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Chapter 1,071 The Sick Duchess

"He has a very faint smell of the devil. It seems that in addition to the night when the princess was attacked, we witnessed Sir Prisya talking to the devil, he was indeed on the top floor of the concert hall and also met Fannie. But I can

For sure, that knight has not accepted the power of the devil. At most, he has only had contact with the devil. Even the devil with the desire to proliferate cannot seduce him into corruption, so what are you worried about? He is a very determined person."

The doctor asked with a smile, and then prepared to say goodbye and leave. Shade opened the door to send the doctor out, but the doctor added before walking down the steps:

"Of course, there are other possibilities."

"What's the possibility?"

"Even the devil can't satisfy his desire for knowledge, so he chooses to ignore the deal proposed by the devil. He wants more, he longs for more."

Shade nodded slowly, thoughtfully in his heart.

Nothing else happened on this Monday. In the evening, Princess Margaret's servant sent an invitation to Shade, formally inviting him to attend the dinner at Canary Manor tomorrow night.

News has been published in the newspapers. As long as there is no blizzard, the Kasenlik delegation will leave Tobesk City by steam train at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, and then transfer to a steam airship to return to Kasenlik.

Huntingdon in the United Kingdom, and then take a train back to Willendale, the royal capital.

Margaret Anjou's trip to Tobesk is finally over.

Shade invited Luvia as his female companion. The purple-eyed girl planned to come to Shade's house in the afternoon. So on Tuesday morning, Shade planned to pack his luggage at home.

Luvia determined that the location where the Chosen Ceremony was held was not Tobesk, but most likely the Pantanal region. Since she didn’t know the specific time when the ceremony was held, after Sir Prisha left with the visiting group, Xia

Virtue must be ready to go at any time, and it will definitely be too late to pack things by then.

But changes always happened faster than planned. At eight o'clock in the morning, Tifa appeared downstairs at Shade's house, and then took Shade, who was holding the cat, to the manor outside the city.

When I met Miss Carina in the study room on the third floor, Miss Sylvia was talking to her with a smile. On the coffee table was the book "The Secret of Agelessness". Miss Carina had been studying it recently, even though

Even a witch would worry about her appearance aging.

"Good morning, Shade."

The young witch said hello first, and Miss Carina also smiled and motioned for Shade to sit down and talk:

"I saw the note you left for me on Sunday. Is there anything you want to ask me? Oh, and I won't be attending the banquet tonight. I wish you a good time."

"Is there anything else going on tonight? The secret keeper shows up again?"

Shade asked in surprise.

"Of course not, it's because I'm sick."

The red-haired duchess motioned to Shade to touch her forehead. After Shade actually reached out and touched her forehead, Miss Carina showed a satisfied smile:

"I got cold when it snowed a few days ago, so I have to stay in bed and rest. It will probably take until the end of the year to get better."

Shade retracted his hand and looked at her suspiciously. Not to mention the possibility of catching a cold with the physical fitness of an eleventh-level witch, even if it is really a cold, a very ordinary potion can cure it. This kind of magic medicine can be cured.

Shade knows how to prepare medicine himself. Even if magic medicine can't cure it, he bought one some time ago and now wears the [Epidemic Doctor's Ring] on little Mia's tail.

"I will not see guests while I am ill, and my daily affairs will be handled by my personal female officer, Tifa."

Miss Carina took the black-haired maid's hand and said:

"Servit, I leave everything to you."

Normally, she wouldn't call her maid this.

"Yes, miss."

Tifa said with a smile.

"So what's going on?"

Shade then asked Miss Sylvia on the side, who chuckled:

"Miss Carina plans to go to Kasenlik with me as part of the delegation. But given her status, it would be strange not to appear in public for a long time, so she plans to stay sick and rest in bed for a while. Shade, you can

Taking time to come here to visit Miss Carina occasionally will make it more real."

"That's a good idea."

Miss Carina nodded and glanced at Tifa, a little worried that something would happen if they met alone while she was away.

"Going to the Kingdom of Kasenlik?"

Shade raised his eyebrows.

"The Speaker confirmed that the ceremony was not in Tobesk, but further south, but now the chosen one is indeed still in Tobesk City. So, the group of delegation that is about to leave seems particularly suspicious.


The Duchess said:

"There are two male ring sorcerers in the visiting group. In addition to Lykins Prisha, there is also a bodyguard hired by the accompanying nobles, who only has two rings."

She hummed:

"Of course, they are definitely not the only ring warlocks who have left this city and spent the winter in the south recently. Although I am not sure that the chosen ones will definitely be these two, Sylvia and I are together. Once a new situation arises, she can

Use the power of space to rush to the scene of the accident with me faster. The Speaker also agrees with our plan, and now Xiwei is also rushing to Huntington City. If we are lucky, three great witches will be involved in this incident."

"How did the parliament arrange to deal with the chosen one this time? The fragment of the psalm has pointed out that he is male."

Shade asked again.

"If you try to fight against fate, you will only be played by fate. The emergence of the chosen ones is something that will inevitably happen in the sixth era. Moreover, from Sister Devlin of the [Spiritual Order], we know that there are still chosen ones.

candidate. Even if a man is killed, we are not sure what gender the second candidate is and which force he belongs to, so the parliament requires us to just observe and not take action yet."

Miss Carina smiled and said to Shade:

"But I know that no matter where the last ceremony is held, you will appear inexplicably, just like the previous three times, right?"

Miss Sylvia raised her eyebrows, Tifa smiled on her face, and Shade sat relaxed on the sofa:

"Then Miss Carina, let's meet in Huntington City. The climate there is better than Tobesk... Speaking of which, if I have the chance, I would also like to try it and take a steam float.

Airship, what does it feel like?"

After talking about the chosen ones, Shade asked them a question while the two witches were here today:

"There is indeed something going on here on the weekend. Ladies, do you know Miss Chloe who lived around 903 in the Fifth Age? She was also a witch and once visited a snow mountain."

"Is this the witch you met in the past?"

Miss Carina smiled, recalled it, and shook her head:

"The data from the early Fifth Age is too badly lost, and based on just the name, not even the surname, it's hard for us to know who you are talking about."

"Not tall, with long silver-white hair, red eyes, very beautiful..."

Seeing the unhappy faces of the two witches, Tifa immediately coughed and gave Shade a hint. Shade hurriedly added:

"Of course, it's not as good as you. Oh, Miss Chloe is an official member of the Parliament."

It is inevitable that she can leave a witch reverberation.

"Members of Parliament?"

Miss Carina glanced at Miss Sylvia, and both of them fell into thinking:

"No more biographical information?"


Shade shook his head slightly.

"At least I can't think of any corresponding characters."

The Duchess said regretfully, so Shade looked at Miss Sylvia again, who thought for a while before shaking her head slightly:

"I don't remember either... How about I take you to find it yourself?"


Shade was puzzled, and Miss Carina stood up:

"There is information about previous great witches in the parliament, but of course, it is incomplete. Although theoretically, only the Speaker is qualified to read that information, the Speaker of this generation has opened his qualifications to us, and we can check those less important ones.

Content. It’s ten o’clock in the morning on Tuesday, everyone is busy, and there is probably no one in the parliament... I’ll go in and take a look first to make sure no one comes out to call you again.”

The witch's song is the first key to opening the parliament. In the gentlest song, you enter the long and narrow ancient corridor. After entering the white fog door at the end, the real key to opening the parliament is the witch's jewelry.

Among the four witches that Shade has come into contact with so far, Miss Carina owns the [Ancient Witch's Gold Necklace] among the thirteen sage-level relics, while Miss Sylvie Avora's owns the [Ancient Witch's Gold Ring].

·First from right], Granny Xena Cassandra’s is [Ancient Witch’s Gold Button], and Miss Emma Sylvia whom I met this time has [Ancient Witch’s Gold Ring·Second from left]


That ring is very similar to Miss Aurora's ring, except that the texture on the surface and the runes around the ring are different.

After opening the door of the parliament with the help of the witch's jewelry, there was indeed no one inside. The empty stone round table was located in the circular space at the bottom, surrounded by dilapidated steps leading up to the heights shrouded in terrifying darkness.

The white light source, which came from unknown sources, only illuminated the round table and a small area around it.

Behind each white stone armchair at the round table, there is a symbol representing the witch's seat. Miss Carina is "balance", Miss Aurora is "light", Granny Cassandra is "darkness", and West

Miss Sylvia is "space".

If you don't count the dark steps hidden in the darkness, the parliament area can be almost seen at a glance, and there is no place where data can be stored.

"Should we go up the surrounding stairs?"

But before Shade raised his question, Miss Carina took her necklace, came to the back of the chair corresponding to the [Moon] seat, and raised her jewelry to the steps behind the chair.

While the gold necklace emitted a soft light, the originally hard stone steps rippled like a phantom, and soon a square hole was revealed, allowing one to continue walking inside.

【There is a hidden wall in front.】

"She" smiled and whispered in Shade's ear. This scene was indeed very much like Shade opening the hidden space beneath his home.

"Emma, ​​Shade, come with me."

Miss Carina waved and walked in first. The square hole was as high as one and a half shades. After walking in with the two witches, the internal passage was also very spacious.


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