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Chapter 1172 Integrating into the Earth

"I thought that after the battle of Sikal Mountain, no evil spirits would attack me again."

[Evil spirits just won’t attack you on their own initiative.]

A cold feeling spread from the ankles to the whole body, and at the same time a huge force came, trying to pull Shadra directly into the floor.

He stood there without moving, and the moonlight bursting out of his palm was like the sun exploding in the bedroom.

After the brilliance of the silver moon faded, the surfaces of all objects in the room seemed to be covered with a faint layer of light. But in this case, the evil spirits under the floor actually still rose up, as if they were not affected at all.


"There's something wrong with this undead."

The spirit body looks like a woman with disheveled hair, but the specific appearance cannot be clearly seen. The spirit body is close to a traditional evil spirit, but the outside seems to be wrapped in a layer of black soil. Shade has seen countless people at Fort Midhill

There are undead souls, and I have even seen undead souls that can fight high-level warlocks under the blessing of the out-of-control state of level 0 relics. The evil spirit in front of me is obviously not that powerful, but it is also very different from those undead souls.

It can even be said that there is an essential difference between the soul in front of him and the "undead". Relying on his mystical knowledge, Shade couldn't explain clearly what it was for a while. He could only approximately regard it as a certain piece of land.

The resentment born in the world. Normal death, death in a normal place, this kind of thing will never happen.

"Could this be Miss Norma?"

Thinking in his mind, he pulled out the [Moonlight Sword] from the air. He was about to swing the sword forward and thrust forward, but the evil spirit seemed to sense danger and disappeared with a muffled bang.

"What the hell is this?"

After confirming again and again that the surroundings had returned to normal, Xia Decai looked at the hidden compartment on the wall behind the original picture frame. Although there was a lock, it could not stop Xia De. The space inside was not large, and there was a knife inserted in it.

The small silver knife in the sheath and the small enamel bowl also had quite fresh and age-old blood stains on them.

".[Echoes from the past]."

Knowing the truth about time expanded the usable scope of this thaumaturgy to the past three days. Shade put down the silver knife, frowned and walked indoors to check, while listening to the voices in his ears.

The first sound was a knock on the door. It seemed that the neighbor downstairs had brought a letter and stuffed it into the room.

The second sound was the noise in the street downstairs. If Shade heard it correctly, it was two women cursing each other for taking away their husbands.

The third sound was finally the sound in this house. Considering that no one took care of the letters three days ago, this should be the last sound that Miss Norma made before leaving home——

"It's time, let's go."

This is the voice of a strange man.

"Okay, I will meet that moment, and may the earth be with me."

This should be Miss Norma's voice, her tone is very brisk.

"It seems that this investigation has really encountered trouble."

Shade muttered, and then briefly rummaged through the desk in the bedroom, trying not to mess with other people's personal belongings. There were a lot of letters here. Judging from the reading order and markings, Miss Norma had at least five letters at the same time.

The two men had frequent correspondence and exchanges, which naturally included Mr. Martin, whom Shade was looking for.

"What a means."

He sighed softly, and then realized in "her" chuckle that he seemed to be a little more extreme than this Miss Norma.

It's just a pity that Miss Norma doesn't have the "good habit" of keeping a diary. Apart from those letters, there are no other personal documents and information.

However, after Shade opened the closet, he found a notebook that seemed to have been accidentally left under those simple, colorful and bold clothes. It recorded the time and place. Shade saw the "Good Mr. Club".

I realized that Miss Norma’s work schedule and the time she met with acquaintances were recorded here.

But unfortunately, the record only lasted until three days ago, and there was no new content. And on the title page of the notebook, there was also a sentence -

【I will eventually become one with the earth.】

"Mia, take a sniff and see if there are any other clues."

He patted the sleepy cat, hoping that the cat could play some role. But no matter how smart the cat was, it couldn't help Shade at this time.

Judging from the clues in hand, Miss Norma, who has also disappeared, has quite a big problem. Although she does not have a diary, Shade has the addresses of gentlemen who often contact her - it is written clearly on the envelope.

There is also a list of "workplaces" she frequents and times.

He did not take away these information, but wrote them all down, and then planned to go to the "Good Mr. Club" to ask for more detailed information.

The time at this time was only half past ten in the morning. Winter heating made the air in the city even worse. The visibility in the city shrouded in gray fog was extremely poor. When Shade walked through the block and returned to the door of the club,

At that time, he met a somewhat unexpected person.

At that time, the carriage happened to pass by him and stopped at the door of the club. The gentleman who got off the carriage with a cane looked back and happened to look at Shade:

"Oh, Mr. Hamilton!"

"Oh, it's Baron Lavender!"

This man in a decent black formal suit is Shade's good friend Baron Lavender. Shade knows that Baron Lavender is in the antiques and perfume business, so when he appears in the club, he should not be as innocent as Mr. Martin Jr.

For fun.

At the end of the year, Shade sent a holiday card to Baron Lavender, and the baron also sent Shade a small bottle of perfume as a holiday gift. At this time, they unexpectedly met here, and they were very happy. The baron even wanted to invite Xia De.

De went to the club for a drink, but Shade refused:

"I'm looking for a missing boy, Baron Herbert Martin. Do you know him?"

Shade briefly told the Baron about his investigation target, but the Baron thought for a while and could not find this person in his memory. He also suggested that Shade investigate Miss Norma, but Shade expressed regret.

, Miss Norma is also missing:

"Half an hour ago, I knocked on the door of her house for a long time, but no one showed up. I asked the neighbors and found that Miss Norma has not come back for several days."

Shade shrugged:

"However, I have investigated several other gentlemen who are familiar with Miss Norma. Baron Lavender, I wonder if you know any of them?"

Shade reported the names of the gentlemen he saw at Miss Norma's house. Baron Lavender did know one of them:

"Little Franco is my friend. We drank together in the club before the New Year's Day. However, I heard a few days ago that he was seriously ill. I originally planned to visit him tomorrow."

Baron Lavender was happy to help Shade, but it was a pity that he still had business to discuss at the club today. However, Shade was very interested in Mr. Franco, who was seriously ill, and he lived in the southern district of Tobesk.

So he planned to visit that gentleman.

The Baron wrote a note to Shade, proving that Shade was his friend, so that his visit would go more smoothly.

The Franco family is not aristocrats, but they run two large canning factories locally and are emerging wealthy businessmen. Mr. Franco Jr. is the only son of the 51-year-old Mr. Franco and is destined to inherit

Family business.

And when Shade saw little Mr. Franco in the bedroom on the second floor of Franco's house, the man who was ill and bedridden looked like he was about to die.

He was skinny and skinny, his face was sallow, and he didn't even have the strength to sit up alone. When the worried old Mr. Franco and his servants led Shade into the bedroom, he turned to look at Shade's little Franco.

Mr. Brother's eyes inexplicably reminded Shade of Detective Sparrow before his death.

"How could it be so serious?"

Worried about disturbing the patient, Shade just glanced at the bedside and then retreated to the corridor with old Mr. Franco.

The worried old man held his hat with both hands and sighed softly:

"Everything was fine earlier last week, but two days ago he suddenly had a nightmare, and then he became like this. I went to the best doctor in the city, but the doctor couldn't figure out what this was.

What's wrong."

Death from sudden illness is very common in this era.


Shade raised his eyebrows:

"Do you know the specific content of the dream?"

The old man nodded:

"He told me that he dreamed of a woman crawling out of the ground, grabbing his feet and trying to drag him underground. In fact, he has been having this dream since that night, but I can't

Connect this nightmare with his illness. But I have already found a psychiatrist in the city, hoping this will help."

The voice was very deep, and it was a huge blow to the old man in front of him that his only son had become like this.

With the consent of old Mr. Franco, Shade searched the bedroom of young Mr. Franco who was resting in bed and almost speechless. If his guess was not wrong, then there must be some special item that made

Little Mr. Franco can continue to have nightmares and become what he is now.

Shade's search ability is very strong, and finding items with elements among ordinary items is what he is best at. And just as he guessed, strange items carry traces of elements.

It was a potted plant placed on the windowsill. The small flowers planted in the soil were not important. It was the soil in the pot that had traces of elements. The black soil felt unusually cold to the touch, and seemed to have the ability to attract people's attention.

The more you look at the soil, the more you can feel the illusion that your soul is being swallowed by the soil.

This soil has exactly the same feeling as the undead that attacked Shade.

This chapter has been completed!
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