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Chapter 1,131 The story no one knows

It is difficult for ancient evils like the "Evil of the Pantanal" to be completely destroyed, otherwise they would not just be sealed in the ancient era. But this time, under the joint efforts of Miss Feliana and Shade,

Under the arrow, the trauma suffered by the body reached the highest limit it could bear, so it fell into a state of dormancy for at least a hundred years.

But what Shade pursues is not just a hundred years of peace.

Suddenly a fiery red light appeared in the sky, and amidst the clear chirping of birds, the newborn phoenix and the fire-holding nun appeared together under the starry sky.

The silver eyepatch shimmered under the starry sky, and the white hands burned by the flames were folded together. The nun bowed slightly to the five demigods.

The eleven-ring brass life ring behind her turned into a dark golden sickle in the light. The blazing first fire flowed out from the nun's hand, forming fiery red cracks on the surface of her body, and also caused the dark golden sickle to appear.

Scars of flames.

The shell of the ash sword held in his left hand peeled off, revealing a burning metal interior. He held a dark golden sickle in his right hand, and crossed it with the long sword in his left hand.

As the sky fire fell from the starry sky, the scythe, which symbolized the power of the ancient god [Ancient Death], and the ash sword that stabilized the power of the primal fire, were thrown by Sister Devlin at the body of the petrified evil object on the west bank of the lake.

Ten seconds after the two weapons were released, raging fires ignited around the Pantanal Lake. The black clouds in the sky gradually subsided, revealing the dim starry sky. The blizzard gradually subsided in the fire, but there were still small fragments.

snowflakes falling from the dark night.

The whispering element brought about by the resurgence of the evil object quickly faded away as if it was burned by the fire. It was still dark, but the people on the island felt inexplicably that dawn seemed to have arrived.

Both the church and the academy wanted to contact five witches who were suspected to be from the Fifth Age, but the witches each recalled the weapons they had just used and returned to Stonehenge.

Clouds and mist once again enveloped Stonehenge, making it impossible to observe the internal conditions in any way except for Iluna who entered first.

"Devlin, do you know what happened?"

Miss Maria, the thirteen-ring sorceress "Nightmare Witch" of the Church of Nature, flew towards Sister Devlin in the air. The nun faced the firelight surrounding the lake, her face still expressionless:

"have no idea."

Due to the huge amount of energy spent on stabilizing the initial fire, she was almost soaked all over just now. But after confirming that Shade had forcibly used the word of sublimation to summon that terrible power, she did not hesitate to absorb the power that was split on the top of the tower.

The first flame of fire.

At this moment, the "primordial fire" was burning in her body like never before, warming her body and burning her soul. But there was no time to change the gray nun's robe that was soaked with sweat. Although it was a little uncomfortable, she knew that she

There are still some things to do:

"Maria, I still need to deal with the seal of the lighthouse."

She raised her hand to catch the falling phoenix, and the two disappeared into the air in the light of the fire.

"Miss Aurora, Miss Carina, do you know what happened?"

Miss Sylvia asked her two companions. The church's ring magicians dispersed around the island to confirm the situation, treat the wounded, and contact the large forces outside the swamp. No one cared about the three witches who helped them.

"The church people may not have seen it clearly, but I don't believe you didn't see that the short witch was wearing your ring."

Miss Carina mocked, after experiencing so many things tonight, her thoughts had changed:

"I know what you think of Shade. How about it? I'm not the only one competing with you to become an apprentice."

The black-haired witch showed an almost uncontrollable smile:

"As expected, it's him. I have really good taste."

Miss Aurora, the third seat of the parliament, looked at the fog covering Stonehenge from the air:

"Since everyone has similar ideas, let's discuss in advance how to report to the Speaker and Council Shard."

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"John, long time no see, do you know what happened?"

Strange to say, the dead woods in front of the tower had been destroyed in the previous battle, but the old manor, where souls were imprisoned, was almost intact. The cracks in the ground had closed, and fires were burning all around. Old John walked out of the manor with a sad face.

Walking through the courtyard, I suddenly heard someone talking.

When he looked up, he saw an old man who was older than he looked. He was wearing a brown robe and smoking a pipe. His hair had fallen out and he was short and fat.

"You are the director of the Apna Library, oh, it's old Higgins! Well, you're not dead yet. The last time we met was thirty years ago, right?"

The two old men shook hands warmly in the snow, and then looked together toward the cocoon-like semicircular fog in the direction of the lighthouse.

"You have suffered great losses this time, and the church will not let you go."

Old John mocked, and the old man known as "Old Higgins" smoked his pipe and nodded:

"So what? I did get a clue to the [Silver Moon Library], but the clue is very vague."

"The library that records all knowledge."

Old John smiled mockingly:

"The shelters left by the thirteen ancient gods can only be used by qualified people. The ones that churches, colleges and a few lucky organizations have access to only have the simplest qualifications for use."

"You don't have to laugh at us. How are you doing now? Are you still preparing for the doomsday?"

Old Higgins asked, and the owner of Tobesk's pawn shop nodded:

"Yes, but I just got some strange information. Also, the appearance of the God Caller has also brought new changes to our world. I also met a very good person in Tobesk

Young people like us may be able to inherit our business in the future. Although the end is bound to come, everything seems to be getting better."

The two old men stood there and looked into the distance, each with their own thoughts.

White smoke clouds are swirling around Stonehenge under the starry sky. The power of time and space is about to end. In addition to the five witches who came because of the words of sublimation, there are only the weak Shade and Iluna in Stonehenge.

"Miss Feliana."

It was only then that Iluna plucked up the courage to say hello, and doubted in her mind whether her Fifth Age ancient language could support communication. She had always admired this rumored lady, but she didn't know what to say when they met now.


The witch wearing a purple dress and a pointed hat smiled and nodded slightly to her, then looked at Shade who was being supported by her:

"How have you been these past few years, Shade?"

Her right hand gently brushed Shade's cheek. Miss Olanode, Miss Violet, Miss Teresa and Miss Chloe also gathered over. Everyone looked at Shade. They were very interested in this time.

I was not surprised at all by my own appearance.


He looked at the ladies surrounding him by the bonfire. Iluna took a few steps back consciously, leaving space for them, feeling extremely envious in her heart:

"If, if I could have such power."

"The echoes of time and space have already sounded, and the final moment is probably not far away."

The Witch Emperor said with a smile, and put her finger on his lips to indicate that he did not need to speak.

"There will be a chance to meet again in the future."

Miss Teresa's face was still so green, and she let the five wise man's pyroxenes return to the arrows.

"You seem to have lost weight. Is there no one around to take care of your daily life?"

Miss Olanold asked softly, complaining a little, the half-elf's voice was very nice:

"Even if you don't care about the details of life, doesn't St. Byron respect you?"

"Shadow hasn't told St. Byrons about himself."

Iluna finally found a chance to interrupt.

"You have to take care of yourself. Really, the witches and girls of this era don't even know how to take care of their men."

Miss Chloe said softly, looking at Shade with reluctance and nostalgia:

"See you again. You have a long way to go next."

Looking at Shade who was surrounded by the campfire, Iluna suddenly thought of something:

"Miss Feliana, have you ever left a message to Shade in the Witch Council? It was to investigate Miss Chloe's matter."

Finding that the witches all seemed to be speaking the language of the Sixth Age, she quickly briefly described how Shade had received help from the witches in front of the bookshelf in the parliament:

"Please remember to complete this matter and let time and space form a closed loop."

Miss Olanode, who left a lingering sound for Shade, nodded slightly, and Iluna realized one more thing at this moment——

If what she just said was relayed by Shade, who was being held by Miss Feliana, then he would definitely say what he heard again word for word, and Miss Olanode would also have to say it word for word.

The bad ones are repeated again.

But now she is narrating it, but she herself does not know the original sentence. In this way, all the words come from the heart, and no one deliberately pursues the closed loop of time, but instead forms a closed loop:

"Oh, time, it turns out it's such a magical time!"

The life ring automatically appeared behind her, and a new Enlightenment Spirit Rune [Closed Circle] appeared. This also meant that Iluna could be promoted from the fifth ring to the sixth ring.

The white smoke cloud became denser, surrounding the five witches. The light spots on their bodies dispersed, and the witches were about to leave:

"Xia De forced to use the language of sublimation. Even he must rest for a while. Please take care of him."

Miss Feliana said to Iluna in a slightly serious tone. The witch's temperament and her habit of being a teacher all year round made the seventeen-year-old girl feel a slight sense of oppression. She nodded quickly.

"This time, it's me watching you leave."

The weak Shade tried his best to squeeze out his voice and looked at the ladies he had cared about in the past, looking at the pairs of eyes and the faces that were worried about him:

"I will definitely see you again, I will."

The voice in his lungs was unusually hoarse, and Miss Feliana pressed her fingers on his lips to stop him from speaking.

She adjusted her expression and said to her four companions:

"Well, ladies, let's say our final goodbyes."

(End of chapter)

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