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Chapter 1094: Angel and Hourglass (please vote for more updates)

The kettle in the room gurgled on the small stove built by Priest August himself. The priest stood up, took the kettle down, shook his head and said:

"Shade, what do you think of angels?

Although I don't know why the wise angel would pass on the power of his blood to humans, but angels are not villains, you think too much. Besides, even if the other party really comes because of this incident, you don't have to worry.

You only need to ask one question, and no wise angel will make it difficult for you."

"what is the problem?"

Shade asked curiously.

"I would not dare to talk about this topic easily if it were not in our Lord's church."

The priest was very secretive, and Shade knew that what he was going to say must be related to the ancient god.

"The ancient god of knowledge and wisdom [Secret Master] is the guardian of all knowledge and wisdom. The ancient god once asked his angels to go to the real death to explore the mysteries of death in the first era, but...

The deceased accused stopped him."

This sounds like a story from the First Era, but Shade knows that this actually means that the [Secret Master] once tried to infect the death power of the [Ancient Death God], but failed.

The thirteen ancient gods have never been completely harmonious. The authority and power possessed by the ancient gods are far beyond what the old gods can compare with, which also results in an overlap in power. For example, [Silver Moon Sage] is because "

It refers to death because of the meaning of "Mingyue", but the dispute between this ancient god and the "Ancient God of Death" is not particularly obvious.

"Thinking about it this way, the conflict between the ancient god [Silver Moon Sage] and the ancient god [Secret Keeper] should be bigger."

Shade was thinking in his mind, after all, the old god [Grey Robe Sage] in the library of Cadiz in the Dead Valley said that the power of his "Library Guardian" is related to the [Silver Moon Sage], and the ancient moon

God also has the power of a "recorder", which seems to overlap a lot with the [Secret Keeper].

Of course, Priest Augustus didn't know what Shade was thinking. He whispered the secret of the First Era, and prayed to [Mr. Dawn] for a while with Shade, before continuing to tell Shade what to ask when facing the angels.


"What is the secret of death? You only need to ask this question and hold your round emblem, and the angels will not maliciously embarrass you."

Of course, this has no effect on tests such as the "Lady of the Lake" trial. Even if it is said, Shade believes that it will make the trial more difficult.

However, the "Lady of the Lake" Cherubim is the first Cherubim and is not the source of the bloodline of the Lykins Prisha family. Otherwise, it might be easier to deal with Sir Prisha's angelic bloodline power.

"Besides the angel thing, priest, I actually have another important thing. I think you still remember that you once mentioned your adventure with Luvia, which is..."

Shade lowered his voice slightly:

"Together, you have contained an unknowable (level 0) relic - [Time of Loop]. It looks like an hourglass filled with silver sand. It will trigger a regional time loop, and as the number of loops increases, time will

The area of ​​influence of the cycle will become larger and larger. I remember you said that you suppressed this relic at the foot of the statue of the Dawn Church. (Chapter 512)"

"Yes, why are you bringing this up?"

The priest asked in confusion. Shade hesitated for a moment:

"I want to borrow this relic, no, not now. I recently got a very good ritual that can be used to sublimate my own time magic. But the ritual requires the use of high-level time relics as a ritual

The core part of it, and the purer the better. You know, time relics themselves are quite rare, high-level time relics, and correspondence magicians like us are even more..."

He showed a sheepish smile, and the priest nodded:

"If it only takes a few hours, it should be fine, but I have to tell Anat, after all..."

"Don't say it yet!"

Shade immediately stopped:

"I'm not saying that I have to hide it from her, but I'm just waiting until I finish the ceremony. This ceremony has a certain degree of danger. Yes, it's just a certain degree of danger. I'm worried that she won't agree with me doing this. Don't worry, I know it myself.

What do you want to do?"

The priest said the same thing as the doctor:

"If I didn't know your relationship with her and believe in your character, I wouldn't... Well, if you need it one day, let me know in advance. I need to emphasize again, that is

Unknown-level relics are one of the most dangerous items in the material world. The entire [Chasm of Life and Death] combined is only on the same level as that hourglass."

Priest Augustus picked up the tea cup and sighed with some regret:

"How terrifying [the narrow space of life and death] is, you and I have already experienced it in autumn."

(Dorothy is working on the manuscript...)

All Monday, Shade prepared for the next trip deep into the Pantanal.

If this operation fails, the impact will not be as serious as the one at Fort Midhill. After all, the root cause this time is deep in the inaccessible swamp. Even if it spreads out, the number of people in the covered area will be far less than that in the autumn.

of Rice Castle.

But in terms of operational difficulty, this time the situation was more severe than last time. After all, the church at Fort Midhill had started preparing for the sealing ceremony several years in advance.

The persistent heavy snow weather has not subsided, and Luvia did not leave No. 6, Saint Teresa Square on Monday night. Therefore, when Miss Sylvia appeared from the basement on Tuesday morning, the first thing the young witch saw was that she was in the living room.

The female fortune teller who helped Shade pack his luggage was not Shade who was checking the list of travel items in the study.

"Miss Sylvia? What happened at Huntington?"

Seeing the big witch appear, Shade immediately poked his head out of the study nervously and asked.

The witch with black shawl hair shook her head slightly:

"Last night, a very strong earthquake occurred inside the Everglades, which could be felt in the surrounding areas of the swamp. The church has informed Sister Devlin that the stars will move to the correct trajectory on Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. Sivi A

Miss Flora has also arrived in Huntington City. Miss Carina asked me to tell you that you can spend the night in Huntington tonight. Tomorrow, that is, Wednesday at noon, we will set off into the interior of the Everglades."

"no problem."

Shade nodded and looked at Luvia again. The purple-eyed girl held a pocket watch containing two [Eternal Youth Leaves] and bit her lower lip. The worry in her expression became more obvious.

During the day, he used it to pack the luggage that needed to be brought to Huntington City. Before setting off in the evening, Shade took out the newly acquired sage-level relic [Source of Chaos]. Although this item that can enhance the magic of the moon is extremely dangerous, it will soon be

It will definitely play a role in the outbreak of war.

In order to limit the spontaneous chaotic effect of the [Source of Chaos] caused by the moonlight shining through the wall for hundreds of years in St. Teresa Square, Luvia helped Shade create a weapon that can suppress most of the "starry sky" and "moon".

The box about power is used to hold the relic.

And Shade will definitely not take little Mia to Huntington this time. After all, although this matter does not involve the evil god, the danger will not be less than last time. While Shade was away from home, Luvia stayed behind.

Help take care of the cat here. Cat food Shade has been prepared. Little Mia and Luvia are familiar with it, so there is no need to worry about it being disobedient.

You must bring useful or small relics such as [Higgs Dragon Head Stone], "Little Mia's Four Rings", [Night Watch], [Aiken'ora's Arrow of Knowledge], [Eternal Youth Leaf], etc.

The [Gear of Kindness] and [God’s Gift Box] are placed at home.

It was not difficult to choose the relics to carry. Luvia silently helped Shade prepare. At five o'clock in the afternoon, Tifa also came to Saint Teresa Square. Miss Carina left her contact information with the maid, so

She also knew that Shade would be heading to Huntington tonight and came specially to see him off.

Because she recently had to serve as the lady-in-waiting to the duchess who was "bedridden and recuperating" from her official duties, Tifa was unusually not wearing a black and white maid's dress today.

"Then, I'm ready to go."

In front of the hidden wall of the basement, Shade, wearing a bloated coat and carrying the [Night Watch] on his back, said to Luvia and Tifa.

"Be careful, I'll wait for you to come back for the New Year's Eve."

Today is the 24th day of the Sleeping Moon, and there is only the last week left before the New Year's Day. If this snowstorm does not stop in time, many celebrations in the city will be delayed.

Luvia hugged Shade carefully. The cat in her arms probably understood that Shade was going on a long trip, and looked at him gloomily, with an expression that was almost melancholy:

"I performed a divination last night. Although it may not be useful, there may be something that can help you under the lighthouse on the island in the middle of the lake."

The girl with purple eyes warned, gently letting go of Shade, the worry in her eyes almost turned into reality.

"Mr. Hamilton, please give my regards to Miss."

Tifa's farewell words seemed much more normal. She knew the relationship between Shade and Luvia, so she left more time for Shade and Luvia to talk.

"Before you leave, let's do another divination. Divinate what will be beneficial to you in the next battle."

The female fortune teller temporarily handed over little Mia to Tifa, while she took out the fortune telling cards, hurriedly cut the cards and handed the deck to Shade.

"The one at the bottom."

Shade said, Luvia took out the bottom one:


She looked at the divination card and then at Shade.

"So, what is the meaning of this divination card?"

"Accumulation, wisdom, harvest."

Luvia said, gently pushing Shade:


Shade nodded and waved goodbye to the two girls:

"Then, I'll set off."

He walked into the passage behind the hidden wall, and three pairs of eyes watched him disappear, all with a melancholy that others could not explain.

"Mr. Hamilton will be fine. He's always been reliable."

Tifa never calls Shade directly by his name when other people are present.

Luvia nodded, reached out and took her cat back from Tifa's arms:

"Every time I watch him go out on an adventure and I can't help, I feel like..."

The maid looked at her with a smile:

"You are still here waiting for him, isn't it the gravitational force that brings him back?"

The girl with purple eyes looked at her in surprise, and it took her a long time to sigh:

"Fortunately...you were not the first one to meet Shade."

Tifa still had a smile on her face.


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