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Final Chapter: The Defender (Final Remarks)

Although Zhang Fei was full of confidence, Zhao Xu was a little unconvinced, because according to the news in the Liao Kingdom, the Liao Kingdom was very cautious about this and took every step very carefully. Although, as Zhang Fei expected, it did not happen.

We haven’t built the Public Security Bureau, but we still have strict laws. It’s just that we lack the Public Security Bureau system. Isn’t this also okay?

Let's talk about the matter, paper money is just an economic policy. Even in the Song Dynasty, it was decided by the Political Affairs Hall and the Third Bureau. The traditional judiciary can also provide guarantees, as long as you don't mess around. After all, paper money appeared before the Public Security Bureau.

However, everything that happened in the next two years made Zhao Xu stunned.

Watching the tall buildings rise, watching them collapse.

During this period, the Song Dynasty really did nothing. Even after learning that the Liao Kingdom opened its seaports and maintained trade with the Song Dynasty to provide guarantee for their tokens, it did not close Taohua Island because of this. It still communicated with Liao Dynasty through Taohua Island.

of trade.

It's not that the Song Dynasty didn't want to cause trouble, but because the Song Dynasty's current foreign policy relied heavily on merchants, and it had been strengthening shipping in recent years.

In fact, the initial issuance of Liao's tokens was very smooth, because it could copy Xizhou's model. Just after the trade with Song Dynasty stopped, Liao's domestic currency was seriously lacking. The emergence of tokens really revitalized the Liao's economy.

Prosperity was seen for a time, but within two years, the Liao Kingdom was flooded with tokens, and a large amount of wealth in the hands of merchants and common people was harvested by the state and nobles.

So much so that public dissatisfaction boiled over.

The Liao Kingdom had no idea how to deal with it and could only decide to transfer the conflict to the outside.

However, the Song Dynasty had been watching from the sidelines, watching the Liao Kingdom step by step towards the abyss. Anticipating that the other party might start a war to divert the conflict, the border soldiers had long been prepared to fight.

Moreover, the Liao Kingdom collapsed, but the Song Dynasty became stronger and stronger, especially in the past two years, it also integrated manpower and resources from the northwest, Shu, and the south.

Especially the war horses in the northwest, which were really a fragrant batch for the Song Dynasty.

Now there are also 20,000 cavalry in the north, including a 3,000 heavy armored cavalry.

If the Liao Kingdom does not go to war, the Song Dynasty will almost be unable to bear it.

However, since the decision-making level of the Song Dynasty knew the intentions of the Liao State, there was no need to fight with it at all, as long as it was defended.

The death order issued by the imperial court to the border was to defend the border and strictly prohibit going to war.

When your opponent is stronger than you, has more sophisticated and advanced weapons than you, and they are on the defensive side, it will be difficult for you to defeat them.

You must know that the firearms equipped by the Song Army today have increased tenfold compared to three years ago, and after experiments in the Xixia and Li Dynasties, the Song Army is now able to skillfully apply firearms to various battlefields.

Moreover, current firearms are more conducive to defense, causing the Liao army to suffer heavy losses.

There is a saying that if you make great efforts and then fail again and again, the front line will not be able to attack for a long time, which directly leads to the internal division of the Liao Kingdom.

Because the Liao Kingdom is a country of the Khitan people, if there is a problem, it must first protect its own base. The loss of tokens will also be shared by the tribes along with the Khitan people. Originally, the tribes were very dissatisfied with the monarch of the Liao Kingdom, but I heard

He said that the Liao Kingdom would lead everyone to rob the Song Dynasty and make up for everyone's losses.

There is no reason not to agree.

However, there are no eggs.

Not only was he unable to attack, but he also suffered heavy losses. Of course, the Liao monarch chose to absorb the blood of other tribes to replenish himself.

It's like a gambler who gets deeper and deeper into the trap.

The Jurchen tribe in the rear took the lead in rebelling, and they also united with Goryeo.

As soon as they rebelled, all the tribes in the west also rebelled, mainly in the area north of Xixia. They did not contribute much in this attack, because after the Song Dynasty captured Xixia, these tribes had maintained close contacts with the Song Dynasty.

Many of their tribes are unwilling to send troops.

At this time, the monarch of the Liao Kingdom realized that something was seriously wrong.

But it's too late.


The Song army, which had been shrinking for half a year, was divided into three groups, led by Liu Changzuo, and left Xiongzhou to attack Youzhou.

The Chinese army was led by Wang Shao, who had just been promoted to deputy envoy of the Privy Council, and left Dingzhou to attack Yuzhou.

The left army, under the command of General Zhonge, left Yunzhou and attacked Youzhou.

The Song army had been holding back for three full years, and every one of them was like a tiger emerging from the cage. Except for the Youzhou route, which encountered stubborn resistance from the Liao army, the Song army was really like a deserted land on the other two routes.

However, just as the Central Army arrived at Yuzhou City, the Liao Kingdom suddenly sent a special envoy.

He expressed his willingness to return the sixteen states of Yanyun, but hoped to restore the friendly exchanges between Song and Liao.

The word they used was "return", not cede, which shows how humble the Liao Kingdom is now. I admit that these lands are yours and we occupied them before.

When this news reached the Song Dynasty, the courtiers all firmly opposed it. It was already at this time that you came to sue for peace. It was too late.

Especially the border generals, ten thousand of them don't want to stop the war. They are now competing to see who can regain Youzhou first.

But after some discussions in the court, the Song Dynasty agreed to the Liao Kingdom's request.

The Song Dynasty, which had absolute initiative, became shrewd in handling these complex affairs.

They fully considered that if the Liao Kingdom was completely defeated, what would happen to Goryeo? What about the Jurchens? You know, they are very friendly with the Song Dynasty now, and the Song Army would not be able to fight all the way to the end, no matter how strong the foundation was.

Unable to withstand such losses, the key point is for the Jurchens to control the outside of the Great Wall, which is much easier than the Song Dynasty.

Maybe he was making wedding clothes for someone else.

The reason why the Liao Kingdom is begging for mercy now is mainly because of the fire in the backyard, rather than the complete loss of combat effectiveness. On the Youzhou front line, the Song army is still fighting very hard. If the Liao Kingdom is given a way to survive, he will definitely go back to pacify the Jurchen tribe and attack Goryeo.

The Song Dynasty was able to watch the fire from across the bank and balance the outside of the Great Wall.

The key point is that the purpose of the Song Dynasty's war is to regain Yanyun, and it does not say that it must eliminate the Liao Kingdom. Now the Song Dynasty's strategy is to fight stage by stage, because time is always on the side of the Song Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty does not need to be anxious at all.

But at the same time, the Song Dynasty gave the Liao Kingdom a clear time to withdraw its troops. Don't delay it and say that you cannot force the people of Yanyun to leave with them. It can only be done voluntarily. Otherwise, the Song Dynasty will continue to send troops.

For the Liao Kingdom, it would be uncomfortable if they were not allowed to retreat. Now he had to transfer the main force to the south to fight against the Jurchens and defend his hometown.

After reaching an agreement with the Song Dynasty, the Liao army quickly retreated from the Yanyun area.

The three groups of Song soldiers recaptured the entire Yanyun area without bloodshed, not even a single corner was missing.

At this point, after one hundred and fifty years, the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun finally returned to the embrace of the Central Plains Dynasty.

The officers and soldiers of the border army used twenty fast horses to report the victory to the capital, mainly to tell the people along the way that we had recovered Yanyun.

When the people of Hebei heard this good news, they all burst into tears. When Yan Yun was lost, Hebei was exposed in front of the iron hoof of the Liao Kingdom. The people of Hebei suffered greatly. Not only did they have to bear heavy military expenditures, but even the Yellow River was diverted to defend against the Liao Kingdom.

This resulted in a mess of governance.

Now that Yanyun has been recaptured, they no longer have to worry. The sword hanging above their heads has finally disappeared.

When the good news from the front line reached the capital, the whole country was really celebrating!

The people were running in the streets with tears in their eyes. Whether they knew each other or not, they hugged each other and cried loudly.

Today, Bianjing City is almost flooded with tears.

But they were all tears of joy, and everyone had a smiling face covered with tears.

Even profit-seeking businessmen were infected by this atmosphere and took out some of the existing wine and invited people to drink it for free.

The emperor also announced a general amnesty and reduced the wine tax this year so that you can drink to your heart's content throughout the year.

You must know that when Xixia was wiped out, there was no such movement at all, which shows the significance of the Sixteen States of Yanyun to the Central Plains.


On the city wall.

But I saw a man in a white round-collared robe lying on the wall crying, and behind him stood a man of his age wearing a red robe.

It was Zhao Xu and Zhang Fei.

Zhao Xu originally wanted to visit Youzhou in person, but because the Liao Kingdom directly withdrew from the area instead of conquering it, the control was not so thorough. In the end, Zhao Xu gave up the visit in person under the persuasion of the ministers.

But after hearing the news, he immediately came to the north wall and looked in the direction of Youzhou.

Like the common people, he could not help himself.

One hundred and fifty years of anticipation, one hundred and fifty years of waiting, and one hundred and fifty years of humiliation finally broke out at this moment.

After a while, Zhao Xu stood up, and the eunuch next to him immediately handed over a warm, wet handkerchief.

Zhao Xu took it and wiped away the tears and tear stains on his face, but he couldn't wipe away the red and swollen eyes.

In fact, as early as a year ago, he had a premonition that recapturing Yanyun was close at hand, but until this day, he still could not control his emotions.

After the joy and excitement, Zhao Xu gradually calmed down. He turned back to look at Zhang Fei, "Now I finally understand the meaning of Kang Long's regret."

Zhang Fei just smiled slightly.

Zhao Xu said: "But this also scares me."

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "I can understand."

Zhao Xu said: "Is there a way to prevent this from happening?"

I really watched helplessly as the Liao Kingdom was issuing banknotes indiscriminately. Although they knew about this problem in advance and took strict precautions, it was as if they were unaware of it.

This is caused by human nature, and the overbearing dragon has regrets refers to human nature.

Zhang Fei shook his head and said: "No matter how powerful I am, I can't change human nature."

Zhao Xu said: "Maybe there is, but you dare not say it."

Zhang Fei said: "Your Majesty wants to legislate to limit the monarch's power?"

Zhao Xu asked: "Isn't this a way?"

Zhang Fei said: "To be honest with you, if your Majesty really decides to do this, I will be the first to object."


Zhao Xu asked curiously.

Zhang Fei said: "Because this is against human nature, your Majesty will definitely regret it. This is just your Majesty's impulse and has not been fully considered. Moreover, since your Majesty has the power to legislate to restrict the monarch's power, you may also be able to amend this law in the future. When the time comes,

If there is a conflict, both Your Majesty and the Public Security Bureau will have no choice but to choose one of the two. Therefore, I would rather maintain the status quo and leave room for both parties. Let's maintain the momentum of development first and let's talk about the future.


Zhao Xu was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said: "You always look at problems differently from others."

Zhang Fei said: "Perhaps it is because Your Majesty has given me so much tolerance that I dare to speak out."

Zhao Xu laughed and said, "This is also the main reason why I cherish my friendship with you."

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hand and put it on Zhang Fei's shoulder, "If one day I am deceived by human nature, you must tell me in time."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Definitely."

After that, Zhang Fei followed Zhao Xu back to the palace and had a good drink. When he returned home, it was already the second watch.

"Wow! What's going on?"

When they came to their bedroom, they saw Xu Zhiqian and Gao Wenyin, their eyes were sleepy after drinking, their cheeks were red, and they were still humming and exchanging something.

"Is Zhang San back?"

Xu Zhiqian glanced sideways and said carelessly.

Gao Wenyin seemed to still have a trace of sanity left. She put her hands on the table and was about to get up.

Zhang Fei hurried over, put his arm around her shoulders, and said to Xu Zhiqian, "Yes."

"Come here, have a few drinks with me, I'm happy today." Xu Zhiqian winked at Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei recalled that he had the same virtue when he met Xu Zhiqian on the first day, but he knew that Xu Zhiqian must be very happy today. She has always supported Wang Anshi's reforms, not that she has a high understanding of politics, but

It is she who longs for the country to be prosperous and strong, and who longs to get rid of humiliation.

Recovering Yanyun is undoubtedly the highest proof.

She is definitely happier than anyone else today.

"Today, Zhang San, I will sacrifice my life to accompany my wife and drink."


The next day.

Gao Wenyin opened her eyes drowsily and felt a headache. But when a delicate face came into view, she suddenly woke up.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Zhi...Zhi Qian?


Why is this pillow so hot?

Gao Wenyin glanced up anxiously, and then she realized that she was lying in Zhang Fei's arms. Several scenes flashed through her mind, and she saw her cheeks were flushed.

She raised her head extremely cautiously.


A big hand hugged her tightly, and gently patted her body, which was as round as dough and full of elasticity...

Gao Wenyin's face turned red as blood, but she could only endure it and did not dare to speak out, closing her eyes tightly.

Just as she closed her eyes, Xu Zhiqian quietly opened her left eye, glanced at Gao Wenyin, and saw that her eyes were closed, then she quietly reached out and touched Zhang Fei's waist.

"Zhiqian, are you having a nightmare?"

Zhang Fei asked with a twisted face, but full of love.

This time, the two women couldn't hide it any more and could only open their eyes. Their eyes were full of embarrassment...!

Zhang Fei glanced at the two girls and said with a chuckle: "The first time was a little embarrassing. From now on, it will be once every seven days. Just get used to it!"

"Don't even think about it."

"You think beautifully."

The two women sat up suddenly, and their open collars secretly cast a ray of spring light, which made Zhang Fei's eyes widen. He said with a very serious expression: "At least once a month, and never bargain again."

Before he finished speaking, a pillow was pressed down.


An hour later.

"Love is hard to do, and it's too late. How could I have thought that they wouldn't be able to bear that day..."

Zhang Fei hummed a little tune and came to the front yard. Suddenly he found a somewhat familiar man standing in the hall. He was Fu Bi's grandson. Fu Gushuang said, "Young Master Fu?"

Xu Zundao: "Zhang San, you came at the right time...!"

Before he finished speaking, Fu Zhishuang hurriedly stepped forward and said, "President, my grandpa wants to see you."

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, this rich man wanted to see me, but he still...

Suddenly, he realized something.

When Zhang Fei rushed to Fu Mansion, Fu Bi was lying on the bed, already dying.

In fact, after the Legislative Assembly, Fu Bi had to preside over the Legislative Assembly in name only due to physical reasons, and Sima Guang, who was also the Vice-President of the Legislative Council, presided over the meeting.

When he learned that Zhang Fei was coming, Fu Bi slowly opened his eyes and said, "You guys go down first. I want to have a private chat with the chief judge."


All the children and grandchildren in the hall retreated.

"President, can you come over here?"


Zhang Fei immediately came to the bedside, but he saw that Fu Bi was already as thin as a haggard, with a bloodless face, but the approachable smile at the corner of his mouth had not changed at all, "The president of the court is extremely smart and has seen many people. Do you know why this old man wants to see you?"

This last one."

Zhang Fei opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Fu Bi chuckled twice and said, "Thank you very much, President, for understanding me as a dying person and not making excuses for me."

Zhang Fei smiled guiltily.

Fu Bi added: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask the Chief Justice about a question, but I was worried that it would be inappropriate. Now this time is just right."

Zhang Fei said: "Excuse me, Mr. Fu."

Fu Bi said: "Where is the end of the legal system?"

Zhang Fei was silent for a moment and said: "People."

Fu Bi opened his eyes, "People?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Maybe there is something different from what Fu Gong had in mind."

Fu Bi coughed twice and said excitedly: "How do you say it?"

Zhang Fei said: "The concept of the legal system is to defend the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Who will defend it? Prosecutor General Fan thinks he is the defender, and Mr. Fu may also think he is the defender, including Sima Bachelor and Zhao Xianggong. If so, in the past hundred years, And after that?

In fact, the best defenders are the people themselves. The end of the legal system is to let the people know how to defend their own interests. We are only enlighteners, not defenders. The real defenders are themselves, and only in this way can we Ability to defend one’s own legitimate rights and interests.”

After hearing this, Fu Bi's eyes were filled with relief, and he murmured to himself: "That's it! That's it! Wrong! My guess was all wrong."

After a while, he looked at Zhang Fei again, "Only in this way can the public security system survive forever."

Zhang Fei nodded.

"Thank you, Chief Justice, for telling me all this."

Fu Bi closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

In fact, he was already dead a long time ago. He was just holding on for a breath, waiting to regain Yan Yun. Now he can finally

After Zhang Fei saw him, he couldn't help but admire him: "A gentleman should be like a rich man."

Fu Bi used practical actions to tell Zhang Fei that he would take the secret away.


God is fair, and there must be gains and losses. Half a month after Fu Bi passed away, Zhao Pin also passed away, and two years ago, Han Qi had passed away.

After losing three important ministers one after another, Zhao Xu felt extremely sad and ordered Fu Bi, Zhao Pin and Han Qi to be buried together in Zhaoling, and he also stayed away from court for seven days to express his condolences.


Today, Zhang Fei, Sima Guang, and Wang Anshi came to pay homage to Han Qi, Fu Bi, and Zhao Pin.


Zhang Fei looked at Wang Anshi, Sima Guang and the others in surprise, "Are you two going to serve as officials and return to your hometown?"

Wang Anshi smiled and said: "Are you scared?"

Zhang Fei was startled, "What are you afraid of?"

Sima Guang chuckled: "With the two of us gone, you will have no one to use."

Zhang Fei's expression changed, "Sister Sima, what you said makes me really sad!"

"Stop making excuses."

Wang Anshi said: "Junshi and I talked by candlelight last night, and we couldn't do without you for two hours. You are a little Erbi, but you can control the wind and rain in the court. It is precisely because Junshi and I are in love with each other." If you fight, you, the fisherman, will benefit!"

Zhang Fei said uneasily: "You two held a candlelight conversation last night?"

Wang Anshi nodded.

Sima Guang chuckled and said: "Fortunately, the two of us are stupid and have woken up at this moment. Otherwise, we would have missed such a prosperous age."

Wang Anshi said unhappily: "Jun Shi, what are you doing? Didn't we agree that today we have revenge and revenge?"

Zhang Fei rolled his eyes, "It turns out you two were trying to scare me. I thought you were really going to become officials."

Sima Guang said seriously: "I'm not trying to scare you. We have already submitted our resignations."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Zhang Fei frowned and said: "Why?"

Wang Anshi said: "At this moment, the only thing we can do for the Song Dynasty is to submit this resignation."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "That's it."


After learning that Wang Anshi and Sima Guang had submitted their resignations, Na Wen Yanbo also quickly submitted his resignations.

Zhao Xu was extremely depressed.

I have just achieved such a great achievement and you are about to resign. Are you kidding me?

Not approved!

But the three of them still insisted on serving.

Zhao Xu could only find Zhang Fei and talk about his grievances.

"His Majesty."

Zhang Fei consoled him: "The Song Dynasty needs these three resignation letters."

Zhao Xu frowned and said, "Why?"

Zhang Fei said: "Being upright and upright, setting an example for future generations, this is the real scholar-official, and this is also the secret of being proud and regretful."

Zhao Xu said: "But I still need them."


Zhang Fei shook his head and said, "Your Majesty no longer needs them."

Zhao Xu was surprised and said: "Why did you say that?"

Zhang Fei said: "They only have the Sixteen States of Yanyun in their eyes. Now their long-cherished wish has been fulfilled, but in front of His Majesty are the stars and the sea. If they continue to stay in the court, they will hinder His Majesty's progress."

"The sea of ​​stars?"

Zhao Xu blinked.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Your Majesty will not be satisfied with this. I think at least it must be better than Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty."

Zhao Xu was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Zhang Fei and said: "You kid...!"

Zhang Fei said again: "Actually, I...!"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Xu said: "Don't even think about it. You promised back then that you would advance and retreat with me."



Although Zhang Fei is still very young, he has always considered himself to be of the same generation as Sima Guang and Wang Anshi, because he has been dealing with the two of them. When they retreated, Zhang Fei really felt a little lonely and wanted to retreat bravely.

But this is obviously impossible.

The emperor indeed needed him to balance imperial power and legal power.

After leaving the palace and just getting on the carriage, Li Si suddenly said: "Third brother, Yanei and the others are back."

"Where are you from?" Zhang Fei asked hurriedly.

"It should be at Bai Fun Building."

Li Sidao: "Didn't you say that Fan Dalang is back too?"


As soon as I arrived at Baifanlou, I heard Cao Dongdong's high-pitched voice.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? This is an arrow wound, shot by a Khitan man."

But I saw Cao Dongdong put his foot on the chair and exposed his left arm. A group of people were sitting around him, including young princes and beautiful singing girls.

"This is my world, MD. I was led astray by Lao Wang and others earlier." Zhang Fei walked over excitedly.

Another person said: "I was shot and wounded in the yamen, you have the nerve to show it and tell me."

"Hey! Don't worry!"

Cao Dongdong raised his hand and looked back: "Taozi!"


Taozi immediately came forward and slapped a few golden things on the table.

Everyone took a closer look and said in unison: "Golden Ears."

Cao Dongdong laughed and said: "I fought with my wounds to kill seven Khitan warriors. These were cut off from their heads. In case you don't know, I specially asked people to make golden ears according to their model."

Ma Xiaoyi, who was standing next to him, said: "I can testify for my brother that his arrows were all right."

Cao Dongdong said: "Little Marco can also kill three or four, which is only slightly worse than my brother."

Fu Shichun said with a smile: "You should know the situation at that time, that is, the pony charged in front, and the Yanei shot from behind."

Everyone laughed.

Suddenly I heard someone from behind say: "I have to speak out for the yamen. With thousands of troops, Xiaoma alone can't stop it. The yamen must be brave."

Cao Dongdong looked happy and said haha: "My Daer pen is here, who dares to laugh at me?"

"Third brother!"

Ma Xiaoyi also jumped up.

Zhang Fei patted Ma Xiaoyi on the shoulder and said, "It's as you wished."

Ma Xiaoyi chuckled and said, "But it's just not a good beating."

Of course, he was the only one who thought so. In the minds of others, Zhang Fei was now the sacred chief of the court. When they saw Zhang Fei coming, those young masters left very wisely.

"Zhang San, as soon as you came, everyone left."

Cao Dongdong was a little confused.

Fu Shichun smiled and said: "Zhang San is the president of the court."

"So what?" Cao Dongdong asked curiously.

Zhang Fei laughed and said: "Yes, so what."

After saying that, he sat down and said to Fan Zheng: "Fan Da, I heard that you have also made great contributions."

Fan Zheng just smiled modestly.

In this battle against Liao, he was also transferred to the north and was responsible for logistics matters, because currently the grain and grass needed to be purchased by the WFP, which required Jiekupu.

Zhang Fei asked again: "Have you received the imperial decree?"

Fan Zheng nodded and said, "They say they want me to be the deputy envoy of the Third Department."

Fu Shichun said: "It is unprecedented for a businessman to directly serve as the second-in-command of the Third Division!"

Cao Dongdong blinked, scratched his forehead and asked, "Is it common to be a general in a government office?"

Zhang Fei laughed and said: "Quick, quick, brag about your achievements, no, ahem, tell me about your meritorious deeds."

"Zhang San, it's a pity that you are not here, we three brothers...!"

At this point, Cao Dongdong suddenly paused, "By the way, you still remember Lin Fei."

"Lin Fei?"

Zhang Fei frowned, "Is that Coach Lin who you cheated on?"

"Yes, yes, that's Coach Lin, but what does it mean to be green?"

"Cough, cough, cough, it's not interesting, just keep talking."

"Now he has become my subordinate again. He is the Dingzhou Police Superintendent. This time he will go into battle with us to kill the enemy."


Zhang Fei said happily.

Ma Xiaoyi added: "Third brother, I don't know. After Lin Fei was sent to the northwest, he followed the current deputy privy envoy to fight in Hehuang. He made great contributions and finally atone for his sins. Later, he was promoted to the police chief of Hezhou and followed that

Superintendent Zhong went to Xiliang Prefecture.

After the fall of Xixia, he was transferred to Hebei and was responsible for training the royal police."

Mentioning this Lin Fei, all the past events came to mind again. Zhang Fei smiled happily and said, "He finally got his wish!"

Cao Dongdong took over the conversation again and began to talk about their glorious achievements.

Their return relieved Zhang Fei's sense of loss due to the impending departure of Sima Guang and Wang Anshi.

Brother is still young.


The following year.

With the completion of the handover work, all the prime ministers such as Sima Guang, Wang Anshi, Wen Yanbo and Lu Gongzhu resigned. Even Xu Zun retired from office and retired. No one was greedy for this supreme power.

This also set an example for future generations.

Of course, talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years.

Lu Huiqing got his wish and succeeded Wang Anshi as prime minister. Su Shi was appointed over there, which was also recommended by Sima Guang. He had always worked conscientiously in the Ministry of Punishment. He found that Su Shi's talents should not be limited to the law, and his character

, nor is he suitable to be the president of the court or the chief prosecutor. If he continues to stay in the Public Security Bureau, it will also hinder Su Zhe's promotion. It is impossible for their brothers to serve as the chief prosecutor at the same time. The president of the court must avoid suspicion.

So Sima Guang discussed with Wen Yanbo and recommended Su Shi to be the prime minister.

The feud between Su Shi and Lu Huiqing is well known to everyone, and the court will definitely be more lively in the future.

Cai Yanqing, Yuan Jiang, Zhang Dun and others served as deputy prime ministers.

In the political affairs hall, Wang Anshi's faction has always been stronger.

Xue Xiang also continued to serve as the Third Division Envoy, but Fan Zheng became the Deputy Envoy of the Third Division to prepare for succeeding Xue Xiang in the future. Now, everyone knows that the position of the Third Division Envoy will be the Three Great Jiekupu


This is very necessary, because it can ensure that banknotes are not issued indiscriminately. If banknotes are wasted indiscriminately, their three major warehouse stores will suffer the most losses, and they will definitely keep a close eye on them.

Next, from the west to the north, there are many merchants. Now the power of merchants has grown. If merchants are not given an official position, it is unjustifiable. Merchants must also be included in the ruling group.

However, regarding the judiciary, Sima Guang's faction was still firmly in control.

Su Che finally returned to Beijing and took over Xu Zun's post as the Supreme Prosecutor. The dignitaries in the capital all trembled. After all, when Su Che was in the northwest, whether they were dignitaries or generals, seeing him was like a mouse seeing a cat.

Fan Chunren came back to replace Zhao Pin and serve as the president of the court.

When this pair of old partners meet together, it is really a nightmare for all nobles and relatives!

Cheng Yi succeeded Fu Bi as President of the Legislative Council.

Cai Jing was directly promoted from director of the WFP to minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Qi Hui, Liu Shu, Liu Zhi and others served as presidents of the second-level imperial court to check and balance Zhang Fei.

Although Cai Bian and Shangguan Jun did not return to Beijing, they were all promoted to presidents of various courts.

Wang Shao succeeded Han Jiang as the Privy Envoy.

As for Zhang Fei, who is firmly seated in the highest imperial court, he is actually the emperor's man. This has never changed, but he has cultivated a group of outstanding enemies to limit himself.

A brand new court is rising slowly, it is full of vitality and full of expectations.


Final thoughts!

As you can see, the road to completion of this book seems a bit bumpy. As early as two months ago, I said that the reason why I completed the book was because after that, the Song Dynasty mainly focused on external expansion, and the protagonist had room to play.

There are not many. If the scene focuses on the protagonist, it will appear a bit abrupt, but if the protagonist is not written, it would not be right.

The reason why I wrote these extra chapters is to let everyone understand why I finished the book at that point, and to prove that I was very correct in finishing the book at that point.

The facts tell me that I was wrong.

It seems that everyone thinks it should be written down like this.

Dear readers, Xiaoxi would like to give you a kiss.

Sorry! I was wrong!


I hope everyone can be a little satisfied with this ending.

Many book friends think that I am in a hurry to finish the book to celebrate the New Year. I admit that there are reasons for this, but it is not much. The main reason is that I am too tired.

This book is truly the most tiring I have ever written, both mentally and physically. Just look up the information. When I wrote about Little Idle Man and Little Chef, I just had to take a quick look at it to know what it was about.

But this is not the case with this book. You have to find out the meaning of every word in Song Xingtong. The key is that many of the regulations are obscure and difficult to understand. Even if you understand it, you don’t know what they want to express and why this regulation is

To design it like this is really terrible.

And at the end of the writing, the Chief Justice must give specific precedents, or even give new laws. But copying them all will definitely not work, because many civil laws are actually closely related to productivity. If you copy them all, it may

This is ridiculous, which is why I have emphasized several times in this article that legislation must be based on Confucianism.

At the same time, I did not go into details about this, I just said that the laws enacted by Fu Bi and others were brushed aside anyway. The reason is that I did not dare to write randomly for the sake of the protagonist. There is no good or bad law, only whether it is suitable or not.

Speaking of imperial power, everyone knows that restricting imperial power is definitely good, but in this era, rashly restricting imperial power or giving more power to businessmen may have the opposite effect.

This is the main reason for completing the book, and the Chinese New Year only adds fuel to the flames.

In addition, let me talk about two important issues in this book.

First, there is the heroine.

This is also the controversial point of this book. In fact, I don’t like to explain this, because after writing it, I can’t take back the water I’ve spilled.

So here I will tell you about my original intention of designing the heroine. In fact, I have always designed based on the missing side of the protagonist.

Bai Qiannuo represents love, because Li Qi traveled through time during the wedding night, and the purest love between them is.

Xiao Wuyi represents responsibility, because Han Yi is a non-marriage person. The reason is that he is afraid of taking on this responsibility. He must know how to take on this responsibility in order to grow.

Ling'er represents equality, because in that era, humans became an inferior race.

Kou Chuansha represents careerism, because Guo Dan traveled through time when his career was just beginning, which was a big blow to his careerism.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Ji Shu represents ambition. Originally, Ji Ding would become more ambitious because of Ji Shu, and slowly become a mature emperor, but it was not written in detail.

For Zhang Fei, Xu Zhiqian represents justice and the distinction between good and evil. Because a modern lawyer must put interests first on the basis of the law. But a modern lawyer goes to ancient times and based on the attitude of modern lawyers

Helping rich people fight lawsuits sounds boring. To be honest, those big landowners don't need Zhang Fei.

But Zhang Fei will not suddenly become a chivalrous man who fights against the strong and helps the weak. How to change his mentality? I have considered asking Xu Zun to teach Zhang Fei slowly, but I also think that this

Doesn't make sense.

Doesn't Zhang Fei know what justice is? He does, but it's just different from Xu Zun. He can find 10,000 reasons to refute Xu Zun.

Maybe he is still right, but before the public security system is well established, his kind of justice is actually aiding the evildoers.

Only a woman like Xu Zhiqian, who hates evil as much as she hates it, has a clear distinction between good and evil, insists on justice, is beautiful, and has a good family background, can it be possible to slowly change some of Zhang Fei's thinking habits.

This is the best way I can think of, and it is also my original intention in designing Xu Zhiqian. Some people think that I deliberately create conflicts between the male and female protagonists, which seems a bit cliché, but I really am not trying to make the male protagonist flirt with the female protagonist, but

I hope to use these quarrels to change Zhang Fei's way of thinking.

I swear to God, I have been studying how to write a heroine that pleases readers. I have also read other books. In fact, most of them were scolded. I also have my own opinions on this. You may not agree with them, so let’s share them.

I think there is a very contradictory point between the reader's and the author's perspectives, that is, the reader only assumes the role of the protagonist, but the author must assume the role of every character.

Especially online articles, which often contain millions of words and are updated daily, my way to grasp each character is to first set the personality of each character and keep it in my mind. Whenever I write about this character,

I just look at the matter directly with this character, and usually don't worry about the protagonist, otherwise, the character will become stereotyped.

If this were any other character, there would not be much of a problem. The key is that the heroine is a very special character with a little bit of personality, especially if she makes things difficult for the male protagonist, readers will feel offended and it is often difficult to like them. My experience is that in Japan

For a long time, I first read a magical book. The heroines in it were scolded when they first appeared, but after they were written, every heroine was loved by people and regarded as a classic.

In fact, the little chef and the little idler have a similar situation. The writing is long enough. Even if they didn't like it at first, everyone was still full of love for them when they finished the book. After all, they are already children, and they don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

If readers really don't like it, I can write less, but I won't change the heroine's character easily. If I develop this habit, it will be difficult to control the character.

Of course, in my next book, I will try to write something that satisfies most people.


The second point is that there are two people, one is Ouyang Xiu and the other is Wang Yu. These two characters have ruined many of my manuscripts. I hate them. The main reason is Wang Yu, who is Wang Anshi's son. The reason why I deleted all his manuscripts

I won’t mention the whole person, because I don’t think Wang Yu is that kind of person, but if I want to write about him, I have to write like that, only then will it be interesting.

I designed four lawsuits for Wang Yu, but the result was that Wang Yu would go dark, and even affect Wang Anshi, because I didn't think Wang Anshi would kill his family in a righteous way under the circumstances at that time. He would definitely choose to protect his son.

In the case of party struggle, there is no right or wrong, only winning and losing. Even if Wang Anshi is taking care of the overall situation, he has to protect his son. It is difficult to control this degree. But I think it is right for Wang Anshi to lose his luster because of Wang Yu.

Wang Anshi was unfair because Sima Guang didn't have a similar character, so after a fierce struggle, I chose to give up the entire character.

As for Ouyang Xiu, in fact, Ouyang Xiu is much more interesting than Fu Bi and Han Qi. I really want to write about him, but that was when he was young. Judging from the poems and articles about Ouyang Xiu when he left the capital, his mentality has actually changed, and he is not that

It’s interesting, so I just clicked on the shadow of Ouyang Xiunei when he was young at the back, but if I write about it in detail, it might be weird.


When I was writing The Little Chef, I mentioned that I had to write about Wang Anshi and Sima Guang, because I like this period very much. From Fan Zhongyan to Su Shi, I like every political figure very much.

Because each of them has their own political ideas and beliefs. Even Su Shi and Sima Guang, Wen Yanbo and Fu Bi, Fan Zhongyan and Ouyang Xiu, their political ideas seem to be the same, but in fact there are many contradictions. Even when facing friends,

They will persist, but at the same time they all have merit, even if they are two extremely contradictory views.

In my opinion, the political atmosphere at that time was one of being ahead of its time. In other dynasties, it would be difficult for this kind of situation to happen (this is just my personal opinion), so I am not willing to destroy any of the characters because of their lack of ability.

, that is another matter.

It is a pity that it was completely destroyed by the party struggle, because under the party struggle, there is no right and wrong. It is opposition for the sake of opposition. There is only success or failure. In the past dynasties, whether Wang Anshi or Sima Guang was loyal and who was traitorous, it was always in turn.


Personally, I think that everyone would respect Wang Anshi more if they were not involved, but if they were involved, maybe everyone would be like Sima Guang. Who can take on this responsibility?


Next, let’s talk about the new book. The new book has not yet been decided in detail. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be either the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty or the Wu Zetian period.

If you are righteous, it will be easier.

Writing about Wu Zetian is more demanding, but it is also necessary to write about Wu Zetian's period, because it is so interesting for a woman to become the emperor.

Of course, accidents may also occur, that is, writing a book with other themes. In fact, I have always wanted to write the Fengshen series, but it is a pity that I have written all the history, and some thinking is difficult to change.

Therefore, celebrate the New Year first, then recharge your batteries and exercise. After suffering from lumbar muscle strain last year, think carefully again.

Finally, today happens to be New Year's Eve. Xiaoxi is here to wish you all good health and good luck in the new year. May you have great luck and make a fortune in the Year of the Dragon.

See you in the Year of the Dragon!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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