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Chapter 1008 'For Delrayon'

"Yes, we get a lot of precipitation here in winter and summer, especially in winter."

Dorothy said, Princess Margaret was observing the street scene with interest, while Dorothy was observing Princess Margaret:

"Miss Mary, is winter in Willondale any different from here?"

Princess Margaret also remembered that her companion was a female writer, so she tried to make her answer more elegant:

"The winter in Willendale is completely different from that in Torbesk. It's not the difference between cold and cold, it's more like..."

Shade, who was walking in front, listened to the conversation between the two ladies and wanted to laugh but was afraid to.

The two literary young women continued to talk about the winter scenery of Tobesk, and Dorothy would occasionally mention the story of Shad's detective story she had recorded. As they approached their destination, the "Cameron Wool Textile Factory," Shad

De also participated in the topic and mentioned that not all of the commissions he participated in were related to mysterious events.

"At least this time, I think it's just an ordinary case. I don't know which liar would dare to do such a thing in the capital of Delarion."

Shade said this. The three of them watched the carriages passing by in a hurry at the intersection. Opposite the T-intersection was the wool textile factory surrounded by a wall. At the bottom of the wall, there were thick steam pipes that passed through holes and entered the yard. The chimneys in the wall pointed toward

The sky shrouded in gray fog spewed black smoke, and the smell of burning in the air became even more severe.

From the fence gate of the factory, we can see that porters wearing short clothes that are inappropriate for the season are pushing wheelbarrows to transport goods. I don't know how many female workers are still working hard in the factory further away.

"Only when you see the steam factory do you feel that there is actually no difference between Tobesk and Willondale."

Princess Margaret said in a low voice, and then her attention was attracted by two children running by the street. They were not children from the slums near the factory, but a pair of twins who were looked after by three male servants. They were well dressed.

With their coats and hair neatly styled, they passed by the door of the steam factory, but the beggar huddled against the wall just glanced at them, then lowered his head and remained motionless.

"After all, they are all from the same era."

Dorothy said, and then glanced at Shade. The foreigner's eyes looked at the black smoke and the sky shrouded in gray fog. Whenever he saw similar scenery, he felt that this world was really real.


Fortunately, Mr. Jimmy Cameron was indeed in the factory. This kind of private factory is generally not allowed to enter, but Shade still has some reputation in the city. After handing out his business card, someone quickly came with three people.

People entered the white building on the east side of the factory.

When I met Mr. Jimmy Cameron, he was sitting at a table in a sunny room, seemingly settling accounts. But if you look carefully, the book he put down in his hand was clearly "The Lady in Boots" by Knight.


"Are you Detective Hamilton?"

After the four people sat down, Mr. Cameron ordered his servant to prepare tea. He was not interested in the two ladies following Shade. Instead, he reached out to shake hands with Shade enthusiastically:

"I've heard your name a long time ago. Do you have any business with me? Is it a female worker in the factory who is related to the case you want to investigate?"

Like his brother, he seems to be a detective fan:

"Let me guess, is there a serial murder case in the city, and my female worker here unfortunately became the victim? Or maybe Ridwich Field commissioned you to help investigate the recent theft case, and ended up finding me here?"

This plump gentleman is wearing a dark brown coat. Compared with his well-maintained brother, Mr. Jimmy Cameron’s hair volume is really worrying. Since the two are brothers, so the volume of hair

The difference must be related to work and rest.

【As long as the girl stays at home overnight, your schedule will not be normal either.】

"I'm not an ordinary person, and witches can cast spells."

Shade responded in his heart, let go of Mr. Cameron's hand, and shook his head with a smile:

"No, no, it's not that important."

The servant opened the door and served tea to the four people. Although this was a steam factory, Mr. Jimmy Cameron and the manager sometimes met business partners in this small white building, so they had specially prepared tea.


"This lady is Miss Dorothy Louisa, and this lady is her assistant Mary. They want to investigate something with me today, and they may record our conversation later. This matter concerns you."

"It doesn't matter, you can record it. But, what does it have to do with me?"

Mr. Cameron grabbed a handful of his dangerous hair and showed an embarrassed expression:

"I want to state in advance that I am not evading taxes. The lawyer introduced by my brother said that it is a legal tax avoidance method and not an illegal act."

Dorothy took out a pen and paper, but did not write down this paragraph. Princess Margaret sat next to the blonde girl, with a faint smile on her face. As she listened, she looked around the room. Although the walls were a little yellow, but

The wooden floors on the ground are very clean. Mr. Jimmy Cameron still looks very tasteful. Although the furniture is all old goods, the brown leather sofa and the dark brown wooden coffee table match well.

"No, no, although taxation and death are inevitable, I am not responsible for checking taxes."

Shade immediately shook his head:

"That's right, I've been investigating a magical box recently."

He looked at Mr. Cameron, who showed an expression of realization:

"Victor's box?"

Shadd didn't know the name and Sir Cameron just called it "the box" this morning:

"Do you really believe it can replicate coins and banknotes?"

In order to prevent the two people from talking about the same thing, Shade asked the question directly. Mr. Jimmy Cameron pursed his lips and leaned back on the sofa, holding his hands together:

"Although my brother, Baron Cameron, often says that I am uneducated, I still have basic common sense, otherwise this factory would have closed down long ago."

He hesitated and said:

"When I first heard about Victor Box, I didn't believe it either."

Dorothy subconsciously picked up a pen and wanted to record it, but thinking that Princess Margaret was her assistant, she did not do it herself. Princess Margaret only realized her job after the conversation started.

"But later I believed it. It can indeed print banknotes. I have tried it myself. I have tested coins and banknotes, and they can be copied. And I have had someone check them, and those coins are also real.


Jimmy Cameron looks uneasy, but it's not because he realizes he may have been duped:

"This shouldn't be considered private printing of Kingdom banknotes, right?"

"It doesn't count."

Shade shook his head:

"My client has also been deceived. He wants me to investigate who is manufacturing and selling this kind of box. I am basically certain that this is a scam, so it is not private printing of banknotes. How many gold pounds did you spend to buy that box?

The so-called magic box.”

Mr. Cameron thought for a moment:

"100 pounds."

“How much money have been ‘copied’ so far?”

"21 pounds."

"Except for the first copied banknote, are the serial numbers of subsequent copied banknotes consistent with the copy itself?"


Mr. Cameron said, the expression on his face meant that he did not realize there was any problem at all. This made Shade frown slightly, because the factory owner did not seem to be a simple intellectually disabled person:

"Then have you ever thought that if that box is just a complicated and exquisite machine box, the coins and banknotes you take out are just stored in the mezzanine in advance? Once all the banknotes in the mezzanine fall out, it will be an ordinary


Mr. Cameron shook his head:

"No, the gentleman who sold me the box promised that if the box fails, I can go to him at any time."

"Excuse me, the other party is..."

"No, no, I can't tell the identity of that gentleman. He told me that this kind of business can only be done by a few people and cannot be told to more people."

Because this was Shade's investigation, Dorothy and Princess Margaret did not interrupt. But after hearing this sentence, the girls were basically certain that this was a fraud case.

“Why can’t too many people do it?”

Shade asked reluctantly. Mr. Cameron held his hands together and tried to remember:

"He said that if too many copies of the box are sold, a large number of banknotes will be copied in a short period of time. When the total amount of goods on the market remains unchanged, too many currencies that are not linked to the kingdom's gold reserves will appear.

, will lead to more currencies benchmarking against the same total amount of goods, leading to abnormal price increases, and in severe cases may even cause an economic crisis."

He nodded seriously:

"So we can't let others know about this wonderful machine at will. For the sake of Delrayon's financial stability, we must definitely keep this secret. Yes, everything is for Delrayon!"

Shade felt that Dorothy beside him seemed to be unable to control her expression. Princess Margaret lowered her head to write, making it difficult for people to see her expression clearly.

"At least the financial and economic knowledge is somewhat correct."

Shade briefly commented and then suggested:

"I wonder if I have the honor to take a look at the Victor box in your hand?"

"Of course, but the box is not ready for use yet. Detective, I'm afraid you won't be able to solve its mystery."

Mr. Cameron said, and got up to get the box himself. The box was in the safe in the corner of the room.

The gear safe with a small steam engine inside requires two rotations of the gear code, one push of the piston code, and the most important round key to open it.

The so-called "Victor Box" kept in such an exquisite safe is actually made of wood. The box is generally rectangular, the size of two ordinary people's hands. There is not much decoration on the outside of the mahogany box, just some

The wood grain is carved into strange patterns of unknown meaning.

Although there is a lock on the box, Mr. Cameron did not lock it with a lock. After placing the box on the table, the three of Shade were all attracted to it. After receiving Mr. Cameron's permission,

, they checked the boxes separately.

The inside of the box is polished very smooth, and it is easy to compare that the volume inside the box is much smaller than the volume of the box itself. Even the most stupid person can guess that there must be a mezzanine inside.


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