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Chapter 1,117 Mutual Containment

The wind and snow are floating above Stonehenge, and the ground is shaking slightly. It seems that there is something huge, stretching its body under the island in the middle of the lake. The firelight flashing around is gradually becoming brighter and brighter in the fog. The stars are about to reach the correct location.

At this location, more and more church teams reached the island in the middle of the lake.

"Leaf of Youth."

In Stonehenge, Iluna gave a calm answer, but the man holding the suitcase shook his head slightly:

"Wrong answer. That's just the temporary youthfulness of the body. The soul will decay sooner or later."

He turned around and walked into the darkness where the bonfire could not light up. Looking at the direction, he was back to the old lighthouse, and continued to wait for someone who could give an answer.

"It's a pity that even the first candidate cannot answer this question."

Jazz regretfully said to Iluna, and five crystal stones emitting blue light flew out of the bag on his waist and floated in front of him:

"The true meaning of knowledge and the crown of wisdom are before me, Iluna Bayas. I am honored to invite you to attend the ceremony. Regardless of whether we are enemies or not, on such an important occasion, there are other chosen ones present.

, which is very important to me.”

"Are you really planning to unleash the evil in the Pantanal?"

Iluna frowned slightly:

"If you really think of yourself as a smart person, you should know that doing this basically means that you have no chance of survival in the material world. Not only the church, but most ring magicians will not let you go. This kind of ancient evil

Normal people know what it means when something resuscitates."

Jazz smiled:

"Whether to release the evil thing and what to do after it is released is my own business. However, I never claim to be a wise man. That would be too arrogant."

Five pyroxenes shimmered in the snow. Even though the ceremony had not yet begun, the ancient Stonehenge had already resonated with the power of pyroxenes. Scattered golden stripes in the shape of tree branches floated on the snow.

Luna can feel the power from the past.

On the life ring behind his back, the core spirit rune [White Wings] shined, and Lykins Prisha tapped his toes. As transparent wings appeared behind his back, he slowly floated in the air.

Five pyroxenes appeared above his head in a fan shape, and the blue light made the pyroxenes look like fist-sized balls of light.

At the same time, a densely packed illusory bookshelf also appeared in the snowy night sky. Jazz reached out and actually took out a book from the bookshelf, and asked Iluna one last time before unfolding it:

"The Chosen One of Balance, although I have not yet performed the ceremony, the power of the Chosen One of [Knowledge and Wisdom] has already made me aware of the terrible future that this world is about to face. I have never thought of being hostile to you,

Releasing the evil things in Pantanal is just to make the ceremony of the chosen one more thorough, so that I can have stronger power to face the terrible future - are you really sure that you want to give up being your friend?

A companion?"

"If you only perform the Chosen Ceremony and do not sublimate your bloodline, I will not stop you before your ceremony is over."

Iluna said, already holding her holy bell tightly with her left hand.

Jazz shook his head slightly:

"Then, let me see the power of the true chosen one!"

The book in his hand was thrown to the life ring behind him, and a new spiritual rune was being born.

Ding dong~

The holy bell rang, and the sunlight gun in Iluna's right hand was thrown out as if it was going to penetrate the dark night.

There was a faint golden light in Lykins Prisha's eyes. He stretched out his right hand in a blocking gesture, and a huge transparent shield in the shape of a book appeared in front of him, blocking Iluna at the cost of shattering.

A full blow.

Iluna was not surprised. She still remembered Luvia saying that the chosen one with knowledge and wisdom can skillfully use powers that do not belong to him before he becomes the real chosen one:


The life ring behind him turned into a dark golden scale, and the golden light was like a small sun on the ground, illuminating the open space between the dead forest and the lighthouse.

Everyone fighting at the edge of the dead forest looked in this direction. Lykins Prisha also frowned slightly, and then raised his right hand again——


The shield shattered, and the second sunlight gun penetrated the barrier, evaporated his right hand, and penetrated through his chest.

But just like what Shade had seen before, the man in the air just stepped back slightly and was "swallowed" by the huge book that opened behind him. After walking out of the book again, his body returned to its complete appearance:

"The wise are like water, they live forever. As long as my wisdom is not exhausted, I will not die."

Jazz said softly, but he saw Iluna on the snow raising her left hand high, and the light like the sun radiated from the palm to the surroundings.

He didn't see what the seventeen-year-old girl was going to do, and it didn't look like a spellcasting action. But the light was so bright that he couldn't even open his eyes:

"The power of the sun? Lighting technique? This sun seems a little different."

He covered his eyes with one hand, but before he finished speaking, he saw the right hand held by Iluna behind his back suddenly stretched out, and it was holding a small hand crossbow.

Iluna held the hand crossbow and pointed it at the knight under the snowy night. Without any nonsense or hesitation, her finger pulled the trigger. As the huge shadow of the scale flashed behind her, the brass texture on the arrow spread to the entire alchemy

The hand crossbow almost shattered, and even Iluna's arm was injured due to the reaction force. At the same time, the sage-level relic [Arrow of Knowledge of Akenora] was launched.


At this moment, Iluna also felt what Shade once described, the feeling of all her knowledge gathered together. However, this scene did not seem to be as exaggerated as Shade described.

[The medium is so bad that we cannot use the full power of the arrow.]

When I heard the whisper of "another me" in my ears, the arrow had already hit the target. Even though the hand crossbow this time was not as good as the water of the Lake of Cherubim that Shade had used, it was a sage-level relic.

[Aiken'ola's Arrow of Knowledge], after all, carried the rune light stream, lit up the night sky in this snowy night, and hit Lykins Prisha's chest head-on with a force that almost penetrated the space.

His shield didn't even have any blocking effect, and his reaction wasn't fast enough for him to dodge the arrow. The long arrow carrying the light stream left a bowl-sized hole on his body.

It penetrated the wound, then flew towards the lighthouse in the snow, and was nailed to the top pillar of the lighthouse that shone with faint flames. The arrow body was still buzzing and vibrating.

Iluna didn't pay attention to where the arrow went. She covered her right arm with her left hand and used magic potion to treat herself. The young girl looked at the chosen one in the air with a solemn face. Of course, he was not dead, but looked at her with a stunned expression.

left breast:

"What power is this?"

"Isn't this considered a serious injury?"

Iluna was slightly surprised, and Jazz looked at the girl who shot the arrow in equal shock:

"Balanced Chosen One, you actually master this power?"

The penetrating wound on his chest had not been healed. Under Iluna's gaze, his right hand took out a book from the bookshelf and stuffed it directly into the hole in his chest. The paper pages filled the wound, restored the clothes, and the ink stains extended

to the surrounding skin, but Iluna knew that the wound had definitely affected him.

"I met a man who called himself the 'second pick' in Huntington. I didn't expect that other than him, a balanced pick could bring me such a surprise."

Jazz muttered to himself, glancing around with his peripheral vision, as if he was worried that the guy pretending to be "Shad Hamilton" in Huntington City would suddenly rush out.

And Iluna vaguely understood:

"It turns out that the relics from the power of the ancient god [Secret Master] can hurt you, but they cannot kill you."

At this time, the ground shook violently again. The two people in Stonehenge looked to the southwest of the island at the same time. A huge black shadow flashed past in the distance of the fog, and then a bright golden light illuminated the night sky.


The elements of whispers are intertwined with the elements of miracles, as if something was released, but then suppressed. The strong wind blew through the swamp, and the howling sound was like the souls hiding in the darkness singing together.

The weird atmosphere is becoming more and more obvious, and something is stirring under the earth. Ring warlocks with keen senses can detect that the power of evil things in subspace is becoming more and more powerful in affecting the real world, and they can even feel the tentacles on the ground in a daze.

Licking everyone's gnosis.

Suddenly, the dark clouds dispersed in the sky, and the light of the full red moon briefly illuminated the island in the middle of the lake. But the dark clouds quickly gathered again, blocking the starry sky above. This was Miss Danister, who was unknown where she was.

Use the power of the red moon.

In the silence between Iluna and Sir Prisha, a strange cry was added to the howling wind. The whispering elements continued to spread. It was obvious that even though the ceremony had not started on Lykins Prisha's side, the seal was

The damage itself has reached a critical state.

Iluna looked up in the direction of the lighthouse. The originally dark top of the lighthouse now lit up with a faint fire. It was obvious that Shade had climbed up the lighthouse, and maybe he was watching them right now.

"The seal is about to be opened."

Lykins Prisha was suspended in the air, covering his left breast and looking at Iluna:

"There are still ten minutes left. Maybe you can think about it carefully. Even without my help, there is a certain possibility that they can open the seal directly. After all, the Pantanal Voodoo Society has been preparing to open the seal decades ago.

The preparations, and the beginning of the Canto of the Chosen, will take place this summer.”

He pointed to himself:

"I am just one of the alternatives, and the safest one. But no one has ever said that without the power of the chosen one, the seal will definitely not be opened."

Five wise man pyroxenes emitted a strange light on the top of his head:

"Multiple ceremony locations have scattered the church's team, and am I not trying to contain you for the sake of the Voodoo Society? Balanced chosen one, the church will definitely not let you kill me to prevent this qualification from falling into the wrong hands.

In the hands of a crazy guy. So, what happens next?”

A huge explosion came from the other direction of the island, and there was a sudden loud shout. It seemed that someone used the word of sublimation again. The wind became more humid, and a connection appeared on the southeast side of the island amidst the grand bells.

The golden beam of light illuminated the sky and the earth, but soon went out again.

The roar of the giant beast, similar to "Ang~", followed immediately, and the ground shook one after another, becoming more frequent each time.

Firelights lit up everywhere on the island, and something was different in the swamp. The white snow actually had black traces. There were no stars on the island in the center of the lake, only the wind and snow drove the white mist to flow, and time

, and also continue to run forward.

PS: I’m asking for more votes. This chapter is at the end. What will happen? There are many foreshadowings that need to be revealed.

(End of chapter)

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