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Chapter 1012 News of the Chosen One

After returning to the second floor, Shade walked straight towards the woman wearing a brown headscarf, the headscarf and scarf almost integrated into one. There was a stack of fortune-telling cards on the woman's table, and there was still half a glass of beer in the glass.

There is also a pencil, a black-covered notebook and a string of smooth small stones threaded through.

She looks like a common fortune teller who makes a living by divination. Few people in the tavern will take the initiative to talk to this kind of lady, because if they are not careful, they will sit opposite her and listen to nonsense sentences and hand over their own.

Money. In particular, this lady looks to be very old. Although her face is not visible, her clothing style reflects that she is definitely not younger than 40 years old.

Shade sat across from her. The lady who was counting cards with her head lowered raised her head and saw Shade's face before shaking her head and looking at the cards again.

"Luvia, what are you doing here?"

Shade asked softly, took out a shilling from his pocket and handed it to her. Luvia's hair turned black, her eyes turned green, and she wore strange makeup and shook her head:

"Sir, it's two shillings for a divination. One shilling isn't even enough to pay for my drink this afternoon."

"Madam, drinking too much is not only harmful to your health, but it will also make the divination results you give look more like nonsense than they seem."

Hearing Shade's words, the waitress passing by with a tray couldn't help but smile.

Shade took out another coin and pushed it over:

"Are you also after the Victor Box?"

"What box?"

Luvia, who was wearing a turban, took away Shade's money, stuffed the coins into the folded corner of her clothes, gathered the divination cards into her hand and started shuffling them:

"Detective, you didn't read at home in the snowy weather, and you didn't go to other cities, but you came here because of the commission?"

She knew Shade's daily schedule very well. As she spoke, she placed the divination card deck in the lower right corner of the table, and then divided them into a stack of 5 cards and placed them in the center of the table.

"Yes, a commission, but it involves extraordinary power, so I'm not sure what will happen. Luvia, what are you doing here? Do you need my help?"

Shade asked while watching her cut the cards.

"It's not necessary for the moment. I'm confirming the identity of the chosen one. I gained something in my dream a few days ago, so I'm here to try my luck. If you don't show up, I will leave in about half an hour."

Most of the dreams of skilled fortune tellers predict the future, so it is very common for fortune tellers to act according to the guidance of dreams.

"The Chosen One?"

Shade raised his eyebrows, but did not turn around and scan around. In every corner of the city that he didn't know, Luvia never stopped looking for the chosen one:

"Let me stay and help you. The chosen ones must all be ring magicians. At least I can be sure who will be suspicious."

"Okay, I won't delay your business. If there is no result in half an hour at most, I will give up. After all, dreams are too illusory. I have often had some strange dreams recently."

Luvia hesitated for a moment, and the action of cutting cards in her hand stopped, but soon returned to normal:

"Many things have changed, but they have not changed. I claim to follow the poem of destiny, but maybe I will find out in the end that all I have done is just walking in the same circle repeatedly."

"What are you talking about? Are diviners always so sentimental?"

Shade asked with a smile. The girl wearing a headscarf also smiled and motioned to Shade to choose a card and turn it over:

"Speaking of which, your recent divination has indeed been accurate. The 'game' you drew at the Oracle Association on Wednesday night simply refers to what happened that night."

He turned over one card at random, and the card showed "Angry".

"Cards that represent emotions."

Shade sighed and put the cards back. Luvia put the divination cards back together without saying anything.

"I'll go down and talk to my companions. They might be worried if they wait too long."

"Who did Dorothy come with you? The pretty maid?"

Luvia asked while sorting the cards.

"It's not Tifa, it's Princess Margaret."

"Detective, your methods are really clever."

Luvia teased, and then said in a hoarse voice:

"Sir, I cannot predict your fate. Your fate seems to be shrouded in a layer of mist."

Shade watched her performance with a smile, but he didn't expect Luvia to reach out and take out a 1 pound coin from the corner of his clothes and hand it to him.

"I only paid two shillings. Even if I get a refund, it won't be that much."

Shade reminded.

"Sir, I think you may be possessed by a demon."

Luvia held back her smile:

"So, one day in the near future, I will go to your home to help you expel demons. This will probably last until late at night. This is the deposit for you."

Shade didn't ask why the fortune teller had to pay for "Expelling Demons" for him. He smiled and stretched out his hand, and Luvia put the coin into his hand, and even rubbed it with the pad of her index finger.

Shade's palm.

After accepting Luvia's "deposit", Shade got up and returned downstairs, telling Dorothy and Princess Margaret that he might stay upstairs for about half an hour before coming back. The two girls were fine.

Opinions, they have many topics in common, especially Dorothy's tricking Princess Margaret intentionally or unintentionally, which makes Shade unsure whether it is Dorothy or Lesia who is here now.

After returning to the second floor, Luvia was talking to the waiter and ordered two more glasses of juice. After Shade sat down, she started shuffling and cutting the cards again. It seemed that she wanted to continue divination for Shade to prevent the two of them.

Sitting there will arouse suspicion.

Although Shade's perception is very powerful, his perception does not allow him to directly determine who among the people on the entire floor is a ring warlock. Before he came to the second floor, Luvia just stared at someone for a long time.

To determine the target, some people who came to the Three Cats Hotel from other stairs or earlier than her will definitely be missed.

But that doesn't matter, Luvia herself is here to try her luck. The reason why she is still sitting here with interest is purely because Shade is sitting opposite her.

At 3:20 in the afternoon, that is, ten minutes after Shade sat down on the second floor again, a lady wearing a black dress with a black top and a red dress walked up from the stairs, followed by a man in a straight blue and black formal suit.

The blond middle-aged gentleman and lady held a small silver book under her arm, glanced at the second floor, and then walked to the left side of the stairs. There were more empty tables in that area.

"Miss Paavo?"

Although she was disguised, Shade still recognized her at a glance. In order to prevent being discovered, he immediately turned his head slightly and looked to the other side. According to "her" observation, Miss Pavo and her companions were not looking at each other.

Stay on him.

In a low voice, she informed Luvia about the person she saw. The girl who was shuffling the cards countless times frowned slightly:

"I observed her last time and confirmed that she was not the chosen one, at least not the first candidate."

He said softly, looking at the lady who was sitting down and greeting the waiter with his peripheral vision, and shook his head again after half a minute:

"No, she is indeed not."

"Where are her companions?"


"It's a coincidence that I met people from the Truth Society here. Are they planning some conspiracy?"

Shade whispered, Luvia thought for a moment:

"Miss Paavo is different from other lunatics in the [Truth Society]. She is very calm. She deliberately avoided ordinary people when she caused trouble in the city. There are so many people in the Three Cats Hotel now, she will not cause trouble. I miss her.

He must have made an appointment with someone important and is waiting to meet."

"That makes sense. I'm curious about who she wants to see. But people like her who believe in numbers are usually very punctual. She won't arrive too early or too late. We should be there soon.

You can see who the [Truth Society] is meeting again."

Shade said softly that neither he nor Luvia had any intention of reporting Miss Paavo. Since the other party boldly chose to appear in such a public place, it was impossible not to be prepared for a sneak attack by the Orthodox Church.

Just as Shade thought, Miss Pavo and her companions had just ordered drinks when another ring warlock appeared from the stairs. This time it was two men. Shade was too far away to judge the level, and the new one appeared.

Shade didn't know either of them.

One of them was tall and actually wore a single coat in the snowy winter. The other was tall but thin. He looked ordinary, but he had a cyan tattoo on his right eye.

Shade didn't say anything, but just pointed in that direction. Luvia watched the latter and Miss Pavo sit together, watched carefully for half a minute, and then shook her head again:

"Not them either."

"Do you know them?"

Shade asked:

"Maybe it's another cultist hired by the Society of Truth."

"I haven't seen him either. He's not a local. He looks like someone from the Pantanal area. Maybe he's the voodoo sect you mentioned."

Luvia replied softly, people in this world who are good at observing and summarizing can distinguish the appearance differences of races in different regions based on their life experience, but outsiders who have only been in this world for half a year do not have this ability:

"Voodoo society? What are they doing here? I heard in Huntington City that they are preparing to do something big. A talking mouse overheard some news. They are looking for the arrow in my hand for a hundred years.

things that happened to me.”

"It's really strange. Generally speaking, Voodoo people don't leave the Pantanal. I've never heard of them being hired to come to Tobesk."

"Maybe it's because the [Truth Society] gave too much."

Shade was joking.

Luvia also looked away from the group of people, and while writing down the results of the card divination in her notebook, she asked with a smile:

"I heard you say a few days ago that because you failed to shoot the arrow in Huntington, you felt like your cat was crawling all over you. Did you spend the night at Dorothy's place afterwards?

"Why do you put these two things together? No, Dorothy has been feeling unwell lately."

"In other words, after what happened last Tuesday, it's just you and your cat at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square these days."

Luvia picked up the wine glass on the side with her right hand. Shade recalled it and nodded:

"Yes, by the way, Mia now"

"It's not legally yours now."

Luvia waved her hand to interrupt him, and said with a long smile:

"It's so pitiful, detective. He has three lovers and is rumored to be with the Grand Duchess, but he has to spend a long night by himself."

This chapter has been completed!
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