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Chapter 1,057 True Love

Withdrawing the gun, the lady in a brown coat led Shade to the empty room on the second floor.

There was no furniture in the room except for a small bench and a brazier burning charcoal. A kettle, a metal basin, blood-stained bandages, and women's clothes were scattered on the floor. Although the indoor temperature had increased a bit, it was still very cold.

Shade, who had not yet turned off the [Echo of Blood] effect, saw a large amount of blood in the copper-colored basin nearby. She must have been treating her own wounds just now.

In front of the small bench, Miss Brown tried her best to sit down with her body tilted, and held down her left leg:

"I was taking out a bullet for myself just now, and the amount of bleeding was a bit beyond my expectation. I haven't done this kind of thing for so many years, so I'm a little rusty."

"Your uncle was taken away by MI6."

Shade sat directly on the floor and stretched out his hands to make a gesture of warming himself by the fire.

"It doesn't matter. My uncle has a lot of connections in the local area, and he really has nothing to do with this matter. He doesn't know what secrets I have."

Miss Brown looked at the brazier in front of her with a disappointed expression.

"Who found you at noon?"

Shade asked again and added:

"I didn't report you."

"Of course it's not you, sir, otherwise there wouldn't be only one person who came to see me at noon."

She picked up the tea cup and moistened her somewhat white lips:

"Before I left Tobesk eight years ago, my handler who was responsible for contacting me discovered me. The news that His Highness was attacked by a bomb last week caused MI6 to release as many spies as possible, so

He saw me... so unlucky."

She lowered her head and said dryly. Shade didn't know how to evaluate this kind of luck:

"I have sent your letter. This is my reply."

Instead of asking this woman whose hope in life was completely shattered how she felt at this time, she handed over the letter:

"It's not easy to find you."

"It's really not easy for you to find me."

As she spoke, Miss Brown put down her teacup, opened the envelope, and held a corner of the letter to read the contents.

After she read it, she folded the letter again without saying a word and threw it into the brazier. Seeing the letter being licked by the flames and glowing brightly, she seemed to be in a trance and fell into some kind of hallucination.


It took a long time before he said in a hoarse voice:

"I didn't expect that His Highness would forgive me so easily. Of course, I also didn't expect that such a noble lady would scold me in such a tone. Your Highness has grown up too."

"After all, that happened eight years ago. So what if I don't forgive you? Let me kill you? Or bring you in front of her and then denounce you as a hateful woman?"

Having said this, Shade also laughed, thinking of the scene where the elegant princess with long blond hair cursed, it was indeed very funny:

"I have delivered the letter, and there is nothing to do with me here. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else your location. I wish you luck, madam."

"Please wait a moment."

As expected, she called out to Shade and looked at him hesitantly.

"You don't want me to tell Princess Margaret about you and then ask her to help you escape, do you?"

Shade asked, and Miss Brown shook her head:

"Your Highness does not hold me accountable for my disloyalty, which is something I can't even imagine. How can I still have face... Sir, are you willing to accept my commission?"

She took out a letter from the inside of her coat:

"Send me a letter, don't worry, it's not to someone who can help me, but to my fiancé... No matter what, I want to say goodbye to him."

Shade did not pick up the letter. He stood in front of the brazier and looked condescendingly into her eyes:

"You should know that MI6 should have found him by now."

"No, I thought that my affairs would be exposed one day, so except for my uncle, no one knew where he lived, and I never talked to my neighbors about his workplace. I rarely communicate with my neighbors.

I know who I really am."

Miss Brown also looked up at Shade:

"No matter how fast MI6 is, it will take at least this evening to find him. Before that, give him this letter... With this letter, MI6 knows that he is not involved.

I won’t embarrass him in my secret identity... I hope that’s the case.”

Shade chuckled:

"Then why should I help you? After all, we have no friendship. Or do you think I am easily moved by you?"

Shade did appreciate the other party's sincere feelings, but in order to maintain his character setting of "emotionless princess agent", he could not agree directly. It was easy for him to run errands, but he needed the other party to give him a suitable reason.

Miss Brown pursed her lips:

"I can give you money."

Shade smiled:


Then he took the letter and opened the folded letter in front of Miss Brown to make sure there was no suspicious content:

"How much?"

"...20, no, I mean how about 50 pounds?"

She looked at Shade with some embarrassment:

"I don't have much savings either. After I faked my death and escaped, most of the money I had was used to pay for tuition and rent safe houses...House prices in Tobesk are really too expensive."

"If you just send a letter, 30 pounds is enough. If I take more of your money, I owe you a favor. I am loyal to His Highness and will not owe favors easily."

Shade said, folding the letter and stuffing it into his pocket:

"I won't ask for the deposit, but don't think about running away, otherwise I can find you even if you run to the New World."

"I can't run anywhere like this."

Miss Brown laughed at herself and said that when Shade walked out, she heard "her" laughter:

【You are not suitable to play this kind of person.】

"Of course, but it's good to experience it once in a while...how did I perform?"

"She" whispered softly in Shade's ear:

【It’s really bad.】

Miss Brown's fiancé, Mr. Feringa, was born into a local civilian family. When he was ten years old, his mother contracted the plague and died. When he was thirteen, his father came home late from home and was robbed and stabbed to death in an alley. Although this sounds tragic,

But it is not unimaginable in this era.

Fortunately, Mr. Ferlinga had no relatives, so he was able to get the entire inheritance. With this inheritance, his own efforts and the dividends of the times, he successfully graduated as a machinist and currently works at a steam factory in the west of the city.


When Shade found this gentleman, it was close to four o'clock on this Wednesday afternoon. This gentleman, who still didn't know what had happened, was in his narrow office, holding a tea cup, looking at the drawings, and from time to time he used a pencil to draw something on the drawings.


When Shade entered the room politely, Mr. Ferlinga thought Shade was from the factory.

"Something happened to your fiancée."

Shade broke this gentleman's leisurely afternoon with a short sentence, and the content of the letter destroyed his vision of life:

"Where is Bella now?"

The middle-aged man, who looked a little plain but had a very well-proportioned figure, finished reading the letter. He held the letter and asked Xiang Shade. His eyes widened and he seemed to be short of breath. His eye color was brown, the same as Miss Brown.

"I can't say it. And even if I say it, what can you do? Sir, with your size, you can take at most three bullets and die. No, maybe only two. MI6 agents,

His marksmanship is generally good."

Shade laughed, and Mr. Feringa immediately said:

"Although her identity is difficult to accept, I still want to marry her.

We can leave here together and go to the New World, or to the southernmost part of Kasenlik, or even to live on an isolated island overseas. We had originally planned to leave Tobesk, our luggage had been packed, and my savings had already been withdrawn

, are all left at home by me. As long as she is willing to go with me, we can say goodbye to everything in the past at any time."

He stood up and looked at Shade almost pleadingly:

"Sir, please, tell me, where is she? She is my true love, my only relative in this world. I don't care who she was, as long as she still loves me..."

He wanted to hold Shade's hand, but Shade dodged it.

[Do you think his performance at this time is true or false? 】

"She" asked softly in Shade's ear.

"You should know my judgment"

Shade responded in his mind, looked Mr. Brown up and down, and added before the other party begged again:

"I won't help you directly, after all, the risk is too great for me.

MI6 should find you soon, so you go home immediately, then take the money and convenient luggage and hide for the time being. I can go and tell Miss Brown your decision, and if she is willing to leave with you, I will

Come back to you; if she doesn't want to, if you don't see me before ten o'clock tonight, you can go to the police and surrender yourself; if you are arrested by the police before I come back, then it means that your love is not

Not blessed by Lady Luck.”

Mr. Brown immediately nodded in surprise:

"When I assisted in repairing the steam pipes of the sewers a few years ago, I got the drawings of the Tobesk sewers and knew where it would be safer to hide."

He told Shade where he planned to hide, which was the sewer in the core city of Tobesk, so that no matter where Shade was looking for him from any direction in the city, he would be able to find him as soon as possible:

"Sir, I don't know how to thank you."

He took Shade's hand and shook it vigorously.

"Just take the money."

Shade, who feels very short of money recently, said, Mr. Ferlinga was stunned for a moment, and then he also smiled:

"No problem, I have some savings over the years. I will go home immediately to pick up my luggage. May the [Father of Peace] bless us. I don't want to hurt anyone, and I don't want anyone to be hurt. I just hope to leave with her.

, completely forget anything from the past.”

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