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Chapter 12 Enrollment

 While talking, Dr. Schneider picked up the black tea and took a sip, and then looked into the tea cup with some surprise:

"This black tea is very good."

"Church and college?"

Shade didn't care about the former detective's taste in black tea and what kind of person the former detective was. He was digesting this information.

"Yes, the church can also train ring magicians. In fact, the formal channels for training ring magicians, at least in my opinion, are the five righteous churches and the three major thaumaturgy academies, other evil churches, secret societies, and ancient

Organizations and messy groups, and training methods are either informal or full of hidden dangers. So, it is really lucky that you happened to meet me during the awakening period of your talent...lucky for both of us."

"So the church..."

Compared with colleges whose origins are unknown, Shade is actually more interested in churches that can cooperate with the kingdom's officialdom. The doctor can also see this idea. He smiled and shook his head to express his understanding, and explained:

"The college and the Orthodox Church are not hostile, and they even cooperate occasionally. However, the church does not like the students of the college, whether they are correspondence students or formal students. They think that we are... a dangerous machine that attracts trouble."

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and seeing that Xia De didn't ask, he continued:

"So, the existence of us correspondence academic ring magicians is not illegal, but we usually don't let the church know our identity and existence. I know that you may be interested in the church, so please answer my question——


The doctor raised a smile on his lips:

"To join the church, you need to have a completely clean background. Even if you don't have a clean criminal record, you still need a complete life trajectory to make sure you are not a dangerous person. Can you provide that?"

Bill Schneider is a psychiatrist himself, and he is somewhat interested in consulting patients about the situation at this moment.

"Have you investigated me?"

Shade blurted out his words, but then regretted saying so:

"It would be abnormal not to investigate."

thinking in mind.

"I'm just investigating some basic information. After all, the college also needs to confirm the identity of the other party when recruiting students. I can't recommend dangerous people to the college. But because we only teach by correspondence, do you understand the meaning of correspondence education? So the identity requirements are not as good as those of the church.


Dr. Schneider smiled and looked at the young detective sitting opposite:

"The awakening of the Ring Warlock has a probability of affecting people's minds, which is why you changed from the original Shad to the current Shad. After investigating your identity, I realized that when I saw you yesterday, you seemed to be afraid of the world in your eyes.

And bewildered, what exactly is going on? For you, the moment you awaken your talent is the moment you truly 'wake up', right?"

He probably misunderstood the reason why Shade, who had a poor IQ, became the current Shade, but Shade was also happy for him to think so, so he pretended to be embarrassed and nodded:

"If I take this explanation and explain it to the church..."

"Of course it's possible, but I'd rather you get to know the academy first and understand what the so-called 'circulator' is. Wouldn't it be better to make the decision this way? I believe you can understand that at least I'm not a bad person."

Dr. Schneider said, and Shade nodded again. What the doctor said made sense. He replied solemnly:

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Schneider. I'd like to know these things first."

The doctor took out his pocket watch and took a look:

"We don't have much time. The duration of talent awakening is about 72 hours, but it fluctuates with individual differences. In order to prevent missing the time..."

"What will happen if you become a Ring Warlock without being guided during your awakening?"

Shade embarrassedly interrupted the doctor:

"I'm a little curious about this."

The doctor shook his head indifferently:

"Curiosity is a good thing, it shows that you are not opposed to ring magicians and occultism.

You know almost nothing, but you are actually more suitable for guidance. People are afraid of the extraordinary and mysterious. You did not show any rejection, but just curiosity. I am very happy about this. As for your question...

.I don’t have specific data in hand, I can only tell you that if there is no guidance during the awakening of the ring warlock’s talent, there is a high probability that he will go crazy and a small probability that his head will explode. Yes, have you ever seen the picture of a hammer smashing a watermelon? Pink and

White flying around."

The doctor asked politely.

"No need to describe it, this metaphor is so vivid, I can almost see the picture."

Shade said immediately, feeling a little sick to his stomach since he didn't have breakfast.

"Well, of course, there is a smaller chance that some strange things will happen. We can talk about this later. In short, let you know about the Ring Warlock first. A simple explanation is not concise. Please follow me."

The doctor stood up.

"Where to go? To St. Byron's Comprehensive College?"

Xia Deyang raised the college admission documents in his hand.

"Of course not. We correspondence students are only eligible after the fifth grade to go to the academy hidden in the far north ice cap of the old continent. The address of the academy is a secret, and there are some subspace entrances and subspaces attached to the material world.

It has something to do with heterogeneous groups. Until then, we have to continue our lives and study within the scope of our own lives. Remember, Mr. Hamilton, we are receiving adult education, and we are correspondence students of the college."

In other words, even if Shade joins the academy, he does not need to study in a secret place like "Hogwarts". This has advantages and disadvantages, but at least he can gain strength and be freer at the same time.

"Now, I'm going to take you to find the person who killed Sparrow Hamilton."

The doctor made a gesture of invitation.


Shade stood up immediately, which was something he didn't expect.

"Yes, I only discovered this when I was investigating your identity. Since there have been extraordinary and mysterious beings around you, why don't we take this opportunity to help you solve this problem? You may also be worried about that killer.

Will the person who killed the original Detective Hamilton implicate you?"

It must be admitted that even though the original detective promised not to implicate Shade, Shade was still worried.

"This is not a very troublesome matter, and it seems that because Sparrow Hamilton is just an ordinary person, the other party did not deliberately hide the traces of his own actions. Come with me now, I think we can solve this matter before lunch

By the way, do you have a pistol?"

The doctor asked again.


Shade shook his head.

"Then please don't stand in front of me. I promise that as long as you are behind me, there will be no danger today. After all, the person on the other side is not a ring warlock."

Sparrow Hamilton said before his death that the other party was.

"Ordinary people can't tell the difference, and it is easy to regard all people who can use extraordinary powers as ring magicians. But for officially employed ring magicians, it is easy to distinguish. After all, that person does not have a [Wheel of Destiny] at all and has no accumulation.

Spirit, cannot feel the four elements of [miracle], [enlightenment], [blasphemy] and [whisper], it is just a lucky one who occasionally gets a [relic]..."

The doctor paused and changed his words:

"No, he's an unlucky guy."

"You seemed to have mentioned a lot of nouns just now."

Shade said that he had actually heard of the Four Elements and [Relics], but there was no need to show it at this time.

"It's okay, we can talk while walking."

The detective profession is very dangerous. During the doctor's investigation, the former detective Sparrow Hamilton encountered an accident during a certain detective activity.

Probably to prevent Shade from investigating, Sparrow Hamilton deleted all the records of that commission before his death, but the doctor's intelligence network completely restored the incident.

"Speaking of which, you investigated the whole thing in one night?"

Shade did not forget to ask, but the doctor was vague and did not answer. Instead, he said that he would tell him after the matter was over.

"right here."

The two set off from the square in a carriage (paid for by the doctor). After a nearly two-hour journey, they crossed the city and got off the carriage at the embankment next to the Auxerre River.

As the northern capital, Tobesk City has a developed water system, and inland waterway shipping supports the prosperous steam industry and commercial trade here.

There are many rivers passing through the city of Tobesk, among which the Ossel River flows through the north of the city. It is the high water season in summer, and the river water is turbulent.

This area is close to the edge of the city. The doctor said that the city hall has plans to build a new factory area nearby, relying on the river transportation of the Ossel River to find new development opportunities for the city of Tobesk, and to connect the industries in the northern part of the kingdom.

area, and also serves as a supplement to the Kingdom's steam locomotive railway network.

But at least for now, there are still large areas of wasteland nearby. After getting off the car and looking around, in the hazy fog, only the buildings of Tobesk City can be seen in the distance.

"In order to prevent disturbing him, we started walking from here. I noticed that the boots you are wearing are very suitable for long walks. Mr. Hamilton, you probably haven't had breakfast yet. I will treat you to dinner after this matter is resolved."

The doctor said, carrying his briefcase, he and Shade, who was holding a notebook, walked into the grass beside the road. After a while, the two of them saw a path.

This chapter has been completed!
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