farm tools are currently on the rise. It is precisely because farm laborers are not cheap, so these large landowners are willing to spend money to buy more sophisticated farm tools.

Many farmers simply go to workshops or make their own sophisticated farm tools and sell them to these landowners. Many others are engaged in the business of making fertilizers.

It was published in newspapers and periodicals last year. There was a farmer who had been farming all his life, but the more he farmed, the poorer he became. Later, relying on his own experience, he sold his only fifteen acres of land and went into the fertilizer business. Now he has purchased another 500 acres of land.

More acres.

Nowadays, land annexation, at least in the Gyeonggi area, is no longer a big problem."

"Okay, okay!"

Zhao Xu was so happy that he couldn't even close his mouth.

Wen Yanbo and Sima Guang had nothing to say.

Zhao Xu was in high spirits, but was still unwilling to return to the palace. He saw a college along the way and heard that it was a career college, so he stopped by to have a look.

When I arrived at the college, I saw a group of teachers sitting in the courtyard, basking in the sun and drinking tea. No sound of reading was heard?

Is it a holiday today?

What is the teacher doing sitting here?

When the teachers saw the emperor coming, they were so frightened that they almost died and hurried over to salute.

Wang Anshi asked in confusion: "Why are there no students? I remember that when I came here at the end of last year, there were more than a hundred students?"

The dean said: "If I get back to Mr. Wang, all those students have been recruited. We will have to wait until the second half of this year for the next batch of students to come in."

Sima Guang listened curiously, "Logically speaking, only freshmen will enroll here after graduation. Since freshmen will only arrive in the second half of the year, they should graduate in the second half of the year."

The dean said: "There are even students who were recruited after only one year of study."

Zhao Xu asked curiously: "Why is this?"

The dean hurriedly said: "To answer your Majesty's question, this is mainly because all walks of life are in urgent need of manpower who can read and write, especially in arithmetic. Not to mention students, even some arithmetic teachers have gone to work in Jiekupu


Sima Guang frowned and said, "How can we do that? If students are sent out before they have matured, it will be difficult for them to reach a higher level in the future!"

The dean said: "There is nothing we can do about it. Studying costs money, and they also want to go out to work early and earn money for their families. As for those students with particularly excellent grades, they are all in colleges in Hexi. The students there can

With funding from businessmen and charitable foundations, they are not in a hurry to go out and work."

Wen Yanbo asked: "Are only arithmetic students like this? What about Confucian students?"

The dean blinked, "Now...it's like this now. Confucianism is placed under Enlightenment and Imperial College. We don't teach Confucianism in these colleges."

"Why is this?" Wen Yanbo asked.

The dean was so frightened that he did not dare to speak.

Wang Anshi said: "Don't be upset, Duke Wen. He originally taught Confucianism, but most of today's students don't have much money at home. They study to make a living and teach Confucianism. For a while, they will not be able to find work, and they will focus on arithmetic and law."

, Medicine can make a better living, but the key is that they don’t have the money to study for too long.

That’s why I made this adjustment. The Enlightenment is mainly Confucianism, which first establishes students’ moral character, and in the middle, it focuses on arithmetic, law, medicine and other learnings. The Imperial College above is paid for by the state, but it is for the imperial court.

When cultivating talents, we should focus on Confucianism."

Zhao Xu nodded with a smile and said: "That's not bad. After all, the number of talents that the imperial court can recruit is limited. In the past, many scholars had no livelihood. I am also very worried about this."

Even if Wen Yanbo and other great scholars were unhappy, they could only nod in agreement.

To study Confucianism is to become an official, but the imperial court has just finished slimming down and has to recruit people, which will soon lead to the disaster of redundant officials.

But it has to be said that this group of graduates is the happiest. There is no problem of finding a job. They will be employed immediately after graduation without any gaps in between. They may even graduate early.

Of course, they also inject vitality into the entire industry and commerce.


Today Zhang Fei did not accompany him, but was in the Legislative Council with Fu Bi, Zhao Pin and others to discuss the Basic Law and some cases. Now that politics and law are separated, whether it is agriculture or education, it all belongs to the administrative side, and what they have to do is

Hold on to the final bottom line.


Fu Bi nodded and said: "The ancestral law mainly involves officials formulating policies. For the people, the more familiar law is the law. They don't even understand what it means to prevent things and control them, but the law is the law.

Ideas are closely related to people's lives. Otherwise, in the Basic Law, the idea of ​​the legal system should be placed under the laws of the ancestors."

Zhao Pin nodded and said: "It should be so. If the concept of legal system is not listed as the outline of the basic law, President Bianzhou may lack basis when making judgments. Before this, when we judged cases, we all quoted

The chief judge’s precedents are followed by reference to the legal system in them to make judgments.”

After saying that, the two looked at Zhang Fei again.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Of course I agree, but how should I say it so that I can be more humble."

"Ha ha...!"

After discussing some matters regarding the Basic Law, several people went outside the courtyard to bask in the sun and sip tea.

"Fu Gong, President of the Court, have you read the newspapers and periodicals of the past two days?" Zhao Pin asked suddenly.

Fu Bi frowned and said, "Are you talking about the inheritance dispute case?"

Zhang Fei asked curiously: "Why don't I know about this?"

Zhao Pindao said: "It was a man named Li Bian from Fengqiu County. This person came all the way from Fengqiu County to the capital to complain. He made categorical claims and spent money to publish them in newspapers, saying that his inheritance had been appropriated by his elder brother. For the most part, using newspapers and periodicals to redress grievances can be regarded as setting a precedent."

Zhang Fei was more curious: "Is it because the imperial court refused to accept his prosecution, or is it because he is not convinced after losing?"

Zhao Pinfu said: "The imperial court rejected his prosecution because he did not have any evidence to prove what he said, and according to the provisions of civil law, whoever files the lawsuit must provide evidence."

Fu Bi said: "But according to Li Bian's article, he has been helping his family with business matters, while his eldest brother was handling farmland matters. Just because when his father passed away, he was out doing business. When he returned home, he only got some fields, but he thought that his father should have left the fields to his elder brother and the business to him, but his father did not make a will."

Zhao Pin added: "He also explained in the article that because his eldest brother is at home all year round, the servants in his family are all attracted to his eldest brother.

Therefore, I also thought of a problem, that is, some relatively vulnerable people may not be able to obtain evidence when facing civil disputes, and the Legal Aid Department does not have the authority to investigate, and there are not enough manpower, resulting in them facing When you are a big landowner, it is still easy to suffer losses."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "This is indeed a problem. Let's send the case to the Supreme Court and I will give a judgment. In a civil lawsuit, even if the prosecution party does not have any evidence, if the court believes that the prosecution The party's doubts are reasonable, and someone should be sent to assist the Legal Aid Department in the investigation, or someone should be sent to investigate directly."

Fu Bi said: "How to determine whether it is reasonable or not?"

Zhang Fei said: "This depends on the judgment of the president of the court. The law cannot regulate everything down to the smallest details. Some things still require the ability of the president of the court. We can only give them the power legally."

Fu Bi nodded slightly.

Zhao Pinye said: "That's the only thing I think."

So Zhao Pin found Li Bian and asked him to appeal to the Supreme Court.

Zhang Fei also made a judgment and asked Fengqiu Imperial Court to investigate.

It can be seen that although Zhang Fei does not have to deal with various cases every day like when he was in the Hezhong Prefecture Imperial Court or the Procuratorate, and seems to be relatively leisurely, his power has increased a lot. The cases he judges are almost equivalent to the law. Everyone All cases must be handled according to his judgment.


At present, the Song Dynasty is in a vigorous and upward trend in all aspects, and everything is prosperous. However, the Xixia Dynasty is entering a desperate situation step by step.

Wang Shao adopted Ma Tianhao and Lu Bin's suggestions and tried to drive a wedge between Xixia and Tubo tribes, and the effect was immediate.

The Xixia dignitaries in Ganzhou and Suzhou saw that Hehuang was so prosperous, which originally belonged to them, but the imperial court strictly prohibited trade with the Song Dynasty.

Since I'm not good, then don't think about it either.

Preventing the trade between Xizhou and the Western Regions can be considered as weakening Xizhou, which is in line with Xixia's interests.

The key to robbing caravans is their traditional skill.

I really can't find any reason not to rob.


Xizhou, government office.

Wang Shao sat on it and said to the Tubo chiefs: "You are all sensible people. We in the Song Dynasty have no intention of going to war with Xixia, and we in the Xihe area just want to be safe and stable, do good trade, and everyone can make some money."

Money, live a good life.

It was the Queen Mother of Xixia who, in order to seek power, unilaterally banned trade with our country. To be honest with you, this indeed affected the prosperity of our Xizhou, but even so, we still do not want to use force with Xixia.


It is because of the continuous fighting in the Hehuang area in the past fifty years that everyone finally got a moment of peace. I really don't want to destroy this hard-won peace, but now they have sent troops from Ganzhou and Suzhou.

Robbery of our caravans with the intention of disrupting our trade."

A chief stood up and said, "Wang Xuanfu, needless to say, the old Xixia witch has gone too far to deceive people. We are willing to help your country and conquer Xixia together."

Some chiefs also nodded repeatedly.

They hold back their anger even more.

Because the Xixia couldn't get any benefits in the Xihe area, they went to the Tubo area further west to rob. Isn't this just picking on the weak? The key point is that these tribes all chose to surrender to the Xixia after the Song army entered Hehuang.

Is this how you treat us?

But there are also some chiefs who look embarrassed.


Wang Shao raised his hand and said: "I just said that we are not willing to go to war, and we are not willing to let the people here lose their lives due to the war, and we are not willing to make it difficult for you to have to choose one of the two.

I have only one purpose for inviting you all to come here, which is to work together to protect Hehuang trade, and we will send troops together to defend the trade routes from Xixia's attacks."

These words immediately won the approval of all the chiefs.

In fact, some of their chiefs are unwilling to break up with Xixia, but if everyone unites to protect their own business, there is still no problem.

Having said that, Tubo, which was once powerful for a while, is now torn apart and can only survive in the cracks. It is really sad.

Wang Shao immediately signed a trade protection agreement with the chiefs of each tribe, agreeing on how many troops each would send, which would be under unified command from the Xizhou Police Station to protect the passage of the caravan.

Of course, the Song Dynasty paid the most, whether it was money or people.

But for the Song Dynasty, it was a sure win. At least it would bring all these tribes to its side and ensure that there were no enemies in the west. At the same time, the entire southern front of Xixia would be under pressure.


Nowadays, the most lively area is no longer the Xihe area, but Suizhou, Yanzhou and other places on the northern line.

Originally, the trading centers of the Song Dynasty and Xixia were all located on the northern route, and the main trade transactions also went this way. The Xihe River was mainly for trade with the Western Regions.

But in the past, the Song Dynasty also banned it, so merchants had no choice. Now Xixia unilaterally banned it, but the Song Dynasty adopted an encouraging policy and even allowed Xixia salt to enter. At the same time, many people in Xixia also firmly supported trade with the Song Dynasty.

Under these encouragements, the smugglers went crazy, and the transaction volume increased several times compared with the previous smuggling market.

Of course, the fight was also in full swing.

The Queen Mother of Xixia saw that the border soldiers were also involved in smuggling business, so she thought of a vicious plan, which was to allow the border to rob those caravans. Whether they were from her own country or from the Song Dynasty, whatever you rob would be yours.

You have a knife in your hand and you are going to smuggle it. You have some potential, so just grab it!

Such a move would indeed directly cut off trade with the Song Dynasty, and also make the border more chaotic. Local merchants in Xixia who were passing by might be robbed, so the soldiers let go, forcing them to join the smugglers' camp and arm themselves.


The first firearms battalion has followed the smugglers and secretly entered Xixia territory to assist the internal opposition forces in Xixia.


I saw a group of generals standing on the playground, carrying a copper musket with great interest.

Zhong Pu on the side said: "Father, there is still a possibility of this musket exploding. Why don't you let your child demonstrate it?"

Zhong E said: "I heard that these copper muskets rarely explode."

Zhong Pu nodded, "This copper musket is indeed much more stable than the iron musket."

Zhong E immediately said: "Then stop talking and tell me quickly how to do this."


Zhong Pu said: "Actually, this is very simple. Father only needs to move the wooden pole on the left to light the fire."

Zhong E moved the wooden pole on the left as he was told, but saw that the firing line hanging above the barrel slowly moved downwards and accurately entered the gunpowder tank.

Suddenly there was fire and a bang!

Zhong E was immediately overjoyed and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, this design is really wonderful, who came up with it?"

Zhong Pu said: "This is the idea of ​​a crossbow repairman in our camp."

"There are many rewards, there are many rewards!"

Zhong E added: "In addition, recommend this craftsman to go to the weapons inspection. In the future, all firearms must do this. You will have to find another person to light the fire. What a waste of manpower."


Firearms must be used on the battlefield in order to continue to develop. After all, the craftsmen in the Ordnance Supervision only care about the production process, power and accuracy. As for whether you send more people to light the fire, they don't pay much attention to it.

Of course, after commercialization, they will also consider that if they have to sell firearms, they must consider the user experience.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As users, soldiers care not only about power, but also about ease of use.

Not long after the firearm was put on the battlefield, feedback was immediately received, and then the craftsmen on the front line came up with ways to improve the firearm.

In fact, this kind of small mechanism is different from smelting technology. As long as you have needs, craftsmen can still do it. However, if smelting technology is to be improved, it really requires the right time, place and people.

At this time, Zhe Jishi and the others came over, "Although this firearm is not as convenient as a bow and arrow, it is really powerful. This ordinary leather armor cannot stop it at all. After being hit, it will immediately lose its combat capability. At present,

I don't see any problem replacing the crossbowman."

Yao Si smiled and said: "I think it is only a matter of time to replace bows and arrows. This firearms hand only needs to be trained for half a month, but an archer needs to be trained for at least one or two years!"

At first, we didn’t dare to send too many archers in. We relied on this firearm to repel several enemy attacks and caused them heavy losses. This is perfect for defense.”

Zhong E said: "It just so happened that the imperial court also came with an order, requiring us to stay step by step and never send troops to attack. Otherwise, we will be dealt with according to military law."

At this point, he sighed: "It's a pity that the artillery can't be allowed in for the time being. The power is much greater than this musket!"


Good news from the northwest continued, and the first report on firearms was also sent to the capital.

At present, the country is also engaged in a spy war with the Liao Kingdom. Both sides are taking frequent actions, and the negotiations in Hedong have also reached a deadlock. After Wang Shao proposed the annual coins, the Liao envoy was also a little angry and threatened that if the Song Dynasty increased the annual coins by fifty

Wan Guan, the boundaries can be redrawn.

However, the Liao army has not entered the disputed area so far, which shows that they are still reluctant to part with the coins, but the situation is still very tense.

It becomes crucial to ascertain the other party's intentions.

The Security Department of the Song Dynasty captured a spy from the Liao Kingdom at a post station in Daming Mansion. This guy was working in the post station disguised as a cook. After interrogation, it was found out that the Liao Kingdom asked him to specifically inquire about the annual coins.

At the same time, the Song Dynasty's spies in the Liao Kingdom were also in a difficult situation, because the Liao Kingdom was also fully arresting the Song Dynasty's spies. They only knew that the Liao Kingdom was also mobilizing troops.

Royal Palace.

"The Liao Kingdom specially sent people to inquire about the Sui coins. It is obvious that they are testing our reality to see if we intend to tear up the Chanyuan Alliance."

Zhang Fei said: "The lion on the east side of the river is opening its mouth. It should be testing us to see if we intend to exchange the annual coins for the territory."

Zhao Xu nodded, "But according to the internal news of the Liao Kingdom, they may still send troops. However, the production of firearms has just begun. Even if they purchase and produce artillery regardless of the cost, it will take at least a year before they can produce artillery in Hebei."

Deploy a certain number of firearms."

Zhang Fei thought for a while and then said: "Your Majesty can send a special envoy to Xixia to express his goodwill and express that as long as Xixia continues to open trade and resume exchanges, we are willing to rebuild the Qingli Collaborative Conference."

Zhao Xu immediately said: "Now that Xixia has been forced into a dead end by us, how can we give them a chance to breathe? And if we want to resume the Qingli Collegiate Conference, then we have to give them Sui coins. How can we do this?"

Ever since Song Shenzong came to the throne, he had been constantly fighting against Xixia. In the third year of Xining, when Song Shenzong was determined to strengthen his military forces, the Qingli Collaboration was temporarily shelved.

Zhang Fei explained: "Based on the situation in Xixia, the Queen Mother of Xixia has no way out. It is impossible for her to negotiate with us to rebuild the Qingli calendar without completely resolving the struggle with the Xixia ruler.

All this is done for the Liao Kingdom to see, because the root of the matter always stems from our war against Xixia. If we want to confuse the Liao Kingdom, we have to start from Xixia.

Our battle plan for Xixia is mainly defense. We can also ask the Zhe family to send a troop of troops to Taiyuan Prefecture for defense, letting the Liao Kingdom know that we have strategically given up attacking Xixia and will fully defend the Liao Kingdom's possible

The invasion, and at the same time sending people to transport the coins with great fanfare, also hinted to the Liao Kingdom that we have no intention of becoming enemies with them, but if they are aggressive, we will not compromise."

Zhao Xu nodded slightly and asked again: "Is there nothing wrong with Dengzhou?"

Zhang Fei said: "It went very smoothly over there."

Zhao Xu asked curiously: "Then why is there no movement at all within the Liao Kingdom?"

Zhang Fei said with a smile: "Currently, the Liao Kingdom is not fighting externally, so we can't see any effect. Only when the Liao Kingdom sends troops and the Liao Lord invests its strength outside and is weakened, can our plan show its effect."

Zhao Xu gritted his teeth and said, "Give me another year!"

He is not so afraid of the Liao Kingdom now. After all, the national power is developing too rapidly.

After talking with Zhang Fei, Zhao Xu held a meeting with important officials such as Wen Yanbo and Wang Anshi to discuss how to deal with it.

They also slowly explained their actions in Xixia from the side. After all, their strategies had been unified, and both Wang Anshi and Wen Yanbo were hardliners in the court, so there was no need for Zhao Xu to hide them all.

However, he only said that it was the Liao Kingdom that wanted to increase the Sui coins, but he did not tell them that in fact, it was his side who used the Sui coins as bargaining chips to negotiate with the other party.

Regarding Zhang Fei's plan, they generally agreed, but Wang Anshi still had reservations about deploying troops from the northwest to Taiyuan. He believed that Xixia was already very weak, fighter planes might appear at any time, and the Queen Mother of Xixia might also fight to the death. This

The focus of defense at that time should be the northwest.

In the end, Wen Yanbo came up with Han Qi's idea, which was to use the three roads of Hebei, Hedong, and Shaanxi as an integrated defense. At the same time, he would allocate money to the northwest through Jiekupu and let businessmen use the money to recruit more warriors from Xixia.

Part of the Western Army can be deployed to defend Taiyuan Prefecture.

In addition, Sima Guang also suggested not to leak the news for the time being to avoid causing panic and halting the momentum of domestic development.

For the Song Dynasty, it has actually been delayed for more than a year. It is not impossible to fight, but if it can be delayed for another year, the situation will be greatly beneficial to the Song Dynasty!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Zhao Xu appointed a special envoy to Xixia to discuss the restoration of the Qingli Collegiate Conference on the grounds of congratulating its ruler on taking office.

This clearly supports their ruler.

Moreover, Zhang Fei also asked people to spread the news to Xihe in order to gain the hearts and minds of the people in Xihe. Look, we in the Song Dynasty do not want to fight, we just want to make some money from trade. We are the defenders of peace.

He also secretly allocated five million yuan to Jiekupu in the northwest as a start-up capital for recruiting Xixia warriors.

However, domestic development is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the surface, this seems like nothing.

Moreover, everyone performed their own duties and no longer fought with each other. Even though Lu Huiqing was so fond of fighting, he gradually focused on his political achievements.

It's not that he doesn't want to fight, it's that he can't fight.

The Chief Justice was watching from the side.

Still relying on words to impeach?

There is a ball for it.

The key point is that those officials do not dare to break the law. Not to mention the Public Security Bureau, the Yushitai has become more and more enchanting, and the Department of Supervision of Justice not only supervises judicial officials, they also supervise all illegal activities of officials.


There was no surprise at all. The special envoy of the Song Dynasty was directly blocked from the border and was not even allowed to enter. You are just being disgusting!

Empress Dowager Liang: I am nothing but air. You, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, didn’t even mention it. What do you mean?

Zhao Xu didn't care about this. He was afraid that Empress Dowager Liang would compromise, which would be embarrassing.

Moreover, there was a bumper harvest in the Song Dynasty this year. Even the stagnant Hebei Province began to burst into life. Taxation finally reached the level of thirty years ago. This was not easy.

Finances in various places are growing steadily, but the main source of the outbreak is Jiangnan, because tax coins have been invested in Jiangnan this year, which has greatly stimulated Jiangnan's economy.

In addition, this year, 20,000 tons of grain were transported to Dengzhou by sea from Fuguang and other places.

Faced with such a prosperous scene, Zhao Xu decided to change the reign name, and against all objections, changed the reign name to Feilong next year.

Zhang family.

"Flying Dragon?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "This...this year name is quite strange."

Zhang Fei asked: "Is it because it's too vulgar?"


"It's just...there's just no cultural heritage."

He really doesn't know much about this matter.

Xu Zun said with a smile: "It has nothing to do with this, it's just because the reign names of our dynasty have always been restrained, benevolent and harmonious. The Feilong reign is too arrogant and is mostly used in times of war. In the chaotic times of the late Tang Dynasty, many regimes

They like to use similar era names, so many people in the court don't like it. In fact, someone previously proposed 'Yuanfeng', but the officials insisted on this era name."

Xu Zhiqian asked: "Zhang San, do you know the meaning of this?"

Zhang Fei shrugged and said, "Maybe the officials want to go to heaven."

Xu Zun trembled with fright and shouted: "What are you talking about here?"

This chapter has been completed!
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