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Chapter 1,075 Story in the Snow

Shade did not choose to take the carriage, but walked with Margaret on the dark streets at night:

"The destination is not far, only two blocks from here."

Shade said, Her Royal Highness the Princess did not care about this. She walked side by side with Shade with her hands behind her back, occasionally turning to look at Shade and listening to him talk about the stories he encountered in this city.

"You always seem to have accidents?"

There was no one else on the street in the late winter night, only two lonely figures walking side by side. Margaret's pace was very slow. Even though she knew that the last time we spent together tonight would end, she still wanted to slow down the time.

"It's not always the case that other friends I know always encounter various accidents. For example, the Dr. Schneider you met."

Thinking of the doctor, Shade smiled:

"And my friend from church, yes, the one you met at the opera house."

While the two were talking, there was a noise at the intersection ahead. Shade first stopped and then stretched out his hand to signal Margaret to pause.

Not long after, a group of people wearing police uniforms ran over quickly, seemingly chasing something invisible. They also saw two people on the street. One of them, a woman, said to the middle-aged man in the lead:

After saying this, he walked towards Shade and the others alone:

"Shadow, good evening!"

It's Iluna. She looks a little more mature in a police uniform:

"Look, he appeared as soon as he said it. Good evening, Iluna."

Shade said with a smile. Only then did Iluna notice who was following Shade. She was a little surprised, but then she smiled again:

"Really, don't wander around. We are chasing an invisible guy, related to the new secret keeper."

The seventeen-year-old girl winked at Shade.

"It was a blue, seahorse-like creature that moved by bouncing."

Shade told Iluna what he saw, and then pointed to his eyes:

"You should be able to see it with your eyes."

"Oh yes."

Iluna nodded and looked at Princess Margaret again:

"Then I hope you have a good time."

She mustered up the courage to kiss the side of Shade's face. Seeing that Shade had no objection, she stepped back and waved goodbye, then trotted to catch up with her companions.

"She seems to have a very special status in the church... Your relationship with the beautiful local girls is really good."

The two continued walking forward, Margaret teasing with a smile.

"This is not nonsense, Margaret. The girl just now is only seventeen years old."

Shade retorted, and the princess smiled, shook her head, and sighed softly:

"Seventeen years old... It's really the best age... If you dare to ask me my age now, then I will step on your feet with my boots."

She warned Shade, her eyes quietly staring at the side of Shade's face where he had been kissed just now:

"Can you tell me the story about you and Princess Lesia Cavendish?"

"This...is a little inconvenient."

The main reason is that it is inconvenient to explain that Shade seems to be dating one person, but in fact he is dating two people. And if in the second half of the story, Grace and Helen are involved, it will be even more inconvenient:

"But I have a story. I told her this story before our relationship was confirmed."

Margaret moved slightly closer to Shade and looked at him with a smile on her lips:

"love story?"

"Hmm...shipwreck story."

Most girls like love stories. This is the same whether it is the hometown of a foreigner or here, now or in the past.

Walking on the street in the late winter night, the two figures passed through the light under the gas lamps, moving from darkness to light, and from light to darkness. Men's leather shoes and women's boots knocked on the ground, but there was no sound in the deep night.

Sounds and shadows clinging to each other passed by on the surface of shop windows, walls and rusty mailboxes on street corners, but in fact, the girl with long pale golden hair was just looking at the foreigner who was telling the story of her hometown tenderly.

Snow, I don’t know when, fell from the night sky, and fine fluffy snowflakes covered the ground, making the rows of footprints close together, making it look like they were not alone.

The princess from a foreign land tilted her head and looked at the young knight who was telling the story. The young foreigner also turned slightly to look at the princess from the southern country:

"What's wrong?"

"Please continue speaking."

The girl shook her head slightly, as if she wanted to keep the knight's smile in her eyes forever.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, but no one asked to return to the place where they started. Shade's voice was not very clear in the snowy night, but for Margaret Anjou, it was enough to become the most precious thing in her life.


The ship in the story finally encountered the destined glacier; and the two people walking in the snow finally waited for the end of the story.

"It's a very sad story. Princess Lesia likes this story. I can understand it."

When Shade came to the end of the story, Margaret commented briefly. She was worried that Shade would ask her how she felt about the story at this time, but Shade did not do so.

"But I don't like the story."

Shade said the same thing as last time:

"I've never liked tragedy, any kind of tragedy."

He sighed and exhaled white smoke from his mouth. This was a scene only seen in winter:

"Tragedy often creates beautiful stories, but I am not a great artist or critic."

A smile appeared on Margaret Anjou's lips, she took off her gloves and reached out to catch the falling snowflakes under the light of the gas street lamp. But she didn't know whether she really caught the snowflakes.

Because they once again walked into the dark gap between the gas street lamps.

This was actually a good thing for her, because she didn't have the courage to see in the light whether the newly formed crystal snow had melted due to her own hot temperature.

"I don't comment on tragedies and comedies, but the sad story just now is probably reality."

She lowered her head slightly and exhaled hot air from her red nose:

"I want to be together, but in the end we can't be together. Only when we grow old can we use the only treasure to recall the most important memories in our lives..."

Subconsciously, she wanted to touch the hair accessories on her hair, but she was worried that Shade would think she meant something, so she raised her hand and ended up stroking the ends of her hair:

“The snow in Tobesk is so beautiful.”

She raised her head slightly and praised, Xia De nodded, and the two continued to walk forward. Her Royal Highness the Princess wore a scarf, but Xia De did not. He looked at the falling snow in front of him:

"How's the snow in Willendale?"

"It's also very beautiful, but in the end, it's a little different from here."

Speaking of these words, for some reason, the throbbing in her heart has reached its peak. But she knows that she can't do anything. She is the princess of the United Kingdom of Carsonlik, and she is the future apprentice of the great witch Miss Sylvia.

.No matter what her identity is, she cannot have any further relationship with the young knight walking beside her in the snowy night.

The three-wheeled moon, behind the clouds and fog, exudes a hazy and ambiguous light. The moonlight is a little faint, but it is enough for mortals to see.


She wanted to say something at this time, taking advantage of the last chance to say something, but in the end she couldn't speak because Shade suddenly stopped and reached out to stop Margaret.

Shade squinted his eyes and looked ahead. Twenty steps away under the gas streetlight, a young lady holding an umbrella was watching them with a smile.

Miss Paavo, wearing a long dress with black top and red bottom, holding the big silver book under her left arm, looked at the two people walking in the snowy night with slight admiration:

"I really can't bear to disturb you, so beautiful, so entangled, so attached, so young..."

At this time, she was not the disguised "Miss Werther", but the real Vice President of the Truth Society, Miss Paavo.

Holding an umbrella, she left the gas streetlight and walked toward the two of them. Her short boots made a rustling sound on the snow. Her nose was also slightly red, and she had obviously been standing in the snow for a while:

"Young people's feelings are always so charming. Your Highness, if I were you, I would be more proactive. Don't there often be similar scenes in those stories and dramas? If you don't grab his hand in time, he will

Soon I will leave you forever."

"Ma'am, who are you?"

Even though he knew Miss Pavo very well, Shade still pretended to see her for the first time and reached for the pistol on his waist.

The sorceress smiled and shook her head and said to the princess:

"Your Highness, I have no intention of telling the story between you, so can you have a few words with me alone? Oh, do you need me to introduce myself? On the last night in Huntington City, on the top floor of the banquet hall, you should have met


Princess Margaret immediately remembered who this was. She was a little panicked, but she remained calm because she trusted Shade.

"Sir, if I were you, I would not take out that gun. Because I have no intention of hurting you. I just want to ask the princess a simple question."

She leaned the umbrella handle on her shoulder, turned the umbrella with one hand, and held the book in the other hand, and stopped under the gas street lamp closest to the two of them. In the snow, this look was strange and beautiful:

"Your Highness, I have always wanted to talk to you alone since Huntingdon City. But the teacher next to you..."

She looked at the young man and woman with an undiminished smile:

"It's really too powerful. I admit, I can't beat her. Most of the time she is by your side. A few times, I can't find you. Even less often, the church members around you are really too...

More. Oh, you may have misunderstood me. I really just want to ask you a simple question, yes, just asking. But now, can you answer me?"


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