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Chapter 999 The Third Floor

As soon as Shade finished speaking, not only Miss Theresa, but also the six maids and Miss Violet were frightened. The Witch Emperor stretched out his hand to cover Shade's mouth, and then quickly

He looked at the tower uneasily and made sure there was no other abnormality before lowering his voice and yelling:

"Xia De, don't say such nonsense. Even if you don't believe in this great man, you must fear the gods."

Because gods really exist in this world, and there are real miracles, so people in this world have an innate fear of gods that comes from their hearts, rather than being deceived by crooks and swindlers over the years.

Shade also knew that such words should not be said casually, but he believed that his worries were by no means unreasonable:

"It's better to take this sword with you."

He still hasn't laid down his weapons:

"I don't know what the situation will be in the third trial. I think the god who lives in the tower won't mind me taking this with me."

Miss Violet frowned and looked at Shade:

"Sir, you must promise me that you will never use this weapon at any time."

"What do you think I'm going to do?"

Shade knew that she had misunderstood. The lady probably thought he was a madman:

"Let Miss Teresa take it."

He handed the sword to the tenth-level witch of Serkeses, who looked at the witch emperor with some uneasiness. After seeing the latter nodding, he clenched the sword tightly and said very nervously:

"Mr. Hamilton, I will not give this sword to you again unless necessary."

It seems that she also misunderstood Shade's thoughts.

In short, there was not much time left, and Shade did not have time to explain the reason for his sudden speech. He made a gesture of invitation, and then pushed open the door of the Obsidian Tower.

The six maids in black and white maid dresses subconsciously dodged towards the edge of the safe area. Miss Teresa took a nervous breath to adjust her mood. Only Miss Violet looked normal.

She watched the breeze blowing from the tower, leaving the first mark on Shade's cheek. She watched as the cracks, like the embers of a golden flame, continued to spread throughout Shade's body as he entered the tower, until hem of his clothes.

During the swing, the golden light traces like Mars drifted away.

"It's such a shame that he can't stay."

Miss Violet threw her hat to the maid, pushed Miss Theresa, who was obviously still a little scared, and followed her:

"After all, he is not a man from this time. How far in the future does he come from?"

Based on the experience of the first two times, this time Shade was still walking in the front, Miss Theresa was holding the [Night Watcher] almost against Shade's back, and Miss Violet was walking at the end.

The first floor of the tower is a calm lake surrounded by water vapor. The clear lake surface is as smooth as a mirror under the influence of an unknown light source, but this makes it difficult to imagine whether there is a bottomless abyss under your feet.

The first floor leads to the second floor through invisible stairs that only appear when touched. Fortunately, the positions of these stairs will not change. With my excellent memory, I went up the stairs much faster this time than the last time.

The second floor of the tower is half a river beach and half a stream. The last time Shade threw three papers into the water, the gods "rose" directly from the lake. But this time after reaching the second floor, the stream gurgled and the lakeside

The stones on the river beach are even the same as last time, but there is no staircase leading to the upper level.

"Do we still need to find our own way upstairs?"

Miss Violet asked cautiously. Miss Theresa's face turned a little pale, but this time the gods were still at a higher level, so she did not need additional support at this time.

"Last time we threw something into the stream, the gods appeared. Do we need to do the same this time?"

Shade guessed, rummaging through the toys in his pocket as he spoke. This time he prepared a lot of books in advance before setting off, and finally found a book called "The Art of Mathematics," which was written in the Sixth Age of Steam.

An introductory textbook on mathematics.

I squatted by the stream and carefully put the book into the running water. The cold and clear stream soaked my fingers, but the thick printed mathematics textbook did not sink into the water.

Shade stood up and stepped back quickly, watching the book float to the distance of the stream with the two ladies. Although the second floor of the tower was much larger than it looked from the outside, there was still a limit after all. The book floated to the end of the stream.

At the same time, some ripples appeared on the surface of the crystal clear stream. The slender stream of water swallowed up the book, and then the water flow seemed to be connected by a brush, floating upward from the stream, accurately outlining the water flow ladder in the air, extending to

Places that cannot be seen from high altitude:

"it is as expected."

Shade breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself that the gods and angels related to the ancient god [Secret Master] seemed to like such fairy tale-like plots.

Time was running out, and he was about to take the lead in walking into the stream to explore the path, but a hand behind him held his shoulder.

Turning her head, Miss Violet's dark golden eyes were looking at him:

"There's no time to chat next, so I want to ask you now: After this test is over, you won't come back again, right?"

Miss Teresa wearing glasses on the side opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Shade nodded:

"Yes, Miss Violet, Miss Theresa, nice to meet you."

"Although I had expected this to happen, it is really disappointing. This is the first time since I was promoted to the thirteenth level that I saw my favorite treasure slipping away from my hands."

The Witch Emperor said with regret, and then reached out her hand to touch Shade's face unceremoniously. After Shade ducked sideways but failed, she removed her hand:

"If I have time, I really want to taste you. This is not just because you are a man that the witch can touch. I am interested in your soul and body at the same time. You have this honor."

Looking at Sha De with his beautiful eyes, Sha De didn't know what to say. The character of the Witch Emperors was indeed as he expected.

Miss Teresa blushed and pulled Miss Violet's sleeve, but the latter didn't care:

"Schulz, Schulz, you have to say what you want, especially for a thirteenth-level witch like me. There is no need to hide your thoughts. It will only make me ridiculous."

She is still educating her distant niece, and it seems that the relationship between the two parties is also very good:

"He doesn't have much time. After accompanying us to see the gods this time, I'm afraid he won't have time to go back and chat outside the tower. Schulz, do you have anything to say? You can treat this as farewell."

The witch wearing glasses looked at Shade hesitantly, her face slightly red:

"Thank you for your help. I hope you never forget us."

Miss Violet smiled and shook her head:

"Let's go, Shade, and face the final test. Although the next step is to say goodbye forever, I will remember you."

It didn't look like she was joking. When she said goodbye, there was no regret on her face, only melancholy:

"Yes, I will definitely remember you."

The two high-level witches also had the ability to walk on water. Under the leadership of Shade, a group of three people crossed the stream and walked up the stairs constructed by the stream. After walking quickly up 23 steps, the clouds covering the sky suddenly dispersed.

It opened, revealing the door at the end of the stream stairs.


It was a water curtain door, very similar to the door Shade saw when he took Professor Drake to visit the Lady of the Lake for the last time.

However, this time, the silk-like water curtain was lifted open with hands. After reaching the third floor, the third floor of the tower was not an unimaginable magical environment.

Behind the door is a calm lake, and in the center of the lake is an island the size of Shade's bedroom. The sky is covered with gray fog, making the distance between the sky and the water look particularly close. The natural light source is still dim, and it doesn't look like day or night.

Alternately, the light is like the haze weather that often occurs in Tobesk City. It is low and dark, making people's mood subconsciously become heavy.

"Is it the island in the middle of the lake again?"

The gods, angels and relics related to the [Secret Keeper] all like scenes like the island in the middle of the lake. And the familiar scene once again made Shade weigh the possibility of "defeat me" in the third trial.

The area of ​​the island in the center of the lake is very small, and the area of ​​this gloomy lake is not large. The island in the center of the lake is not far from the water curtain door, and because the area of ​​the island is very small, Xia De can see the whole thing at a glance


The island is not bare. Green grass covers the ground. In the center of the island stands a small wooden house. A chicken pen and a vegetable garden are enclosed by fences on the side of the wooden house. Behind the wooden house, there is a towering tree of unknown species with a crown.

The area covers most of the island. Considering the small area of ​​the island, the wooden house itself only covers an area the size of Shade's cloakroom, which is about the same as the cabin where a ranger or hunter temporarily lives in the forest.

Shade walked in the front, and Miss Violet supported Miss Theresa and walked behind. When the three of them landed on the island from the direction facing the wooden house door, it looked like the door could be opened by little Mia.

The wooden door was pushed open, and the god with a soft light all over his body walked out.

The image of the god is still the lady with blond hair and black eyes. She is wearing a scholar's robe that is not gorgeous and a pointed hat. Only the glasses look a little special. The lens on the left is in the shape of a five-pointed star, and the lens on the right is in the shape of a five-pointed star.

The lenses are in the shape of an equilateral triangle.

In this dark and depressing environment, the soft light of the gods is very relaxing, at least Shade thinks so. But the appearance of the gods means that their existence itself begins to spontaneously affect the environment. Theresa behind him

At this time, the young lady has put all her weight on Miss Violet. Although the thirteenth-level witch is not feeling well, she can barely hold on.

She just felt that her distant niece was so troublesome and that young girls were always immature.

This chapter has been completed!
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