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Chapter 1036: Night Visit to the Concert Hall

It was Sunday noon when I received the letter from the doctor. The doctor had already locked onto the devil’s whereabouts and decided to launch an operation tonight. This time the devil did not go to the banquet. He was hiding in the east of the city as Victor Panni.

The "Royal Festival Hall".

The doctor's plan is simple and consists of three steps: sneak into the concert hall, find the demon, and defeat it.

There are other possibilities for the simple plan. The devil has noticed that someone in the local area wants to hunt it. It doesn't know what the doctor is, but since it didn't escape the city overnight, there must be other tricks, so the doctor asked Xia

Be prepared for battle. You may encounter other situations tonight.

"Royal Festival Hall?"

I heard that Shade was going to the concert hall to hunt demons tonight. The writer, who was rosy and in good spirits, frowned slightly:

"Lesia and Princess Margaret are also attending the concert there tonight."

"Is it such a coincidence?"

This was somewhat beyond Shade's expectations, but the two things should not be related. The devil hiding in the concert hall was a helpless move forced by the doctor, and the princesses' appointment to go to the concert hall was an itinerary decided only yesterday.

Although the main force in hunting demons is a doctor, Shade will not relax his vigilance because of this. He has prepared sufficient casting materials for himself and brought all the relics that may be useful with him.

After doing this, he left the cat and Dorothy at home after dinner. He took the [Night Watchman] and set off alone in a carriage, and found Dr. Schneider who had arrived earlier at the "Green Grass Tavern" in the east of Tobesk.

The "Grass Tavern" is a regular operating pub located on Rodriguez Street, only 500 meters away from the Royal Festival Hall. It is famous for its special grass-flavored beer. Of course, after Dr. Schneider ordered a glass, he felt that the beer tasted quite good.

It's strange, and I think the reputation here is all exaggerated.

On winter nights, once night falls, there will be many people in the tavern, and no one notices Shade and the doctor sitting by the wall.

There were newspapers, notebooks, Rhodes cards and wine glasses on the table between the two of them, and a violin case containing the "Night Watch" was placed on the chair beside them. Everything looked normal.

The violin case was also left behind by the former detective, and Shade doubted that the other detective had bought the case just to hold the violin.

"I can feel that guy is in the concert hall."

Dr. Schneider lowered his voice:

"I bought the architectural design of the concert hall from the black market. We will enter through the sewer in a while. Now it is"

"Seven minutes, thirteen minutes and twenty-one seconds."

Shade helps the doctor set the time on his pocket watch.

"Yes, the next concert starts at eight o'clock sharp. We left the pub at half past seven and sneaked in while the tickets were being checked at the opening. We entered the concert hall through the sewer at eight o'clock. If the plan goes well, we can be there within an hour.

come out."

The doctor handed Shade a small cloth bag, which contained various charms. In addition to the basic silencing charms, there were also auxiliary illusions, invisibility, smell elimination, and light suppressing charms.

As a student of the Mechanical College, the doctor is the best at alchemy among the five. In his opinion, the biggest problem tonight is not whether he can defeat the demon, but whether he can hide it and not be discovered.

"I made several backup plans."

The doctor showed Shade his notebook again:

"Even if something goes wrong with the plan, we have a way to remedy it."

Shade nodded:

"If that's the case, I don't know if you have any preparation for the current situation. Two high-level warlocks have entered here now."

He looked at the doctor and shook his wine glass in the direction of the door.

Dr. Schneider glanced at the door, then his expression changed, and he lowered his head to look at the newspaper on the table, as if he was interested in the obituary on the left half:

"It's really strange that old Barkindo died. He was clearly on the eve of leaving office."

The doctor said in a pretentious manner, after confirming that the two gentlemen in black coats who entered the door did not come towards this direction, he carefully told Shade:

"I don't know the other one. The taller one is a professor at the St. Byrons Mechanical College. I have taken his elective course "Precious Metal Refining". But what does the professor from the college do in Tobesk?

?Is it also for [Wise Man’s Pyroxene]?”

Shade also encountered this kind of encounter with the college professor in the tavern in Coldwater Port. Then he broke into the Aurora mansion and encountered [Desire] in the secret room behind the damp chapel.

"Professors don't come here just for a drink, right?"

Shade said, not even looking at them like the doctor. High-level warlocks have very keen senses.

"It's hard to say, but it has nothing to do with us."

The doctor emphasized to Shade:

"Our target tonight is only that devil, don't worry about other things."

After speaking, he stood up:

"But to be on the safe side, let's go outside for a walk now. It's no longer safe here."

Although walking on the street on a winter night was not a good idea, the doctor was obviously afraid that staying in the tavern would cause other trouble.

In short, the doctor took Shade to avoid the professors at the college and walked around the winter streets for twenty minutes, which could be considered a familiarity with the terrain.

Seeing that it was almost time, he took Shade to the alley outside the Green Grass Tavern on Rodriguez Street. In the middle of the alley, he found an iron door that was almost integrated with the ground. The door was buried under a pile of abandoned objects.

Under the steam pipe, the doctor used his mind to move the entire pipe to the right. Only then did Shade see that the door was close to the wall. Judging from the degree of rust, no one had opened it for at least three years.

"The entrance to the sewer is maintained, but due to the renovation of the city's underground pipelines, in order to prevent direct contact between biogas and gas pipes, this section of the sewer has been abandoned."

As the doctor explained, he knelt down, took out a small copper key and inserted it into the keyhole on the side of the door. After twisting hard, the key broke directly in the keyhole.

"It's okay, it's expected."

The doctor laughed dryly, looked left and right at both ends of the dark alley, whispered a curse, and then slammed his right hand on the ground. With a muffled sound, the rusty iron door on the ground was bounced open.

, revealing the dark passage below.

The doctor climbed down the ladder first, followed by Shade, who did not forget to close the open iron door again.

Compared with the cold ground, the sewers that smelled disgusting actually seemed moist and warm. Although the smell was bearable, Shade was still glad that he didn't eat much tonight.

"This way!"

Dr. Schneider, who was the first to reach the bottom of the ladder, took out two candle ends from his pocket, lit the candle ends, and let them float around him.

He checked his current location and checked whether there were other "visitors" in the sewer. After confirming that there was no problem, he waved to Shade, and the two of them walked toward the depths of darkness:

"Doctor, you should have prepared a deodorizing method, right?"

Shade also didn't forget to ask, with the smells the two of them were currently carrying, once they appeared in the concert hall, people might be able to smell them two corridors apart.

The dim yellow light of the candle illuminated the way forward. In the dirty and narrow sewers, rats and cockroaches walked with them. Although they often encountered accidents when working with doctors, it was probably because those "accidents" also hated the smell of sewers, so they

Soon we arrived at the bottom of the concert hall smoothly.

This section of abandoned sewer was originally connected to the warehouse of the concert hall, but the exit was blocked many years ago. After checking the building map of the concert hall, the doctor found another way, that is, from the position closest to the ground, directly

Make a hole upward:

"right here."

The candle flew upwards, pointing to the location confirmed by the doctor. Shade did not need to take action next. As a six-ring warlock, Dr. Schneider still had the ability to melt stone walls.

He stretched out his hand upward, and then a ball of high-heat fire like magma appeared in his hand. The fireball continued upward, like a hot knife cutting through the snow, quickly melting the rock wall above his head. Shade recognized

This is the flame of the Balrog. After the doctor swallows the demon, he can gain the power of the demon in this way.

The hole was quickly opened, and overhead was the spare parts warehouse on the first floor of the concert hall. It would not be opened during the performance, so there was no light in the room.

So the two of them officially entered the concert hall smoothly. The doctor gave Shade a brown leaf. After wiping the leaf on his clothes twice, the stench that had just come on disappeared.

"It's not an alchemy tool, it's the leaves of a special plant."

As if he guessed what Shade was thinking, the doctor explained, and then gave Shade a white mask, which only exposed the eyes and mouth:

"This is an alchemy tool."

He put an identical mask on his face, and as the mask "melted", the doctor's appearance changed into another person. Shade then did the same, and after the mask melted on his face, he felt like

My face was covered with a layer of water film.

"Even the devil can't easily see through this disguise. It's very expensive, so we must make good use of this opportunity. Follow the plan and follow me."

After getting ready, the doctor leaned on the door to make sure that no one was in the corridor for the time being, so he opened the door a crack. When the middle-aged psychiatrist with blue eyes walked from the darkness to the light, the squirming black mucus

Wrap his shirt and add a brand new piece of clothing to him.

Shade followed suit wearing the clothes he had just changed, stepping on the red carpet on the ground and looking towards the corridor which was empty but brightly illuminated by the gas lamp.

This means that the two of them have officially entered the concert hall, and it also means that Shade once again followed Dr. Schneider and broke into other people's houses without permission.

This chapter has been completed!
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