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Chapter 1021 The Third Test of the Secret Keeper

At some point, a gurgling sound came from beneath the lake that was originally frozen. Along with this sound, whispering elements quickly spread along the ice surface toward the entire lake.

The two witches ignored the "little joke" just now and stood directly in front of Shade. Dark clouds came from nowhere and blocked three rounds of the moon. When everything was dark, the ice surface broke.

The lake water below was black. And in the lake water that seemed to have turned into ink, a short figure that blended into the black shadow and whose specific appearance was completely unclear appeared on the lake surface:

"very interesting."

Although the voice is hoarse, you can still tell that it is the voice of an eleven or twelve-year-old boy. However, even though it is a child, it exudes full malice, and even that voice can make people feel instinctive discomfort.


"I didn't expect to see two great witches at the same time in the modern era when the Fifth Age is far away."

It hummed:

"I know what you want from me. You women are always like this. You just get what you want, never caring about other people's opinions."

It seems to have a deep grudge against the witches:

"However, I am very interested in the malicious jokes of the witches. Since you have found and pleased me, I will naturally give you a test: Now, there is a malicious thing lurking in this city. Yes, the Third Age

Evil spirits and demons, don’t tell me you don’t even know this.”

None of the three said anything.

"Find it, defeat it. Defeat in any way is allowed, even playing cards. After completing the test, any one of you will tell a joke to a glass of water, and I will appear."

After saying that, he went straight into the lake, seemingly not wanting to talk to the witches.

Then the dark clouds covering the moon in the sky dispersed, and the whispering elements and ink gradually shrank toward the center of the lake until they disappeared. There were broken ice floating on the lake, which meant that the boy just now was not an illusion.


Miss Carina looked at Shade, who immediately nodded:

"No problem, leave this matter to me. There will be a result before the end of this week...I promise."

Perhaps because there were two witches following, this matter went extremely smoothly. The three of them then left Regent's Park and returned to the carriage. Miss Carina was going back to the manor outside the city, and Miss Sylvia was going back to take care of Mag.

Princess Rite, so the carriage took Shade back to Saint Teresa Square first.

After the carriage stopped in front of the door of No. 6, Miss Carina, who was sitting on the side of Shade, kissed Shade's side face and said goodbye to him softly. Then she glanced at Miss Sylvia.

I haven’t forgotten the little “joke” in Regent’s Park just now.

So, a slightly leisurely Tuesday passed like this. Early the next morning, Shade came to the Prophet's Association with little Mia in his arms, and once again made an appointment with Luvia alone on the grounds of divining "cats".

He is already a regular visitor to the Seer Association, and everyone here knows him. Even when they see Shad coming with a cat, the receptionists at the front desk will take out the divination registration form in advance and fill it out for him to sign.

other parts of.

More than half a week has passed since Shade signed the [Origin Knowledge] contract. During this period, the Prophet Association has used various means and unofficial channels to "leak" which card Shade will get.

News. As for the reason, of course it was not that Shade exchanged the gems given by the Duchess for a Rhodes card, but to thank Shade for his contribution to the Prophet Association.

No one knows the specific content of his "contribution", but there are many theories about it. In short, Shade has already received congratulations from people at the Prophet's Association this morning.

Most of the guests who would appear at the Prophet's Association so early were veteran Rhodes players who could play cards for a day in the association, and they were naturally well-informed. Shade even met Lu, whom he met while playing cards at the Lakeview Manor banquet.

Mr. Watts-Bersson is a middle-aged gentleman in his thirties who married the forty-five-year-old Baron Liana Pompeii.

The two chatted for a while, and Mr. Belsson did not hide his envy of Shade. He enthusiastically invited Shade to go to the Prophet's Association or the Rhodes Club to play with people after he obtained [Origin Knowledge].

After two rounds of poker, no local poker player would refuse such an opportunity.

The weather is not bad today. The fog in the morning is surprisingly thin, and the sun can shine on the floor of the fortune-telling room.

When Shade and Luvia pushed the door open and entered the room, Shade, who was holding the cat, yawned. Luvia closed the door holding her crystal ball and asked with a smile:

"Didn't you get a good rest last night?"

"Yes, I don't go to bed until three o'clock."

The purple-eyed girl counted the time;

"You didn't read until three o'clock, did you? Even if you have to take the skipping exam, with your progress, it shouldn't be so hard."

"No, no, the only time I touched a pen last night was around nine o'clock. It took me half an hour to finish writing the commission report I received on Monday."

"What did you do after that?"

Luvia continued to ask, and Shade opened his mouth. The soft bed in the dark bedroom, the long, messy golden hair, and the gentle girl flashed before his eyes.

"Dorothy was at your place last night?"

Luvia immediately understood Shade's expression and asked teasingly.

"Yes, she has been staying at my place for the past half to a week because of demonic matters."

Luvia raised her eyebrows:

"Devils? Those evil spirits from the Third Age?"

"That was what happened after I separated from you at the Three Cats Hotel on Monday. It was originally a very simple entrustment, but now there are some problems, so I came to you specially. Sit down and talk slowly. This is even related to 'keeping secrets'

Man's trials are relevant."

The whole thing is not long, but because it involves demons and witches, Shade explains it in detail.

During Shade's narration, Luvia kept frowning and nodded gently after he finished speaking:

"Although I don't know why you are so confident in 'fighting the devil', since you have made a promise, I won't ask any more questions."

She grabbed Shade's hand which was caressing little Mia:

"If you need help from me or Iluna, you must tell us. The evil spirits of the Third Age, even if they are injured and weak, are definitely not a joke."

"Don't worry, this is the only thing I'm very confident about."

This confidence comes from the past when the doctor easily defeated the Balrog in the Sikar Mountains in the autumn.

Luvia was still a little worried, but she didn’t say anything more:

"If you can really complete this test within this week, then you and Iluna will have a total of 3 pyroxenes. Professors from the three major colleges have entered the city, and I think the peaceful days are coming to an end. Chapter 1

The story of the four chosen ones has entered the second half of the chapter, and chaos is about to arise here again."

"Now we still have to see what attitude Sir Prisha has."

Shade nodded:

"Today is Wednesday, the fourth day of the Sleeping Moon. Within ten days, I will try to find out what happened to Sir Prisha. Next weekend or next week, we will launch the final actions for the Chosen One Ceremony. In the past,

Experience tells me that at the end of the Chosen Ceremony, something big will happen. I don’t want any ancient evil objects or level 0 relics to appear in Tobesk.”

"Balance has attracted evil gods, darkness has caused the Coldwater Harbor tsunami and the darkness of Tobesk, and death has reversed life and death and given birth to the undead. I don't know what this knowledge and wisdom will lead to."

Luvia seemed a little lazy. After sighing slightly, she mentioned another thing:

"You and Dorothy, please be safe. Also...I had a strange dream recently."

"What dream?"

"The dream was very confusing. I only remember some details. The sky was dim yellow and black, like an overturned oil painting palette. There were fires burning around, and half of Miss Pavo's body was petrified. Yes, that was that person.

Vice president of [Truth Society].”

Purple eyes stared at the crystal ball, showing a worried look:

"She was sitting and lying in the center of the fire, leaning against a big stone. Her left arm was gone, and half of her face was covered in blood. She gave me the angelic relic [Smallville Code]. It was not just a handover.

It was in my hands, but the ownership was completely transferred. She seemed to want to tell me more things, but she died before she finished speaking. The last sentence was to bless me, but the memory in the dream was blurred, and I couldn’t remember her.

What did you tell me..."

She looked up at Shade:

"That picture was very real. It was a strange dream. I originally thought it was a precognitive dream about the chosen ones of [Knowledge and Wisdom], but the scene in the dream seemed to happen in a very distant future. I don't know, this

Does it foreshadow anything?"

Shade did not express his opinion, but had more speculations in his mind. Luvia's eyes looked at the air in front of her, and the scene in the dream still did not leave her mind.

After saying goodbye to Luvia, Shade sent the completed commission report to Sir Cameron. Today is Wednesday, and Sir Cameron is checking the accounts at his cigarette factory - everyone needs to check the accounts at the end of the year. He is quite

Shade was surprised that he found the murderer in such a short time. In his report, Shade only mentioned the spice merchant and the real owner of the box who once lived in the Three Cats Hotel, but has now left and cannot be found.

This can be regarded as the completion of the commission. Although the degree of completion is not high, after Dorothy helped polish it last night, the more than ten pages of the report looked very presentable. At least Sir Cameron liked it after reading it.

Never stop talking.

Especially when he heard that the female writer Dorothy Louisa had been following Shade in her investigation and would most likely write a story about the box, Sir Cameron was even happier.

He even wanted to invite Shade to lunch and talk more about the box.

But Shade had already promised Dorothy to go home and have dinner together, so he claimed that he had other things to do and shied away from Sir Cameron's kindness.


ps: The third part of the title refers to the tests related to Shade and others, such as "finding the invisible person" and "completing the dice story collection", which are related to them.

God's tests are three and have been completed.

There are four "Lady of the Lake" tests, and the last one is left to explore the reason why the angels stayed.

Five wise man pyroxenes are required, which means five are required for the secret keeper test.


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