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Chapter 1,010 Miss Writers Words

Mr. Jimmy Cameron just told Shade that the person who sold him the box was not a friend Shade had imagined he knew from the pub, nor was he Mr. Cameron's Rhodes playing buddies. Touting "

The man from "Victor Box" had a respectable background like him, running a spice shop in the West End of Tobesk.

Even though the discovery of the New World enriched the spice market, spices were still expensive luxuries for this era. Mr. Crum, who ran a spice shop, although the scale of the shop was much smaller than Mr. Cameron's steam factory,

Because he has connections in the New World and has special access to spices, the spice merchant is actually richer than Mr. Cameron.

According to Mr. Cameron's description, Mr. Crump was a relatively honest businessman who disliked Rhodes cards, smoking and drinking. In the autumn, the two met at a small gathering of shopkeepers in the West End of Tobesk.

During the chat, the spice merchant revealed that he owned an amazing box, which led to the subsequent transaction.

The spice shop was in the northwest of the city. After leaving the hotel, the three of them took a carriage to their destination. On the way, Shade also asked Dorothy and Princess Margaret to prepare for battle, as something might not happen soon.


"Detective, do you often encounter such dangers in the commissions you accept?"

asked the Southern Princess, who was sitting opposite Shade with Dorothy, becoming more and more curious about the detective's life.

Shade shook his head while sorting out the casting materials:

"As I said just now, most of the commissions I take on are small matters, such as finding a cat. My uncle, Detective Sparrow Hamilton, is a detective who specializes in investigating extramarital affairs and infidelity."

"Then what is the most dangerous commission you have accepted?"

Margaret asked curiously. Upon hearing this question, Dorothy also looked at Shade curiously. Shade thought for a moment:

"A baron friend of mine invited me to play cards somewhere and asked me to help him defeat his opponent. But what happened... I don't want to recall it anymore."

This refers to Baron Lavender inviting Shade to Lakeview Manor, which was Shade's first encounter with the evil god.

The wheels crushed the snow on the ground, passed through the snow-covered city, and raced through the streets and alleys. The further you go to the north of the city, the fewer steam factories there are and the more large slums there are. And the purpose of the three people

"Krum's Spice Shop" is located at the junction of the slums in the north of the city and the factory area in the west of the city.

Of course, nobility would not patronize this kind of spice shop, but factory owners and the wealthy middle class in the west of the city liked to use relatively cheap spices to highlight their status.

When Shade pushed open the door of the store and heard the crisp sound of the wind chimes hanging at the door, it was eleven o'clock on Sunday morning, very close to lunch time. Maybe he could go to have lunch after the investigation.

Aromatherapy was lit inside the spice shop, and the smells of various strange spices were mixed together, creating a smell that made Shade feel nauseous and make him want to vomit, but the two girls were very adaptable to this smell.

The spices are not sold directly in baskets, but in specially customized glass jars and listed on the shelves along the wall. There were quite a few customers in the store on Sunday morning, but they were not seen here.

The owner of the store, Shade, asked the two girls to take a look around. He walked around the store and confirmed that no traces of elements were found before he took the initiative to talk to the young apprentice.

Of course, Shade would not reveal his identity as a detective. He just explained that he wanted to purchase a large amount of goods from here for a special purpose, so he wanted to know when the owner of the store would come back.

The young apprentice, who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, was not as cunning as a foreigner. He unsuspectingly told Mr. Shadkrum to go to the warehouse to take inventory and not come back until the afternoon.

Immediately afterwards, Shade left the spice store and wandered around other nearby shops along the street. Finally, he found a corner store that sold old clothes, old bedding, and could also play cotton, and found out the location of a large warehouse nearby.

"Although I used eyeshadow to disguise my face, I don't know what will happen next, so I can't leave too deep an impression on the apprentice. Spices are not storable goods, and the warehouse must be in a nearby neighborhood, so go to other places

Just ask the merchant for the location of the warehouse."

Shade explained the motivation of his behavior to Princess Margaret, and the princess showed a surprised expression.

The three of them were walking down the street together, and Dorothy said to the side:

"When you went to the second-hand shop just now, I inquired about Mr. Crump's past behavior in the bookstore next to the spice shop. He lived on the second floor of the shop. Although he was a bit stingy in the eyes of the neighbors, he never interacted with others.

When people have conflicts, their temperaments are relatively peaceful and they don't behave abnormally."

"I read stories in detective stories that the more normal a person behaves, the more likely they are a criminal. And ring magicians usually disguise themselves with seemingly normal behaviors in their daily lives."

Princess Margaret said immediately, and Shade shook his head:

"Let's not make any preconceived stance before meeting that gentleman. Besides, that spice merchant doesn't look like a magician."

Ten minutes later, they walked through the alleys of the slums - it would be very dangerous if it were not done during the day, and arrived at the warehouse only one street away from the spice store. Most of the warehouses in the west of the city are spread out in a row, Krum

The husband only rented the smallest warehouse. The old man who guarded the warehouse yard originally did not agree with the three of them going in directly to look for someone, but when Shade found the two shillings he had dropped on the ground, the old guard allowed them to enter.

But they can only stay for a maximum of twenty minutes.

Of course, two shillings can solve the problem, which is also related to the fact that Shade's companions are two beautiful ladies. Even if Shade is really a thief who dares to steal during the day, there is no reason to take two ladies who are of extraordinary origin at first sight to steal.


When I saw Mr. Krum, the spice merchant was directing the workers to move goods from the warehouse. They wanted to temporarily move the empty boxes out of the warehouse and rent them out. The merchants would not let the items in their hands pile up in the warehouse to waste.


"Looking for me?"

After looking at the clothes of Shade and the others, the spice merchant wearing black leather boots took off his hat and asked doubtfully. He looked like he was in his forties, his skin was a little dark, but his eyes were very shrewd:

"I wonder what's going on? Do you want to discuss business?"

It's okay to use the excuse of talking about business to fool a young apprentice, but it's a bit inappropriate to use it at this time.

"No, no, we are not talking about business. I have other things that I would like to ask for your help with."

Shade said with a smile, reaching out his hand to shake Mr. Klum's hand.

【Ordinary people.】

"That's right. Do you know Mr. Jimmy Cameron?"

Shade asked, and he also took off his hat. The style made the spice merchant confirm that the handsome young man in front of him was definitely of extraordinary origin:

"We know each other, we have met several times."

"I'm also a friend of Mr. Jimmy Cameron. That's right. I heard about the Victor Box from him. It's really a magical box."

Shade praised, and Mr. Krum nodded in agreement, motioning for several people to come aside to talk:

"Yes, my wife originally thought I was deceived. But it has been a month since I bought the box, and the accumulated banknotes have already exceeded the principal amount of the box. It is really a magical technology, but I

Didn’t you tell Jimmy that you can’t tell others at will?”

He looked at Shade inquiringly, and Dorothy could no longer laugh at this moment. If such boxes were really scattered in large numbers, it might really have a huge impact on Delarian's currency and prices.

"I didn't ask Mr. Cameron, he told me on his own initiative."

Shade still kept a smile on his face:

"Actually I...we met at a banquet. Do you know about Princess Margaret's visit to Tobesk? My uncle knows the envoys in the delegation and can introduce the South to Mr. Cameron.

sales channels.”

The princess behind her definitely didn't know that Shade didn't lie at this time, at least not about his "uncle".

The spice merchant showed a clear look, understanding that Jimmy Cameron told the secret in order to climb up to the nobility:

"In this case, you came to me because..."

"I also want to have a box like that."

Shade made himself look appropriately embarrassed, and then introduced:

"These two ladies, one is a distant relative of the royal family, and the other is from Cavendish. They are both ladies of noble birth, and we both want to own such a magical box. So, Mr. Cameron introduced us

I'm looking for you, I wonder if you can introduce me to the merchant who sells that box?"

The spice merchant was obviously hesitant:

"Mr. Fannie allowed me to introduce friends to him, but he didn't let me do it casually..."


Dorothy smiled and said in a very gentle voice:

"I think we are all people we can trust. Even if you don't know our job, our address, or even our name, don't you know our gender?"

The voice was so convincing that the spice merchant nodded immediately:

"Yes, I already know your gender. This is quite a private matter."

Princess Margaret looked sideways at "Dorothy", somewhat suspecting that the writer often used this method to collect writing materials.

"Isn't this enough? I think this is enough for you to fully understand us, trust us, and tell us the address of Mr. Fannie."

The spice merchant opened his mouth, but still hesitated, so Shade added:

"I can also tell you a secret about us. I like beautiful girls."

Mr. Krum was startled, but this time he nodded without any hesitation:

"Since you told me all this secret, yes, I can tell you the address."

Princess Margaret had a sullen face, wanting to laugh but knowing not to laugh out loud.

"Can you tell us about him?"

Dorothy asked softly. Mr. Klum had completely trusted her because what she said made sense:

"Mr. Victor Fannie is the maker of that magical box. He is a very kind man, and he not only makes money for himself, but also allows us to make money. He stipulates that everyone can only buy one box, but if we can

If we introduce business to him, he can give us a commission. I introduced Jimmy to him and earned a commission of 10 pounds."

Dorothy glanced at Shade, who nodded:

"So where does the other person live? Or does he have his own factory?"

"Mr. Fannie is a craftsman. He is not a local, but a native of the Eastern Islands. After arriving in Tobesk, he rented a hotel and assembled the magical boxes in the hotel every day. Only occasionally would he come to the hotel.

Take a walk outside, he has a very craftsman’s spirit.”

Shade, who was very sensitive to this phrase, curled his lips, and Dorothy continued to ask:

"Then the address of the hotel is..."

"Tobesk North District, Anthem Square, Three Cats Hotel. Mr. Fannie usually doesn't meet strangers. He will only meet you if you say that I recommended him here."

"The Three Cats Hotel again?"

Shade sighed softly in his heart, but the Three Cats Hotel is indeed the most famous hotel in the north of the city, otherwise it would not be one of the merchants qualified to sponsor the Rhodes Contest during the period of the big city players.


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