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Chapter 1092 'Informer'

"I also heard a prophecy locally about disaster and evil things."

Shade continued to introduce the prophecies he heard from the vampire soothsayer Mr. Johnson, and Miss Carina then smiled and said to Miss Sylvia:

"Look, I knew he would be involved in this matter for some inexplicable reason. During the past few days of our journey, Shade has found enough new information."

"So, I'm afraid we really have to go deep into the Everglades."

"Judging from the current snowstorm situation, the Pantanal Voodoo Society has already started preparations for the ceremony."

Sister Devlin said softly, and all three people looked at her. The nun kept her hands folded on her legs:

"The only question now is, why on earth did the Chosen One want to cooperate with the Pantanal Voodoo Society? According to Shade's description, although Lykins Prisha is crazy about knowledge, he doesn't seem to like doomsday and disaster.

Crazy person.”

This is indeed an important question, and the answer to this question was answered on Sunday evening.

Although Iluna and her group planned to enter the Pantanal region from Delarian territory, causing Shade to lose his most important source of intelligence in the church, Sister Devlin and the church were still in a semi-cooperative state.

Now that the chosen one is about to appear, the church also hopes that she can enter the Everglades, so it has shared some important information.

To put it simply, although the specific location of the ceremony of the chosen ones has little impact on the ceremony itself. As long as the requirements of the ceremony are met, whether it is on the lake center island in Tobesk or even the lake center island near Coldwater Port City, the ceremony will be held.

no problem.

However, the situation of the chosen ones of [Wisdom and Knowledge] is somewhat special. According to the fragments of poems in the Apuna Library, the important role of [Wise Pyroxene] is determined. However, the Wise Pyroxene does not appear because of the Chosen One ceremony.

Yes, this special item has existed since ancient times and is mostly used in rituals to enlighten wisdom.

"The information Sister Devlin received from the church is that on the island in the middle of the Great Lake in the center of the Pantanal, there is a very ancient ceremony site that looks like Stonehenge. The ceremony is broken, but it is definitely

The traces left before the Quaternary Age are basically impossible to copy in modern times. Filling the ritual with [Wise Man's Pyroxene] can reactivate it and allow it to exert its effect again."

That night at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, Shade introduced the situation to Luvia. The purple-eyed girl thought for a moment:

"In other words, five wise man's pyroxenes can start two rituals at the same time?"


"What is the function of that incomplete ancient ritual matrix?"

she asked.

"The Pantanal Voodoo Society has been studying in the Everglades for many years. I thought it was a ritual to seal evil things, but later I found out that it was not. The Society of Truth played a role in it. It was [Ancient Ritual-Sublimation Secret Ritual]

】. It can activate those sleeping powers inherited from ancestors and draw strength from the past time. For Lykins Plisha, this may be able to stimulate his cherubic bloodline."

Shade held the cat and looked at the bonfire in the fireplace. A map of the Pantanal region was spread out on the coffee table:

"In addition, the Blood Spirit School seems to be involved. At the end of summer, Hermons the Bloodweeper's injury was not healed, but they cooperated with the Truth Society and provided some information. The [Blood Spirit School] has not been pursuing

'Golden Humanity'? The ancient ritual - the secret ritual of sublimation, is believed to have the power to purify human blood."

"I knew things were going to be very troublesome... How could the church suddenly know so many things? Before this, we didn't know anything about it."

Luvia asked again, sitting on the sofa holding a tea cup. Shade lowered his head and looked at little Mia. They had started this conversation since the sun had not set, so the gas light was not turned on in the living room.

The firelight of the fireplace caused the shadows of the two of them to be reflected on the wall. The wildly dancing shadows were so weird.

"Says the Apna Library."

"How much are they hiding?"

Luvia sighed softly, while Shade shook his head:

"To be precise, they surrendered. The Apuna Library admitted to the church that they asked the [Truth Society] for help, thereby getting to know the [Pantanal Voodoo Society], and then asked the Voodoo Society to provide the Great Swamp

The data on the central lake and the island in the middle of the lake confirm the remaining traces of the ancient ritual - [Sublimation Secret Ritual]..."

He looked at Luvia:

"Moreover, the Apna Library admitted that they had long known that the fourth chosen one was Lykins Prisha, just like the church knew that Iluna was the chosen one of Balance before everything started. Ah

Everything the Puna Library does is for the wisdom enlightenment of the chosen ones during the ceremony, and if two ceremonies can be held at the same time, the effect of the enlightenment can be achieved to the extreme."

"known long time ago......"

Luvia seemed to have figured out something:

"So, did they train Lykins Prisha and even actively help him become a ring warlock at Serkses Advanced Medical School, or did they just guide his behavior?"

"have no idea."

Shade shook his head slightly:

"The Sussex Medical School has launched an urgent investigation. Academic espionage is a huge scandal... In short, it is a little different from what we thought. The Truth Society did not play a big role in it.

They just watched all this silently, and then took the initiative to push the right person at the right time."

"This fits Miss Paavo's character very well."

Luvia said, and Shade gave her a strange look. He didn't know that Luvia knew the vice president of the Truth Society so well.

"Shad, just now you said that the Apna Library surrendered?"

"Yes, they deliberately brought Lykins Plisha to meet with people from the Pantanal Voodoo Society, which was the time we bumped into each other at the Three Cats Hotel. After that, Lykins Plessia came from the Devil

The complete information of the chosen ones was obtained there. They only added fuel to the flames - this is what the library itself claims, but even if they want to take advantage of the opportunity of enlightenment to find the legendary library that contains all knowledge and records, they still

I didn’t want to be wiped out by the church. That’s why, after I helped Lykins Priscia and the Pantanal Voodoo Society and confirmed that their plan had begun, I immediately severed ties with them, then found the church and surrendered.

All things."

Shade narrowed his eyes slightly and rested his palm on little Mia. This cat was very soft:

"In this way, even if the church wants to liquidate the Apuna Library, it will have to take them into the Everglades to resolve the matter first. After all, the Apuna Library is the organization that knows everything best."

"Another crazy seeker of knowledge."

Luvia said softly:

"Both informants and secret-keepers? The church will not let them go until the Pantanal incident is over."

"But at least, it is possible for them to find the so-called 'library containing records of all past knowledge.'"

Shade's fingers scratched the cat's chin, and the cat purred from its throat. This cat was extremely well-behaved today:

"Wisdom is the enemy of the wise... With the help of the Pantanal Voodoo Society, Lykins Pricha held a ceremony on the island in the middle of the lake deep in the Everglades, and the Voodoo Society helped him to

It's not for enlightenment, but the holding of the blood ceremony will seriously damage the seal, and Prisha promised to help them further unlock the seal. In other words, both of them get what they need. Once the Chosen Ceremony is successfully held, Voodoo

The seal will be destroyed immediately, allowing many evil things sealed in the Great Swamp area to return to the material world from their slumber in subspace."

"Even though the Pantanal is inaccessible, that's not a good thing."

"Yes. This time the battlefield is no longer a big city like Coldwater Port or Tobesk, nor is it an area on the verge of a city like Sikal Mountain. This time it is in the depths of an inaccessible swamp. But because of this,

On the contrary, it is not conducive to the church's actions. Although the church has not been able to directly participate in the ceremony of the chosen ones in the past few times, without them to contain most of the enemies, my actions would not have been so smooth."

"Once the stars have reached their correct position, will Lykins Prisha perform a ceremony on the island in the middle of the lake in the middle of the Everglades?"

Luvia asked, and Shade nodded slightly:

"But the Apna Library doesn't know the specific time. It's a secret of the Voodoo Society. The Prophet Society should have received the task, and I think there will be results soon. Today is Sunday, and the ceremony will be held.

, it should be within two or three days.”

"Your time key hasn't been used yet?"

Luvia suddenly asked, and Shade nodded again:

"This time the key will help me, although it may not be greater than before, but this time it is a real legend. I will witness a real legendary story, a legendary road..."

Shadows shrouded Shade's face, and he seemed to see Miss Chloe and her group of three people climbing up to the top of the snow-capped mountain ridge again in the light of the fireplace at this moment: blown by the strong wind:

"What I want to witness is the journey of a thirteenth-level witch, the path of a demigod."


The purple-eyed girl also looked at the bonfire, but what she saw in the fire was definitely different from what Shade saw.


The cat was urging them to go out for dinner. The two chatted all afternoon, and the cat was already impatient.

The witches who arrived in Huntington are preparing to use space jumps to go directly into the Everglades. Because after leading Miss Sylvia to touch the statue of the ancient god in the underground wine cellar of the White River Valley Vineyard, this lady has

The ability to travel to Shade's home from Huntington City at any time. In this way, Shade does not have to wait for news in Huntington City all the time, and the witches can inform him of the latest situation at any time.

So on the following Monday, early in the morning, he took out this week's gift, a set of red wool scarves, from the "God's Gift Box", and accepted the task of giving this scarf as a gift to a friend. Shade first put it in the heavy snow.

Luvia was sent to the Prophet's Association, and then she was forced to accept a carriage price that was 30% higher than usual. She took the carriage to the east of the city and met Dr. Schneider.

Due to this bad weather, many of the doctor's patients have canceled their original appointments, so even on Monday morning, he seemed very leisurely.

After explaining the situation of the patient to the clinic receptionist in the afternoon, the doctor went to the second floor to talk to Shade, and Shade surprised him as soon as he opened his mouth:

"Doctor, do you have any powerful demonic creations in your hand? Weapons, alchemy items, magic potions, these are all fine."


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